diff options
3 files changed, 342 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/haddock-library/src/Documentation/Haddock/Parser.hs b/haddock-library/src/Documentation/Haddock/Parser.hs
index 8dc2a801..dd1044cb 100644
--- a/haddock-library/src/Documentation/Haddock/Parser.hs
+++ b/haddock-library/src/Documentation/Haddock/Parser.hs
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ definitionList :: BS.ByteString -> Parser (DocH mod Identifier)
definitionList indent = DocDefList <$> p
p = do
- label <- "[" *> (parseStringBS <$> takeWhile1 (notInClass "]\n")) <* ("]" <* optional ":")
+ label <- "[" *> (parseStringBS <$> scan False accept) <* ("]" <* optional ":")
c <- takeLine
(cs, items) <- more indent p
let contents = parseString . dropNLs . unlines $ c : cs
@@ -346,6 +346,19 @@ definitionList indent = DocDefList <$> p
Left x -> [(label, contents `docAppend` x)]
Right i -> (label, contents) : i
+ -- handle '\]' escapes
+ accept True ']' = Just False
+ -- stop on ']' or '\n'
+ accept _ ']' = Nothing
+ accept _ '\n' = Nothing
+ -- starting an escape sequence
+ accept _ '\\' = Just True
+ -- anything else
+ accept _ _ = Just False
-- | Drops all trailing newlines.
dropNLs :: String -> String
dropNLs = reverse . dropWhile (== '\n') . reverse
diff --git a/html-test/ref/Bug546.html b/html-test/ref/Bug546.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1ed6657f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/html-test/ref/Bug546.html
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
+ ><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
+ /><title
+ >Bug546</title
+ ><link href="#" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="Ocean"
+ /><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="#"
+ /><script src="haddock-bundle.min.js" async="async" type="text/javascript"
+ ></script
+ ><script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjax/2.7.0/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML" type="text/javascript"
+ ></script
+ ></head
+ ><body
+ ><div id="package-header"
+ ><ul class="links" id="page-menu"
+ ><li
+ ><a href="#"
+ >Contents</a
+ ></li
+ ><li
+ ><a href="#"
+ >Index</a
+ ></li
+ ></ul
+ ><p class="caption empty"
+ ></p
+ ></div
+ ><div id="content"
+ ><div id="module-header"
+ ><table class="info"
+ ><tr
+ ><th
+ >Safe Haskell</th
+ ><td
+ >Safe</td
+ ></tr
+ ></table
+ ><p class="caption"
+ >Bug546</p
+ ></div
+ ><div id="synopsis"
+ ><details id="syn"
+ ><summary
+ >Synopsis</summary
+ ><ul class="details-toggle" data-details-id="syn"
+ ><li class="src short"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >x</a
+ > :: <a href="#"
+ >Integer</a
+ ></li
+ ><li class="src short"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >compile</a
+ > :: <a href="#"
+ >String</a
+ > -&gt; <a href="#"
+ >String</a
+ ></li
+ ></ul
+ ></details
+ ></div
+ ><div id="interface"
+ ><h1
+ >Documentation</h1
+ ><div class="top"
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a id="v:x" class="def"
+ >x</a
+ > :: <a href="#"
+ >Integer</a
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><div class="doc"
+ ><p
+ >Test:</p
+ ><dl
+ ><dt
+ ><code
+ >[code with square \ brackets]</code
+ ></dt
+ ><dd
+ >lorem ipsum</dd
+ ></dl
+ ></div
+ ></div
+ ><div class="top"
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a id="v:compile" class="def"
+ >compile</a
+ > :: <a href="#"
+ >String</a
+ > -&gt; <a href="#"
+ >String</a
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><div class="doc"
+ ><dl
+ ><dt
+ ><code
+ >[..]</code
+ ></dt
+ ><dd
+ >Matches any of the enclosed characters. Ranges of characters can
+ be specified by separating the endpoints with a <code
+ >'-'</code
+ >. <code
+ >'-'</code
+ > or
+ <code
+ >']'</code
+ > can be matched by including them as the first character(s)
+ in the list. Never matches path separators: <code
+ >[/]</code
+ > matches
+ nothing at all. Named character classes can also be matched:
+ <code
+ >[:x:]</code
+ > within <code
+ >[]</code
+ > specifies the class named <code
+ >x</code
+ >, which matches
+ certain predefined characters. See below for a full list.</dd
+ ><dt
+ ><code
+ >[^..]</code
+ > or <code
+ >[!..]</code
+ ></dt
+ ><dd
+ >Like <code
+ >[..]</code
+ >, but matches any character <em
+ >not</em
+ > listed.
+ Note that <code
+ >[^-x]</code
+ > is not the inverse of <code
+ >[-x]</code
+ >, but
+ the range <code
+ >[^-x]</code
+ >.</dd
+ ><dt
+ ><code
+ >&lt;m-n&gt;</code
+ ></dt
+ ><dd
+ >Matches any integer in the range m to n, inclusive. The range may
+ be open-ended by leaving out either number: <code
+ >&quot;&lt;-&gt;&quot;</code
+ >, for
+ instance, matches any integer.</dd
+ ><dt
+ ><code
+ >**/</code
+ ></dt
+ ><dd
+ >Matches any number of characters, including path separators,
+ excluding the empty string.</dd
+ ></dl
+ ><p
+ >Supported character classes:</p
+ ><dl
+ ><dt
+ ><code
+ >[:alnum:]</code
+ ></dt
+ ><dd
+ >Equivalent to <code
+ >&quot;0-9A-Za-z&quot;</code
+ >.</dd
+ ><dt
+ ><code
+ >[:alpha:]</code
+ ></dt
+ ><dd
+ >Equivalent to <code
+ >&quot;A-Za-z&quot;</code
+ >.</dd
+ ><dt
+ ><code
+ >[:blank:]</code
+ ></dt
+ ><dd
+ >Equivalent to <code
+ >&quot;\t &quot;</code
+ >.</dd
+ ><dt
+ ><code
+ >[:cntrl:]</code
+ ></dt
+ ><dd
+ >Equivalent to <code
+ >&quot;\0-\x1f\x7f&quot;</code
+ >.</dd
+ ><dt
+ ><code
+ >[:digit:]</code
+ ></dt
+ ><dd
+ >Equivalent to <code
+ >&quot;0-9&quot;</code
+ >.</dd
+ ><dt
+ ><code
+ >[:graph:]</code
+ ></dt
+ ><dd
+ >Equivalent to <code
+ >&quot;!-~&quot;</code
+ >.</dd
+ ><dt
+ ><code
+ >[:lower:]</code
+ ></dt
+ ><dd
+ >Equivalent to <code
+ >&quot;a-z&quot;</code
+ >.</dd
+ ><dt
+ ><code
+ >[:print:]</code
+ ></dt
+ ><dd
+ >Equivalent to <code
+ >&quot; -~&quot;</code
+ >.</dd
+ ><dt
+ ><code
+ >[:punct:]</code
+ ></dt
+ ><dd
+ >Equivalent to <code
+ >&quot;!-/:-@[-`{-~&quot;</code
+ >.</dd
+ ><dt
+ ><code
+ >[:space:]</code
+ ></dt
+ ><dd
+ >Equivalent to <code
+ >&quot;\t-\r &quot;</code
+ >.</dd
+ ><dt
+ ><code
+ >[:upper:]</code
+ ></dt
+ ><dd
+ >Equivalent to <code
+ >&quot;A-Z&quot;</code
+ >.</dd
+ ><dt
+ ><code
+ >[:xdigit:]</code
+ ></dt
+ ><dd
+ >Equivalent to <code
+ >&quot;0-9A-Fa-f&quot;</code
+ >.</dd
+ ></dl
+ ></div
+ ></div
+ ></div
+ ></div
+ ><div id="footer"
+ ></div
+ ></body
+ ></html
+> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html-test/src/Bug546.hs b/html-test/src/Bug546.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4493b1d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/html-test/src/Bug546.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+module Bug546 where
+-- |Test:
+-- [@[code with square \\ brackets\]@] lorem ipsum
+x = 1
+-- |
+-- [@[..\]@] Matches any of the enclosed characters. Ranges of characters can
+-- be specified by separating the endpoints with a @\'-'@. @\'-'@ or
+-- @']'@ can be matched by including them as the first character(s)
+-- in the list. Never matches path separators: @[\/]@ matches
+-- nothing at all. Named character classes can also be matched:
+-- @[:x:]@ within @[]@ specifies the class named @x@, which matches
+-- certain predefined characters. See below for a full list.
+-- [@[^..\]@ or @[!..\]@] Like @[..]@, but matches any character /not/ listed.
+-- Note that @[^-x]@ is not the inverse of @[-x]@, but
+-- the range @[^-x]@.
+-- [@\<m-n>@] Matches any integer in the range m to n, inclusive. The range may
+-- be open-ended by leaving out either number: @\"\<->\"@, for
+-- instance, matches any integer.
+-- [@**/@] Matches any number of characters, including path separators,
+-- excluding the empty string.
+-- Supported character classes:
+-- [@[:alnum:\]@] Equivalent to @\"0-9A-Za-z\"@.
+-- [@[:alpha:\]@] Equivalent to @\"A-Za-z\"@.
+-- [@[:blank:\]@] Equivalent to @\"\\t \"@.
+-- [@[:cntrl:\]@] Equivalent to @\"\\0-\\x1f\\x7f\"@.
+-- [@[:digit:\]@] Equivalent to @\"0-9\"@.
+-- [@[:graph:\]@] Equivalent to @\"!-~\"@.
+-- [@[:lower:\]@] Equivalent to @\"a-z\"@.
+-- [@[:print:\]@] Equivalent to @\" -~\"@.
+-- [@[:punct:\]@] Equivalent to @\"!-\/:-\@[-`{-~\"@.
+-- [@[:space:\]@] Equivalent to @\"\\t-\\r \"@.
+-- [@[:upper:\]@] Equivalent to @\"A-Z\"@.
+-- [@[:xdigit:\]@] Equivalent to @\"0-9A-Fa-f\"@.
+compile :: String -> String
+compile = id \ No newline at end of file