path: root/src/HaddockUtil.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/HaddockUtil.hs')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 150 deletions
diff --git a/src/HaddockUtil.hs b/src/HaddockUtil.hs
index 1d4eb29b..92d81ff6 100644
--- a/src/HaddockUtil.hs
+++ b/src/HaddockUtil.hs
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ module HaddockUtil (
-- * Misc utilities
nameOfQName, collectNames, declBinders, declMainBinder, declSubBinders,
- splitTyConApp, restrictTo, declDoc, parseModuleHeader, freeTyCons, unbang,
+ splitTyConApp, restrictTo, declDoc, freeTyCons, unbang,
addFieldDoc, addFieldDocs, addConDoc, addConDocs,toDescription, unQual,
-- * Filename utilities
@@ -26,8 +26,6 @@ module HaddockUtil (
) where
import Binary2
-import HaddockLex2
-import HaddockParse2
import HaddockTypes
import HsSyn2
import Map ( Map )
@@ -229,153 +227,6 @@ declDoc (HsForeignImport _ _ _ _ _ _ d) = d
declDoc _ = Nothing
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Parsing module headers
--- NB. The headers must be given in the order Module, Description,
--- Copyright, License, Maintainer, Stability, Portability, except that
--- any or all may be omitted.
-parseModuleHeader :: String -> Either String (String,ModuleInfo)
-parseModuleHeader str0 =
- let
- getKey :: String -> String -> (Maybe String,String)
- getKey key str = case parseKey key str of
- Nothing -> (Nothing,str)
- Just (value,rest) -> (Just value,rest)
- (moduleOpt,str1) = getKey "Module" str0
- (descriptionOpt,str2) = getKey "Description" str1
- (copyrightOpt,str3) = getKey "Copyright" str2
- (licenseOpt,str4) = getKey "License" str3
- (licenceOpt,str5) = getKey "Licence" str4
- (maintainerOpt,str6) = getKey "Maintainer" str5
- (stabilityOpt,str7) = getKey "Stability" str6
- (portabilityOpt,str8) = getKey "Portability" str7
- description1 :: Either String (Maybe Doc)
- description1 = case descriptionOpt of
- Nothing -> Right Nothing
- Just description -> case parseString . tokenise $ description of
- Left mess -> Left ("Cannot parse Description: " ++ mess)
- Right doc -> Right (Just doc)
- in
- case description1 of
- Left mess -> Left mess
- Right docOpt -> Right (str8,ModuleInfo {
- description = docOpt,
- portability = portabilityOpt,
- stability = stabilityOpt,
- maintainer = maintainerOpt
- })
--- | This function is how we read keys.
--- all fields in the header are optional and have the form
--- [spaces1][field name][spaces] ":"
--- [text]"\n" ([spaces2][space][text]"\n" | [spaces]"\n")*
--- where each [spaces2] should have [spaces1] as a prefix.
--- Thus for the key "Description",
--- > Description : this is a
--- > rather long
--- >
--- > description
--- >
--- > The module comment starts here
--- the value will be "this is a .. description" and the rest will begin
--- at "The module comment".
-parseKey :: String -> String -> Maybe (String,String)
-parseKey key toParse0 =
- do
- let
- (spaces0,toParse1) = extractLeadingSpaces toParse0
- indentation = spaces0
- afterKey0 <- extractPrefix key toParse1
- let
- afterKey1 = extractLeadingSpaces afterKey0
- afterColon0 <- case snd afterKey1 of
- ':':afterColon -> return afterColon
- _ -> Nothing
- let
- (_,afterColon1) = extractLeadingSpaces afterColon0
- return (scanKey True indentation afterColon1)
- where
- scanKey :: Bool -> String -> String -> (String,String)
- scanKey isFirst indentation [] = ([],[])
- scanKey isFirst indentation str =
- let
- (nextLine,rest1) = extractNextLine str
- accept = isFirst || sufficientIndentation || allSpaces
- sufficientIndentation = case extractPrefix indentation nextLine of
- Just (c:_) | isSpace c -> True
- _ -> False
- allSpaces = case extractLeadingSpaces nextLine of
- (_,[]) -> True
- _ -> False
- in
- if accept
- then
- let
- (scanned1,rest2) = scanKey False indentation rest1
- scanned2 = case scanned1 of
- "" -> if allSpaces then "" else nextLine
- _ -> nextLine ++ "\n" ++ scanned1
- in
- (scanned2,rest2)
- else
- ([],str)
- extractLeadingSpaces :: String -> (String,String)
- extractLeadingSpaces [] = ([],[])
- extractLeadingSpaces (s@(c:cs))
- | isSpace c =
- let
- (spaces1,cs1) = extractLeadingSpaces cs
- in
- (c:spaces1,cs1)
- | True = ([],s)
- extractNextLine :: String -> (String,String)
- extractNextLine [] = ([],[])
- extractNextLine (c:cs)
- | c == '\n' =
- ([],cs)
- | True =
- let
- (line,rest) = extractNextLine cs
- in
- (c:line,rest)
- -- indentation returns characters after last newline.
- indentation :: String -> String
- indentation s = fromMaybe s (indentation0 s)
- where
- indentation0 :: String -> Maybe String
- indentation0 [] = Nothing
- indentation0 (c:cs) =
- case indentation0 cs of
- Nothing -> if c == '\n' then Just cs else Nothing
- in0 -> in0
- -- comparison is case-insensitive.
- extractPrefix :: String -> String -> Maybe String
- extractPrefix [] s = Just s
- extractPrefix s [] = Nothing
- extractPrefix (c1:cs1) (c2:cs2)
- | toUpper c1 == toUpper c2 = extractPrefix cs1 cs2
- | True = Nothing
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Filename mangling functions stolen from GHC's main/DriverUtil.lhs.
type Suffix = String