path: root/app
diff options
authoralexwl <alexey.a.kiryushin@gmail.com>2019-02-06 21:42:29 +0300
committeralexwl <alexey.a.kiryushin@gmail.com>2019-02-06 21:42:29 +0300
commitd6a64db1ced3d3577886a7aec140a5174cbceb48 (patch)
tree88a6535043547da7093c126df642770533a4ab71 /app
parentb796d370c6b7ec7452a37440b089fd45853a47f4 (diff)
Add identifier search in all indexed packages
Diffstat (limited to 'app')
1 files changed, 117 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/app/Server.hs b/app/Server.hs
index ced90d9..9160ba6 100644
--- a/app/Server.hs
+++ b/app/Server.hs
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Main where
@@ -283,8 +284,8 @@ newtype PackageName = PackageName
instance Serialize.Serialize PackageName
instance A.ToJSON PackageVersions
-type GlobalReferenceMap = HM.HashMap HCE.ExternalId (S.Set GlobalReferences)
+type GlobalReferenceMap = HM.HashMap HCE.ExternalId (S.Set GlobalReferences)
+type GlobalIdentifierMap = HCE.Trie Char HCE.ExternalIdentifierInfo
data GlobalReferences = GlobalReferences
{ count :: Int
@@ -444,6 +445,16 @@ instance Store.StoreItem GlobalReferenceMap where
type KeyArgs GlobalReferenceMap = Proxy GlobalReferenceMap
itemKey _ = "globalReferenceMap"
+newtype GlobalIdentifierMapWrapper = GlobalIdentifierMapWrapper
+ { getGlobalIdentifierMap :: GlobalIdentifierMap
+ }
+instance Store.StoreItem GlobalIdentifierMapWrapper where
+ toByteString (GlobalIdentifierMapWrapper idMap) = Serialize.encode idMap
+ fromByteString bs = GlobalIdentifierMapWrapper <$> Serialize.decode bs
+ type KeyArgs GlobalIdentifierMapWrapper = Proxy GlobalIdentifierMapWrapper
+ itemKey _ = "globalIdentifierMap"
instance Store.StoreItem [PackageVersions] where
toByteString = Serialize.encode
fromByteString = Serialize.decode
@@ -482,9 +493,9 @@ createStore :: FilePath -> ServerConfig -> IO ()
createStore storePath config = do
packageDirectories <- findDirectories (configPackagesPath config)
Store.createStore storePath $ \fileHandle -> do
- (errors, packageMap', packagePathMap', packageVersions', globalReferenceMap', index'') <-
+ (errors, packageMap', packagePathMap', packageVersions', globalReferenceMap', globalIdentifiers', index'') <-
- (\(errors, packageMap, packagePathMap, packageVersions, globalReferenceMap, index) path -> do
+ (\(errors, packageMap, packagePathMap, packageVersions, globalReferenceMap, globalIdentifiers, index) path -> do
eitherPackageInfo <- loadPackageInfo config path
case eitherPackageInfo of
Right (packageInfo, packagePath) -> do
@@ -553,6 +564,10 @@ createStore storePath config = do
HCE.externalIdOccMap $
in HM.unionWith S.union references globalReferenceMap
+ , globalIdentifiers ++
+ filter
+ isExportedId
+ (trieValues $ HCE.externalIdInfoMap packageInfo)
, index')
Left (errorMessage, path') ->
return $
@@ -562,8 +577,9 @@ createStore storePath config = do
, packagePathMap
, packageVersions
, globalReferenceMap
+ , globalIdentifiers
, index))
- ([], HM.empty, HM.empty, [], HM.empty, M.empty)
+ ([], HM.empty, HM.empty, [], HM.empty, [], M.empty)
let versions =
L.sortOn (T.toLower . (name :: PackageVersions -> T.Text)) .
@@ -575,6 +591,15 @@ createStore storePath config = do
Store.add packagePathMap' (Proxy :: Proxy PackagePathMap)
Store.add versions (Proxy :: Proxy [PackageVersions])
Store.add globalReferenceMap' (Proxy :: Proxy GlobalReferenceMap)
+ let globalIdentifierMap =
+ L.foldl'
+ (\trie exportedId@(HCE.ExternalIdentifierInfo HCE.IdentifierInfo {HCE.demangledOccName = name}) ->
+ HCE.insertToTrie S.insert (T.unpack name) exportedId trie)
+ HCE.emptyTrie
+ globalIdentifiers'
+ Store.add
+ (GlobalIdentifierMapWrapper globalIdentifierMap)
+ (Proxy :: Proxy GlobalIdentifierMapWrapper)
(Proxy :: Proxy (HM.HashMap PackageName (M.Map Version HCE.PackageId)))
@@ -682,25 +707,30 @@ loadPackages ::
-> IO (Maybe ( PackageMap
, PackagePathMap
, [PackageVersions]
- , GlobalReferenceMap))
+ , GlobalReferenceMap
+ , GlobalIdentifierMap))
loadPackages _config mbStore
| (Just store) <- mbStore = do
let eitherPackagePathMap =
Store.lookup (Proxy :: Proxy PackagePathMap) store
eitherGlobalReferenceMap =
Store.lookup (Proxy :: Proxy GlobalReferenceMap) store
+ eitherGlobalIdentifierMap =
+ getGlobalIdentifierMap <$>
+ Store.lookup (Proxy :: Proxy GlobalIdentifierMapWrapper) store
eitherPackageVersions =
Store.lookup (Proxy :: Proxy [PackageVersions]) store
eitherPackageMap =
(Proxy :: Proxy (HM.HashMap PackageName (M.Map Version HCE.PackageId)))
- case (,,,) <$> (PackageMapStore store <$> eitherPackageMap) <*>
+ case (,,,,) <$> (PackageMapStore store <$> eitherPackageMap) <*>
eitherPackagePathMap <*>
eitherPackageVersions <*>
- eitherGlobalReferenceMap of
+ eitherGlobalReferenceMap <*>
+ eitherGlobalIdentifierMap of
Right res -> return $ Just res
- Left _ -> do
+ Left e -> do
putStrLn "Store lookup errors : "
let ignoreRight :: Either a b -> Either a ()
ignoreRight = second (const ())
@@ -709,7 +739,7 @@ loadPackages _config mbStore
[ ignoreRight eitherGlobalReferenceMap
, ignoreRight eitherPackageMap
, ignoreRight eitherPackageVersions
- , ignoreRight eitherGlobalReferenceMap
+ , ignoreRight eitherGlobalIdentifierMap
return Nothing
loadPackages config _ = do
@@ -774,15 +804,36 @@ loadPackages config _ = do
in HM.unionWith S.union references hMap)
+ globalIdentifierMap =
+ L.foldl'
+ (\trie (packageInfo, _path) ->
+ let exportedIds :: [HCE.ExternalIdentifierInfo]
+ exportedIds =
+ filter isExportedId $
+ trieValues $ HCE.externalIdInfoMap packageInfo
+ in L.foldl
+ (\trie' exportedId@(HCE.ExternalIdentifierInfo (HCE.IdentifierInfo {HCE.demangledOccName = name})) ->
+ HCE.insertToTrie
+ S.insert
+ (T.unpack name)
+ exportedId
+ trie')
+ trie
+ exportedIds)
+ HCE.emptyTrie
+ loadedPackages
packageMapCompacted <- ghcCompact packageMap
packagePathMapCompacted <- ghcCompact packagePathMap
packageVersionsCompacted <- ghcCompact packageVersions
globalReferenceMapCompacted <- ghcCompact globalReferenceMap
+ globalIdentifierMapCompacted <- ghcCompact globalIdentifierMap
return . Just $
( packageMapCompacted
, packagePathMapCompacted
, packageVersionsCompacted
- , globalReferenceMapCompacted)
+ , globalReferenceMapCompacted
+ , globalIdentifierMapCompacted
+ )
else return Nothing
packageName :: HCE.PackageInfo HCE.CompactModuleInfo -> PackageName
@@ -794,6 +845,14 @@ loadPackages config _ = do
packageVersion =
HCE.version . (HCE.id :: HCE.PackageInfo modInfo -> HCE.PackageId)
+trieValues :: HCE.Trie k v -> [v]
+trieValues (HCE.Trie values children) =
+ S.toList values ++ concatMap trieValues (HM.elems children)
+isExportedId :: HCE.ExternalIdentifierInfo -> Bool
+isExportedId (HCE.ExternalIdentifierInfo HCE.IdentifierInfo {isExported}) =
+ isExported
ghcCompact :: forall a. a -> IO a
ghcCompact =
@@ -854,6 +913,7 @@ type API = GetAllPackages
:<|> GetReferences
:<|> GetIdentifiers
:<|> GetGlobalReferences
+ :<|> GetGlobalIdentifiers
type GetAllPackages = "api" :> "packages" :> Get '[JSON] AllPackages
@@ -894,6 +954,13 @@ type GetGlobalReferences = "api" :> "globalReferences"
:> Capture "externalId" HCE.ExternalId
:> Get '[JSON] [GlobalReferences]
+type GetGlobalIdentifiers = "api" :> "globalIdentifiers"
+ :> Capture "query" T.Text
+ :> QueryParam "page" Int
+ :> QueryParam "per_page" Int
+ :> Get '[JSON] (Headers '[Header "Link" T.Text,Header "X-Total-Count" Int]
+ [HCE.ExternalIdentifierInfo])
instance AllCTRender '[ JSON] AllPackages where
handleAcceptH _ _ (AllPackages bytestring) =
Just ("application/json", bytestring)
@@ -941,6 +1008,7 @@ data Environment = Environment
, envPackageMap :: !PackageMap
, envPackageVersions :: !AllPackages
, envGlobalReferenceMap :: !GlobalReferenceMap
+ , envGlobalIdentifierMap :: !GlobalIdentifierMap
, envConfig :: !ServerConfig
@@ -1360,7 +1428,39 @@ findIdentifiers packageId query mbPage mbPerPage =
respond $
S.toList $
HCE.match (T.unpack $ T.drop 4 query) trie
- Left _ -> respond []
+ Left _ -> respond []
+findGlobalIdentifiers ::
+ T.Text
+ -> Maybe Int
+ -> Maybe Int
+ -> ReaderT Environment IO (Headers '[ Header "Link" T.Text, Header "X-Total-Count" Int] [HCE.ExternalIdentifierInfo])
+findGlobalIdentifiers query mbPage mbPerPage = do
+ globalIdentifierMap <- asks envGlobalIdentifierMap
+ let maxItems = 500
+ let identifiers
+ | T.length query > 0 =
+ L.take maxItems $
+ S.toList $ HCE.match (T.unpack query) globalIdentifierMap
+ | otherwise = []
+ (paginatedIdentifiers, page, perPage, totalCount) <-
+ paginateItems mbPage mbPerPage identifiers
+ let url =
+ T.append "/" $
+ toUrlPiece $
+ safeLink
+ (Proxy :: Proxy API)
+ (Proxy :: Proxy GetGlobalIdentifiers)
+ query
+ Nothing
+ Nothing
+ linkHeader = buildLinkHeader url paginatedIdentifiers page perPage
+ addHeaders ::
+ forall a.
+ a
+ -> Headers '[ Header "Link" T.Text, Header "X-Total-Count" Int] a
+ addHeaders = addHeader linkHeader . addHeader totalCount
+ return . addHeaders . paginatedItems $ paginatedIdentifiers
paginateItems ::
Maybe Int
@@ -1624,7 +1724,8 @@ server env =
getExpressions :<|>
getReferences :<|>
findIdentifiers :<|>
- getGlobalReferences)
+ getGlobalReferences :<|>
+ findGlobalIdentifiers)
toServantHandler :: ReaderT Environment IO a -> Handler a
toServantHandler ma = Handler . ExceptT . try . runReaderT ma $ env
@@ -1658,7 +1759,7 @@ main = do
Nothing -> return Nothing
packages <- loadPackages config mbStore
case packages of
- Just (packageMap, packagePathMap, packageVersions, globalReferenceMap) -> do
+ Just (packageMap, packagePathMap, packageVersions, globalReferenceMap, globalIdentifierMap) -> do
loggerSet <-
case configLog config of
HCE.ToFile logfile -> newFileLoggerSet defaultBufSize logfile
@@ -1666,7 +1767,7 @@ main = do
loggerMiddleware <-
liftIO $
- def {outputFormat = Detailed True, destination = Logger loggerSet}
+ def {outputFormat = Detailed True, destination = Logger loggerSet}
let staticFilePrefix = configStaticFilesUrlPrefix config
mbJsDistPath = configJsDistDirectory config
environment =
@@ -1675,6 +1776,7 @@ main = do
(AllPackages . A.encode $ packageVersions)
+ globalIdentifierMap
static =
if configServeStaticFiles config