path: root/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs
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1 files changed, 96 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs
index b2c34bb4..e7d80969 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ import GHC
import Class
import DynFlags
+import HsTypes (HsType(..))
moduleString :: Module -> String
moduleString = moduleNameString . moduleName
@@ -226,6 +228,100 @@ getGADTConTypeG (ConDeclH98 {}) = panic "getGADTConTypeG"
-- Should only be called on ConDeclGADT
getGADTConTypeG (XConDecl {}) = panic "getGADTConTypeG"
+-- * Parenthesization
+-- | Precedence level (inside the 'HsType' AST).
+data Precedence
+ = PREC_TOP -- ^ precedence of 'type' production in GHC's parser
+ | PREC_CTX -- ^ Used for single contexts, eg. ctx => type
+ -- (as opposed to (ctx1, ctx2) => type)
+ | PREC_FUN -- ^ precedence of 'btype' production in GHC's parser
+ -- (used for LH arg of (->))
+ | PREC_OP -- ^ arg of any infix operator
+ -- (we don't keep have fixity info)
+ | PREC_CON -- ^ arg of type application: always parenthesize unless atomic
+ deriving (Eq, Ord)
+-- | Add in extra 'HsParTy' where needed to ensure that what would be printed
+-- out using 'ppr' has enough parentheses to be re-parsed properly.
+-- We cannot add parens that may be required by fixities because we do not have
+-- any fixity information to work with in the first place :(.
+reparenTypePrec :: (XParTy a ~ NoExt) => Precedence -> HsType a -> HsType a
+reparenTypePrec = go
+ where
+ -- Shorter name for 'reparenType'
+ go :: (XParTy a ~ NoExt) => Precedence -> HsType a -> HsType a
+ go _ (HsBangTy x b ty) = HsBangTy x b (reparenLType ty)
+ go _ (HsTupleTy x con tys) = HsTupleTy x con (map reparenLType tys)
+ go _ (HsSumTy x tys) = HsSumTy x (map reparenLType tys)
+ go _ (HsKindSig x ty kind) = HsKindSig x (reparenLType ty) (reparenLType kind)
+ go _ (HsListTy x ty) = HsListTy x (reparenLType ty)
+ go _ (HsRecTy x flds) = HsRecTy x (map (fmap reparenConDeclField) flds)
+ go p (HsDocTy x ty d) = HsDocTy x (goL p ty) d
+ go _ (HsExplicitListTy x p tys) = HsExplicitListTy x p (map reparenLType tys)
+ go _ (HsExplicitTupleTy x tys) = HsExplicitTupleTy x (map reparenLType tys)
+ go p (HsIParamTy x n ty)
+ = paren p PREC_CTX $ HsIParamTy x n (reparenLType ty)
+ go p (HsForAllTy x tvs ty)
+ = paren p PREC_CTX $ HsForAllTy x (map (fmap reparenTyVar) tvs) (reparenLType ty)
+ go p (HsQualTy x ctxt ty)
+ = paren p PREC_FUN $ HsQualTy x (fmap (map reparenLType) ctxt) (reparenLType ty)
+ go p (HsFunTy x ty1 ty2)
+ = paren p PREC_FUN $ HsFunTy x (goL PREC_FUN ty1) (goL PREC_TOP ty2)
+ go p (HsAppTy x fun_ty arg_ty)
+ = paren p PREC_CON $ HsAppTy x (goL PREC_FUN fun_ty) (goL PREC_CON arg_ty)
+ go p (HsOpTy x ty1 op ty2)
+ = paren p PREC_FUN $ HsOpTy x (goL PREC_OP ty1) op (goL PREC_OP ty2)
+ go p (HsParTy _ t) = unLoc $ goL p t -- pretend the paren doesn't exist - it will be added back if needed
+ go _ t@HsTyVar{} = t
+ go _ t@HsStarTy{} = t
+ go _ t@HsSpliceTy{} = t
+ go _ t@HsTyLit{} = t
+ go _ t@HsWildCardTy{} = t
+ go _ t@XHsType{} = t
+ -- Located variant of 'go'
+ goL :: (XParTy a ~ NoExt) => Precedence -> LHsType a -> LHsType a
+ goL ctxt_prec = fmap (go ctxt_prec)
+ -- Optionally wrap a type in parens
+ paren :: (XParTy a ~ NoExt)
+ => Precedence -- Precedence of context
+ -> Precedence -- Precedence of top-level operator
+ -> HsType a -> HsType a -- Wrap in parens if (ctxt >= op)
+ paren ctxt_prec op_prec | ctxt_prec >= op_prec = HsParTy NoExt . noLoc
+ | otherwise = id
+-- | Add parenthesis around the types in a 'HsType' (see 'reparenTypePrec')
+reparenType :: (XParTy a ~ NoExt) => HsType a -> HsType a
+reparenType = reparenTypePrec PREC_TOP
+-- | Add parenthesis around the types in a 'LHsType' (see 'reparenTypePrec')
+reparenLType :: (XParTy a ~ NoExt) => LHsType a -> LHsType a
+reparenLType = fmap reparenType
+-- | Add parenthesis around the types in a 'HsTyVarBndr' (see 'reparenTypePrec')
+reparenTyVar :: (XParTy a ~ NoExt) => HsTyVarBndr a -> HsTyVarBndr a
+reparenTyVar (UserTyVar x n) = UserTyVar x n
+reparenTyVar (KindedTyVar x n kind) = KindedTyVar x n (reparenLType kind)
+reparenTyVar v@XTyVarBndr{} = v
+-- | Add parenthesis around the types in a 'ConDeclField' (see 'reparenTypePrec')
+reparenConDeclField :: (XParTy a ~ NoExt) => ConDeclField a -> ConDeclField a
+reparenConDeclField (ConDeclField x n t d) = ConDeclField x n (reparenLType t) d
+reparenConDeclField c@XConDeclField{} = c
-- * Located