diff options
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 211 deletions
diff --git a/src/HaskellCodeExplorer/AST/TypecheckedSource.hs b/src/HaskellCodeExplorer/AST/TypecheckedSource.hs
index cb7d323..d7cabd7 100644
--- a/src/HaskellCodeExplorer/AST/TypecheckedSource.hs
+++ b/src/HaskellCodeExplorer/AST/TypecheckedSource.hs
@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ import GHC.Hs
, HsCmd(..)
, HsCmdTop(..)
, HsConDetails(..)
- , HsConPatDetails
, HsExpr(..)
, HsLocalBindsLR(..)
, HsOverLit(..)
@@ -78,7 +77,6 @@ import GHC.Hs
, LHsExpr
, LHsRecField
, LHsRecUpdField
- , LHsTupArg
, LMatch
, LPat
, LStmtLR
@@ -600,34 +598,27 @@ foldTypecheckedSource :: LHsBinds Id -> State ASTState ()
foldTypecheckedSource = foldLHsBindsLR
+-- src/HaskellCodeExplorer/AST/TypecheckedSource.hs:606:1: warning: [-Wincomplete-patterns]
+-- Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive
+-- In an equation for ‘foldLHsExpr’:
+-- Patterns of type ‘LHsExpr GhcTc’ not matched:
+-- L (GHC.Parser.Annotation.SrcSpanAnn _ _) (HsGetField _ _ _)
+-- L (GHC.Parser.Annotation.SrcSpanAnn _ _) (HsProjection _ _)
+-- L (GHC.Parser.Annotation.SrcSpanAnn _ _) (HsPragE _ _ _)
foldLHsExpr :: LHsExpr GhcTc -> State ASTState (Maybe Type)
-foldLHsExpr :: LHsExpr Id -> State ASTState (Maybe Type)
foldLHsExpr (L _span (XExpr _)) = return Nothing
-foldLHsExpr (L _ (HsOverLit _ (XOverLit _))) = return Nothing
-foldLHsExpr (L _ (HsLam _ (XMatchGroup _))) = return Nothing
-foldLHsExpr (L _ (HsLamCase _ (XMatchGroup _))) = return Nothing
-foldLHsExpr (L _ (HsCase _ _ (XMatchGroup _))) = return Nothing
foldLHsExpr lhe@(L _ (HsVar _ (L _ identifier))) =
restoreTidyEnv $ do
(identifier', mbTypes) <- tidyIdentifier identifier
addIdentifierToIdSrcSpanMap (getLocA lhe) identifier' mbTypes
return . Just . varType $ identifier'
foldLHsExpr (L _ HsUnboundVar {}) = return Nothing
-foldLHsExpr (L _ (HsConLikeOut _ conLike)) =
-foldLHsExpr (L _ (HsConLikeOut conLike)) =
+foldLHsExpr (L _ (HsConLikeOut _ _)) =
-- restoreTidyEnv $ do
-- let mbType = varType <$> conLikeWrapId_maybe conLike
-- mbType' <- maybe (return Nothing) (fmap Just . tidyType) mbType
-- return mbType'
restoreTidyEnv $ return Nothing
foldLHsExpr (L _ HsRecFld {}) = return Nothing
foldLHsExpr (L _ HsOverLabel {}) = return Nothing
foldLHsExpr lhe@(L _ expr@HsIPVar {}) = do
@@ -655,7 +646,7 @@ foldLHsExpr lhe@(L _ (HsLit _ lit)) =
then Simple
else Composite)
return $ Just typ
-foldLHsExpr lhe@(L span expr@(HsLam _ (MG (MatchGroupTc {..}) mg_alts _))) =
+foldLHsExpr lhe@(L _ expr@(HsLam _ (MG (MatchGroupTc {..}) mg_alts _))) =
restoreTidyEnv $ do
typ <- tidyType $ mkVisFunTys mg_arg_tys mg_res_ty
addExprInfo (getLocA lhe) (Just typ) "HsLam" (exprSort expr)
@@ -892,7 +883,6 @@ foldLHsRecField :: LHsRecField GhcTc (LHsExpr GhcTc) -> State ASTState (Maybe Ty
foldLHsRecField :: LHsRecField Id (LHsExpr Id) -> State ASTState (Maybe Type)
-foldLHsRecField (L _span (HsRecField _ (L _idSpan (XFieldOcc _)) _ _)) = return Nothing
foldLHsRecField lhr@(L _ (HsRecField _ (L idSpan (FieldOcc identifier _)) arg pun)) =
restoreTidyEnv $ do
(identifier', mbTypes) <- tidyIdentifier identifier
@@ -926,7 +916,6 @@ data TupArg
deriving (Show, Eq)
foldHsTupArg :: HsTupArg GhcTc -> State ASTState (Maybe Type, TupArg)
-foldHsTupArg (XTupArg _) = return (Nothing, TupArgMissing)
foldHsTupArg (Present _ expr) =
restoreTidyEnv $ do
typ <- foldLHsExpr expr
@@ -940,22 +929,6 @@ foldHsTupArg (Missing typ) =
typ' <- tidyType $ scaledThing typ
return (Just typ', TupArgMissing)
--- TODO: use foldHsTupArg
-foldLHsTupArg :: LHsTupArg GhcTc -> State ASTState (Maybe Type, TupArg)
-foldLHsTupArg (L _span (XTupArg _)) = return (Nothing, TupArgMissing)
-foldLHsTupArg (L _span (Present _ expr)) =
- restoreTidyEnv $ do
- typ <- foldLHsExpr expr
- typ' <-
- case typ of
- Just t -> Just <$> tidyType t
- Nothing -> return Nothing
- return (typ', TupArgPresent)
-foldLHsTupArg (L _ (Missing typ)) =
- restoreTidyEnv $ do
- typ' <- tidyType $ scaledThing typ
- return (Just typ', TupArgMissing)
foldLMatch :: LMatch GhcTc (LHsExpr GhcTc) -> State ASTState (Maybe Type)
@@ -965,9 +938,6 @@ foldLMatch (L _span Match {..}) = do
mapM_ foldLPat m_pats
_ <- foldGRHSs m_grhss
return Nothing
-foldLMatch (L _span _) = return Nothing
foldLMatchCmd :: LMatch GhcTc (LHsCmd GhcTc) -> State ASTState (Maybe Type)
@@ -978,9 +948,6 @@ foldLMatchCmd (L _span Match {..}) = do
mapM_ foldLPat m_pats
_ <- foldGRHSsCmd m_grhss
return Nothing
-foldLMatchCmd (L _span _) = return Nothing
foldGRHSsCmd :: GRHSs GhcTc (LHsCmd GhcTc) -> State ASTState (Maybe Type)
@@ -991,9 +958,6 @@ foldGRHSsCmd GRHSs {..} = do
mapM_ foldLGRHSCmd grhssGRHSs
_ <- foldHsLocalBindsLR grhssLocalBinds
return Nothing
-foldGRHSsCmd (_) = return Nothing
foldGRHSs :: GRHSs GhcTc (LHsExpr GhcTc) -> State ASTState (Maybe Type)
@@ -1004,16 +968,8 @@ foldGRHSs GRHSs {..} = do
mapM_ foldLGRHS grhssGRHSs
_ <- foldHsLocalBindsLR grhssLocalBinds
return Nothing
-foldGRHSs (_) = return Nothing
foldLStmtLR :: LStmtLR GhcTc GhcTc (LHsExpr GhcTc) -> State ASTState (Maybe Type)
-foldLStmtLR :: LStmtLR Id Id (LHsExpr Id) -> State ASTState (Maybe Type)
-foldLStmtLR (L _span (XStmtLR _)) = return Nothing
foldLStmtLR lst@(L _ (LastStmt _ body _ _)) =
do typ <- foldLHsExpr body
addExprInfo (getLocA lst) typ "LastStmt" Composite
@@ -1068,24 +1024,11 @@ foldApplicativeArg :: ApplicativeArg Id Id -> State ASTState (Maybe Type)
foldApplicativeArg appArg =
case appArg of
- XApplicativeArg _ -> return Nothing
ApplicativeArgOne _ pat expr _bool -> do
- ApplicativeArgOne pat expr _bool -> do
- ApplicativeArgOne pat expr -> do
_ <- foldLPat pat
_ <- foldLHsExpr expr
return Nothing
ApplicativeArgMany _ exprStmts _ pat _ -> do
- ApplicativeArgMany exprStmts _ pat -> do
mapM_ foldLStmtLR exprStmts
_ <- foldLPat pat
return Nothing
@@ -1095,7 +1038,6 @@ foldLStmtLRCmd ::
foldLStmtLRCmd :: LStmtLR Id Id (LHsCmd Id) -> State ASTState (Maybe Type)
-foldLStmtLRCmd (L _ (XStmtLR _)) = return Nothing
foldLStmtLRCmd ls@(L _ (LastStmt _ body _syntaxExpr _)) = do
typ <- foldLHsCmd body
addExprInfo (getLocA ls) typ "LastStmt Cmd" Composite
@@ -1133,61 +1075,25 @@ foldLStmtLRCmd ls@(L _ (ApplicativeStmt typ args _)) =
addExprInfo (getLocA ls) (Just typ') "ApplicativeStmt Cmd" Composite
return Nothing
foldLGRHS :: LGRHS GhcTc (LHsExpr GhcTc) -> State ASTState (Maybe Type)
-foldLGRHS :: LGRHS Id (LHsExpr Id) -> State ASTState (Maybe Type)
-foldLGRHS (L _span (XGRHS _)) = return Nothing
foldLGRHS (L _span (GRHS _ guards body)) = do
-foldLGRHS (L _span (GRHS guards body)) = do
typ <- foldLHsExpr body
mapM_ foldLStmtLR guards
return typ
foldLGRHSCmd :: LGRHS GhcTc (LHsCmd GhcTc) -> State ASTState (Maybe Type)
-foldLGRHSCmd :: LGRHS Id (LHsCmd Id) -> State ASTState (Maybe Type)
-foldLGRHSCmd (L _span (XGRHS _)) = return Nothing
foldLGRHSCmd (L _span (GRHS _ guards body)) = do
-foldLGRHSCmd (L _span (GRHS guards body)) = do
typ <- foldLHsCmd body
mapM_ foldLStmtLR guards
return typ
foldParStmtBlock :: ParStmtBlock GhcTc GhcTc -> State ASTState (Maybe Type)
-foldParStmtBlock :: ParStmtBlock Id Id -> State ASTState (Maybe Type)
-foldParStmtBlock (XParStmtBlock _) = return Nothing
foldParStmtBlock (ParStmtBlock _ exprStmts _ids _syntaxExpr) = do
-foldParStmtBlock (ParStmtBlock exprStmts _ids _syntaxExpr) = do
mapM_ foldLStmtLR exprStmts
return Nothing
foldHsLocalBindsLR :: HsLocalBindsLR GhcTc GhcTc -> State ASTState (Maybe Type)
-foldHsLocalBindsLR :: HsLocalBindsLR Id Id -> State ASTState (Maybe Type)
-foldHsLocalBindsLR (XHsLocalBindsLR _) = return Nothing
foldHsLocalBindsLR (HsValBinds _ binds) = do
-foldHsLocalBindsLR (HsValBinds binds) = do
_ <- foldHsValBindsLR binds
return Nothing
foldHsLocalBindsLR HsIPBinds {} = return Nothing
@@ -1212,19 +1118,12 @@ foldHsValBindsLR (ValBindsOut binds _) = do
return Nothing
foldLHsBindsLR :: LHsBinds GhcTc -> State ASTState ()
-foldLHsBindsLR :: LHsBinds Id -> State ASTState ()
foldLHsBindsLR = mapM_ (`foldLHsBindLR` Nothing) . bagToList
foldLHsBindLR :: LHsBindLR GhcTc GhcTc
-> Maybe Id -- ^ Polymorphic id
-> State ASTState (Maybe Type)
-foldLHsBindLR (L _span (XHsBindsLR _)) _ = return Nothing
-foldLHsBindLR (L _span (PatSynBind _ (XPatSynBind _))) _ = return Nothing
foldLHsBindLR (L _span FunBind {..}) mbPolyId
| mg_origin fun_matches == FromSource =
restoreTidyEnv $ do
@@ -1244,7 +1143,7 @@ foldLHsBindLR (L _ PatBind {..}) _ = do
_ <- foldLPat pat_lhs
_ <- foldGRHSs pat_rhs
return Nothing
-foldLHsBindLR (L _ VarBind {..}) _ = return Nothing
+foldLHsBindLR (L _ VarBind {}) _ = return Nothing
foldLHsBindLR (L _ AbsBinds {..}) _ = do
mapM_ (\(bind, typ) -> foldLHsBindLR bind (Just typ)) $
zip (bagToList abs_binds) (map abe_poly abs_exports)
@@ -1278,8 +1177,6 @@ foldLHsBindLR (L _ (PatSynBind _ PSB {..})) _ =
foldLPat :: LPat GhcTc -> State ASTState (Maybe Type)
foldLPat (L _span (XPat _)) = return Nothing
-foldLPat (L _ (NPat _ (L _ (XOverLit _)) _ _)) = return Nothing
-foldLPat (L _ (NPlusKPat _ (L _ _) (L _ (XOverLit _)) _ _ _)) = return Nothing
foldLPat lp@(L _ (VarPat _ (L _ identifier))) = do
(identifier', _) <- tidyIdentifier identifier
addIdentifierToIdSrcSpanMap (getLocA lp) identifier' Nothing
@@ -1292,9 +1189,9 @@ foldLPat lp@(L _ p@(LazyPat _ pat)) = do
mbType <- foldLPat pat
addExprInfo (getLocA lp) mbType "LazyPat" (patSort p)
return mbType
-foldLPat lp@(L _ p@(AsPat _ id@(L _ identifier) pat)) = do
+foldLPat lp@(L _ p@(AsPat _ ide@(L _ identifier) pat)) = do
(identifier', _) <- tidyIdentifier identifier
- addIdentifierToIdSrcSpanMap (getLocA id) identifier' Nothing
+ addIdentifierToIdSrcSpanMap (getLocA ide) identifier' Nothing
addExprInfo (getLocA lp) (Just . varType $ identifier') "AsPat" (patSort p)
_ <- foldLPat pat
return . Just . varType $ identifier'
@@ -1393,9 +1290,9 @@ foldLPat lp@(L _ pat@(NPat (L _spanLit OverLit {ol_type}) _ _ _)) = do
typ' <- tidyType ol_type
addExprInfo (getLocA lp) (Just typ') "NPat" (patSort pat)
return $ Just ol_type
-foldLPat lp@(L _ pat@(NPlusKPat typ id@(L _ identifier) (L litSpan (OverLit (OverLitTc {..}) _ _)) _ _ _)) = do
+foldLPat lp@(L _ pat@(NPlusKPat typ ide@(L _ identifier) (L litSpan (OverLit (OverLitTc {..}) _ _)) _ _ _)) = do
(identifier', _) <- tidyIdentifier identifier
- addIdentifierToIdSrcSpanMap (getLocA id) identifier' Nothing
+ addIdentifierToIdSrcSpanMap (getLocA ide) identifier' Nothing
typ' <- tidyType typ
addExprInfo (getLocA lp) (Just typ') "NPlusKPat" (patSort pat)
olType' <- tidyType ol_type
@@ -1434,129 +1331,74 @@ foldLPat (L _span (SigPatOut pat typ)) = do
-- return Nothing
foldLPat _ = return Nothing
- :: HsConPatDetails GhcTc
- -> State ASTState (Maybe Type)
- :: HsConPatDetails Id
- -> State ASTState (Maybe Type)
-foldHsConPatDetails (PrefixCon _ args) = do
- mapM_ foldLPat args
- return Nothing
-foldHsConPatDetails (RecCon rec) = do
- _ <- foldHsRecFieldsPat rec
- return Nothing
-foldHsConPatDetails (InfixCon arg1 arg2) = do
- _ <- foldLPat arg1
- _ <- foldLPat arg2
- return Nothing
-foldHsRecFieldsPat :: HsRecFields GhcTc (LPat GhcTc) -> State ASTState (Maybe Type)
-foldHsRecFieldsPat :: HsRecFields Id (LPat Id) -> State ASTState (Maybe Type)
-foldHsRecFieldsPat HsRecFields {..} = do
- let onlyUserWritten =
- case rec_dotdot of
- Just i -> take $ unLoc i
- Nothing -> id
- mapM_ foldLHsRecFieldPat $ onlyUserWritten rec_flds
- return Nothing
+-- no longer used
+-- foldHsConPatDetails
+-- :: HsConPatDetails GhcTc
+-- -> State ASTState (Maybe Type)
+-- foldHsConPatDetails (PrefixCon _ args) = do
+-- mapM_ foldLPat args
+-- return Nothing
+-- foldHsConPatDetails (RecCon rec) = do
+-- _ <- foldHsRecFieldsPat rec
+-- return Nothing
+-- foldHsConPatDetails (InfixCon arg1 arg2) = do
+-- _ <- foldLPat arg1
+-- _ <- foldLPat arg2
+-- return Nothing
-foldLHsRecFieldPat :: LHsRecField GhcTc (LPat GhcTc) -> State ASTState (Maybe Type)
-foldLHsRecFieldPat :: LHsRecField Id (LPat Id) -> State ASTState (Maybe Type)
-foldLHsRecFieldPat (L _ (HsRecField _ (L idSpan (FieldOcc identifier _)) arg pun)) = do
- (identifier', mbTypes) <- tidyIdentifier identifier
- addIdentifierToIdSrcSpanMap idSpan identifier' mbTypes
- unless pun $ void $ foldLPat arg
- return . Just . varType $ identifier'
-foldLHsRecFieldPat (L _ (HsRecField _ (L _idSpan (XFieldOcc _)) _arg _pun)) = return Nothing
+-- no longer used
+-- foldHsRecFieldsPat :: HsRecFields GhcTc (LPat GhcTc) -> State ASTState (Maybe Type)
+-- foldHsRecFieldsPat HsRecFields {..} = do
+-- let onlyUserWritten =
+-- case rec_dotdot of
+-- Just i -> take $ unLoc i
+-- Nothing -> id
+-- mapM_ foldLHsRecFieldPat $ onlyUserWritten rec_flds
+-- return Nothing
+-- foldLHsRecFieldPat :: LHsRecField GhcTc (LPat GhcTc) -> State ASTState (Maybe Type)
+-- foldLHsRecFieldPat (L _ (HsRecField _ (L idSpan (FieldOcc identifier _)) arg pun)) = do
+-- (identifier', mbTypes) <- tidyIdentifier identifier
+-- addIdentifierToIdSrcSpanMap idSpan identifier' mbTypes
+-- unless pun $ void $ foldLPat arg
+-- return . Just . varType $ identifier'
+-- foldLHsRecFieldPat (L _ (HsRecField _ (L _idSpan (XFieldOcc _)) _arg _pun)) = return Nothing
foldLHsCmdTop :: LHsCmdTop GhcTc -> State ASTState (Maybe Type)
-foldLHsCmdTop :: LHsCmdTop Id -> State ASTState (Maybe Type)
-foldLHsCmdTop (L _span (XCmdTop _)) = return Nothing
foldLHsCmdTop (L span (HsCmdTop _ cmd)) = do
-foldLHsCmdTop (L span (HsCmdTop cmd _ _ _)) = do
mbTyp <- foldLHsCmd cmd
addExprInfo span mbTyp "HsCmdTop" Composite
return mbTyp
+-- src/HaskellCodeExplorer/AST/TypecheckedSource.hs:1379:1: warning: [-Wincomplete-patterns]
+-- Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive
+-- In an equation for ‘foldLHsCmd’:
+-- Patterns of type ‘LHsCmd GhcTc’ not matched:
+-- L (GHC.Parser.Annotation.SrcSpanAnn _ _) (HsCmdLamCase _ _)
foldLHsCmd :: LHsCmd GhcTc -> State ASTState (Maybe Type)
-foldLHsCmd :: LHsCmd Id -> State ASTState (Maybe Type)
foldLHsCmd (L _ (XCmd _)) = return Nothing
-foldLHsCmd (L _ (HsCmdLam _ (XMatchGroup _))) = return Nothing
-foldLHsCmd (L _ (HsCmdCase _ _ (XMatchGroup _))) = return Nothing
foldLHsCmd (L _ (HsCmdArrApp _ expr1 expr2 _ _)) = do
-foldLHsCmd (L _ (HsCmdArrApp expr1 expr2 _ _ _)) = do
_ <- foldLHsExpr expr1
_ <- foldLHsExpr expr2
return Nothing
foldLHsCmd (L _ (HsCmdArrForm _ expr _ _ topCmds)) = do
-foldLHsCmd (L _ (HsCmdArrForm expr _ _ topCmds)) = do
-foldLHsCmd (L _ (HsCmdArrForm expr _ topCmds)) = do
_ <- foldLHsExpr expr
mapM_ foldLHsCmdTop topCmds
return Nothing
foldLHsCmd (L _ (HsCmdApp _ cmd expr)) = do
-foldLHsCmd (L _ (HsCmdApp cmd expr)) = do
_ <- foldLHsCmd cmd
_ <- foldLHsExpr expr
return Nothing
foldLHsCmd (L _ (HsCmdLam _ MG {..})) = do
-foldLHsCmd (L _ (HsCmdLam MG {..})) = do
mapM_ foldLMatchCmd $ unLoc mg_alts
return Nothing
foldLHsCmd (L _ (HsCmdCase _ expr MG {..})) = do
-foldLHsCmd (L _ (HsCmdCase expr MG {..})) = do
_ <- foldLHsExpr expr
mapM_ foldLMatchCmd $ unLoc mg_alts
return Nothing
foldLHsCmd (L _ (HsCmdPar _ cmd)) = do
-foldLHsCmd (L _ (HsCmdPar cmd)) = do
_ <- foldLHsCmd cmd
return Nothing
foldLHsCmd (L _ (HsCmdIf _ _ expr cmd1 cmd2)) = do
-foldLHsCmd (L _ (HsCmdIf _ expr cmd1 cmd2)) = do
_ <- foldLHsCmd cmd1
_ <- foldLHsCmd cmd2
_ <- foldLHsExpr expr
@@ -1565,11 +1407,7 @@ foldLHsCmd (L _ (HsCmdLet _ binds cmd)) = do
_ <- foldLHsCmd cmd
_ <- foldHsLocalBindsLR binds
return Nothing
foldLHsCmd (L _ (HsCmdDo _ stmts)) = do
-foldLHsCmd (L _ (HsCmdDo stmts _)) = do
mapM_ foldLStmtLRCmd $ unLoc stmts
return Nothing
-- no more hscmdwrap