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1 files changed, 14 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Renderer.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Renderer.hs
index 5291220a..d7ea70a6 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Renderer.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Renderer.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Renderer (render) where
@@ -28,36 +27,10 @@ render :: Maybe FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> SrcMap -> [RichToken]
-> Html
render mcss mjs srcs tokens = header mcss mjs <> body srcs tokens
-data TokenGroup
- = GrpNormal Token
- | GrpRich TokenDetails [Token]
--- | Group consecutive tokens pointing to the same element.
--- We want to render qualified identifiers as one entity. For example,
--- @Bar.Baz.foo@ consists of 5 tokens (@Bar@, @.@, @Baz@, @.@, @foo@) but for
--- better user experience when highlighting and clicking links, these tokens
--- should be regarded as one identifier. Therefore, before rendering we must
--- group consecutive elements pointing to the same 'GHC.Name' (note that even
--- dot token has it if it is part of qualified name).
-groupTokens :: [RichToken] -> [TokenGroup]
-groupTokens [] = []
-groupTokens ((RichToken tok Nothing):rest) = (GrpNormal tok):(groupTokens rest)
-groupTokens ((RichToken tok (Just det)):rest) =
- let (grp, rest') = span same rest
- in (GrpRich det (tok:(map rtkToken grp))):(groupTokens rest')
- where
- same (RichToken _ (Just det')) = det == det'
- same _ = False
body :: SrcMap -> [RichToken] -> Html
-body srcs tokens =
- Html.body . Html.pre $ hypsrc
+body srcs tokens = Html.body . Html.pre $ hypsrc
- hypsrc = mconcat . map (tokenGroup srcs) . groupTokens $ tokens
+ hypsrc = mconcat . map (richToken srcs) $ tokens
header :: Maybe FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> Html
@@ -78,29 +51,20 @@ header mcss mjs =
, Html.src scriptFile
-tokenGroup :: SrcMap -> TokenGroup -> Html
-tokenGroup _ (GrpNormal tok@(Token { .. }))
+-- | Given information about the source position of definitions, render a token
+richToken :: SrcMap -> RichToken -> Html
+richToken srcs (RichToken Token{..} details)
| tkType == TkSpace = renderSpace (GHC.srcSpanStartLine tkSpan) tkValue
- | otherwise = tokenSpan tok ! attrs
- where
- attrs = [ multiclass . tokenStyle $ tkType ]
-tokenGroup srcs (GrpRich det tokens) =
- externalAnchor det . internalAnchor det . hyperlink srcs det $ content
+ | otherwise = linked content
- content = mconcat . map (richToken det) $ tokens
-richToken :: TokenDetails -> Token -> Html
-richToken det tok =
- tokenSpan tok ! [ multiclass style ]
- where
- style = (tokenStyle . tkType) tok ++ richTokenStyle det
-tokenSpan :: Token -> Html
-tokenSpan = Html.thespan . Html.toHtml . tkValue
+ content = tokenSpan ! [ multiclass style ]
+ tokenSpan = Html.thespan (Html.toHtml tkValue)
+ style = tokenStyle tkType ++ maybe [] richTokenStyle details
+ -- If we have name information, we can make links
+ linked = case details of
+ Just d -> externalAnchor d . internalAnchor d . hyperlink srcs d
+ Nothing -> id
richTokenStyle :: TokenDetails -> [StyleClass]
richTokenStyle (RtkVar _) = ["hs-var"]