path: root/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/src/Main.hs b/src/Main.hs
index 092c4861..c328bad0 100644
--- a/src/Main.hs
+++ b/src/Main.hs
@@ -340,8 +340,8 @@ mkInterface no_implicit_prelude mod_map filename
buildImportEnv mod_map mdl exported_visible_names
- -- trace (show (fmToList orig_env)) $ do
- -- trace (show (fmToList import_env)) $ do
+-- trace (show (fmToList orig_env)) $ do
+-- trace (show (fmToList import_env)) $ do
final_decls = orig_decls
@@ -743,26 +743,20 @@ getReExports mdl mod_map (Just exps)
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Building name environments
+-- The orig env maps names in the current source file to
+-- fully-qualified "original" names.
buildOrigEnv :: ModuleMap -> [HsImportDecl] -> FiniteMap HsQName HsQName
buildOrigEnv mod_map imp_decls
= foldr plusFM emptyFM (map build imp_decls)
- build (HsImportDecl _ mdl qual maybe_as spec)
+ build imp_decl@(HsImportDecl _ mdl qual maybe_as _)
= case lookupFM mod_map mdl of
Nothing ->
trace ("Warning: module not found: " ++ show mdl) $ emptyFM
Just iface ->
- case spec of
- -- no import specs
- Nothing -> import_everything
- -- hiding
- Just (True, specs) ->
- import_everything `minusFM`
- listToFM (concat (map names_from_spec specs))
- -- not hiding
- Just (False, specs) -> listToFM (concat (map names_from_spec specs))
+ listToFM (concat (map orig_map (processImportDecl mod_map imp_decl)))
- import_everything = listToFM (concat (map orig_map (fmToList env)))
-- bring both qualified and unqualified names into scope, unless
-- the import was 'qualified'.
@@ -774,46 +768,26 @@ buildOrigEnv mod_map imp_decls
| Just m <- maybe_as = m
| otherwise = mdl
- env = iface_env iface
- names_from_spec :: HsImportSpec -> [(HsQName,HsQName)]
- names_from_spec (HsIVar nm) = one_name nm
- names_from_spec (HsIAbs nm) = one_name nm
- names_from_spec (HsIThingAll nm) = one_name nm ++ get_sub_names nm
- names_from_spec (HsIThingWith nm nms) =
- one_name nm ++ concat (map one_name (
- filter (`elem` nms) (sub_names nm)))
- sub_names :: HsName -> [HsName]
- sub_names nm =
- case lookupFM env nm of
- Just qnm -> filter (`elemFM` env) (all_subs_of_qname mod_map qnm)
- _ -> []
- get_sub_names = concat . map one_name . sub_names
- one_name :: HsName -> [(HsQName,HsQName)]
- one_name nm =
- case lookupFM env nm of
- Nothing -> trace ("Warning: " ++ show mdl
- ++ " does not export " ++ show nm) []
- Just qnm -> orig_map (nm,qnm)
+-- The import env maps each "original" name referred to in the current
+-- module to the qualified name that we want to link to in the
+-- documentation.
buildImportEnv :: ModuleMap -> Module -> [HsQName] -> [HsImportDecl]
-> FiniteMap HsQName HsQName
buildImportEnv mod_map this_mod exported_names imp_decls
= foldr plusFM emptyFM (map build imp_decls)
- build (HsImportDecl _ mdl _ _ _)
- = case lookupFM mod_map mdl of
- Nothing -> emptyFM
- Just iface -> listToFM (map import_map (fmToList (iface_env iface)))
- where
- reexport_env = iface_reexported iface
- import_map (nm,qnm) = (qnm, maps_to)
- where
+ build imp_decl@(HsImportDecl _ mdl _ _ _) =
+ case lookupFM mod_map mdl of
+ Nothing -> emptyFM
+ Just iface -> listToFM (map import_map imported_names)
+ where
+ imported_names = processImportDecl mod_map imp_decl
+ reexport_env = iface_reexported iface
+ import_map (nm,qnm) = (qnm, maps_to)
+ where
-- we re-export it: just link to this module
| qnm `elem` exported_names = Qual this_mod nm
@@ -823,6 +797,45 @@ buildImportEnv mod_map this_mod exported_names imp_decls
-- otherwise, it's documented in the other module
| otherwise = Qual mdl nm
+processImportDecl :: ModuleMap -> HsImportDecl -> [(HsName,HsQName)]
+processImportDecl mod_map (HsImportDecl _ mdl is_qualified maybe_as imp_specs)
+ = case lookupFM mod_map mdl of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just iface -> imported_names
+ where
+ env = iface_env iface
+ sub = iface_sub iface
+ all_names = fmToList env
+ imported_names :: [(HsName,HsQName)]
+ imported_names
+ = case imp_specs of
+ Nothing -> all_names
+ Just (False,specs) -> [ (n,qnm) | (n,qnm) <- all_names,
+ n `elem` names specs False ]
+ Just (True, specs) -> [ (n,qnm) | (n,qnm) <- all_names,
+ n `notElem` names specs True ]
+ where
+ names specs is_hiding
+ = concat (map (spec_names is_hiding) specs)
+ -- when hiding, a conid refers to both the constructor and
+ -- the type/class constructor.
+ spec_names _hid (HsIVar v) = [v]
+ spec_names True (HsIAbs (HsTyClsName i))
+ = [HsTyClsName i, HsVarName i]
+ spec_names False (HsIAbs v) = [v]
+ spec_names _hid (HsIThingAll v) = v : sub_names v
+ spec_names _hid (HsIThingWith v xs) = v : xs
+ sub_names :: HsName -> [HsName]
+ sub_names nm =
+ case lookupFM env nm of
+ Just qnm -> filter (`elemFM` env) (all_subs_of_qname mod_map qnm)
+ _ -> []
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Expand multiple type signatures