path: root/html-test/ref
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109 files changed, 2727 insertions, 219 deletions
diff --git a/html-test/ref/A.html b/html-test/ref/A.html
index 567e23f2..53a26042 100644
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+++ b/html-test/ref/A.html
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+> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html-test/ref/Bold.html b/html-test/ref/Bold.html
index 67db2642..44ee7d6e 100644
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+> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html-test/ref/Bug1.html b/html-test/ref/Bug1.html
index 56f70d1f..e264d03c 100644
--- a/html-test/ref/Bug1.html
+++ b/html-test/ref/Bug1.html
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+> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html-test/ref/Bug1004.html b/html-test/ref/Bug1004.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..630df356
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+ >Bug1004</title
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+ ></head
+ ><body
+ ><div id="package-header"
+ ><span class="caption empty"
+ ></span
+ ><ul class="links" id="page-menu"
+ ><li
+ ><a href="#"
+ >Contents</a
+ ></li
+ ><li
+ ><a href="#"
+ >Index</a
+ ></li
+ ></ul
+ ></div
+ ><div id="content"
+ ><div id="module-header"
+ ><table class="info"
+ ><tr
+ ><th
+ >Safe Haskell</th
+ ><td
+ >Safe</td
+ ></tr
+ ></table
+ ><p class="caption"
+ >Bug1004</p
+ ></div
+ ><div id="synopsis"
+ ><details id="syn"
+ ><summary
+ >Synopsis</summary
+ ><ul class="details-toggle" data-details-id="syn"
+ ><li class="src short"
+ ><span class="keyword"
+ >data</span
+ > <a href="#"
+ >Product</a
+ > (f :: k -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Kind"
+ >Type</a
+ >) (g :: k -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Kind"
+ >Type</a
+ >) (a :: k) = <a href="#"
+ >Pair</a
+ > (f a) (g a)</li
+ ></ul
+ ></details
+ ></div
+ ><div id="interface"
+ ><h1
+ >Documentation</h1
+ ><div class="top"
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><span class="keyword"
+ >data</span
+ > <a id="t:Product" class="def"
+ >Product</a
+ > (f :: k -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Kind"
+ >Type</a
+ >) (g :: k -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Kind"
+ >Type</a
+ >) (a :: k) <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><div class="doc"
+ ><p
+ >Lifted product of functors.</p
+ ></div
+ ><div class="subs constructors"
+ ><p class="caption"
+ >Constructors</p
+ ><table
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src"
+ ><a id="v:Pair" class="def"
+ >Pair</a
+ > (f a) (g a)</td
+ ><td class="doc empty"
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ></table
+ ></div
+ ><div class="subs instances"
+ ><h4 class="instances details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:Product"
+ >Instances</h4
+ ><details id="i:Product" open="open"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instances details</summary
+ ><table
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src clearfix"
+ ><span class="inst-left"
+ ><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:id:Product:Generic1:1"
+ ></span
+ > <a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >Generic1</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g :: k -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Kind"
+ >Type</a
+ >)</span
+ ></td
+ ><td class="doc"
+ ><p
+ ><em
+ >Since: base-</em
+ ></p
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td colspan="2"
+ ><details id="i:id:Product:Generic1:1"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instance details</summary
+ ><p
+ >Defined in <a href="#"
+ >Data.Functor.Product</a
+ ></p
+ > <div class="subs associated-types"
+ ><p class="caption"
+ >Associated Types</p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><span class="keyword"
+ >type</span
+ > <a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >Rep1</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g) :: k -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Kind"
+ >Type</a
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ></div
+ > <div class="subs methods"
+ ><p class="caption"
+ >Methods</p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >from1</a
+ > :: <span class="keyword"
+ >forall</span
+ > (a :: k0). <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >Rep1</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g) a <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >to1</a
+ > :: <span class="keyword"
+ >forall</span
+ > (a :: k0). <a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >Rep1</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g) a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ></div
+ ></details
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src clearfix"
+ ><span class="inst-left"
+ ><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:id:Product:Monad:2"
+ ></span
+ > (<a href="#" title="Control.Monad"
+ >Monad</a
+ > f, <a href="#" title="Control.Monad"
+ >Monad</a
+ > g) =&gt; <a href="#" title="Control.Monad"
+ >Monad</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g)</span
+ ></td
+ ><td class="doc"
+ ><p
+ ><em
+ >Since: base-</em
+ ></p
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td colspan="2"
+ ><details id="i:id:Product:Monad:2"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instance details</summary
+ ><p
+ >Defined in <a href="#"
+ >Data.Functor.Product</a
+ ></p
+ > <div class="subs methods"
+ ><p class="caption"
+ >Methods</p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >(&gt;&gt;=)</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; (a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g b) -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g b <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >(&gt;&gt;)</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g b -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g b <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >return</a
+ > :: a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >fail</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Data.String"
+ >String</a
+ > -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ></div
+ ></details
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src clearfix"
+ ><span class="inst-left"
+ ><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:id:Product:Functor:3"
+ ></span
+ > (<a href="#" title="Data.Functor"
+ >Functor</a
+ > f, <a href="#" title="Data.Functor"
+ >Functor</a
+ > g) =&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Functor"
+ >Functor</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g)</span
+ ></td
+ ><td class="doc"
+ ><p
+ ><em
+ >Since: base-</em
+ ></p
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td colspan="2"
+ ><details id="i:id:Product:Functor:3"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instance details</summary
+ ><p
+ >Defined in <a href="#"
+ >Data.Functor.Product</a
+ ></p
+ > <div class="subs methods"
+ ><p class="caption"
+ >Methods</p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >fmap</a
+ > :: (a -&gt; b) -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g b <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >(&lt;$)</a
+ > :: a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g b -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ></div
+ ></details
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src clearfix"
+ ><span class="inst-left"
+ ><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:id:Product:MonadFix:4"
+ ></span
+ > (<a href="#" title="Control.Monad.Fix"
+ >MonadFix</a
+ > f, <a href="#" title="Control.Monad.Fix"
+ >MonadFix</a
+ > g) =&gt; <a href="#" title="Control.Monad.Fix"
+ >MonadFix</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g)</span
+ ></td
+ ><td class="doc"
+ ><p
+ ><em
+ >Since: base-</em
+ ></p
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td colspan="2"
+ ><details id="i:id:Product:MonadFix:4"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instance details</summary
+ ><p
+ >Defined in <a href="#"
+ >Data.Functor.Product</a
+ ></p
+ > <div class="subs methods"
+ ><p class="caption"
+ >Methods</p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >mfix</a
+ > :: (a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a) -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ></div
+ ></details
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src clearfix"
+ ><span class="inst-left"
+ ><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:id:Product:Applicative:5"
+ ></span
+ > (<a href="#" title="Control.Applicative"
+ >Applicative</a
+ > f, <a href="#" title="Control.Applicative"
+ >Applicative</a
+ > g) =&gt; <a href="#" title="Control.Applicative"
+ >Applicative</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g)</span
+ ></td
+ ><td class="doc"
+ ><p
+ ><em
+ >Since: base-</em
+ ></p
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td colspan="2"
+ ><details id="i:id:Product:Applicative:5"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instance details</summary
+ ><p
+ >Defined in <a href="#"
+ >Data.Functor.Product</a
+ ></p
+ > <div class="subs methods"
+ ><p class="caption"
+ >Methods</p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >pure</a
+ > :: a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >(&lt;*&gt;)</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g (a -&gt; b) -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g b <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >liftA2</a
+ > :: (a -&gt; b -&gt; c) -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g b -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g c <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >(*&gt;)</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g b -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g b <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >(&lt;*)</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g b -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ></div
+ ></details
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src clearfix"
+ ><span class="inst-left"
+ ><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:id:Product:Foldable:6"
+ ></span
+ > (<a href="#" title="Data.Foldable"
+ >Foldable</a
+ > f, <a href="#" title="Data.Foldable"
+ >Foldable</a
+ > g) =&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Foldable"
+ >Foldable</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g)</span
+ ></td
+ ><td class="doc"
+ ><p
+ ><em
+ >Since: base-</em
+ ></p
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td colspan="2"
+ ><details id="i:id:Product:Foldable:6"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instance details</summary
+ ><p
+ >Defined in <a href="#"
+ >Data.Functor.Product</a
+ ></p
+ > <div class="subs methods"
+ ><p class="caption"
+ >Methods</p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >fold</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Data.Monoid"
+ >Monoid</a
+ > m =&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g m -&gt; m <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >foldMap</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Data.Monoid"
+ >Monoid</a
+ > m =&gt; (a -&gt; m) -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; m <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >foldMap'</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Data.Monoid"
+ >Monoid</a
+ > m =&gt; (a -&gt; m) -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; m <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >foldr</a
+ > :: (a -&gt; b -&gt; b) -&gt; b -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; b <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >foldr'</a
+ > :: (a -&gt; b -&gt; b) -&gt; b -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; b <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >foldl</a
+ > :: (b -&gt; a -&gt; b) -&gt; b -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; b <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >foldl'</a
+ > :: (b -&gt; a -&gt; b) -&gt; b -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; b <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >foldr1</a
+ > :: (a -&gt; a -&gt; a) -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; a <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >foldl1</a
+ > :: (a -&gt; a -&gt; a) -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; a <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >toList</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; [a] <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >null</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Bool"
+ >Bool</a
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >length</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Int"
+ >Int</a
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >elem</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Data.Eq"
+ >Eq</a
+ > a =&gt; a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Bool"
+ >Bool</a
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >maximum</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Data.Ord"
+ >Ord</a
+ > a =&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; a <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >minimum</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Data.Ord"
+ >Ord</a
+ > a =&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; a <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >sum</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Prelude"
+ >Num</a
+ > a =&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; a <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >product</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Prelude"
+ >Num</a
+ > a =&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; a <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ></div
+ ></details
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src clearfix"
+ ><span class="inst-left"
+ ><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:id:Product:Traversable:7"
+ ></span
+ > (<a href="#" title="Data.Traversable"
+ >Traversable</a
+ > f, <a href="#" title="Data.Traversable"
+ >Traversable</a
+ > g) =&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Traversable"
+ >Traversable</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g)</span
+ ></td
+ ><td class="doc"
+ ><p
+ ><em
+ >Since: base-</em
+ ></p
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td colspan="2"
+ ><details id="i:id:Product:Traversable:7"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instance details</summary
+ ><p
+ >Defined in <a href="#"
+ >Data.Functor.Product</a
+ ></p
+ > <div class="subs methods"
+ ><p class="caption"
+ >Methods</p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >traverse</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Control.Applicative"
+ >Applicative</a
+ > f0 =&gt; (a -&gt; f0 b) -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; f0 (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g b) <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >sequenceA</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Control.Applicative"
+ >Applicative</a
+ > f0 =&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g (f0 a) -&gt; f0 (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a) <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >mapM</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Control.Monad"
+ >Monad</a
+ > m =&gt; (a -&gt; m b) -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; m (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g b) <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >sequence</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Control.Monad"
+ >Monad</a
+ > m =&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g (m a) -&gt; m (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a) <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ></div
+ ></details
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src clearfix"
+ ><span class="inst-left"
+ ><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:id:Product:Eq1:8"
+ ></span
+ > (<a href="#" title="Data.Functor.Classes"
+ >Eq1</a
+ > f, <a href="#" title="Data.Functor.Classes"
+ >Eq1</a
+ > g) =&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Functor.Classes"
+ >Eq1</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g)</span
+ ></td
+ ><td class="doc"
+ ><p
+ ><em
+ >Since: base-</em
+ ></p
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td colspan="2"
+ ><details id="i:id:Product:Eq1:8"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instance details</summary
+ ><p
+ >Defined in <a href="#"
+ >Data.Functor.Product</a
+ ></p
+ > <div class="subs methods"
+ ><p class="caption"
+ >Methods</p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >liftEq</a
+ > :: (a -&gt; b -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Bool"
+ >Bool</a
+ >) -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g b -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Bool"
+ >Bool</a
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ></div
+ ></details
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src clearfix"
+ ><span class="inst-left"
+ ><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:id:Product:Ord1:9"
+ ></span
+ > (<a href="#" title="Data.Functor.Classes"
+ >Ord1</a
+ > f, <a href="#" title="Data.Functor.Classes"
+ >Ord1</a
+ > g) =&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Functor.Classes"
+ >Ord1</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g)</span
+ ></td
+ ><td class="doc"
+ ><p
+ ><em
+ >Since: base-</em
+ ></p
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td colspan="2"
+ ><details id="i:id:Product:Ord1:9"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instance details</summary
+ ><p
+ >Defined in <a href="#"
+ >Data.Functor.Product</a
+ ></p
+ > <div class="subs methods"
+ ><p class="caption"
+ >Methods</p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >liftCompare</a
+ > :: (a -&gt; b -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Ord"
+ >Ordering</a
+ >) -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g b -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Ord"
+ >Ordering</a
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ></div
+ ></details
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src clearfix"
+ ><span class="inst-left"
+ ><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:id:Product:Read1:10"
+ ></span
+ > (<a href="#" title="Data.Functor.Classes"
+ >Read1</a
+ > f, <a href="#" title="Data.Functor.Classes"
+ >Read1</a
+ > g) =&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Functor.Classes"
+ >Read1</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g)</span
+ ></td
+ ><td class="doc"
+ ><p
+ ><em
+ >Since: base-</em
+ ></p
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td colspan="2"
+ ><details id="i:id:Product:Read1:10"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instance details</summary
+ ><p
+ >Defined in <a href="#"
+ >Data.Functor.Product</a
+ ></p
+ > <div class="subs methods"
+ ><p class="caption"
+ >Methods</p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >liftReadsPrec</a
+ > :: (<a href="#" title="Data.Int"
+ >Int</a
+ > -&gt; <a href="#" title="Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP"
+ >ReadS</a
+ > a) -&gt; <a href="#" title="Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP"
+ >ReadS</a
+ > [a] -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Int"
+ >Int</a
+ > -&gt; <a href="#" title="Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP"
+ >ReadS</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a) <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >liftReadList</a
+ > :: (<a href="#" title="Data.Int"
+ >Int</a
+ > -&gt; <a href="#" title="Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP"
+ >ReadS</a
+ > a) -&gt; <a href="#" title="Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP"
+ >ReadS</a
+ > [a] -&gt; <a href="#" title="Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP"
+ >ReadS</a
+ > [<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a] <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >liftReadPrec</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec"
+ >ReadPrec</a
+ > a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec"
+ >ReadPrec</a
+ > [a] -&gt; <a href="#" title="Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec"
+ >ReadPrec</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a) <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >liftReadListPrec</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec"
+ >ReadPrec</a
+ > a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec"
+ >ReadPrec</a
+ > [a] -&gt; <a href="#" title="Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec"
+ >ReadPrec</a
+ > [<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a] <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ></div
+ ></details
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src clearfix"
+ ><span class="inst-left"
+ ><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:id:Product:Show1:11"
+ ></span
+ > (<a href="#" title="Data.Functor.Classes"
+ >Show1</a
+ > f, <a href="#" title="Data.Functor.Classes"
+ >Show1</a
+ > g) =&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Functor.Classes"
+ >Show1</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g)</span
+ ></td
+ ><td class="doc"
+ ><p
+ ><em
+ >Since: base-</em
+ ></p
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td colspan="2"
+ ><details id="i:id:Product:Show1:11"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instance details</summary
+ ><p
+ >Defined in <a href="#"
+ >Data.Functor.Product</a
+ ></p
+ > <div class="subs methods"
+ ><p class="caption"
+ >Methods</p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >liftShowsPrec</a
+ > :: (<a href="#" title="Data.Int"
+ >Int</a
+ > -&gt; a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Text.Show"
+ >ShowS</a
+ >) -&gt; ([a] -&gt; <a href="#" title="Text.Show"
+ >ShowS</a
+ >) -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Int"
+ >Int</a
+ > -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Text.Show"
+ >ShowS</a
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >liftShowList</a
+ > :: (<a href="#" title="Data.Int"
+ >Int</a
+ > -&gt; a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Text.Show"
+ >ShowS</a
+ >) -&gt; ([a] -&gt; <a href="#" title="Text.Show"
+ >ShowS</a
+ >) -&gt; [<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a] -&gt; <a href="#" title="Text.Show"
+ >ShowS</a
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ></div
+ ></details
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src clearfix"
+ ><span class="inst-left"
+ ><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:id:Product:MonadZip:12"
+ ></span
+ > (<a href="#" title="Control.Monad.Zip"
+ >MonadZip</a
+ > f, <a href="#" title="Control.Monad.Zip"
+ >MonadZip</a
+ > g) =&gt; <a href="#" title="Control.Monad.Zip"
+ >MonadZip</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g)</span
+ ></td
+ ><td class="doc"
+ ><p
+ ><em
+ >Since: base-</em
+ ></p
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td colspan="2"
+ ><details id="i:id:Product:MonadZip:12"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instance details</summary
+ ><p
+ >Defined in <a href="#"
+ >Data.Functor.Product</a
+ ></p
+ > <div class="subs methods"
+ ><p class="caption"
+ >Methods</p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >mzip</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g b -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g (a, b) <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >mzipWith</a
+ > :: (a -&gt; b -&gt; c) -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g b -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g c <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >munzip</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g (a, b) -&gt; (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a, <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g b) <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ></div
+ ></details
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src clearfix"
+ ><span class="inst-left"
+ ><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:id:Product:Alternative:13"
+ ></span
+ > (<a href="#" title="Control.Applicative"
+ >Alternative</a
+ > f, <a href="#" title="Control.Applicative"
+ >Alternative</a
+ > g) =&gt; <a href="#" title="Control.Applicative"
+ >Alternative</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g)</span
+ ></td
+ ><td class="doc"
+ ><p
+ ><em
+ >Since: base-</em
+ ></p
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td colspan="2"
+ ><details id="i:id:Product:Alternative:13"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instance details</summary
+ ><p
+ >Defined in <a href="#"
+ >Data.Functor.Product</a
+ ></p
+ > <div class="subs methods"
+ ><p class="caption"
+ >Methods</p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >empty</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >(&lt;|&gt;)</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >some</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g [a] <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >many</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g [a] <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ></div
+ ></details
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src clearfix"
+ ><span class="inst-left"
+ ><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:id:Product:MonadPlus:14"
+ ></span
+ > (<a href="#" title="Control.Monad"
+ >MonadPlus</a
+ > f, <a href="#" title="Control.Monad"
+ >MonadPlus</a
+ > g) =&gt; <a href="#" title="Control.Monad"
+ >MonadPlus</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g)</span
+ ></td
+ ><td class="doc"
+ ><p
+ ><em
+ >Since: base-</em
+ ></p
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td colspan="2"
+ ><details id="i:id:Product:MonadPlus:14"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instance details</summary
+ ><p
+ >Defined in <a href="#"
+ >Data.Functor.Product</a
+ ></p
+ > <div class="subs methods"
+ ><p class="caption"
+ >Methods</p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >mzero</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >mplus</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ></div
+ ></details
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src clearfix"
+ ><span class="inst-left"
+ ><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:id:Product:Eq:15"
+ ></span
+ > (<a href="#" title="Data.Functor.Classes"
+ >Eq1</a
+ > f, <a href="#" title="Data.Functor.Classes"
+ >Eq1</a
+ > g, <a href="#" title="Data.Eq"
+ >Eq</a
+ > a) =&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Eq"
+ >Eq</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a)</span
+ ></td
+ ><td class="doc"
+ ><p
+ ><em
+ >Since: base-</em
+ ></p
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td colspan="2"
+ ><details id="i:id:Product:Eq:15"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instance details</summary
+ ><p
+ >Defined in <a href="#"
+ >Data.Functor.Product</a
+ ></p
+ > <div class="subs methods"
+ ><p class="caption"
+ >Methods</p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >(==)</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Bool"
+ >Bool</a
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >(/=)</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Bool"
+ >Bool</a
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ></div
+ ></details
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src clearfix"
+ ><span class="inst-left"
+ ><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:id:Product:Data:16"
+ ></span
+ > (<a href="#" title="Type.Reflection"
+ >Typeable</a
+ > a, <a href="#" title="Type.Reflection"
+ >Typeable</a
+ > f, <a href="#" title="Type.Reflection"
+ >Typeable</a
+ > g, <a href="#" title="Type.Reflection"
+ >Typeable</a
+ > k, <a href="#" title="Data.Data"
+ >Data</a
+ > (f a), <a href="#" title="Data.Data"
+ >Data</a
+ > (g a)) =&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Data"
+ >Data</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a)</span
+ ></td
+ ><td class="doc"
+ ><p
+ ><em
+ >Since: base-</em
+ ></p
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td colspan="2"
+ ><details id="i:id:Product:Data:16"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instance details</summary
+ ><p
+ >Defined in <a href="#"
+ >Data.Functor.Product</a
+ ></p
+ > <div class="subs methods"
+ ><p class="caption"
+ >Methods</p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >gfoldl</a
+ > :: (<span class="keyword"
+ >forall</span
+ > d b. <a href="#" title="Data.Data"
+ >Data</a
+ > d =&gt; c (d -&gt; b) -&gt; d -&gt; c b) -&gt; (<span class="keyword"
+ >forall</span
+ > g0. g0 -&gt; c g0) -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; c (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a) <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >gunfold</a
+ > :: (<span class="keyword"
+ >forall</span
+ > b r. <a href="#" title="Data.Data"
+ >Data</a
+ > b =&gt; c (b -&gt; r) -&gt; c r) -&gt; (<span class="keyword"
+ >forall</span
+ > r. r -&gt; c r) -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Data"
+ >Constr</a
+ > -&gt; c (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a) <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >toConstr</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Data"
+ >Constr</a
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >dataTypeOf</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Data"
+ >DataType</a
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >dataCast1</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Type.Reflection"
+ >Typeable</a
+ > t =&gt; (<span class="keyword"
+ >forall</span
+ > d. <a href="#" title="Data.Data"
+ >Data</a
+ > d =&gt; c (t d)) -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Maybe"
+ >Maybe</a
+ > (c (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a)) <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >dataCast2</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Type.Reflection"
+ >Typeable</a
+ > t =&gt; (<span class="keyword"
+ >forall</span
+ > d e. (<a href="#" title="Data.Data"
+ >Data</a
+ > d, <a href="#" title="Data.Data"
+ >Data</a
+ > e) =&gt; c (t d e)) -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Maybe"
+ >Maybe</a
+ > (c (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a)) <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >gmapT</a
+ > :: (<span class="keyword"
+ >forall</span
+ > b. <a href="#" title="Data.Data"
+ >Data</a
+ > b =&gt; b -&gt; b) -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >gmapQl</a
+ > :: (r -&gt; r' -&gt; r) -&gt; r -&gt; (<span class="keyword"
+ >forall</span
+ > d. <a href="#" title="Data.Data"
+ >Data</a
+ > d =&gt; d -&gt; r') -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; r <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >gmapQr</a
+ > :: <span class="keyword"
+ >forall</span
+ > r r'. (r' -&gt; r -&gt; r) -&gt; r -&gt; (<span class="keyword"
+ >forall</span
+ > d. <a href="#" title="Data.Data"
+ >Data</a
+ > d =&gt; d -&gt; r') -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; r <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >gmapQ</a
+ > :: (<span class="keyword"
+ >forall</span
+ > d. <a href="#" title="Data.Data"
+ >Data</a
+ > d =&gt; d -&gt; u) -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; [u] <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >gmapQi</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Data.Int"
+ >Int</a
+ > -&gt; (<span class="keyword"
+ >forall</span
+ > d. <a href="#" title="Data.Data"
+ >Data</a
+ > d =&gt; d -&gt; u) -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; u <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >gmapM</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Control.Monad"
+ >Monad</a
+ > m =&gt; (<span class="keyword"
+ >forall</span
+ > d. <a href="#" title="Data.Data"
+ >Data</a
+ > d =&gt; d -&gt; m d) -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; m (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a) <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >gmapMp</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Control.Monad"
+ >MonadPlus</a
+ > m =&gt; (<span class="keyword"
+ >forall</span
+ > d. <a href="#" title="Data.Data"
+ >Data</a
+ > d =&gt; d -&gt; m d) -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; m (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a) <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >gmapMo</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Control.Monad"
+ >MonadPlus</a
+ > m =&gt; (<span class="keyword"
+ >forall</span
+ > d. <a href="#" title="Data.Data"
+ >Data</a
+ > d =&gt; d -&gt; m d) -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; m (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a) <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ></div
+ ></details
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src clearfix"
+ ><span class="inst-left"
+ ><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:id:Product:Ord:17"
+ ></span
+ > (<a href="#" title="Data.Functor.Classes"
+ >Ord1</a
+ > f, <a href="#" title="Data.Functor.Classes"
+ >Ord1</a
+ > g, <a href="#" title="Data.Ord"
+ >Ord</a
+ > a) =&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Ord"
+ >Ord</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a)</span
+ ></td
+ ><td class="doc"
+ ><p
+ ><em
+ >Since: base-</em
+ ></p
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td colspan="2"
+ ><details id="i:id:Product:Ord:17"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instance details</summary
+ ><p
+ >Defined in <a href="#"
+ >Data.Functor.Product</a
+ ></p
+ > <div class="subs methods"
+ ><p class="caption"
+ >Methods</p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >compare</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Ord"
+ >Ordering</a
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >(&lt;)</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Bool"
+ >Bool</a
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >(&lt;=)</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Bool"
+ >Bool</a
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >(&gt;)</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Bool"
+ >Bool</a
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >(&gt;=)</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Bool"
+ >Bool</a
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >max</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >min</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ></div
+ ></details
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src clearfix"
+ ><span class="inst-left"
+ ><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:id:Product:Read:18"
+ ></span
+ > (<a href="#" title="Data.Functor.Classes"
+ >Read1</a
+ > f, <a href="#" title="Data.Functor.Classes"
+ >Read1</a
+ > g, <a href="#" title="Text.Read"
+ >Read</a
+ > a) =&gt; <a href="#" title="Text.Read"
+ >Read</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a)</span
+ ></td
+ ><td class="doc"
+ ><p
+ ><em
+ >Since: base-</em
+ ></p
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td colspan="2"
+ ><details id="i:id:Product:Read:18"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instance details</summary
+ ><p
+ >Defined in <a href="#"
+ >Data.Functor.Product</a
+ ></p
+ > <div class="subs methods"
+ ><p class="caption"
+ >Methods</p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >readsPrec</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Data.Int"
+ >Int</a
+ > -&gt; <a href="#" title="Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP"
+ >ReadS</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a) <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >readList</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP"
+ >ReadS</a
+ > [<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a] <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >readPrec</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec"
+ >ReadPrec</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a) <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >readListPrec</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec"
+ >ReadPrec</a
+ > [<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a] <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ></div
+ ></details
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src clearfix"
+ ><span class="inst-left"
+ ><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:id:Product:Show:19"
+ ></span
+ > (<a href="#" title="Data.Functor.Classes"
+ >Show1</a
+ > f, <a href="#" title="Data.Functor.Classes"
+ >Show1</a
+ > g, <a href="#" title="Text.Show"
+ >Show</a
+ > a) =&gt; <a href="#" title="Text.Show"
+ >Show</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a)</span
+ ></td
+ ><td class="doc"
+ ><p
+ ><em
+ >Since: base-</em
+ ></p
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td colspan="2"
+ ><details id="i:id:Product:Show:19"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instance details</summary
+ ><p
+ >Defined in <a href="#"
+ >Data.Functor.Product</a
+ ></p
+ > <div class="subs methods"
+ ><p class="caption"
+ >Methods</p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >showsPrec</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Data.Int"
+ >Int</a
+ > -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Text.Show"
+ >ShowS</a
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >show</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.String"
+ >String</a
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >showList</a
+ > :: [<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a] -&gt; <a href="#" title="Text.Show"
+ >ShowS</a
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ></div
+ ></details
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src clearfix"
+ ><span class="inst-left"
+ ><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:id:Product:Generic:20"
+ ></span
+ > <a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >Generic</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a)</span
+ ></td
+ ><td class="doc"
+ ><p
+ ><em
+ >Since: base-</em
+ ></p
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td colspan="2"
+ ><details id="i:id:Product:Generic:20"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instance details</summary
+ ><p
+ >Defined in <a href="#"
+ >Data.Functor.Product</a
+ ></p
+ > <div class="subs associated-types"
+ ><p class="caption"
+ >Associated Types</p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><span class="keyword"
+ >type</span
+ > <a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >Rep</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a) :: <a href="#" title="Data.Kind"
+ >Type</a
+ > -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Kind"
+ >Type</a
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ></div
+ > <div class="subs methods"
+ ><p class="caption"
+ >Methods</p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >from</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a -&gt; <a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >Rep</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a) x <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >to</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >Rep</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a) x -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ></div
+ ></details
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src clearfix"
+ ><span class="inst-left"
+ ><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:id:Product:Rep1:21"
+ ></span
+ > <span class="keyword"
+ >type</span
+ > <a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >Rep1</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g :: k -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Kind"
+ >Type</a
+ >)</span
+ ></td
+ ><td class="doc empty"
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td colspan="2"
+ ><details id="i:id:Product:Rep1:21"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instance details</summary
+ ><p
+ >Defined in <a href="#"
+ >Data.Functor.Product</a
+ ></p
+ > <div class="src"
+ ><span class="keyword"
+ >type</span
+ > <a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >Rep1</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g :: k -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Kind"
+ >Type</a
+ >) = <a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >D1</a
+ > ('<a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >MetaData</a
+ > &quot;Product&quot; &quot;Data.Functor.Product&quot; &quot;base&quot; '<a href="#" title="Data.Bool"
+ >False</a
+ >) (<a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >C1</a
+ > ('<a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >MetaCons</a
+ > &quot;Pair&quot; '<a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >PrefixI</a
+ > '<a href="#" title="Data.Bool"
+ >False</a
+ >) (<a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >S1</a
+ > ('<a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >MetaSel</a
+ > ('<a href="#" title="Data.Maybe"
+ >Nothing</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Data.Maybe"
+ >Maybe</a
+ > <a href="#" title="GHC.TypeLits"
+ >Symbol</a
+ >) '<a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >NoSourceUnpackedness</a
+ > '<a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >NoSourceStrictness</a
+ > '<a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >DecidedLazy</a
+ >) (<a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >Rec1</a
+ > f) <a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >:*:</a
+ > <a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >S1</a
+ > ('<a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >MetaSel</a
+ > ('<a href="#" title="Data.Maybe"
+ >Nothing</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Data.Maybe"
+ >Maybe</a
+ > <a href="#" title="GHC.TypeLits"
+ >Symbol</a
+ >) '<a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >NoSourceUnpackedness</a
+ > '<a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >NoSourceStrictness</a
+ > '<a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >DecidedLazy</a
+ >) (<a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >Rec1</a
+ > g)))</div
+ ></details
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src clearfix"
+ ><span class="inst-left"
+ ><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:id:Product:Rep:22"
+ ></span
+ > <span class="keyword"
+ >type</span
+ > <a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >Rep</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a)</span
+ ></td
+ ><td class="doc empty"
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td colspan="2"
+ ><details id="i:id:Product:Rep:22"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instance details</summary
+ ><p
+ >Defined in <a href="#"
+ >Data.Functor.Product</a
+ ></p
+ > <div class="src"
+ ><span class="keyword"
+ >type</span
+ > <a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >Rep</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Bug1004"
+ >Product</a
+ > f g a) = <a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >D1</a
+ > ('<a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >MetaData</a
+ > &quot;Product&quot; &quot;Data.Functor.Product&quot; &quot;base&quot; '<a href="#" title="Data.Bool"
+ >False</a
+ >) (<a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >C1</a
+ > ('<a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >MetaCons</a
+ > &quot;Pair&quot; '<a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >PrefixI</a
+ > '<a href="#" title="Data.Bool"
+ >False</a
+ >) (<a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >S1</a
+ > ('<a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >MetaSel</a
+ > ('<a href="#" title="Data.Maybe"
+ >Nothing</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Data.Maybe"
+ >Maybe</a
+ > <a href="#" title="GHC.TypeLits"
+ >Symbol</a
+ >) '<a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >NoSourceUnpackedness</a
+ > '<a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >NoSourceStrictness</a
+ > '<a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >DecidedLazy</a
+ >) (<a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >Rec0</a
+ > (f a)) <a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >:*:</a
+ > <a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >S1</a
+ > ('<a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >MetaSel</a
+ > ('<a href="#" title="Data.Maybe"
+ >Nothing</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Data.Maybe"
+ >Maybe</a
+ > <a href="#" title="GHC.TypeLits"
+ >Symbol</a
+ >) '<a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >NoSourceUnpackedness</a
+ > '<a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >NoSourceStrictness</a
+ > '<a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >DecidedLazy</a
+ >) (<a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >Rec0</a
+ > (g a))))</div
+ ></details
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ></table
+ ></details
+ ></div
+ ></div
+ ></div
+ ></div
+ ><div id="footer"
+ ></div
+ ></body
+ ></html
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+ ><div id="content"
+ ><div id="module-header"
+ ><table class="info"
+ ><tr
+ ><th
+ >Safe Haskell</th
+ ><td
+ >Safe</td
+ ></tr
+ ></table
+ ><p class="caption"
+ >Bug1033</p
+ ></div
+ ><div id="interface"
+ ><h1
+ >Documentation</h1
+ ><div class="top"
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><span class="keyword"
+ >data</span
+ > <a id="t:Foo" class="def"
+ >Foo</a
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><div class="subs constructors"
+ ><p class="caption"
+ >Constructors</p
+ ><table
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src"
+ ><a id="v:Foo" class="def"
+ >Foo</a
+ ></td
+ ><td class="doc empty"
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ></table
+ ></div
+ ><div class="subs instances"
+ ><h4 class="instances details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:Foo"
+ >Instances</h4
+ ><details id="i:Foo" open="open"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instances details</summary
+ ><table
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src clearfix"
+ ><span class="inst-left"
+ ><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:id:Foo:Generic:1"
+ ></span
+ > <a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >Generic</a
+ > <a href="#" title="Bug1033"
+ >Foo</a
+ ></span
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></td
+ ><td class="doc"
+ ><p
+ >This does some generic foos.</p
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td colspan="2"
+ ><details id="i:id:Foo:Generic:1"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instance details</summary
+ ><p
+ >Defined in <a href="#"
+ >Bug1033</a
+ ></p
+ > <div class="subs associated-types"
+ ><p class="caption"
+ >Associated Types</p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><span class="keyword"
+ >type</span
+ > <a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >Rep</a
+ > <a href="#" title="Bug1033"
+ >Foo</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Data.Kind"
+ >Type</a
+ > -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Kind"
+ >Type</a
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ></div
+ > <div class="subs methods"
+ ><p class="caption"
+ >Methods</p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >from</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Bug1033"
+ >Foo</a
+ > -&gt; <a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >Rep</a
+ > <a href="#" title="Bug1033"
+ >Foo</a
+ > x <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >to</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >Rep</a
+ > <a href="#" title="Bug1033"
+ >Foo</a
+ > x -&gt; <a href="#" title="Bug1033"
+ >Foo</a
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ></div
+ ></details
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src clearfix"
+ ><span class="inst-left"
+ ><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:id:Foo:Rep:2"
+ ></span
+ > <span class="keyword"
+ >type</span
+ > <a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >Rep</a
+ > <a href="#" title="Bug1033"
+ >Foo</a
+ ></span
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></td
+ ><td class="doc empty"
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td colspan="2"
+ ><details id="i:id:Foo:Rep:2"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instance details</summary
+ ><p
+ >Defined in <a href="#"
+ >Bug1033</a
+ ></p
+ > <div class="src"
+ ><span class="keyword"
+ >type</span
+ > <a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >Rep</a
+ > <a href="#" title="Bug1033"
+ >Foo</a
+ > = <a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >D1</a
+ > ('<a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >MetaData</a
+ > &quot;Foo&quot; &quot;Bug1033&quot; &quot;main&quot; '<a href="#" title="Data.Bool"
+ >False</a
+ >) (<a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >C1</a
+ > ('<a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >MetaCons</a
+ > &quot;Foo&quot; '<a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >PrefixI</a
+ > '<a href="#" title="Data.Bool"
+ >False</a
+ >) (<a href="#" title="GHC.Generics"
+ >U1</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Data.Kind"
+ >Type</a
+ > -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Kind"
+ >Type</a
+ >))</div
+ ></details
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ></table
+ ></details
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+ ><em
+ >Since: base-</em
+ ></p
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> a b c)</span
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- ></td
+ ><td class="doc"
+ ><p
+ ><em
+ >Since: base-</em
+ ></p
+ ></td
><td colspan="2"
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- ><em
- >Since: base-</em
- ></p
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+ ></td
><td colspan="2"
@@ -564,12 +568,8 @@
> a b c)</span
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- ><p
- ><em
- >Since: base-</em
- ></p
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+ ></td
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+ ><div id="content"
+ ><div id="module-header"
+ ><table class="info"
+ ><tr
+ ><th
+ >Safe Haskell</th
+ ><td
+ >Safe</td
+ ></tr
+ ></table
+ ><p class="caption"
+ >Bug973</p
+ ></div
+ ><div id="synopsis"
+ ><details id="syn"
+ ><summary
+ >Synopsis</summary
+ ><ul class="details-toggle" data-details-id="syn"
+ ><li class="src short"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >showRead</a
+ > :: <span class="keyword"
+ >forall</span
+ > a b. (<a href="#" title="Text.Show"
+ >Show</a
+ > a, <a href="#" title="Text.Read"
+ >Read</a
+ > b) =&gt; a -&gt; b</li
+ ><li class="src short"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >showRead'</a
+ > :: <span class="keyword"
+ >forall</span
+ > b a. (<a href="#" title="Text.Show"
+ >Show</a
+ > a, <a href="#" title="Text.Read"
+ >Read</a
+ > b) =&gt; a -&gt; b</li
+ ></ul
+ ></details
+ ></div
+ ><div id="interface"
+ ><h1
+ >Documentation</h1
+ ><div class="top"
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a id="v:showRead" class="def"
+ >showRead</a
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><div class="subs arguments"
+ ><p class="caption"
+ >Arguments</p
+ ><table
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src"
+ >:: <span class="keyword"
+ >forall</span
+ > a b. (<a href="#" title="Text.Show"
+ >Show</a
+ > a, <a href="#" title="Text.Read"
+ >Read</a
+ > b)</td
+ ><td class="doc empty"
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src"
+ >=&gt; a</td
+ ><td class="doc"
+ ><p
+ >this gets turned into a string...</p
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src"
+ >-&gt; b</td
+ ><td class="doc"
+ ><p
+ >...from which this is read</p
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ></table
+ ></div
+ ></div
+ ><div class="top"
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a id="v:showRead-39-" class="def"
+ >showRead'</a
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><div class="subs arguments"
+ ><p class="caption"
+ >Arguments</p
+ ><table
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src"
+ >:: <span class="keyword"
+ >forall</span
+ > b a. (<a href="#" title="Text.Show"
+ >Show</a
+ > a, <a href="#" title="Text.Read"
+ >Read</a
+ > b)</td
+ ><td class="doc empty"
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src"
+ >=&gt; a</td
+ ><td class="doc"
+ ><p
+ >this gets turned into a string...</p
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src"
+ >-&gt; b</td
+ ><td class="doc"
+ ><p
+ >...from which this is read</p
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ></table
+ ></div
+ ><div class="doc"
+ ><p
+ >Same as <code
+ ><a href="#" title="Bug973"
+ >showRead</a
+ ></code
+ >, but with type variable order flipped</p
+ ></div
+ ></div
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index be7c23fa..29630db4 100644
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@@ -58,7 +58,9 @@
><td class="src"
- >:: <a href="#" title="Data.Ord"
+ >:: <span class="keyword"
+ >forall</span
+ > a. <a href="#" title="Data.Ord"
> a</td
><td class="doc empty"
@@ -170,7 +172,9 @@
><td class="src"
- >:: a</td
+ >:: <span class="keyword"
+ >forall</span
+ > a b c. a</td
><td class="doc"
>First argument</p
@@ -194,7 +198,9 @@
><td class="src"
- >-&gt; d</td
+ >-&gt; <span class="keyword"
+ >forall</span
+ > d. d</td
><td class="doc"
@@ -218,7 +224,7 @@
><td class="src"
>:: <span class="keyword"
- > (b :: ()). d ~ '<a href="#" title="GHC.Tuple"
+ > a (b :: ()) d. d ~ '<a href="#" title="GHC.Tuple"
><td class="doc empty"
@@ -226,7 +232,9 @@
><td class="src"
- >=&gt; a b c d</td
+ >=&gt; <span class="keyword"
+ >forall</span
+ > c. a b c d</td
><td class="doc"
@@ -258,7 +266,7 @@
><td class="src"
>:: <span class="keyword"
- > (a :: ()). proxy a</td
+ > proxy (a :: ()) b. proxy a</td
><td class="doc"
>First argument</p
diff --git a/html-test/ref/GADTRecords.html b/html-test/ref/GADTRecords.html
index a551f29c..9ea7c8ae 100644
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@@ -357,4 +357,4 @@ with more of the indented list content.</p
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@@ -98,9 +98,11 @@
> <a href="#"
- > = <a href="#" title="Text.Show"
+ > = <span class="keyword"
+ >forall</span
+ > x.<a href="#" title="Text.Show"
- > x =&gt; <a href="#"
+ > x =&gt; <a href="#"
> x</li
><li class="src short"
@@ -258,9 +260,11 @@
><td class="src"
- ><a href="#" title="Text.Show"
+ ><span class="keyword"
+ >forall</span
+ > x.<a href="#" title="Text.Show"
- > x =&gt; <a id="v:BlubCtor" class="def"
+ > x =&gt; <a id="v:BlubCtor" class="def"
> x</td
><td class="doc empty"
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@@ -579,19 +579,25 @@
> a<ul class="subs"
- >= <a href="#" title="Test"
+ >= <span class="keyword"
+ >forall</span
+ > b.<a href="#" title="Test"
- > b =&gt; <a href="#"
+ > b =&gt; <a href="#"
> b</li
- >| <a href="#"
+ >| <span class="keyword"
+ >forall</span
+ > b. <a href="#"
> b</li
- >| <a href="#" title="Test"
+ >| <span class="keyword"
+ >forall</span
+ > b.<a href="#" title="Test"
- > a =&gt; <a href="#"
+ > a =&gt; <a href="#"
> b</li
@@ -2069,9 +2075,11 @@ is at the beginning of the line).</pre
><td class="src"
- ><a href="#" title="Test"
+ ><span class="keyword"
+ >forall</span
+ > b.<a href="#" title="Test"
- > b =&gt; <a id="v:Ex1" class="def"
+ > b =&gt; <a id="v:Ex1" class="def"
> b</td
><td class="doc empty"
@@ -2079,7 +2087,9 @@ is at the beginning of the line).</pre
><td class="src"
- ><a id="v:Ex2" class="def"
+ ><span class="keyword"
+ >forall</span
+ > b. <a id="v:Ex2" class="def"
> b</td
><td class="doc empty"
@@ -2087,9 +2097,11 @@ is at the beginning of the line).</pre
><td class="src"
- ><a href="#" title="Test"
+ ><span class="keyword"
+ >forall</span
+ > b.<a href="#" title="Test"
- > a =&gt; <a id="v:Ex3" class="def"
+ > a =&gt; <a id="v:Ex3" class="def"
> b</td
><td class="doc empty"
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@@ -493,13 +493,13 @@
> <a href="#" title="TypeFamilies"
- > = (<a href="#" title="TypeFamilies"
+ > = <a href="#" title="TypeFamilies"
> <a href="#" title="TypeFamilies"
> :: <a href="#" title="Data.Kind"
- >)</div
+ ></div
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