path: root/src
diff options
authordavve <davve@dtek.chalmers.se>2006-08-13 21:57:08 +0000
committerdavve <davve@dtek.chalmers.se>2006-08-13 21:57:08 +0000
commit454fd062f579dab7daa6f0c8ae94e173f2d46211 (patch)
tree2ed6b99ea6ffe63d5c1f8ae29e994087be5931b8 /src
parent3fb2208eddb9836d11655e44ad35adf158d2aa23 (diff)
Misc fixes and interface load/save
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 421 insertions, 170 deletions
diff --git a/src/HaddockUtil.hs b/src/HaddockUtil.hs
index 8a0edc11..185a4cb7 100644
--- a/src/HaddockUtil.hs
+++ b/src/HaddockUtil.hs
@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ module HaddockUtil (
-- * HsDoc markup
+ -- * Binary extras
+-- FormatVersion, mkFormatVersion
) where
import HaddockTypes
@@ -37,12 +40,15 @@ import GHC
import SrcLoc
import Name
import OccName
+import Binary
import Control.Monad ( liftM, MonadPlus(..) )
import Data.Char ( isAlpha, isSpace, toUpper, ord )
import Data.IORef ( IORef, newIORef, readIORef )
import Data.List ( intersect, isSuffixOf, intersperse )
import Data.Maybe ( maybeToList, fromMaybe, isJust, fromJust )
+import Data.Word ( Word8 )
+import Data.Bits ( testBit )
import Network.URI
import System.Environment ( getProgName )
import System.Exit ( exitWith, ExitCode(..) )
@@ -282,3 +288,33 @@ idMarkup = Markup {
-- the same thing, modifying only the identifiers embedded in it.
mapIdent f = idMarkup { markupIdentifier = f }
+-- put here temporarily
+newtype FormatVersion = FormatVersion Int deriving (Eq,Ord)
+nullFormatVersion :: FormatVersion
+nullFormatVersion = mkFormatVersion 0
+mkFormatVersion :: Int -> FormatVersion
+mkFormatVersion i = FormatVersion i
+instance Binary FormatVersion where
+ put_ bh (FormatVersion i) =
+ case compare i 0 of
+ EQ -> return ()
+ GT -> put_ bh (-i)
+ LT -> error (
+ "Binary.hs: negative FormatVersion " ++ show i
+ ++ " is not allowed")
+ get bh =
+ do
+ w8 :: Word8 <- get bh
+ if testBit w8 7
+ then
+ do
+ i <- get bh
+ return (FormatVersion (-i))
+ else
+ return nullFormatVersion
diff --git a/src/Main.hs b/src/Main.hs
index 856b5bd0..1043482a 100644
--- a/src/Main.hs
+++ b/src/Main.hs
@@ -14,8 +14,10 @@ import HaddockTypes
import HaddockUtil
import HaddockVersion
import Paths_haddock ( getDataDir )
+import Binary2
-import Control.Exception ( bracket )
+import Control.Exception ( bracket, throwIO, catch, Exception(..) )
+import Prelude hiding ( catch )
import Control.Monad ( when, liftM )
import Control.Monad.Writer ( Writer, runWriter, tell )
import Data.Char ( isSpace )
@@ -26,6 +28,7 @@ import Data.Maybe ( isJust, isNothing, maybeToList, listToMaybe )
import System.Console.GetOpt ( getOpt, usageInfo, ArgOrder(..), OptDescr(..), ArgDescr(..) )
import System.Environment ( getArgs )
import System.IO ( stderr, IOMode(..), openFile, hClose, hGetContents, hPutStrLn )
+import System.Directory ( doesFileExist, doesDirectoryExist )
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
import Foreign
import Foreign.C
@@ -41,27 +44,57 @@ import Outputable
import SrcLoc
import qualified Digraph as Digraph
import Name
-import Module ( moduleString )
+import Module ( moduleString, mkModule )
import InstEnv
import Class
import TypeRep
-import Var
+import Var hiding ( varName )
import TyCon
import PrelNames
import FastString
#define FSLIT(x) (mkFastString# (x#))
-import qualified DynFlags as DynFlags
+import DynFlags hiding ( Option )
+import Unique ( mkUnique )
+import Packages
-- Top-level stuff
main :: IO ()
main = do
- cmdline <- getArgs
- case getOpt Permute (options True) cmdline of
- (flags, args, [] ) -> run flags args
- (_, _, errors) -> do prog <- getProgramName
- die (concat errors ++
- usageInfo (usageHeader prog) (options False))
+ args <- getArgs
+ (libDir, rest) <- getLibDir args
+ (session, nonGHCOpts) <- startGHC libDir rest
+ (flags, args) <- parseHaddockOpts nonGHCOpts
+ run flags args session
+parseHaddockOpts :: [String] -> IO ([Flag], [String])
+parseHaddockOpts words =
+ case getOpt Permute (options True) words of
+ (flags, args, []) -> return (flags, args)
+ (_, _, errors) -> do
+ prog <- getProgramName
+ die (concat errors ++ usageInfo (usageHeader prog) (options False))
+getLibDir :: [String] -> IO (String, [String])
+getLibDir ("-B":dir:rest) = return (dir, rest)
+getLibDir (('-':'B':dir):rest) | not (null dir) = return (dir, rest)
+getLibDir _ = die "Missing GHC lib dir option: -B <dir>\n"
+-- | Initialize GHC, then parse the passed in strings and set the corresponding
+-- GHC flags (if any). Also add the -haddock flag. Return the Session handle
+-- and the strings that were not GHC flags.
+startGHC :: String -> [String] -> IO (Session, [String])
+startGHC libDir possibleOpts = do
+ GHC.init (Just libDir)
+ let ghcMode = JustTypecheck
+ session <- newSession ghcMode
+ flags <- getSessionDynFlags session
+ flags' <- initPackages flags
+ (flags'', nonOpts) <- parseDynamicFlags flags' possibleOpts
+ let flags''' = dopt_set flags'' Opt_Haddock
+ setSessionDynFlags session flags'''
+ return (session, nonOpts)
usageHeader :: String -> String
usageHeader prog = "Usage: " ++ prog ++ " [OPTION...] file...\n"
@@ -97,12 +130,11 @@ data Flag
| Flag_IgnoreAllExports
| Flag_HideModule String
| Flag_UsePackage String
- | Flag_GHCFlag String
deriving (Eq)
options :: Bool -> [OptDescr Flag]
options backwardsCompat =
- [
+ [
Option ['o'] ["odir"] (ReqArg Flag_OutputDir "DIR")
"directory in which to put the output files",
Option ['i'] ["read-interface"] (ReqArg Flag_ReadInterface "FILE")
@@ -163,37 +195,37 @@ options backwardsCompat =
Option [] ["hide"] (ReqArg Flag_HideModule "MODULE")
"behave as if MODULE has the hide attribute",
Option [] ["use-package"] (ReqArg Flag_UsePackage "PACKAGE")
- "the modules being processed depend on PACKAGE",
- Option [] ["ghc-flag"] (ReqArg Flag_GHCFlag "FLAG")
- "send a one-word FLAG to the Glasgow Haskell Compiler"
+ "the modules being processed depend on PACKAGE"
-run :: [Flag] -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
-run flags files = do
+run :: [Flag] -> [FilePath] -> Session -> IO ()
+run flags files session = do
whenFlag Flag_Help $ do
- prog <- getProgramName
- bye (usageInfo (usageHeader prog) (options False))
+ prog <- getProgramName
+ bye (usageInfo (usageHeader prog) (options False))
whenFlag Flag_Version $
- bye ("Haddock version " ++ projectVersion ++
- ", (c) Simon Marlow 2003; port to GHC-api by David Waern 2006\n")
+ bye ("Haddock version " ++ projectVersion ++
+ ", (c) Simon Marlow 2003; port to GHC-api by David Waern 2006\n")
+ let
- let title = case [str | Flag_Heading str <- flags] of
+ title = case [str | Flag_Heading str <- flags] of
[] -> ""
(t:_) -> t
- package = listToMaybe [str | Flag_Package str <- flags]
+ package = listToMaybe [str | Flag_Package str <- flags]
- maybe_source_urls = (listToMaybe [str | Flag_SourceBaseURL str <- flags]
- ,listToMaybe [str | Flag_SourceModuleURL str <- flags]
- ,listToMaybe [str | Flag_SourceEntityURL str <- flags])
+ maybe_source_urls = (listToMaybe [str | Flag_SourceBaseURL str <- flags]
+ ,listToMaybe [str | Flag_SourceModuleURL str <- flags]
+ ,listToMaybe [str | Flag_SourceEntityURL str <- flags])
- maybe_wiki_urls = (listToMaybe [str | Flag_WikiBaseURL str <- flags]
- ,listToMaybe [str | Flag_WikiModuleURL str <- flags]
- ,listToMaybe [str | Flag_WikiEntityURL str <- flags])
+ maybe_wiki_urls = (listToMaybe [str | Flag_WikiBaseURL str <- flags]
+ ,listToMaybe [str | Flag_WikiModuleURL str <- flags]
+ ,listToMaybe [str | Flag_WikiEntityURL str <- flags])
- verbose = Flag_Verbose `elem` flags
+ verbose = Flag_Verbose `elem` flags
libdir <- case [str | Flag_Lib str <- flags] of
[] -> getDataDir -- provided by Cabal
@@ -207,61 +239,56 @@ run flags files = do
[] -> return "."
fs -> return (last fs)
- let dump_iface = case [str | Flag_DumpInterface str <- flags] of
+ let
+ dumpIface = case [str | Flag_DumpInterface str <- flags] of
[] -> Nothing
fs -> Just (last fs)
- read_iface_flags = [ parseIfaceOption str
- | Flag_ReadInterface str <- flags ]
+ readIfaceFlags = [ parseIfaceOption str | Flag_ReadInterface str <- flags ]
- maybe_contents_url =
- case [url | Flag_UseContents url <- flags] of
- [] -> Nothing
- us -> Just (last us)
+ maybe_contents_url =
+ case [url | Flag_UseContents url <- flags] of
+ [] -> Nothing
+ us -> Just (last us)
- maybe_index_url =
- case [url | Flag_UseIndex url <- flags] of
- [] -> Nothing
- us -> Just (last us)
+ maybe_index_url =
+ case [url | Flag_UseIndex url <- flags] of
+ [] -> Nothing
+ us -> Just (last us)
+ maybe_html_help_format =
+ case [hhformat | Flag_HtmlHelp hhformat <- flags] of
+ [] -> Nothing
+ formats -> Just (last formats)
- maybe_html_help_format =
- case [hhformat | Flag_HtmlHelp hhformat <- flags] of
- [] -> Nothing
- formats -> Just (last formats)
prologue <- getPrologue flags
when ((Flag_GenIndex `elem` flags || Flag_GenContents `elem` flags)
&& Flag_Html `elem` flags) $
die ("-h cannot be used with --gen-index or --gen-contents")
- GHC.init (Just "/home/davve/dev/local/lib/ghc-6.5")
- let ghcMode = JustTypecheck
- session <- newSession ghcMode
ghcFlags <- getSessionDynFlags session
- ghcFlags' <- initPackages ghcFlags
- let haddockGhcFlags = [ f | Flag_GHCFlag f <- flags ]
- (ghcFlags'', rest) <- parseDynamicFlags ghcFlags' haddockGhcFlags
- when (not (null rest)) (die $ "The following flags are not GHC flags: " ++ pprList rest ++ "\n")
- let ghcFlags''' = DynFlags.dopt_set ghcFlags'' DynFlags.Opt_Haddock
- sorted_checked_modules <- defaultErrorHandler ghcFlags''' $ do
- setSessionDynFlags session ghcFlags'''
+ sorted_checked_modules <- defaultErrorHandler ghcFlags $ do
targets <- mapM (\s -> guessTarget s Nothing) files
setTargets session targets
maybe_module_graph <- depanal session [] True
module_graph <- case maybe_module_graph of
Just module_graph -> return module_graph
- Nothing -> die "Failed to load modules\n"
- let sorted_modules = concatMap Digraph.flattenSCC (topSortModuleGraph False module_graph Nothing)
- let (modules, filenames) = unzip [ (ms_mod modsum, fromJust $ ml_hs_file (ms_location modsum)) | modsum <- sorted_modules,
- fromJust (ml_hs_file (ms_location modsum)) `elem` files ]
+ Nothing -> die "Failed to load modules 1\n"
+ let
+ modSumFile = fromJust . ml_hs_file . ms_location
+ sorted_modules = concatMap Digraph.flattenSCC (topSortModuleGraph False module_graph Nothing)
+ (modules, filenames) = unzip [ (ms_mod modsum, modSumFile modsum) | modsum <- sorted_modules,
+ modSumFile modsum `elem` files ]
+ --print_ modules
mb_checked_modules <- mapM (checkModule session) modules
let checked_modules = catMaybes mb_checked_modules
if length checked_modules /= length mb_checked_modules
- then die "Failed to load all modules\n"
+ then die "Failed to load all modules 2\n"
else return (zip3 modules checked_modules filenames)
sorted_checked_modules' <- remove_maybes sorted_checked_modules
@@ -271,15 +298,25 @@ run flags files = do
haddockModules = catMaybes [ Map.lookup mod modMap |
(mod, _, file) <- sorted_checked_modules',
file `elem` files ]
- let env = buildGlobalDocEnv haddockModules
- let haddockModules' = attachInstances haddockModules
+ packageFiles <- getPackageFiles ghcFlags
+ --print packageFiles
+ let
+ totalFiles = packageFiles ++ readIfaceFlags
+ (htmlPaths, ifacePaths) = unzip totalFiles
+ ifaces <- mapM readIface ifacePaths
- let (haddockModules'', messages') = runWriter $ mapM (renameModule env) haddockModules'
+ let
+ (moduless, extEnvs) = unzip ifaces
+ homeEnv = buildGlobalDocEnv haddockModules
+ env = Map.unions (homeEnv:extEnvs)
+ haddockModules' = attachInstances haddockModules
+ (haddockModules'', messages') = runWriter $ mapM (renameModule env) haddockModules'
+ updateHTMLXRefs htmlPaths moduless
-- putStrLn "pass 1 messages:"
- print messages
+ mapM_ putStrLn messages
{- putStrLn "pass 1 export items:"
printSDoc (ppr (map hmod_export_items haddockModules')) defaultUserStyle
@@ -292,8 +329,6 @@ run flags files = do
let visibleModules = [ m | m <- haddockModules'', OptHide `notElem` (hmod_options m) ]
- updateHTMLXRefs [] []
when (Flag_GenIndex `elem` flags) $ do
ppHtmlIndex odir title package maybe_html_help_format
maybe_contents_url maybe_source_urls maybe_wiki_urls
@@ -317,73 +352,11 @@ run flags files = do
copyHtmlBits odir libdir css_file
return ()
-{- parsed_mods <- mapM parse_file files
- sorted_mod_files <- sortModules (zip parsed_mods files)
- -- emits an error message if there are recursive modules
- -- process the modules in sorted order, building up a mapping from
- -- modules to interfaces.
- let
- loop mod_env ifaces [] = return (reverse ifaces)
- loop mod_env ifaces ((hsmod,file):mdls) = do
- let (iface,msgs) = runWriter $
- mkInterfacePhase1 flags verbose mod_env file package hsmod
- new_mod_env = Map.insert (iface_module iface) iface mod_env
- mapM_ (hPutStrLn stderr) msgs
- loop new_mod_env (iface:ifaces) mdls
- let
- mod_map = Map.fromList [ (iface_module iface,iface)
- | iface <- read_ifaces ]
- ifaces <- loop mod_map read_ifaces sorted_mod_files
- let
- these_ifaces0 = [ iface | iface <- ifaces,
- iface_module iface `notElem` external_mods ]
- let these_ifaces1 = attachInstances these_ifaces0
- this_doc_env = buildGlobalDocEnv these_ifaces1
- global_doc_env = this_doc_env `Map.union`
- ext_doc_env `Map.union`
- builtinDocEnv
--- Now do phase 2
- let
- loop2 ifaces [] = return (reverse ifaces)
- loop2 ifaces (iface:rest) = do
- let (iface',msgs) = runWriter $
- mkInterfacePhase2 verbose iface global_doc_env
- mapM_ (hPutStrLn stderr) msgs
- loop2 (iface':ifaces) rest
- these_ifaces <- loop2 [] these_ifaces1
--- when (Flag_DocBook `elem` flags) $
--- putStr (ppDocBook odir mod_ifaces)
- when (Flag_Debug `elem` flags) $ do
- mapM_ putStrLn (map show [ (iface_module i,
- Map.toAscList (iface_env i),
- Map.toAscList (iface_sub i))
- | i <- these_ifaces ])
- when (Flag_Html `elem` flags) $ do
- ppHtml title package these_ifaces odir
- prologue maybe_html_help_format
- maybe_source_urls maybe_wiki_urls
- maybe_contents_url maybe_index_url
- copyHtmlBits odir libdir css_file
- when (Flag_Hoogle `elem` flags) $ do
- ppHoogle package these_ifaces odir
-- dump an interface if requested
- case dump_iface of
- Nothing -> return ()
- Just fn -> dumpInterfaces these_ifaces this_doc_env fn -}
+ case dumpIface of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just fn -> dumpInterfaces env (map hmod_mod visibleModules) fn
whenFlag flag action = when (flag `elem` flags) action
@@ -417,7 +390,7 @@ type FullyCheckedModule = (ParsedSource,
printEntity (DocEntity doc) = show doc
printEntity (DeclEntity name) = show $ ppr name defaultUserStyle
-pass1 :: [(Module, FullyCheckedModule, FilePath)] -> [Flag] -> Maybe String-> ErrMsgM ModuleMap2
+pass1 :: [(Module, FullyCheckedModule, FilePath)] -> [Flag] -> Maybe String -> ErrMsgM ModuleMap2
pass1 modules flags package = worker modules (Map.empty) flags
worker :: [(Module, FullyCheckedModule, FilePath)] -> ModuleMap2 -> [Flag] -> ErrMsgM ModuleMap2
@@ -427,7 +400,7 @@ pass1 modules flags package = worker modules (Map.empty) flags
let (parsed_source, renamed_source, _, moduleInfo) = checked_mod
(mb_doc_opts, _, _) = get_module_stuff parsed_source
- opts <- mk_doc_opts mb_doc_opts
+ opts <- mkDocOpts mb_doc_opts
let (group, _, mb_exports, mbModDoc, haddockModInfo) = renamed_source
@@ -444,15 +417,15 @@ pass1 modules flags package = worker modules (Map.empty) flags
subMap = mk_sub_map_from_group group
- -- tell (map printEntity entities)
- theseVisibleNames <- visibleNames mod moduleMap localNames scopeNames subMap exports opts
- let exportedDeclMap = mkDeclMap exportedNames group
+ exportedDeclMap = mkDeclMap exportedNames group
localDeclMap = mkDeclMap theseEntityNames group
docMap = mkDocMap group
ignoreAllExports = Flag_IgnoreAllExports `elem` flags
+ theseVisibleNames <- visibleNames mod moduleMap localNames scopeNames
+ subMap exports opts localDeclMap
exportItems <- mkExportItems moduleMap mod exportedNames
exportedDeclMap localDeclMap subMap entities opts
exports ignoreAllExports docMap
@@ -494,8 +467,8 @@ pass1 modules flags package = worker modules (Map.empty) flags
let HsModule _ _ _ _ _ mb_opts info mb_doc = unLoc source
in (mb_opts, info, mb_doc)
- mk_doc_opts mb_opts = do
- opts <- case mb_opts of
+ mkDocOpts mbOpts = do
+ opts <- case mbOpts of
Just opts -> processOptions opts
Nothing -> return []
let opts' = if Flag_HideModule (moduleString mod) `elem` flags
@@ -513,17 +486,14 @@ sameName (DeclEntity a) (DeclEntity b) = a == b
mkDocMap :: HsGroup Name -> Map Name (HsDoc Name)
mkDocMap group = Map.fromList (topDeclDocs ++ classMethDocs ++ recordFieldDocs)
- tyclds = map unLoc (hs_tyclds group)
- classes = filter isClassDecl tyclds
- datadecls = filter isDataDecl tyclds
- constrs = [ con | d <- datadecls, L _ con <- tcdCons d ]
- fields = concat [ fields | RecCon fields <- map con_details constrs]
+ tyclds = map unLoc (hs_tyclds group)
+ classes = filter isClassDecl tyclds
+ datadecls = filter isDataDecl tyclds
+ constrs = [ con | d <- datadecls, L _ con <- tcdCons d ]
+ fields = concat [ fields | RecCon fields <- map con_details constrs]
topDeclDocs = collectDocs (reverse (hs_docs group))
- classMethDocs
- = concatMap (collectDocs . tcdDocs) classes
+ classMethDocs = concatMap (collectDocs . tcdDocs) classes
recordFieldDocs = [ (unLoc lname, doc) |
HsRecField lname _ (Just (L _ doc)) <- fields ]
@@ -638,14 +608,10 @@ parseIfaceOption s =
(fpath,',':file) -> (fpath,file)
(file, _) -> ("", file)
-updateHTMLXRefs :: [FilePath] -> [[HaddockModule]] -> IO ()
-updateHTMLXRefs paths hmods_s =
- writeIORef html_xrefs_ref (Map.fromList mapping)
- where
- mapping = [ (hmod_mod hmod, fpath)
- | (fpath, hmods) <- zip paths hmods_s,
- hmod <- hmods
- ]
+updateHTMLXRefs :: [FilePath] -> [[Module]] -> IO ()
+updateHTMLXRefs paths modss = writeIORef html_xrefs_ref (Map.fromList mapping)
+ where
+ mapping = [ (mod, fpath) | (fpath, mods) <- zip paths modss, mod <- mods ]
getPrologue :: [Flag] -> IO (Maybe (HsDoc RdrName))
getPrologue flags
@@ -784,13 +750,12 @@ mkExportItems mod_map this_mod exported_names exportedDeclMap localDeclMap sub_m
fullContentsOfThisModule :: Module -> [DocEntity Name] -> Map Name (LHsDecl Name) ->
Map Name (HsDoc Name) -> [ExportItem2 Name]
-fullContentsOfThisModule module_ entities declMap docMap = map mkExportItem entities
+fullContentsOfThisModule module_ entities declMap docMap
+ = catMaybes (map mkExportItem entities)
- mkExportItem (DocEntity (DocGroup lev doc)) = ExportGroup2 lev "" doc
- mkExportItem (DeclEntity name) = trace (show (ppr name defaultUserStyle)) $ case Map.lookup name declMap of
- Just decl -> let maybeDoc = Map.lookup name docMap in ExportDecl2 name decl maybeDoc []
- -- this can happen if there was no type signature for a value binding
- Nothing -> ExportNoDecl2 name name []
+ mkExportItem (DocEntity (DocGroup lev doc)) = Just (ExportGroup2 lev "" doc)
+ mkExportItem (DeclEntity name) = fmap mkExport (Map.lookup name declMap)
+ where mkExport decl = ExportDecl2 name decl (Map.lookup name docMap) []
-- Sometimes the declaration we want to export is not the "main" declaration:
-- it might be an individual record selector or a class method. In these
@@ -868,16 +833,18 @@ visibleNames :: Module
-> Map Name [Name]
-> Maybe [IE Name]
-> [DocOption]
+ -> Map Name (LHsDecl Name)
-> ErrMsgM [Name]
-visibleNames mdl modMap localNames scope subMap maybeExps opts
+visibleNames mdl modMap localNames scope subMap maybeExps opts declMap
-- if no export list, just return all local names
- | Nothing <- maybeExps = return localNames
+ | Nothing <- maybeExps = return (filter hasDecl localNames)
| OptIgnoreExports `elem` opts = return localNames
| Just expspecs <- maybeExps = do
visibleNames <- mapM extract expspecs
return $ filter isNotPackageName (concat visibleNames)
+ hasDecl name = isJust (Map.lookup name declMap)
isNotPackageName name = nameMod == mdl || isJust (Map.lookup nameMod modMap)
where nameMod = nameModule name
@@ -924,8 +891,6 @@ allSubsOfName mod_map name
-- The interfaces are passed in in topologically sorted order, but we start
-- by reversing the list so we can do a foldl.
buildGlobalDocEnv :: [HaddockModule] -> Map Name Name
buildGlobalDocEnv modules
= foldl upd Map.empty (reverse modules)
@@ -1081,3 +1046,253 @@ toHsType t = case t of
type ErrMsg = String
type ErrMsgM a = Writer [ErrMsg] a
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Packages
+getPackageFiles :: DynFlags -> IO [(String, String)]
+getPackageFiles dynflags = do
+ packages <- getExplicitPackagesAnd dynflags []
+ mbFiles <- mapM check packages
+ return [ pair | Just pair <- mbFiles ]
+ where
+ check p = (do
+ pair <- check' p
+ return (Just pair)) `catch` (\e -> do
+ putStrLn ("Warning: Cannot use package " ++ pkg ++ ":")
+ putStrLn (" " ++ show e)
+ return Nothing)
+ where
+ pkg = showPackageId (package p)
+ check' p = do
+ when (null html || null iface) $
+ throwIO (ErrorCall "No Haddock documentation installed.")
+ htmlExists <- doesDirectoryExist html
+ when (not htmlExists) $
+ throwIO (ErrorCall ("HTML directory " ++ html ++ " does not exist."))
+ ifaceExists <- doesFileExist iface
+ when (not ifaceExists) $
+ throwIO (ErrorCall ("Interace " ++ iface ++ " does not exist."))
+ return (html, iface)
+ where
+ html = first (haddockHTMLs p)
+ iface = first (haddockInterfaces p)
+ first [] = []
+ first (x:_) = x
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- The interface file format
+-- ehhm. this is a hack...
+thisFormatVersion :: FormatVersion
+thisFormatVersion = mkFormatVersion 3
+dumpInterfaces :: Map Name Name -> [Module] -> FilePath -> IO ()
+dumpInterfaces globalDocEnv modules fileName = do
+ bh <- openBinMem 100000
+ put_ bh thisFormatVersion
+ mapM (put_ bh) modules
+ putDocEnv bh globalDocEnv
+ writeBinMem bh fileName
+putDocEnv :: BinHandle -> Map Name Name -> IO ()
+putDocEnv bh env = put_ bh list
+ where
+ list = [ (nameModule o, nameOccName o, nameModule e) |
+ (o, e) <- Map.toList env ]
+getDocEnv :: BinHandle -> IO (Map Name Name)
+getDocEnv bh = do
+ list <- get bh
+ return (Map.fromList [(mkName mdl1 occ, mkName mdl2 occ) |
+ (mdl1,occ,mdl2) <- list])
+mkName mdl occ = mkExternalName (mkUnique 'X' 0) mdl occ Nothing noSrcLoc
+--type StoredInterface2 =
+-- (Module,Maybe Doc,Maybe String,Bool,[(HsName,Module)], [(HsName,[HsName])])
+readIface :: FilePath -> IO ([Module], Map Name Name)
+readIface fileName = do
+ bh <- readBinMem fileName
+ formatVersion <- get bh
+ case formatVersion of
+ v | v == thisFormatVersion -> do
+ modules::[Module] <- get bh
+ env <- getDocEnv bh
+ return (modules, env)
+-- v | v == mkFormatVersion 2 -> do
+-- (stuff :: [StoredInterface2]) <- get bh
+-- doc_env <- getDocEnv bh
+-- return (map to_interface2 stuff, doc_env)
+ otherwise -> do
+ noDieMsg (
+ "Warning: The interface file " ++ show fileName
+ ++ " could not be read.\n"
+ ++ "Interface files from earlier version of Haddock are not "
+ ++ "supported yet.\n")
+ return ([],Map.empty)
+encodeNS n
+ | isVarOcc n = 0
+ | isDataOcc n = 1
+ | isTvOcc n = 2
+ | isTcOcc n = 3
+decodeNS n = case n of
+ 0 -> varName
+ 1 -> dataName
+ 2 -> tvName
+ _ -> tcClsName
+instance Binary OccName where
+ put_ bh n = do
+ put_ bh (occNameString n)
+ putByte bh (encodeNS n)
+ get bh = do
+ string <- get bh
+ ns <- getByte bh
+ return (mkOccName (decodeNS ns) string)
+instance Binary Module where
+ put_ bh m = put_ bh (moduleString m)
+ get bh = do m <- get bh; return (mkModule m)
+thisFormatVersion :: FormatVersion
+thisFormatVersion = mkFormatVersion 2
+-- | How we store interfaces. Not everything is stored.
+type StoredInterface2 =
+ (Module,Maybe Doc,Maybe String,Bool,[(HsName,Module)], [(HsName,[HsName])])
+-- | How we store interfaces. Not everything is stored.
+type StoredInterface1 =
+ (Module,Maybe Doc,Maybe String,Bool,[(HsName,HsQName)],[(HsName,HsQName)],
+ [(HsName,[HsName])])
+-- | How we used to store interfaces.
+type NullVersionStoredInterface =
+ (Module,Maybe String,Bool,[(HsName,HsQName)],[(HsName,HsQName)],
+ [(HsName,[HsName])])
+dumpInterfaces :: [Interface] -> Map HsQName HsQName -> FilePath -> IO ()
+dumpInterfaces interfaces global_doc_env fileName =
+ do
+ let
+ preparedInterfaces :: [StoredInterface2]
+ preparedInterfaces = map from_interface interfaces
+ bh <- openBinMem 100000
+ put_ bh thisFormatVersion
+ put_ bh preparedInterfaces
+ putDocEnv bh global_doc_env
+ writeBinMem bh fileName
+readIface :: FilePath -> IO ([Interface], Map HsQName HsQName)
+readIface fileName = do
+ bh <- readBinMem fileName
+ formatVersion <- get bh
+ case formatVersion of
+ v | v == thisFormatVersion -> do
+ (stuff :: [StoredInterface2]) <- get bh
+ doc_env <- getDocEnv bh
+ return (map to_interface2 stuff, doc_env)
+ v | v == mkFormatVersion 1 -> do
+ (stuff :: [StoredInterface1]) <- get bh
+ return (map to_interface1 stuff, Map.empty)
+ v | v == nullFormatVersion -> do
+ (stuff :: [NullVersionStoredInterface]) <- get bh
+ return (map nullVersion_to_interface stuff, Map.empty)
+ otherwise -> do
+ noDieMsg (
+ "Warning: The interface file " ++ show fileName
+ ++ " could not be read.\n"
+ ++ "Maybe it's from a later version of Haddock?\n")
+ return ([], Map.empty)
+from_interface :: Interface -> StoredInterface2
+from_interface iface =
+ ( iface_module iface,
+ toDescription iface,iface_package iface,
+ OptHide `elem` iface_options iface,
+ [(n,mdl) | (n,Qual mdl n') <- Map.toAscList (iface_env iface),
+ if n /= n' then error "help!" else True],
+ Map.toAscList (iface_sub iface)
+ )
+getDocEnv :: BinHandle -> IO (Map HsQName HsQName)
+getDocEnv bh = do
+ doc_env_list <- get bh
+ return (Map.fromList [(Qual mdl1 nm,Qual mdl2 nm) |
+ (mdl1,nm,mdl2) <- doc_env_list])
+to_interface1 :: StoredInterface1 -> Interface
+to_interface1 (mdl,descriptionOpt,package, hide, env, _, sub) =
+ Interface {
+ iface_module = mdl,
+ iface_filename = "",
+ iface_orig_filename= "",
+ iface_package = package,
+ iface_env = Map.fromList env,
+ iface_sub = Map.fromList sub,
+ iface_reexported = [],
+ iface_exports = [],
+ iface_orig_exports = [],
+ iface_insts = [],
+ iface_decls = Map.empty,
+ iface_info = toModuleInfo descriptionOpt,
+ iface_doc = Nothing,
+ iface_options = if hide then [OptHide] else []
+ }
+to_interface2 :: StoredInterface2 -> Interface
+to_interface2 (mdl,descriptionOpt,package, hide, env, sub) =
+ Interface {
+ iface_module = mdl,
+ iface_filename = "",
+ iface_orig_filename= "",
+ iface_package = package,
+ iface_env =
+ Map.fromList [(n,Qual mdl n) | (n,mdl) <- env],
+ iface_sub = Map.fromList sub,
+ iface_reexported = [],
+ iface_exports = [],
+ iface_orig_exports = [],
+ iface_insts = [],
+ iface_decls = Map.empty,
+ iface_info = toModuleInfo descriptionOpt,
+ iface_doc = Nothing,
+ iface_options = if hide then [OptHide] else []
+ }
+nullVersion_to_interface :: NullVersionStoredInterface -> Interface
+nullVersion_to_interface (mdl, package, hide, env, reexported, sub) =
+ Interface {
+ iface_module = mdl,
+ iface_filename = "",
+ iface_orig_filename= "",
+ iface_package = package,
+ iface_env = Map.fromList env,
+ iface_sub = Map.fromList sub,
+ iface_reexported = [],
+ iface_exports = [],
+ iface_orig_exports = [],
+ iface_insts = [],
+ iface_decls = Map.empty,
+ iface_info = emptyModuleInfo,
+ iface_doc = Nothing,
+ iface_options = if hide then [OptHide] else []
+ }
+toModuleInfo :: Maybe Doc -> ModuleInfo
+toModuleInfo descriptionOpt =
+ emptyModuleInfo {description = descriptionOpt}