path: root/src/Main.hs
diff options
authorDavid Waern <unknown>2007-08-16 16:48:55 +0000
committerDavid Waern <unknown>2007-08-16 16:48:55 +0000
commitfe4e174edc080f0e288eb51adaec732e4102408f (patch)
tree1161623146f98427725d59134f1020c55900b139 /src/Main.hs
parent1be867d0a2e2d5982b7c97964e171e6a37da1abb (diff)
Finalize support for links to other packages
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Main.hs')
1 files changed, 85 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/src/Main.hs b/src/Main.hs
index d8af437c..ce1b6814 100644
--- a/src/Main.hs
+++ b/src/Main.hs
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import Prelude hiding ( catch )
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Writer ( Writer, runWriter, tell )
+import Control.Arrow
import Data.Char ( isSpace )
import Data.IORef ( writeIORef )
import Data.Ord
@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ import Data.Foldable ( foldlM )
import System.Console.GetOpt ( getOpt, usageInfo, ArgOrder(..), OptDescr(..),
ArgDescr(..) )
import System.Environment ( getArgs )
-import System.Directory ( doesDirectoryExist )
+import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import System.Cmd ( system )
import System.Exit
@@ -66,6 +67,7 @@ import HscTypes
import Util ( handleDyn )
import ErrUtils ( printBagOfErrors )
import BasicTypes
+import UniqFM
import FastString
#define FSLIT(x) (mkFastString# (x#))
@@ -128,28 +130,45 @@ main = handleTopExceptions $ do
args <- getArgs
prog <- getProgramName
- -- parse flags and handle some of them initially
+ -- parse command-line flags and handle some of them initially
(flags, fileArgs) <- parseHaddockOpts args
libDir <- handleFlags flags fileArgs
-- initialize GHC
restGhcFlags <- tryParseStaticFlags flags
- (session, dynflags) <- startGHC libDir
- dynflags' <- parseGhcFlags dynflags restGhcFlags
- setSessionDynFlags session dynflags'
+ (session, _) <- startGHC libDir
- -- load package data (from .haddock-files), typecheck input files and create
- -- the module -> html mapping
- packages <- getPackages session dynflags' flags
+ -- get the -use-package packages, and expose them to ghc
+ usePackages <- getUsePackages flags session
+ -- parse and set the ghc flags
+ dynflags <- parseGhcFlags session restGhcFlags
+ setSessionDynFlags session dynflags
+ -- init and get the package dependencies
+ (_, depPackages) <- initPackages dynflags
+ let depPkgs = map (fromJust . unpackPackageId) depPackages
+ -- compute the exposed packages
+ let exposedPackages = [ mkPackageId pkg | pkg <- depPkgs,
+ pkgName pkg `elem` usePackages ]
+ -- get the .haddock interface file and html path for the exposed packages
+ packages <- getPackages session exposedPackages
+ -- load, parse and typecheck the target modules and their dependencies
modules <- sortAndCheckModules session fileArgs
+ -- update the html references for rendering phase (global variable)
updateHTMLXRefs packages
- -- combine the doc envs of the external packages into one
+ -- combine the doc envs of the exposed packages into one
let env = packagesDocEnv packages
-- TODO: continue to break up the run function into parts
run flags modules env
handleFlags flags fileArgs = do
prog <- getProgramName
let byeUsage = bye (usageInfo (usageHeader prog) (options False))
@@ -168,6 +187,36 @@ handleFlags flags fileArgs = do
return ghcLibDir
+-- | Handle the -use-package flags
+-- Returns the names of the packages (without version number), if parsing
+-- succeeded.
+-- It would be better to try to get the "exposed" packages from GHC instead.
+-- This would make the -use-package flag unnecessary. But currently it
+-- seems all you can get from the GHC api is all packages that are linked in
+-- (i.e the closure of the exposed packages).
+getUsePackages :: [Flag] -> Session -> IO [String]
+getUsePackages flags session = do
+ -- get the packages from the commandline flags
+ let packages = [ pkg | Flag_UsePackage pkg <- flags ]
+ -- expose these packages
+ -- (makes "-use-package pkg" equal to "-g '-package pkg'")
+ dfs <- getSessionDynFlags session
+ let dfs' = dfs { packageFlags = packageFlags dfs ++ map ExposePackage packages }
+ setSessionDynFlags session dfs'
+ -- try to parse these packages into PackageIndentifiers
+ mapM (handleParse . unpackPackageId . stringToPackageId) packages
+ where
+ handleParse (Just pkg) = return (pkgName pkg)
+ handleParse Nothing = throwE "Could not parse package identifier"
-- Flags
@@ -178,8 +227,10 @@ tryParseStaticFlags flags = do
let ghcFlags = [ str | Flag_GhcFlag str <- flags ]
parseStaticFlags ghcFlags
--- | Try to parse and set dynamic GHC flags
-parseGhcFlags dflags ghcFlags = foldlM parseFlag dflags (map words ghcFlags)
+-- | Try to parse dynamic GHC flags
+parseGhcFlags session ghcFlags = do
+ dflags <- getSessionDynFlags session
+ foldlM parseFlag dflags (map words ghcFlags)
-- try to parse a flag as either a dynamic or static GHC flag
parseFlag dynflags ghcFlag = do
@@ -307,15 +358,14 @@ startGHC :: String -> IO (Session, DynFlags)
startGHC libDir = do
session <- newSession (Just libDir)
flags <- getSessionDynFlags session
- flags' <- liftM fst (initPackages flags)
- let flags'' = dopt_set flags' Opt_Haddock
- setSessionDynFlags session flags'' {
+ let flags' = dopt_set flags Opt_Haddock
+ let flags'' = flags' {
hscTarget = HscNothing,
ghcMode = CompManager,
ghcLink = NoLink
- flags''' <- getSessionDynFlags session
- return (session, flags''')
+ setSessionDynFlags session flags''
+ return (session, flags'')
-- | Get the sorted graph of all loaded modules and their dependencies
@@ -763,7 +813,8 @@ parseIfaceOption s =
(file, _) -> ("", file)
updateHTMLXRefs :: [PackageData] -> IO ()
-updateHTMLXRefs packages = writeIORef html_xrefs_ref (Map.fromList mapping)
+updateHTMLXRefs packages = do
+ writeIORef html_xrefs_ref (Map.fromList mapping)
mapping = [ (mod, html) |
(PackageData mods _ html) <- packages, mod <- mods ]
@@ -1070,9 +1121,6 @@ buildGlobalDocEnv modules
n (nameSetMod n modName) env
keep_new env n = Map.insert n (nameSetMod n modName) env
-nameSetMod n newMod = mkExternalName (nameUnique n) newMod (nameOccName n)
- (nameSrcSpan n)
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Named documentation
@@ -1248,51 +1296,42 @@ getHtml pkgInfo = case haddockHTMLs pkgInfo of
-- | Get the Haddock interface path for a package
getIface :: InstalledPackageInfo -> IO FilePath
getIface pkgInfo = case haddockInterfaces pkgInfo of
- (path:_) | not (null path) -> do
- dirExists <- doesDirectoryExist path
- if dirExists then return path else throwE $
- "Interface directory " ++ path ++ " does not exist."
+ (file:_) | not (null file) -> do
+ fileExists <- doesFileExist file
+ if fileExists then return file else throwE $
+ "Interface file " ++ file ++ " does not exist."
_ -> throwE "No Haddock interface installed."
-- | Try to create a PackageData structure for a package
getPackage :: Session -> InstalledPackageInfo -> IO PackageData
getPackage session pkgInfo = do
html <- getHtml pkgInfo
- iface <- getIface pkgInfo
- iface <- readInterfaceFile iface
+ ifacePath <- getIface pkgInfo
+ iface <- readInterfaceFile ifacePath
- let modules = packageModules pkgInfo
- -- try to get a ModuleInfo struct for each module
- mbModInfos <- moduleInfo session modules
- modInfos <- case mbModInfos of
- Just x -> return x
- Nothing -> throwE "Could not get ModuleInfo for all exposed modules."
- --let modInfos' = sortPackageModules modInfos
+ let docEnv = ifDocEnv iface
+ modules = packageModules pkgInfo
return $ PackageData {
pdModules = modules,
- pdDocEnv = ifDocEnv iface,
+ pdDocEnv = docEnv,
pdHtmlPath = html
-- | Try to create a PackageData for each package in the session except for
-- rts. Print a warning on stdout if a PackageData could not be created.
-getPackages :: Session -> DynFlags -> [Flag] -> IO [PackageData]
-getPackages session dynflags flags = do
+getPackages :: Session -> [PackageId] -> IO [PackageData]
+getPackages session packages = do
-- get InstalledPackageInfos for every package in the session
- pkgInfos <- getPreloadPackagesAnd dynflags []
- -- return a list of those packages that we could create PackageDatas for
- let pkgInfos' = filter notRTS pkgInfos
- liftM catMaybes $ mapM tryGetPackage pkgInfos'
+ dynflags <- getSessionDynFlags session
+ let pkgInfos = map (getPackageDetails (pkgState dynflags)) packages
+ -- try to read the installed haddock information (.haddock interface file and
+ -- html path) for the packages and html path
+ liftM catMaybes $ mapM tryGetPackage pkgInfos
- -- no better way to do this?
- notRTS p = pkgName (package p) /= packageIdString rtsPackageId
-- try to get a PackageData, warn if we can't
tryGetPackage pkgInfo =
(getPackage session pkgInfo >>= return . Just)