path: root/src/Haddock/InterfaceFile.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Haddock/InterfaceFile.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 636 deletions
diff --git a/src/Haddock/InterfaceFile.hs b/src/Haddock/InterfaceFile.hs
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index bb997b9a..00000000
--- a/src/Haddock/InterfaceFile.hs
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-{-# LANGUAGE CPP, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
--- |
--- Module : Haddock.InterfaceFile
--- Copyright : (c) David Waern 2006-2009,
--- Mateusz Kowalczyk 2013
--- License : BSD-like
--- Maintainer : haddock@projects.haskell.org
--- Stability : experimental
--- Portability : portable
--- Reading and writing the .haddock interface file
-module Haddock.InterfaceFile (
- InterfaceFile(..), ifPackageId,
- readInterfaceFile, nameCacheFromGhc, freshNameCache, NameCacheAccessor,
- writeInterfaceFile, binaryInterfaceVersion, binaryInterfaceVersionCompatibility
-) where
-import Haddock.Types
-import Haddock.Utils hiding (out)
-import Control.Monad
-import Data.Array
-import Data.Functor ((<$>))
-import Data.IORef
-import Data.List
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import Data.Map (Map)
-import Data.Word
-import BinIface (getSymtabName, getDictFastString)
-import Binary
-import FastMutInt
-import FastString
-import GHC hiding (NoLink)
-import GhcMonad (withSession)
-import HscTypes
-import IfaceEnv
-import Name
-import UniqFM
-import UniqSupply
-import Unique
-data InterfaceFile = InterfaceFile {
- ifLinkEnv :: LinkEnv,
- ifInstalledIfaces :: [InstalledInterface]
-ifPackageId :: InterfaceFile -> PackageId
-ifPackageId if_ =
- case ifInstalledIfaces if_ of
- [] -> error "empty InterfaceFile"
- iface:_ -> modulePackageId $ instMod iface
-binaryInterfaceMagic :: Word32
-binaryInterfaceMagic = 0xD0Cface
--- IMPORTANT: Since datatypes in the GHC API might change between major
--- versions, and because we store GHC datatypes in our interface files, we need
--- to make sure we version our interface files accordingly.
--- If you change the interface file format or adapt Haddock to work with a new
--- major version of GHC (so that the format changes indirectly) *you* need to
--- follow these steps:
--- (1) increase `binaryInterfaceVersion`
--- (2) set `binaryInterfaceVersionCompatibility` to [binaryInterfaceVersion]
-binaryInterfaceVersion :: Word16
-#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ == 708
-binaryInterfaceVersion = 25
-binaryInterfaceVersionCompatibility :: [Word16]
-binaryInterfaceVersionCompatibility = [binaryInterfaceVersion]
-#error Unsupported GHC version
-initBinMemSize :: Int
-initBinMemSize = 1024*1024
-writeInterfaceFile :: FilePath -> InterfaceFile -> IO ()
-writeInterfaceFile filename iface = do
- bh0 <- openBinMem initBinMemSize
- put_ bh0 binaryInterfaceMagic
- put_ bh0 binaryInterfaceVersion
- -- remember where the dictionary pointer will go
- dict_p_p <- tellBin bh0
- put_ bh0 dict_p_p
- -- remember where the symbol table pointer will go
- symtab_p_p <- tellBin bh0
- put_ bh0 symtab_p_p
- -- Make some intial state
- symtab_next <- newFastMutInt
- writeFastMutInt symtab_next 0
- symtab_map <- newIORef emptyUFM
- let bin_symtab = BinSymbolTable {
- bin_symtab_next = symtab_next,
- bin_symtab_map = symtab_map }
- dict_next_ref <- newFastMutInt
- writeFastMutInt dict_next_ref 0
- dict_map_ref <- newIORef emptyUFM
- let bin_dict = BinDictionary {
- bin_dict_next = dict_next_ref,
- bin_dict_map = dict_map_ref }
- -- put the main thing
- let bh = setUserData bh0 $ newWriteState (putName bin_symtab)
- (putFastString bin_dict)
- put_ bh iface
- -- write the symtab pointer at the front of the file
- symtab_p <- tellBin bh
- putAt bh symtab_p_p symtab_p
- seekBin bh symtab_p
- -- write the symbol table itself
- symtab_next' <- readFastMutInt symtab_next
- symtab_map' <- readIORef symtab_map
- putSymbolTable bh symtab_next' symtab_map'
- -- write the dictionary pointer at the fornt of the file
- dict_p <- tellBin bh
- putAt bh dict_p_p dict_p
- seekBin bh dict_p
- -- write the dictionary itself
- dict_next <- readFastMutInt dict_next_ref
- dict_map <- readIORef dict_map_ref
- putDictionary bh dict_next dict_map
- -- and send the result to the file
- writeBinMem bh filename
- return ()
-type NameCacheAccessor m = (m NameCache, NameCache -> m ())
-nameCacheFromGhc :: NameCacheAccessor Ghc
-nameCacheFromGhc = ( read_from_session , write_to_session )
- where
- read_from_session = do
- ref <- withSession (return . hsc_NC)
- liftIO $ readIORef ref
- write_to_session nc' = do
- ref <- withSession (return . hsc_NC)
- liftIO $ writeIORef ref nc'
-freshNameCache :: NameCacheAccessor IO
-freshNameCache = ( create_fresh_nc , \_ -> return () )
- where
- create_fresh_nc = do
- u <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'a' -- ??
- return (initNameCache u [])
--- | Read a Haddock (@.haddock@) interface file. Return either an
--- 'InterfaceFile' or an error message.
--- This function can be called in two ways. Within a GHC session it will
--- update the use and update the session's name cache. Outside a GHC session
--- a new empty name cache is used. The function is therefore generic in the
--- monad being used. The exact monad is whichever monad the first
--- argument, the getter and setter of the name cache, requires.
-readInterfaceFile :: forall m.
- MonadIO m
- => NameCacheAccessor m
- -> FilePath
- -> m (Either String InterfaceFile)
-readInterfaceFile (get_name_cache, set_name_cache) filename = do
- bh0 <- liftIO $ readBinMem filename
- magic <- liftIO $ get bh0
- version <- liftIO $ get bh0
- case () of
- _ | magic /= binaryInterfaceMagic -> return . Left $
- "Magic number mismatch: couldn't load interface file: " ++ filename
- | version `notElem` binaryInterfaceVersionCompatibility -> return . Left $
- "Interface file is of wrong version: " ++ filename
- | otherwise -> with_name_cache $ \update_nc -> do
- dict <- get_dictionary bh0
- -- read the symbol table so we are capable of reading the actual data
- bh1 <- do
- let bh1 = setUserData bh0 $ newReadState (error "getSymtabName")
- (getDictFastString dict)
- symtab <- update_nc (get_symbol_table bh1)
- return $ setUserData bh1 $ newReadState (getSymtabName (NCU (\f -> update_nc (return . f))) dict symtab)
- (getDictFastString dict)
- -- load the actual data
- iface <- liftIO $ get bh1
- return (Right iface)
- where
- with_name_cache :: forall a.
- ((forall n b. MonadIO n
- => (NameCache -> n (NameCache, b))
- -> n b)
- -> m a)
- -> m a
- with_name_cache act = do
- nc_var <- get_name_cache >>= (liftIO . newIORef)
- x <- act $ \f -> do
- nc <- liftIO $ readIORef nc_var
- (nc', x) <- f nc
- liftIO $ writeIORef nc_var nc'
- return x
- liftIO (readIORef nc_var) >>= set_name_cache
- return x
- get_dictionary bin_handle = liftIO $ do
- dict_p <- get bin_handle
- data_p <- tellBin bin_handle
- seekBin bin_handle dict_p
- dict <- getDictionary bin_handle
- seekBin bin_handle data_p
- return dict
- get_symbol_table bh1 theNC = liftIO $ do
- symtab_p <- get bh1
- data_p' <- tellBin bh1
- seekBin bh1 symtab_p
- (nc', symtab) <- getSymbolTable bh1 theNC
- seekBin bh1 data_p'
- return (nc', symtab)
--- * Symbol table
-putName :: BinSymbolTable -> BinHandle -> Name -> IO ()
-putName BinSymbolTable{
- bin_symtab_map = symtab_map_ref,
- bin_symtab_next = symtab_next } bh name
- = do
- symtab_map <- readIORef symtab_map_ref
- case lookupUFM symtab_map name of
- Just (off,_) -> put_ bh (fromIntegral off :: Word32)
- Nothing -> do
- off <- readFastMutInt symtab_next
- writeFastMutInt symtab_next (off+1)
- writeIORef symtab_map_ref
- $! addToUFM symtab_map name (off,name)
- put_ bh (fromIntegral off :: Word32)
-data BinSymbolTable = BinSymbolTable {
- bin_symtab_next :: !FastMutInt, -- The next index to use
- bin_symtab_map :: !(IORef (UniqFM (Int,Name)))
- -- indexed by Name
- }
-putFastString :: BinDictionary -> BinHandle -> FastString -> IO ()
-putFastString BinDictionary { bin_dict_next = j_r,
- bin_dict_map = out_r} bh f
- = do
- out <- readIORef out_r
- let unique = getUnique f
- case lookupUFM out unique of
- Just (j, _) -> put_ bh (fromIntegral j :: Word32)
- Nothing -> do
- j <- readFastMutInt j_r
- put_ bh (fromIntegral j :: Word32)
- writeFastMutInt j_r (j + 1)
- writeIORef out_r $! addToUFM out unique (j, f)
-data BinDictionary = BinDictionary {
- bin_dict_next :: !FastMutInt, -- The next index to use
- bin_dict_map :: !(IORef (UniqFM (Int,FastString)))
- -- indexed by FastString
- }
-putSymbolTable :: BinHandle -> Int -> UniqFM (Int,Name) -> IO ()
-putSymbolTable bh next_off symtab = do
- put_ bh next_off
- let names = elems (array (0,next_off-1) (eltsUFM symtab))
- mapM_ (\n -> serialiseName bh n symtab) names
-getSymbolTable :: BinHandle -> NameCache -> IO (NameCache, Array Int Name)
-getSymbolTable bh namecache = do
- sz <- get bh
- od_names <- replicateM sz (get bh)
- let arr = listArray (0,sz-1) names
- (namecache', names) = mapAccumR (fromOnDiskName arr) namecache od_names
- return (namecache', arr)
-type OnDiskName = (PackageId, ModuleName, OccName)
- :: Array Int Name
- -> NameCache
- -> OnDiskName
- -> (NameCache, Name)
-fromOnDiskName _ nc (pid, mod_name, occ) =
- let
- modu = mkModule pid mod_name
- cache = nsNames nc
- in
- case lookupOrigNameCache cache modu occ of
- Just name -> (nc, name)
- Nothing ->
- let
- us = nsUniqs nc
- u = uniqFromSupply us
- name = mkExternalName u modu occ noSrcSpan
- new_cache = extendNameCache cache modu occ name
- in
- case splitUniqSupply us of { (us',_) ->
- ( nc{ nsUniqs = us', nsNames = new_cache }, name )
- }
-serialiseName :: BinHandle -> Name -> UniqFM (Int,Name) -> IO ()
-serialiseName bh name _ = do
- let modu = nameModule name
- put_ bh (modulePackageId modu, moduleName modu, nameOccName name)
--- * GhcBinary instances
-instance (Ord k, Binary k, Binary v) => Binary (Map k v) where
- put_ bh m = put_ bh (Map.toList m)
- get bh = fmap (Map.fromList) (get bh)
-instance Binary InterfaceFile where
- put_ bh (InterfaceFile env ifaces) = do
- put_ bh env
- put_ bh ifaces
- get bh = do
- env <- get bh
- ifaces <- get bh
- return (InterfaceFile env ifaces)
-instance Binary InstalledInterface where
- put_ bh (InstalledInterface modu info docMap argMap
- exps visExps opts subMap fixMap) = do
- put_ bh modu
- put_ bh info
- put_ bh docMap
- put_ bh argMap
- put_ bh exps
- put_ bh visExps
- put_ bh opts
- put_ bh subMap
- put_ bh fixMap
- get bh = do
- modu <- get bh
- info <- get bh
- docMap <- get bh
- argMap <- get bh
- exps <- get bh
- visExps <- get bh
- opts <- get bh
- subMap <- get bh
- fixMap <- get bh
- return (InstalledInterface modu info docMap argMap
- exps visExps opts subMap fixMap)
-instance Binary DocOption where
- put_ bh OptHide = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh OptPrune = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh OptIgnoreExports = do
- putByte bh 2
- put_ bh OptNotHome = do
- putByte bh 3
- put_ bh OptShowExtensions = do
- putByte bh 4
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do
- return OptHide
- 1 -> do
- return OptPrune
- 2 -> do
- return OptIgnoreExports
- 3 -> do
- return OptNotHome
- 4 -> do
- return OptShowExtensions
- _ -> fail "invalid binary data found"
-instance Binary Example where
- put_ bh (Example expression result) = do
- put_ bh expression
- put_ bh result
- get bh = do
- expression <- get bh
- result <- get bh
- return (Example expression result)
-instance Binary Hyperlink where
- put_ bh (Hyperlink url label) = do
- put_ bh url
- put_ bh label
- get bh = do
- url <- get bh
- label <- get bh
- return (Hyperlink url label)
-instance Binary Picture where
- put_ bh (Picture uri title) = do
- put_ bh uri
- put_ bh title
- get bh = do
- uri <- get bh
- title <- get bh
- return (Picture uri title)
-instance Binary a => Binary (Header a) where
- put_ bh (Header l t) = do
- put_ bh l
- put_ bh t
- get bh = do
- l <- get bh
- t <- get bh
- return (Header l t)
-{-* Generated by DrIFT : Look, but Don't Touch. *-}
-instance (Binary mod, Binary id) => Binary (DocH mod id) where
- put_ bh DocEmpty = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh (DocAppend aa ab) = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh ab
- put_ bh (DocString ac) = do
- putByte bh 2
- put_ bh ac
- put_ bh (DocParagraph ad) = do
- putByte bh 3
- put_ bh ad
- put_ bh (DocIdentifier ae) = do
- putByte bh 4
- put_ bh ae
- put_ bh (DocModule af) = do
- putByte bh 5
- put_ bh af
- put_ bh (DocEmphasis ag) = do
- putByte bh 6
- put_ bh ag
- put_ bh (DocMonospaced ah) = do
- putByte bh 7
- put_ bh ah
- put_ bh (DocUnorderedList ai) = do
- putByte bh 8
- put_ bh ai
- put_ bh (DocOrderedList aj) = do
- putByte bh 9
- put_ bh aj
- put_ bh (DocDefList ak) = do
- putByte bh 10
- put_ bh ak
- put_ bh (DocCodeBlock al) = do
- putByte bh 11
- put_ bh al
- put_ bh (DocHyperlink am) = do
- putByte bh 12
- put_ bh am
- put_ bh (DocPic x) = do
- putByte bh 13
- put_ bh x
- put_ bh (DocAName an) = do
- putByte bh 14
- put_ bh an
- put_ bh (DocExamples ao) = do
- putByte bh 15
- put_ bh ao
- put_ bh (DocIdentifierUnchecked x) = do
- putByte bh 16
- put_ bh x
- put_ bh (DocWarning ag) = do
- putByte bh 17
- put_ bh ag
- put_ bh (DocProperty x) = do
- putByte bh 18
- put_ bh x
- put_ bh (DocBold x) = do
- putByte bh 19
- put_ bh x
- put_ bh (DocHeader aa) = do
- putByte bh 20
- put_ bh aa
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do
- return DocEmpty
- 1 -> do
- aa <- get bh
- ab <- get bh
- return (DocAppend aa ab)
- 2 -> do
- ac <- get bh
- return (DocString ac)
- 3 -> do
- ad <- get bh
- return (DocParagraph ad)
- 4 -> do
- ae <- get bh
- return (DocIdentifier ae)
- 5 -> do
- af <- get bh
- return (DocModule af)
- 6 -> do
- ag <- get bh
- return (DocEmphasis ag)
- 7 -> do
- ah <- get bh
- return (DocMonospaced ah)
- 8 -> do
- ai <- get bh
- return (DocUnorderedList ai)
- 9 -> do
- aj <- get bh
- return (DocOrderedList aj)
- 10 -> do
- ak <- get bh
- return (DocDefList ak)
- 11 -> do
- al <- get bh
- return (DocCodeBlock al)
- 12 -> do
- am <- get bh
- return (DocHyperlink am)
- 13 -> do
- x <- get bh
- return (DocPic x)
- 14 -> do
- an <- get bh
- return (DocAName an)
- 15 -> do
- ao <- get bh
- return (DocExamples ao)
- 16 -> do
- x <- get bh
- return (DocIdentifierUnchecked x)
- 17 -> do
- ag <- get bh
- return (DocWarning ag)
- 18 -> do
- x <- get bh
- return (DocProperty x)
- 19 -> do
- x <- get bh
- return (DocBold x)
- 20 -> do
- aa <- get bh
- return (DocHeader aa)
- _ -> error "invalid binary data found in the interface file"
-instance Binary name => Binary (HaddockModInfo name) where
- put_ bh hmi = do
- put_ bh (hmi_description hmi)
- put_ bh (hmi_copyright hmi)
- put_ bh (hmi_license hmi)
- put_ bh (hmi_maintainer hmi)
- put_ bh (hmi_stability hmi)
- put_ bh (hmi_portability hmi)
- put_ bh (hmi_safety hmi)
- put_ bh (fromEnum <$> hmi_language hmi)
- put_ bh (map fromEnum $ hmi_extensions hmi)
- get bh = do
- descr <- get bh
- copyr <- get bh
- licen <- get bh
- maint <- get bh
- stabi <- get bh
- porta <- get bh
- safet <- get bh
- langu <- fmap toEnum <$> get bh
- exten <- map toEnum <$> get bh
- return (HaddockModInfo descr copyr licen maint stabi porta safet langu exten)
-instance Binary DocName where
- put_ bh (Documented name modu) = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh name
- put_ bh modu
- put_ bh (Undocumented name) = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh name
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do
- name <- get bh
- modu <- get bh
- return (Documented name modu)
- 1 -> do
- name <- get bh
- return (Undocumented name)
- _ -> error "get DocName: Bad h"