path: root/src/Haddock/Backends/HaddockDB.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Haddock/Backends/HaddockDB.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 170 deletions
diff --git a/src/Haddock/Backends/HaddockDB.hs b/src/Haddock/Backends/HaddockDB.hs
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--- a/src/Haddock/Backends/HaddockDB.hs
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--- |
--- Module : Haddock.Backends.HaddockDB
--- Copyright : (c) Simon Marlow 2003
--- License : BSD-like
--- Maintainer : haddock@projects.haskell.org
--- Stability : experimental
--- Portability : portable
-module Haddock.Backends.HaddockDB (ppDocBook) where
-import HaddockTypes
-import HaddockUtil
-import HsSyn2
-import Text.PrettyPrint
--- Printing the results in DocBook format
-ppDocBook :: a
-ppDocBook = error "not working"
-ppDocBook :: FilePath -> [(Module, Interface)] -> String
-ppDocBook odir mods = render (ppIfaces mods)
-ppIfaces mods
- = text "<!DOCTYPE BOOK PUBLIC \"-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN\" ["
- $$ text "]>"
- $$ text "<book>"
- $$ text "<bookinfo>"
- $$ text "<author><othername>HaskellDoc version 0.0</othername></author>"
- $$ text "</bookinfo>"
- $$ text "<article>"
- $$ vcat (map do_mod mods)
- $$ text "</article></book>"
- where
- do_mod (Module mod, iface)
- = text "<sect1 id=\"sec-" <> text mod <> text "\">"
- $$ text "<title><literal>"
- <> text mod
- <> text "</literal></title>"
- $$ text "<indexterm><primary><literal>"
- <> text mod
- <> text "</literal></primary></indexterm>"
- $$ text "<variablelist>"
- $$ vcat (map (do_export mod) (eltsFM (iface_decls iface)))
- $$ text "</variablelist>"
- $$ text "</sect1>"
- do_export mod decl | (nm:_) <- declBinders decl
- = text "<varlistentry id=" <> ppLinkId mod nm <> char '>'
- $$ text "<term><literal>"
- <> do_decl decl
- <> text "</literal></term>"
- $$ text "<listitem>"
- $$ text "<para>"
- $$ text "</para>"
- $$ text "</listitem>"
- $$ text "</varlistentry>"
- do_export _ _ = empty
- do_decl (HsTypeSig _ [nm] ty _)
- = ppHsName nm <> text " :: " <> ppHsType ty
- do_decl (HsTypeDecl _ nm args ty _)
- = hsep ([text "type", ppHsName nm ]
- ++ map ppHsName args
- ++ [equals, ppHsType ty])
- do_decl (HsNewTypeDecl loc ctx nm args con drv _)
- = hsep ([text "data", ppHsName nm] -- data, not newtype
- ++ map ppHsName args
- ) <+> equals <+> ppHsConstr con -- ToDo: derivings
- do_decl (HsDataDecl loc ctx nm args cons drv _)
- = hsep ([text "data", {-ToDo: context-}ppHsName nm]
- ++ map ppHsName args)
- <+> vcat (zipWith (<+>) (equals : repeat (char '|'))
- (map ppHsConstr cons))
- do_decl (HsClassDecl loc ty fds decl _)
- = hsep [text "class", ppHsType ty]
- do_decl decl
- = empty
-ppHsConstr :: HsConDecl -> Doc
-ppHsConstr (HsRecDecl pos name tvs ctxt fieldList maybe_doc) =
- ppHsName name
- <> (braces . hsep . punctuate comma . map ppField $ fieldList)
-ppHsConstr (HsConDecl pos name tvs ctxt typeList maybe_doc) =
- hsep (ppHsName name : map ppHsBangType typeList)
-ppField (HsFieldDecl ns ty doc)
- = hsep (punctuate comma (map ppHsName ns) ++
- [text "::", ppHsBangType ty])
-ppHsBangType :: HsBangType -> Doc
-ppHsBangType (HsBangedTy ty) = char '!' <> ppHsType ty
-ppHsBangType (HsUnBangedTy ty) = ppHsType ty
-ppHsContext :: HsContext -> Doc
-ppHsContext [] = empty
-ppHsContext context = parenList (map (\ (a,b) -> ppHsQName a <+>
- hsep (map ppHsAType b)) context)
-ppHsType :: HsType -> Doc
-ppHsType (HsForAllType Nothing context htype) =
- hsep [ ppHsContext context, text "=>", ppHsType htype]
-ppHsType (HsForAllType (Just tvs) [] htype) =
- hsep (text "forall" : map ppHsName tvs ++ text "." : [ppHsType htype])
-ppHsType (HsForAllType (Just tvs) context htype) =
- hsep (text "forall" : map ppHsName tvs ++ text "." :
- ppHsContext context : text "=>" : [ppHsType htype])
-ppHsType (HsTyFun a b) = fsep [ppHsBType a, text "-&gt;", ppHsType b]
-ppHsType (HsTyIP n t) = fsep [(char '?' <> ppHsName n), text "::", ppHsType t]
-ppHsType t = ppHsBType t
-ppHsBType (HsTyApp (HsTyCon (Qual (Module "Prelude") (HsTyClsName (HsSpecial "[]")))) b )
- = brackets $ ppHsType b
-ppHsBType (HsTyApp a b) = fsep [ppHsBType a, ppHsAType b]
-ppHsBType t = ppHsAType t
-ppHsAType :: HsType -> Doc
-ppHsAType (HsTyTuple True l) = parenList . map ppHsType $ l
-ppHsAType (HsTyTuple False l) = ubxParenList . map ppHsType $ l
--- special case
-ppHsAType (HsTyApp (HsTyCon (Qual (Module "Prelude") (HsTyClsName (HsSpecial "[]")))) b )
- = brackets $ ppHsType b
-ppHsAType (HsTyVar name) = ppHsName name
-ppHsAType (HsTyCon name) = ppHsQName name
-ppHsAType t = parens $ ppHsType t
-ppHsQName :: HsQName -> Doc
-ppHsQName (UnQual str) = ppHsName str
-ppHsQName n@(Qual (Module mod) str)
- | n == unit_con_name = ppHsName str
- | isSpecial str = ppHsName str
- | otherwise
- = text "<link linkend=" <> ppLinkId mod str <> char '>'
- <> ppHsName str
- <> text "</link>"
-isSpecial (HsTyClsName id) | HsSpecial _ <- id = True
-isSpecial (HsVarName id) | HsSpecial _ <- id = True
-isSpecial _ = False
-ppHsName :: HsName -> Doc
-ppHsName (HsTyClsName id) = ppHsIdentifier id
-ppHsName (HsVarName id) = ppHsIdentifier id
-ppHsIdentifier :: HsIdentifier -> Doc
-ppHsIdentifier (HsIdent str) = text str
-ppHsIdentifier (HsSymbol str) = text str
-ppHsIdentifier (HsSpecial str) = text str
-ppLinkId :: String -> HsName -> Doc
-ppLinkId mod str
- = hcat [char '\"', text mod, char '.', ppHsName str, char '\"']
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- * Misc
-parenList :: [Doc] -> Doc
-parenList = parens . fsep . punctuate comma
-ubxParenList :: [Doc] -> Doc
-ubxParenList = ubxparens . fsep . punctuate comma
-ubxparens p = text "(#" <> p <> text "#)"