path: root/haddock-library/vendor/attoparsec-
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 536 deletions
diff --git a/haddock-library/vendor/attoparsec- b/haddock-library/vendor/attoparsec-
deleted file mode 100644
index 4938ea87..00000000
--- a/haddock-library/vendor/attoparsec-
+++ /dev/null
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-{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, CPP, GADTs, OverloadedStrings, RankNTypes,
- RecordWildCards #-}
--- |
--- Module : Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Internal
--- Copyright : Bryan O'Sullivan 2007-2015
--- License : BSD3
--- Maintainer : bos@serpentine.com
--- Stability : experimental
--- Portability : unknown
--- Simple, efficient parser combinators for 'ByteString' strings,
--- loosely based on the Parsec library.
-module Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Internal
- (
- -- * Parser types
- Parser
- , Result
- -- * Running parsers
- , parse
- , parseOnly
- -- * Combinators
- , module Data.Attoparsec.Combinator
- -- * Parsing individual bytes
- , satisfy
- , satisfyWith
- , anyWord8
- , skip
- , word8
- , notWord8
- -- ** Lookahead
- , peekWord8
- , peekWord8'
- -- ** Byte classes
- , inClass
- , notInClass
- -- * Parsing more complicated structures
- , storable
- -- * Efficient string handling
- , skipWhile
- , string
- , stringCI
- , take
- , scan
- , runScanner
- , takeWhile
- , takeWhile1
- , takeTill
- -- ** Consume all remaining input
- , takeByteString
- , takeLazyByteString
- -- * Utilities
- , endOfLine
- , endOfInput
- , match
- , atEnd
- ) where
-#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
-import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
-import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
-import Control.Monad (when)
-import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Buffer (Buffer, buffer)
-import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.FastSet (charClass, memberWord8)
-import Data.Attoparsec.Combinator ((<?>))
-import Data.Attoparsec.Internal
-import Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Fhthagn (inlinePerformIO)
-import Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Types hiding (Parser, Failure, Success)
-import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
-import Data.List (intercalate)
-import Data.Word (Word8)
-import Foreign.ForeignPtr (withForeignPtr)
-import Foreign.Ptr (castPtr, minusPtr, plusPtr)
-import Foreign.Storable (Storable(peek, sizeOf))
-import Prelude hiding (getChar, succ, take, takeWhile)
-import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Buffer as Buf
-import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Types as T
-import qualified Data.ByteString as B8
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as B
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as B
-type Parser = T.Parser ByteString
-type Result = IResult ByteString
-type Failure r = T.Failure ByteString Buffer r
-type Success a r = T.Success ByteString Buffer a r
--- | The parser @satisfy p@ succeeds for any byte for which the
--- predicate @p@ returns 'True'. Returns the byte that is actually
--- parsed.
--- >digit = satisfy isDigit
--- > where isDigit w = w >= 48 && w <= 57
-satisfy :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Parser Word8
-satisfy p = do
- h <- peekWord8'
- if p h
- then advance 1 >> return h
- else fail "satisfy"
-{-# INLINE satisfy #-}
--- | The parser @skip p@ succeeds for any byte for which the predicate
--- @p@ returns 'True'.
--- >skipDigit = skip isDigit
--- > where isDigit w = w >= 48 && w <= 57
-skip :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Parser ()
-skip p = do
- h <- peekWord8'
- if p h
- then advance 1
- else fail "skip"
--- | The parser @satisfyWith f p@ transforms a byte, and succeeds if
--- the predicate @p@ returns 'True' on the transformed value. The
--- parser returns the transformed byte that was parsed.
-satisfyWith :: (Word8 -> a) -> (a -> Bool) -> Parser a
-satisfyWith f p = do
- h <- peekWord8'
- let c = f h
- if p c
- then advance 1 >> return c
- else fail "satisfyWith"
-{-# INLINE satisfyWith #-}
-storable :: Storable a => Parser a
-storable = hack undefined
- where
- hack :: Storable b => b -> Parser b
- hack dummy = do
- (fp,o,_) <- B.toForeignPtr `fmap` take (sizeOf dummy)
- return . inlinePerformIO . withForeignPtr fp $ \p ->
- peek (castPtr $ p `plusPtr` o)
--- | Consume exactly @n@ bytes of input.
-take :: Int -> Parser ByteString
-take n0 = do
- let n = max n0 0
- s <- ensure n
- advance n >> return s
-{-# INLINE take #-}
--- | @string s@ parses a sequence of bytes that identically match
--- @s@. Returns the parsed string (i.e. @s@). This parser consumes no
--- input if it fails (even if a partial match).
--- /Note/: The behaviour of this parser is different to that of the
--- similarly-named parser in Parsec, as this one is all-or-nothing.
--- To illustrate the difference, the following parser will fail under
--- Parsec given an input of @\"for\"@:
--- >string "foo" <|> string "for"
--- The reason for its failure is that the first branch is a
--- partial match, and will consume the letters @\'f\'@ and @\'o\'@
--- before failing. In attoparsec, the above parser will /succeed/ on
--- that input, because the failed first branch will consume nothing.
-string :: ByteString -> Parser ByteString
-string s = string_ (stringSuspended id) id s
-{-# INLINE string #-}
--- ASCII-specific but fast, oh yes.
-toLower :: Word8 -> Word8
-toLower w | w >= 65 && w <= 90 = w + 32
- | otherwise = w
--- | Satisfy a literal string, ignoring case.
-stringCI :: ByteString -> Parser ByteString
-stringCI s = string_ (stringSuspended lower) lower s
- where lower = B8.map toLower
-{-# INLINE stringCI #-}
-string_ :: (forall r. ByteString -> ByteString -> Buffer -> Pos -> More
- -> Failure r -> Success ByteString r -> Result r)
- -> (ByteString -> ByteString)
- -> ByteString -> Parser ByteString
-string_ suspended f s0 = T.Parser $ \t pos more lose succ ->
- let n = B.length s
- s = f s0
- in if lengthAtLeast pos n t
- then let t' = substring pos (Pos n) t
- in if s == f t'
- then succ t (pos + Pos n) more t'
- else lose t pos more [] "string"
- else let t' = Buf.unsafeDrop (fromPos pos) t
- in if f t' `B.isPrefixOf` s
- then suspended s (B.drop (B.length t') s) t pos more lose succ
- else lose t pos more [] "string"
-{-# INLINE string_ #-}
-stringSuspended :: (ByteString -> ByteString)
- -> ByteString -> ByteString -> Buffer -> Pos -> More
- -> Failure r
- -> Success ByteString r
- -> Result r
-stringSuspended f s0 s t pos more lose succ =
- runParser (demandInput_ >>= go) t pos more lose succ
- where go s'0 = T.Parser $ \t' pos' more' lose' succ' ->
- let m = B.length s
- s' = f s'0
- n = B.length s'
- in if n >= m
- then if B.unsafeTake m s' == s
- then let o = Pos (B.length s0)
- in succ' t' (pos' + o) more'
- (substring pos' o t')
- else lose' t' pos' more' [] "string"
- else if s' == B.unsafeTake n s
- then stringSuspended f s0 (B.unsafeDrop n s)
- t' pos' more' lose' succ'
- else lose' t' pos' more' [] "string"
--- | Skip past input for as long as the predicate returns 'True'.
-skipWhile :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Parser ()
-skipWhile p = go
- where
- go = do
- t <- B8.takeWhile p <$> get
- continue <- inputSpansChunks (B.length t)
- when continue go
-{-# INLINE skipWhile #-}
--- | Consume input as long as the predicate returns 'False'
--- (i.e. until it returns 'True'), and return the consumed input.
--- This parser does not fail. It will return an empty string if the
--- predicate returns 'True' on the first byte of input.
--- /Note/: Because this parser does not fail, do not use it with
--- combinators such as 'Control.Applicative.many', because such
--- parsers loop until a failure occurs. Careless use will thus result
--- in an infinite loop.
-takeTill :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Parser ByteString
-takeTill p = takeWhile (not . p)
-{-# INLINE takeTill #-}
--- | Consume input as long as the predicate returns 'True', and return
--- the consumed input.
--- This parser does not fail. It will return an empty string if the
--- predicate returns 'False' on the first byte of input.
--- /Note/: Because this parser does not fail, do not use it with
--- combinators such as 'Control.Applicative.many', because such
--- parsers loop until a failure occurs. Careless use will thus result
--- in an infinite loop.
-takeWhile :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Parser ByteString
-takeWhile p = do
- s <- B8.takeWhile p <$> get
- continue <- inputSpansChunks (B.length s)
- if continue
- then takeWhileAcc p [s]
- else return s
-{-# INLINE takeWhile #-}
-takeWhileAcc :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> [ByteString] -> Parser ByteString
-takeWhileAcc p = go
- where
- go acc = do
- s <- B8.takeWhile p <$> get
- continue <- inputSpansChunks (B.length s)
- if continue
- then go (s:acc)
- else return $ concatReverse (s:acc)
-{-# INLINE takeWhileAcc #-}
-takeRest :: Parser [ByteString]
-takeRest = go []
- where
- go acc = do
- input <- wantInput
- if input
- then do
- s <- get
- advance (B.length s)
- go (s:acc)
- else return (reverse acc)
--- | Consume all remaining input and return it as a single string.
-takeByteString :: Parser ByteString
-takeByteString = B.concat `fmap` takeRest
--- | Consume all remaining input and return it as a single string.
-takeLazyByteString :: Parser L.ByteString
-takeLazyByteString = L.fromChunks `fmap` takeRest
-data T s = T {-# UNPACK #-} !Int s
-scan_ :: (s -> [ByteString] -> Parser r) -> s -> (s -> Word8 -> Maybe s)
- -> Parser r
-scan_ f s0 p = go [] s0
- where
- go acc s1 = do
- let scanner (B.PS fp off len) =
- withForeignPtr fp $ \ptr0 -> do
- let start = ptr0 `plusPtr` off
- end = start `plusPtr` len
- inner ptr !s
- | ptr < end = do
- w <- peek ptr
- case p s w of
- Just s' -> inner (ptr `plusPtr` 1) s'
- _ -> done (ptr `minusPtr` start) s
- | otherwise = done (ptr `minusPtr` start) s
- done !i !s = return (T i s)
- inner start s1
- bs <- get
- let T i s' = inlinePerformIO $ scanner bs
- !h = B.unsafeTake i bs
- continue <- inputSpansChunks i
- if continue
- then go (h:acc) s'
- else f s' (h:acc)
-{-# INLINE scan_ #-}
--- | A stateful scanner. The predicate consumes and transforms a
--- state argument, and each transformed state is passed to successive
--- invocations of the predicate on each byte of the input until one
--- returns 'Nothing' or the input ends.
--- This parser does not fail. It will return an empty string if the
--- predicate returns 'Nothing' on the first byte of input.
--- /Note/: Because this parser does not fail, do not use it with
--- combinators such as 'Control.Applicative.many', because such
--- parsers loop until a failure occurs. Careless use will thus result
--- in an infinite loop.
-scan :: s -> (s -> Word8 -> Maybe s) -> Parser ByteString
-scan = scan_ $ \_ chunks -> return $! concatReverse chunks
-{-# INLINE scan #-}
--- | Like 'scan', but generalized to return the final state of the
--- scanner.
-runScanner :: s -> (s -> Word8 -> Maybe s) -> Parser (ByteString, s)
-runScanner = scan_ $ \s xs -> let !sx = concatReverse xs in return (sx, s)
-{-# INLINE runScanner #-}
--- | Consume input as long as the predicate returns 'True', and return
--- the consumed input.
--- This parser requires the predicate to succeed on at least one byte
--- of input: it will fail if the predicate never returns 'True' or if
--- there is no input left.
-takeWhile1 :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Parser ByteString
-takeWhile1 p = do
- (`when` demandInput) =<< endOfChunk
- s <- B8.takeWhile p <$> get
- let len = B.length s
- if len == 0
- then fail "takeWhile1"
- else do
- advance len
- eoc <- endOfChunk
- if eoc
- then takeWhileAcc p [s]
- else return s
-{-# INLINE takeWhile1 #-}
--- | Match any byte in a set.
--- >vowel = inClass "aeiou"
--- Range notation is supported.
--- >halfAlphabet = inClass "a-nA-N"
--- To add a literal @\'-\'@ to a set, place it at the beginning or end
--- of the string.
-inClass :: String -> Word8 -> Bool
-inClass s = (`memberWord8` mySet)
- where mySet = charClass s
- {-# NOINLINE mySet #-}
-{-# INLINE inClass #-}
--- | Match any byte not in a set.
-notInClass :: String -> Word8 -> Bool
-notInClass s = not . inClass s
-{-# INLINE notInClass #-}
--- | Match any byte.
-anyWord8 :: Parser Word8
-anyWord8 = satisfy $ const True
-{-# INLINE anyWord8 #-}
--- | Match a specific byte.
-word8 :: Word8 -> Parser Word8
-word8 c = satisfy (== c) <?> show c
-{-# INLINE word8 #-}
--- | Match any byte except the given one.
-notWord8 :: Word8 -> Parser Word8
-notWord8 c = satisfy (/= c) <?> "not " ++ show c
-{-# INLINE notWord8 #-}
--- | Match any byte, to perform lookahead. Returns 'Nothing' if end of
--- input has been reached. Does not consume any input.
--- /Note/: Because this parser does not fail, do not use it with
--- combinators such as 'Control.Applicative.many', because such
--- parsers loop until a failure occurs. Careless use will thus result
--- in an infinite loop.
-peekWord8 :: Parser (Maybe Word8)
-peekWord8 = T.Parser $ \t pos@(Pos pos_) more _lose succ ->
- case () of
- _| pos_ < Buf.length t ->
- let !w = Buf.unsafeIndex t pos_
- in succ t pos more (Just w)
- | more == Complete ->
- succ t pos more Nothing
- | otherwise ->
- let succ' t' pos' more' = let !w = Buf.unsafeIndex t' pos_
- in succ t' pos' more' (Just w)
- lose' t' pos' more' = succ t' pos' more' Nothing
- in prompt t pos more lose' succ'
-{-# INLINE peekWord8 #-}
--- | Match any byte, to perform lookahead. Does not consume any
--- input, but will fail if end of input has been reached.
-peekWord8' :: Parser Word8
-peekWord8' = T.Parser $ \t pos more lose succ ->
- if lengthAtLeast pos 1 t
- then succ t pos more (Buf.unsafeIndex t (fromPos pos))
- else let succ' t' pos' more' bs' = succ t' pos' more' $! B.unsafeHead bs'
- in ensureSuspended 1 t pos more lose succ'
-{-# INLINE peekWord8' #-}
--- | Match either a single newline character @\'\\n\'@, or a carriage
--- return followed by a newline character @\"\\r\\n\"@.
-endOfLine :: Parser ()
-endOfLine = (word8 10 >> return ()) <|> (string "\r\n" >> return ())
--- | Terminal failure continuation.
-failK :: Failure a
-failK t (Pos pos) _more stack msg = Fail (Buf.unsafeDrop pos t) stack msg
-{-# INLINE failK #-}
--- | Terminal success continuation.
-successK :: Success a a
-successK t (Pos pos) _more a = Done (Buf.unsafeDrop pos t) a
-{-# INLINE successK #-}
--- | Run a parser.
-parse :: Parser a -> ByteString -> Result a
-parse m s = T.runParser m (buffer s) (Pos 0) Incomplete failK successK
-{-# INLINE parse #-}
--- | Run a parser that cannot be resupplied via a 'Partial' result.
--- This function does not force a parser to consume all of its input.
--- Instead, any residual input will be discarded. To force a parser
--- to consume all of its input, use something like this:
--- @
---'parseOnly' (myParser 'Control.Applicative.<*' 'endOfInput')
--- @
-parseOnly :: Parser a -> ByteString -> Either String a
-parseOnly m s = case T.runParser m (buffer s) (Pos 0) Complete failK successK of
- Fail _ [] err -> Left err
- Fail _ ctxs err -> Left (intercalate " > " ctxs ++ ": " ++ err)
- Done _ a -> Right a
- _ -> error "parseOnly: impossible error!"
-{-# INLINE parseOnly #-}
-get :: Parser ByteString
-get = T.Parser $ \t pos more _lose succ ->
- succ t pos more (Buf.unsafeDrop (fromPos pos) t)
-{-# INLINE get #-}
-endOfChunk :: Parser Bool
-endOfChunk = T.Parser $ \t pos more _lose succ ->
- succ t pos more (fromPos pos == Buf.length t)
-{-# INLINE endOfChunk #-}
-inputSpansChunks :: Int -> Parser Bool
-inputSpansChunks i = T.Parser $ \t pos_ more _lose succ ->
- let pos = pos_ + Pos i
- in if fromPos pos < Buf.length t || more == Complete
- then succ t pos more False
- else let lose' t' pos' more' = succ t' pos' more' False
- succ' t' pos' more' = succ t' pos' more' True
- in prompt t pos more lose' succ'
-{-# INLINE inputSpansChunks #-}
-advance :: Int -> Parser ()
-advance n = T.Parser $ \t pos more _lose succ ->
- succ t (pos + Pos n) more ()
-{-# INLINE advance #-}
-ensureSuspended :: Int -> Buffer -> Pos -> More
- -> Failure r
- -> Success ByteString r
- -> Result r
-ensureSuspended n t pos more lose succ =
- runParser (demandInput >> go) t pos more lose succ
- where go = T.Parser $ \t' pos' more' lose' succ' ->
- if lengthAtLeast pos' n t'
- then succ' t' pos' more' (substring pos (Pos n) t')
- else runParser (demandInput >> go) t' pos' more' lose' succ'
--- | If at least @n@ elements of input are available, return the
--- current input, otherwise fail.
-ensure :: Int -> Parser ByteString
-ensure n = T.Parser $ \t pos more lose succ ->
- if lengthAtLeast pos n t
- then succ t pos more (substring pos (Pos n) t)
- -- The uncommon case is kept out-of-line to reduce code size:
- else ensureSuspended n t pos more lose succ
-{-# INLINE ensure #-}
--- | Return both the result of a parse and the portion of the input
--- that was consumed while it was being parsed.
-match :: Parser a -> Parser (ByteString, a)
-match p = T.Parser $ \t pos more lose succ ->
- let succ' t' pos' more' a =
- succ t' pos' more' (substring pos (pos'-pos) t', a)
- in runParser p t pos more lose succ'
-lengthAtLeast :: Pos -> Int -> Buffer -> Bool
-lengthAtLeast (Pos pos) n bs = Buf.length bs >= pos + n
-{-# INLINE lengthAtLeast #-}
-substring :: Pos -> Pos -> Buffer -> ByteString
-substring (Pos pos) (Pos n) = Buf.substring pos n
-{-# INLINE substring #-}