diff options
2 files changed, 80 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/src/HaddockRename.hs b/src/HaddockRename.hs
index 77983e02..b539e9ff 100644
--- a/src/HaddockRename.hs
+++ b/src/HaddockRename.hs
@@ -88,12 +88,16 @@ renameDecl decl
ty <- renameType ty0
doc <- renameMaybeDoc doc0
return (HsTypeDecl loc t args ty doc)
- HsDataDecl loc ctx t args cons0 drv doc0 -> do
+ HsDataDecl loc ctx0 t args cons0 drv0 doc0 -> do
+ ctx <- mapM renamePred ctx0
cons <- mapM renameConDecl cons0
+ drv <- mapM (lookupRn id) drv0
doc <- renameMaybeDoc doc0
return (HsDataDecl loc ctx t args cons drv doc)
- HsNewTypeDecl loc ctx t args con0 drv doc0 -> do
+ HsNewTypeDecl loc ctx0 t args con0 drv0 doc0 -> do
+ ctx <- mapM renamePred ctx0
con <- renameConDecl con0
+ drv <- mapM (lookupRn id) drv0
doc <- renameMaybeDoc doc0
return (HsNewTypeDecl loc ctx t args con drv doc)
HsClassDecl loc ctxt0 nm tvs fds decls0 doc0 -> do
diff --git a/src/Main.hs b/src/Main.hs
index cc1b76f6..b7432166 100644
--- a/src/Main.hs
+++ b/src/Main.hs
@@ -341,7 +341,8 @@ mkInterface no_implicit_prelude mod_map filename
decl_map :: FiniteMap HsName HsDecl
decl_map = listToFM [ (n,d) | d <- final_decls, n <- declBinders d ]
- instances = [ d | d@HsInstDecl{} <- final_decls ]
+ instances = [ d | d@HsInstDecl{} <- final_decls ] ++
+ [ d | decl <- orig_decls, d <- derivedInstances mdl decl]
-- make the "export items", which will be converted into docs later
orig_export_list <- mkExportItems mod_map mdl orig_env decl_map sub_map
@@ -394,6 +395,78 @@ mkInterface no_implicit_prelude mod_map filename
+-- Try to generate instance declarations for derived instances.
+-- We can't do this properly without instance inference, but if a type
+-- variable occurs as a constructor argument, then we can just
+-- propagate the derived class to the variable. But we know nothing of
+-- the constraints on any type variables that occur elsewhere.
+-- Note that a type variable may be in both categories: then we know a
+-- constraint, but there may be more, or a stronger constraint.
+derivedInstances :: Module -> HsDecl -> [HsDecl]
+derivedInstances mdl decl = case decl of
+ HsDataDecl srcloc ctxt n tvs cons drv@(_:_) _ ->
+ derived srcloc ctxt n tvs cons drv
+ HsNewTypeDecl srcloc ctxt n tvs con drv@(_:_) _ ->
+ derived srcloc ctxt n tvs [con] drv
+ _ -> []
+ where
+ derived srcloc ctxt n tvs cons drv =
+ [HsInstDecl srcloc
+ (ctxt ++ [(cls,[v]) | v <- simple_tvars] ++ extra_constraint)
+ (cls,[t]) [] |
+ cls <- drv]
+ where
+ tvar_map = fmToList $ unionMaps (map tvarsConstr cons)
+ simple_tvars = [HsTyVar v | (v,(in_constr,_)) <- tvar_map, in_constr]
+ complex_tvars = [HsTyVar v | (v,(_,in_tycons)) <- tvar_map, in_tycons]
+ extra_constraint
+ | null complex_tvars = []
+ | otherwise = [(unknownConstraint,complex_tvars)]
+ t | n == tuple_tycon_name (length tvs - 1) =
+ HsTyTuple True (map HsTyVar tvs)
+ | otherwise = foldl HsTyApp (HsTyCon (Qual mdl n)) (map HsTyVar tvs)
+ -- collect the type variables occurring free in a constr
+ tvarsConstr :: HsConDecl -> FiniteMap HsName (Bool,Bool)
+ -- first Bool: tvar occurs as a data constructor argument
+ -- second Bool: tvar occurs as a type constructor argument
+ tvarsConstr (HsConDecl _ _ vs _ bts _) =
+ unionMaps (map tvarsBangType bts) `delListFromFM` vs
+ tvarsConstr (HsRecDecl _ _ vs _ fs _) =
+ unionMaps (map tvarsField fs) `delListFromFM` vs
+ tvarsField (HsFieldDecl _ bt _) = tvarsBangType bt
+ tvarsBangType (HsBangedTy t) = tvarsType t
+ tvarsBangType (HsUnBangedTy t) = tvarsType t
+ tvarsType (HsTyTuple _ ts) = unionMaps (map tvarsType ts)
+ tvarsType (HsTyVar tv) = unitFM tv (True,False)
+ tvarsType (HsTyDoc t _) = tvarsType t
+ tvarsType t = tvarsType2 t
+ tvarsType2 (HsForAllType (Just tvs) _ t) = tvarsType2 t `delListFromFM` tvs
+ tvarsType2 (HsForAllType Nothing _ t) = tvarsType2 t
+ tvarsType2 (HsTyFun t1 t2) = tvarsType2 t1 `unionMap` tvarsType2 t2
+ tvarsType2 (HsTyTuple _ ts) = unionMaps (map tvarsType2 ts)
+ tvarsType2 (HsTyApp t1 t2) = tvarsType2 t1 `unionMap` tvarsType2 t2
+ tvarsType2 (HsTyVar tv) = unitFM tv (False,True)
+ tvarsType2 (HsTyCon _) = emptyFM
+ tvarsType2 (HsTyDoc t _) = tvarsType2 t
+ unionMaps :: [FiniteMap HsName (Bool,Bool)] -> FiniteMap HsName (Bool,Bool)
+ unionMaps = foldr unionMap emptyFM
+ unionMap :: FiniteMap HsName (Bool,Bool) -> FiniteMap HsName (Bool,Bool) ->
+ FiniteMap HsName (Bool,Bool)
+ unionMap = plusFM_C or2
+ or2 :: (Bool,Bool) -> (Bool,Bool) -> (Bool,Bool)
+ or2 (a1,b1) (a2,b2) = (a1 || a2, b1 || b2)
+unknownConstraint :: HsQName
+unknownConstraint = UnQual (HsTyClsName (HsIdent "???"))
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Build the list of items that will become the documentation, from the
-- export list. At this point, the list of ExportItems is in terms of