path: root/src
diff options
authordavve <davve@dtek.chalmers.se>2006-09-15 18:03:00 +0000
committerdavve <davve@dtek.chalmers.se>2006-09-15 18:03:00 +0000
commit68478d9e11b545fc6b5f6771a35f9088837ed1ce (patch)
treeef02ee299532f67943403122771fe7814bb5b6e4 /src
parent3758a714ef495f32d9cf625c77ed2bd6277bb441 (diff)
Remove interface reading/writing code and use the GHC api for creating package environments instead
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 100 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/src/Main.hs b/src/Main.hs
index dad47fb5..7c6c9bc8 100644
--- a/src/Main.hs
+++ b/src/Main.hs
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ import Foreign.C
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.FunctorM ( fmapM )
+import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo ( InstalledPackageInfo(..) )
import qualified GHC ( init )
import GHC hiding ( init )
@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ import FastString
import DynFlags hiding ( Option )
import StaticFlags ( parseStaticFlags )
import Unique ( mkUnique )
-import Packages
+import Packages hiding ( package )
-- Top-level stuff
@@ -86,13 +87,14 @@ main = do
Nothing -> dynflags'
setSessionDynFlags session dynflags''
- modules <- sortAndCheckModules session dynflags' fileArgs
- (ifaces, htmls) <- getIfacesAndHtmls flags dynflags'
- let (modss, envs) = unzip ifaces
- updateHTMLXRefs htmls modss
+ modules <- sortAndCheckModules session dynflags'' fileArgs
+ packages <- getPackages session dynflags''
+ updateHTMLXRefs packages
+ let env = packagesDocEnv packages
-- TODO: continue to break up the run function into parts
- run flags modules envs
+ run flags modules env
parseModeFlag :: [String] -> (Bool, [String])
parseModeFlag ("--ghc-flags":rest) = (True, rest)
@@ -214,25 +216,6 @@ sortAndCheckModules session flags files = defaultErrorHandler flags $ do
(mod, CheckedModule a (Just b) (Just c) (Just d), f)
<- modules ]
-getIfacesAndHtmls :: [Flag] -> DynFlags -> IO ([Interface], [FilePath])
-getIfacesAndHtmls flags dynflags = do
- packageFiles <- getPackageFiles dynflags
- let
- readIfaceFlags = [ parseIfaceOption str | Flag_ReadInterface str <- flags ]
- totalFiles = packageFiles ++ readIfaceFlags
- (htmlPaths, ifacePaths) = unzip totalFiles
- files <- mapM (\(htmlPath, ifacePath) -> do
- htmlExist <- doesDirectoryExist htmlPath
- ifaceExist <- doesFileExist ifacePath
- if htmlExist && ifaceExist
- then do
- iface <- readInterface ifacePath
- return (Just (iface, htmlPath))
- else return Nothing
- ) totalFiles
- return (unzip (catMaybes files))
data Flag
= Flag_CSS String
| Flag_Debug
@@ -352,8 +335,8 @@ handleEagerFlags flags = do
whenFlag flag action = when (flag `elem` flags) action
-run :: [Flag] -> [CheckedMod] -> [Map Name Name] -> IO ()
-run flags modules extEnvs = do
+run :: [Flag] -> [CheckedMod] -> Map Name Name -> IO ()
+run flags modules extEnv = do
title = case [str | Flag_Heading str <- flags] of
[] -> ""
@@ -408,7 +391,7 @@ run flags modules extEnvs = do
(modMap, messages) = runWriter (pass1 modules flags)
haddockMods = catMaybes [ Map.lookup mod modMap | (mod,_,_) <- modules ]
homeEnv = buildGlobalDocEnv haddockMods
- env = Map.unions (homeEnv:extEnvs)
+ env = homeEnv `Map.union` extEnv
haddockMods' = attachInstances haddockMods
(haddockMods'', messages') = runWriter $ mapM (renameModule env) haddockMods'
@@ -696,12 +679,18 @@ parseIfaceOption s =
case break (==',') s of
(fpath,',':file) -> (fpath,file)
(file, _) -> ("", file)
+updateHTMLXRefs :: [PackageData] -> IO ()
+updateHTMLXRefs packages = writeIORef html_xrefs_ref (Map.fromList mapping)
+ where
+ mapping = [ (mod, html) |
+ (PackageData _ mods html) <- packages, (mod, _) <- mods ]
updateHTMLXRefs :: [FilePath] -> [[Module]] -> IO ()
updateHTMLXRefs paths modss = writeIORef html_xrefs_ref (Map.fromList mapping)
mapping = [ (mod, fpath) | (fpath, mods) <- zip paths modss, mod <- mods ]
getPrologue :: [Flag] -> IO (Maybe (HsDoc RdrName))
getPrologue flags
= case [filename | Flag_Prologue filename <- flags ] of
@@ -1145,40 +1134,87 @@ type ErrMsgM a = Writer [ErrMsg] a
-- Packages
-getPackageFiles :: DynFlags -> IO [(String, String)]
-getPackageFiles dynflags = do
- packages <- getExplicitPackagesAnd dynflags []
- mbFiles <- mapM check (filter notRTS packages)
- return [ pair | Just pair <- mbFiles ]
+-- | Recreate exposed modules from an InstalledPackageInfo
+packageModules :: InstalledPackageInfo -> [Module]
+packageModules pkgInfo = map (mkModule (pkgId pkgInfo)) moduleNames
+ where moduleNames = map mkModuleName (exposedModules pkgInfo)
+pkgId :: InstalledPackageInfo -> PackageId
+pkgId = mkPackageId . package
+-- | Get the ModuleInfo for each exposed module in a package
+getPackageModuleInfo :: Session -> InstalledPackageInfo ->
+ IO (Maybe [(Module, ModuleInfo)])
+getPackageModuleInfo session pkgInfo = do
+ mbInfos <- (flip mapM) (packageModules pkgInfo) $ \mod -> do
+ mbModInfo <- getModuleInfo session mod
+ case mbModInfo of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just modInfo -> return (Just (mod, modInfo))
+ return (sequence mbInfos)
+-- | Get the Haddock HTML directory path for a package
+getHtml :: InstalledPackageInfo -> IO (Either String FilePath)
+getHtml pkgInfo = case haddockHTMLs pkgInfo of
+ (path:_) | not (null path) -> do
+ dirExists <- doesDirectoryExist path
+ if dirExists then return (Right path) else return $
+ Left ("HTML directory " ++ path ++ " does not exist.")
+ _ -> return (Left "No Haddock documentation installed.")
+data PackageData = PackageData {
+ pdPackageId :: PackageId,
+ pdModuleInfo :: [(Module, ModuleInfo)],
+ pdHtmlPath :: FilePath
+-- | Retrieve a PackageData for a package in the session
+getPackageData :: Session -> InstalledPackageInfo ->
+ IO (Either String PackageData)
+getPackageData session pkgInfo = do
+ eHtml <- getHtml pkgInfo
+ mbModInfo <- getPackageModuleInfo session pkgInfo
+ let eModInfo = toEither "Could not get ModuleInfo for all exposed modules."
+ mbModInfo
+ return $ do -- in the Either monad
+ html <- eHtml
+ modInfo <- eModInfo
+ return $ PackageData {
+ pdPackageId = pkgId pkgInfo,
+ pdModuleInfo = modInfo,
+ pdHtmlPath = html
+ }
+ where
+ toEither err = maybe (Left err) Right
+-- | Retrieve a PackageData for each package in the session except for rts.
+-- Print a warning on stdout if a PackageData could not be retrieved.
+getPackages :: Session -> DynFlags -> IO [PackageData]
+getPackages session dynflags = do
+ pkgInfos <- getExplicitPackagesAnd dynflags []
+ let pkgInfos' = filter notRTS pkgInfos
+ liftM catMaybes (mapM getPackage pkgInfos')
-- no better way to do this?
notRTS p = pkgName (package p) /= packageIdString rtsPackageId
- check p = (do
- pair <- check' p
- return (Just pair)) `catch` (\e -> do
- putStrLn ("Warning: Cannot use package " ++ pkg ++ ":")
- putStrLn (" " ++ show e)
- return Nothing)
- where
- pkg = showPackageId (package p)
- check' p = do
- when (null html || null iface) $
- throwIO (ErrorCall "No Haddock documentation installed.")
- htmlExists <- doesDirectoryExist html
- when (not htmlExists) $
- throwIO (ErrorCall ("HTML directory " ++ html ++ " does not exist."))
- ifaceExists <- doesFileExist iface
- when (not ifaceExists) $
- throwIO (ErrorCall ("Interface " ++ iface ++ " does not exist."))
- return (html, iface)
- where
- html = first (haddockHTMLs p)
- iface = first (haddockInterfaces p)
- first [] = []
- first (x:_) = x
+ getPackage pkgInfo = do
+ result <- getPackageData session pkgInfo
+ case result of
+ Left err -> do
+ let pkgName = showPackageId (package pkgInfo)
+ putStrLn ("Warning: Cannot use package " ++ pkgName ++ ":")
+ putStrLn (" " ++ show err)
+ return Nothing
+ Right pkgInfo -> return (Just pkgInfo)
+packagesDocEnv :: [PackageData] -> Map Name Name
+packagesDocEnv packages = Map.fromList (concatMap packageDocEnv packages)
+packageDocEnv :: PackageData -> [(Name, Name)]
+packageDocEnv package = concatMap moduleInfoDocEnv modInfo
+ where modInfo = pdModuleInfo package
+moduleInfoDocEnv :: (Module, ModuleInfo) -> [(Name, Name)]
+moduleInfoDocEnv (mod, modInfo) = [ (n, nameSetMod n mod) | n <- names ]
+ where names = modInfoExports modInfo