path: root/src/HaskellCodeExplorer/Types.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/HaskellCodeExplorer/Types.hs')
1 files changed, 880 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/HaskellCodeExplorer/Types.hs b/src/HaskellCodeExplorer/Types.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e3667d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/HaskellCodeExplorer/Types.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,880 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
+module HaskellCodeExplorer.Types where
+import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
+import qualified Data.Aeson as A
+import Data.Aeson.Types (Options, defaultOptions, omitNothingFields)
+import Data.Generics
+ ( Constr
+ , Data(..)
+ , DataType
+ , Fixity(..)
+ , constrIndex
+ , gcast2
+ , mkConstr
+ , mkDataType
+ )
+import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
+import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
+import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IM
+import qualified Data.IntervalMap.Strict as IVM
+import qualified Data.List as L
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust)
+import Data.Serialize (Get, Serialize(..))
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8, encodeUtf8)
+import Data.Text.Lazy (toStrict)
+import qualified Data.Vector as V
+import Data.Version (Version(..),showVersion)
+import Documentation.Haddock.Types
+ ( DocH(..)
+ , Example(..)
+ , Header(..)
+ , Hyperlink(..)
+ , Picture(..)
+ )
+import GHC.Generics (Generic)
+import Prelude hiding (id)
+import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Text (renderHtml)
+import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as Html
+import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as Attr
+-- Package info
+data PackageInfo modInfo = PackageInfo
+ { id :: PackageId
+ , moduleMap :: HM.HashMap HaskellModulePath modInfo
+ , moduleNameMap :: HM.HashMap HaskellModuleName (HM.HashMap ComponentId HaskellModulePath)
+ , directoryTree :: DirTree
+ , externalIdInfoMap :: Trie Char ExternalIdentifierInfo
+ -- ^ All external identifiers defined in the package
+ , externalIdOccMap :: HM.HashMap ExternalId (S.Set IdentifierSrcSpan)
+ -- ^ All occurrences of each external identifier in the package
+ } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Data)
+data PackageId = PackageId
+ { name :: T.Text
+ , version :: Data.Version.Version
+ } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Data)
+packageIdToText :: PackageId -> T.Text
+packageIdToText (PackageId name version) =
+ T.concat [name, "-", T.pack $ showVersion version]
+packageName :: PackageInfo a -> T.Text
+packageName =
+ (name :: (PackageId -> T.Text)) . (id :: PackageInfo a -> PackageId)
+data IdentifierSrcSpan = IdentifierSrcSpan
+ { modulePath :: HaskellModulePath
+ , line :: Int
+ , startColumn :: Int
+ , endColumn :: Int
+ } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Data)
+data DirTree
+ = Dir { name :: FilePath
+ , contents :: [DirTree] }
+ | File { name :: FilePath
+ , path :: FilePath
+ , isHaskellModule :: Bool }
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Data)
+newtype ComponentId = ComponentId
+ { getComponentId :: T.Text
+ } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, A.ToJSONKey, Data, Hashable)
+data ComponentType
+ = Setup
+ | Lib
+ | SubLib T.Text
+ | FLib T.Text
+ | Exe T.Text
+ | Test T.Text
+ | Bench T.Text
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Data)
+isLibrary :: ComponentType -> Bool
+isLibrary Lib = True
+isLibrary (SubLib _) = True
+isLibrary (FLib _) = True
+isLibrary _ = False
+packageInfoBinaryFileName :: FilePath
+packageInfoBinaryFileName = "packageInfo"
+packageInfoJsonFileName :: FilePath
+packageInfoJsonFileName = "packageInfo.json"
+defaultOutputDirectoryName :: FilePath
+defaultOutputDirectoryName = ".haskell-code-explorer"
+-- A simple Trie implementation
+data Trie k v = Trie
+ { values :: S.Set v
+ , children :: HM.HashMap k (Trie k v)
+ } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Data)
+emptyTrie :: Trie k v
+emptyTrie = Trie S.empty HM.empty
+insertToTrie ::
+ (Hashable k, Eq k, Ord v)
+ => (v -> S.Set v -> S.Set v)
+ -> [k]
+ -> v
+ -> Trie k v
+ -> Trie k v
+insertToTrie f [] v (Trie vals children) = Trie (f v vals) children
+insertToTrie f word@(first:rest) val (Trie vals children) =
+ case HM.lookup first children of
+ Just trie ->
+ Trie vals (HM.insert first (insertToTrie f rest val trie) children)
+ Nothing ->
+ insertToTrie f word val (Trie vals (HM.insert first emptyTrie children))
+match :: (Hashable k, Eq k, Ord v) => [k] -> Trie k v -> S.Set v
+match (first:rest) (Trie _ children) =
+ maybe S.empty (match rest) (HM.lookup first children)
+match [] (Trie val children) =
+ S.union val $
+ S.unions
+ [S.union v $ match [] trie | (_, trie@(Trie v _)) <- HM.toList children]
+-- Module info
+data ModuleInfo = ModuleInfo
+ { id :: HaskellModulePath
+ , name :: HaskellModuleName
+ , source :: V.Vector T.Text
+ -- ^ Source code of the module
+ , transformation :: SourceCodeTransformation
+ , exprInfoMap :: ExpressionInfoMap
+ -- ^ Type of each expression in the module
+ , idOccMap :: IdentifierOccurrenceMap
+ -- ^ All occurrences of each identifier in the module
+ , idInfoMap :: IdentifierInfoMap
+ -- ^ Information about each identifier in the module
+ , declarations :: [Declaration]
+ , definitionSiteMap :: DefinitionSiteMap
+ -- ^ Definition site of each top-level value, type, and type class instance
+ , externalIds :: [ExternalIdentifierInfo]
+ } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Data)
+type ExpressionInfoMap = IVM.IntervalMap (Int, Int) ExpressionInfo
+type IdentifierOccurrenceMap = IM.IntMap [((Int, Int), IdentifierOccurrence)]
+type IdentifierInfoMap = HM.HashMap InternalId IdentifierInfo
+data DefinitionSiteMap = DefinitionSiteMap
+ { values :: HM.HashMap OccName DefinitionSite
+ , types :: HM.HashMap OccName DefinitionSite
+ , instances :: HM.HashMap T.Text DefinitionSite
+ } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Data)
+data DefinitionSite = DefinitionSite
+ { location :: LocationInfo
+ , documentation :: Maybe HTML
+ } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Data)
+type HTML = T.Text
+newtype OccName = OccName
+ { getOccName :: T.Text
+ } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, A.ToJSONKey, Data, Hashable)
+-- | 'CompactModuleInfo' contains a subset of fields of 'ModuleInfo'.
+data CompactModuleInfo = CompactModuleInfo
+ { id :: HaskellModulePath
+ , name :: HaskellModuleName
+ , exprInfoMap :: ExpressionInfoMap
+ , definitionSiteMap :: DefinitionSiteMap
+ , source :: V.Vector T.Text
+ } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Data)
+haskellPreprocessorExtensions :: [FilePath]
+haskellPreprocessorExtensions =
+ [".hsc", ".chs", ".cpphs", ".gc", ".x", ".y", ".ly"]
+toCompactPackageInfo :: PackageInfo ModuleInfo -> PackageInfo CompactModuleInfo
+toCompactPackageInfo PackageInfo {..} =
+ PackageInfo
+ { id = id
+ , moduleMap = HM.map toCompactModuleInfo moduleMap
+ , moduleNameMap = moduleNameMap
+ , directoryTree = directoryTree
+ , externalIdOccMap = externalIdOccMap
+ , externalIdInfoMap = externalIdInfoMap
+ }
+toCompactModuleInfo :: ModuleInfo -> CompactModuleInfo
+toCompactModuleInfo ModuleInfo {..} =
+ CompactModuleInfo
+ { id = id
+ , name = name
+ , exprInfoMap = exprInfoMap
+ , definitionSiteMap = definitionSiteMap
+ , source = source
+ }
+newtype HaskellModuleName = HaskellModuleName
+ { getHaskellModuleName :: T.Text
+ } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, A.ToJSONKey, Data)
+newtype HaskellModulePath = HaskellModulePath
+ { getHaskellModulePath :: T.Text
+ } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, A.ToJSONKey, Data)
+newtype HaskellFilePath = HaskellFilePath
+ { getHaskellFilePath :: T.Text
+ } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, A.ToJSONKey, Data)
+-- | Haskell identifier (value or type)
+data IdentifierInfo = IdentifierInfo
+ { sort :: NameSort
+ , occName :: OccName
+ , demangledOccName :: T.Text
+ , nameSpace :: NameSpace
+ , locationInfo :: LocationInfo
+ , idType :: Type
+ , details :: Maybe IdDetails
+ , doc :: Maybe HTML
+ , internalId :: InternalId
+ , externalId :: Maybe ExternalId
+ , isExported :: Bool
+ } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Data)
+data NameSort
+ = External
+ | Internal
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Data)
+data NameSpace
+ = VarName
+ | DataName
+ | TvName
+ | TcClsName
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Data)
+data IdDetails
+ = VanillaId
+ | RecSelId
+ | RecSelIdNaughty
+ | DataConWorkId
+ | DataConWrapId
+ | ClassOpId
+ | PrimOpId
+ | FCallId
+ | TickBoxOpId
+ | DFunId
+ | CoVarId
+ | JoinId
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Data)
+-- | Each Haskell identifier has an 'InternalId' that is unique within a single module
+newtype InternalId = InternalId
+ { getInternalId :: T.Text
+ } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Data, Hashable, A.ToJSONKey)
+newtype ExternalId = ExternalId
+ { getExternalId :: T.Text
+ } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Data, Hashable, A.ToJSONKey)
+newtype ExternalIdentifierInfo = ExternalIdentifierInfo
+ { getIdentifierInfo :: IdentifierInfo
+ } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data)
+instance Ord ExternalIdentifierInfo where
+ compare (ExternalIdentifierInfo i1) (ExternalIdentifierInfo i2) =
+ case compare
+ (T.length . demangledOccName $ i1)
+ (T.length . demangledOccName $ i2) of
+ GT -> GT
+ LT -> LT
+ EQ ->
+ case compare (demangledOccName i1) (demangledOccName i2) of
+ GT -> GT
+ LT -> LT
+ EQ ->
+ compare
+ (internalId (i1 :: IdentifierInfo))
+ (internalId (i2 :: IdentifierInfo))
+data ExpressionInfo = ExpressionInfo
+ { description :: T.Text
+ , exprType :: Maybe Type
+ } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Data)
+-- | Occurrence of an identifier in a source code
+data IdentifierOccurrence = IdentifierOccurrence
+ { internalId :: Maybe InternalId
+ , internalIdFromRenamedSource :: Maybe InternalId
+ , isBinder :: Bool
+ , instanceResolution :: Maybe InstanceResolution
+ , idOccType :: Maybe Type
+ -- ^ Instantiated type of an identifier
+ , typeArguments :: Maybe [Type]
+ , description :: T.Text
+ , sort :: IdentifierOccurrenceSort
+ } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Data)
+data IdentifierOccurrenceSort
+ = ValueId
+ | TypeId
+ | ModuleId LocationInfo
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Data)
+data Type = Type
+ { components :: [TypeComponent]
+ , componentsExpanded :: Maybe [TypeComponent]
+ -- ^ Components of a type with all type synonyms expanded
+ } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Data)
+data TypeComponent
+ = Text T.Text
+ | TyCon { internalId :: InternalId
+ , name :: T.Text }
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Data)
+-- | Tree of instances
+data InstanceResolution =
+ Instance
+ { name :: T.Text
+ -- ^ Type of an instance, e.g., "instance Show a => ClassName a"
+ , instanceType :: Type
+ , types :: [Type]
+ -- ^ Types at which type variables of a class are instantiated
+ , location :: LocationInfo
+ , instances :: [InstanceResolution]
+ }
+ | Stop
+ deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Generic,Data)
+data SourceCodeTransformation = SourceCodeTransformation
+ { totalLines :: Int
+ , filePath :: HaskellModulePath
+ , linePragmas :: S.Set LinePragma
+ , fileIndex :: HM.HashMap HaskellFilePath (S.Set FileLocation)
+ -- ^ Map from an original filename to its locations in a preprocessed source code
+ } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Data)
+-- | Location of a file included by a preprocessor
+data FileLocation = FileLocation
+ { lineStart :: Int
+ , lineEnd :: Int
+ , offset :: Int
+ -- ^ (line number in a preprocessed file) - (line number in an original file) + 1
+ } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Data)
+-- | Line pragma inserted by a preprocessor
+data LinePragma = LinePragma
+ { filePath :: HaskellFilePath
+ , lineNumberPreprocessed :: Int
+ , lineNumberOriginal :: Int
+ } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Data)
+fromOriginalLineNumber ::
+ SourceCodeTransformation -> (HaskellFilePath, Int) -> Either T.Text Int
+fromOriginalLineNumber SourceCodeTransformation {linePragmas = pragmas} (_originalFileName, originalLineNumber)
+ | S.null pragmas = Right originalLineNumber
+fromOriginalLineNumber SourceCodeTransformation {fileIndex = index} (originalFileName, originalLineNumber) =
+ case HM.lookup originalFileName index of
+ Just set ->
+ -- lookupGE finds smallest element greater or equal to the given one
+ case S.lookupGE (FileLocation 1 originalLineNumber 1) set of
+ Just FileLocation {..} -> Right $ originalLineNumber + offset
+ Nothing ->
+ Left $
+ T.concat
+ [ "Cannot find "
+ , T.pack . show $ (originalFileName, originalLineNumber)
+ , " in "
+ , T.pack $ show index
+ ]
+ Nothing ->
+ Left $
+ T.concat
+ [ "Cannot find file "
+ , T.pack . show $ originalFileName
+ , " in "
+ , T.pack $ show index
+ ]
+data Declaration = Declaration
+ { sort :: DeclarationSort
+ , name :: T.Text
+ , declType :: Maybe Type
+ , isExported :: Bool
+ , lineNumber :: Int
+ } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Data)
+data DeclarationSort
+ = TyClD
+ | InstD
+ | ValD
+ | ForD
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Data)
+data LocationInfo
+ = ExactLocation { packageId :: PackageId
+ , modulePath :: HaskellModulePath
+ , moduleName :: HaskellModuleName
+ , startLine :: Int
+ , endLine :: Int
+ , startColumn :: Int
+ , endColumn :: Int }
+ | ApproximateLocation { packageId :: PackageId
+ , moduleName :: HaskellModuleName
+ , entity :: LocatableEntity
+ , name :: T.Text
+ , haddockAnchorId :: Maybe T.Text
+ , componentId :: ComponentId }
+ | UnknownLocation T.Text
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Data)
+data LocatableEntity
+ = Typ
+ | Val
+ | Inst
+ | Mod
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Data)
+-- Instances
+deriving instance (Data k) => Data (IVM.Interval k)
+instance (Data k, Data v, Eq k, Ord k, Data (IVM.Interval k)) =>
+ Data (IVM.IntervalMap k v) where
+ gfoldl f z m = z IVM.fromList `f` IVM.toList m
+ toConstr _ = fromListConstr
+ gunfold k z c =
+ case constrIndex c of
+ 1 -> k (z IVM.fromList)
+ _ -> error "gunfold"
+ dataTypeOf _ = intervalMapDataType
+ dataCast2 = gcast2
+fromListConstr :: Constr
+fromListConstr = mkConstr intervalMapDataType "fromList" [] Prefix
+intervalMapDataType :: DataType
+intervalMapDataType = mkDataType "Data.IntervalMap" [fromListConstr]
+deriving instance Generic (IVM.Interval k)
+instance Hashable HaskellModuleName
+instance Serialize HaskellModuleName
+instance Hashable HaskellModulePath
+instance Serialize HaskellModulePath
+instance Hashable HaskellFilePath
+instance Serialize HaskellFilePath
+instance (Serialize k, Serialize v, Ord k) =>
+ Serialize (IVM.IntervalMap k v) where
+ put = put . IVM.toAscList
+ get = IVM.fromAscList <$> Data.Serialize.get
+instance Ord LinePragma where
+ compare p1 p2 =
+ compare
+ (lineNumberPreprocessed (p1 :: LinePragma))
+ (lineNumberPreprocessed (p2 :: LinePragma))
+instance Ord FileLocation where
+ compare l1 l2 = compare (lineEnd l1) (lineEnd l2)
+instance Serialize LinePragma
+instance Serialize FileLocation
+instance Serialize SourceCodeTransformation
+instance Serialize IdentifierInfo
+instance Serialize InternalId
+instance Serialize ExternalId
+instance Serialize ExternalIdentifierInfo where
+ put (ExternalIdentifierInfo info) = put info
+ get = ExternalIdentifierInfo <$>(get :: Get IdentifierInfo)
+instance Serialize InstanceResolution
+instance Serialize OccName
+instance Serialize IdDetails
+instance Serialize NameSpace
+instance Serialize DefinitionSiteMap
+instance Serialize DefinitionSite
+instance Serialize Declaration
+instance Serialize NameSort
+instance Serialize DeclarationSort
+instance Serialize PackageId
+instance Serialize Data.Version.Version
+instance Serialize (PackageInfo ModuleInfo)
+instance Serialize (PackageInfo CompactModuleInfo)
+instance Serialize IdentifierSrcSpan
+instance Serialize DirTree
+instance Serialize ComponentId
+instance Serialize ComponentType
+instance Serialize T.Text where
+ put = put . encodeUtf8
+ get = decodeUtf8 <$> Data.Serialize.get
+instance (Serialize k, Serialize v, Eq k,Hashable k) => Serialize (HM.HashMap k v) where
+ put = put . HM.toList
+ get = HM.fromList <$> get
+instance Serialize ModuleInfo
+instance Serialize CompactModuleInfo
+instance (Serialize k) => Serialize (IVM.Interval k)
+instance Serialize LocationInfo
+instance Serialize IdentifierOccurrence
+instance Serialize IdentifierOccurrenceSort
+instance Serialize TypeComponent
+instance (Serialize a) => Serialize (V.Vector a) where
+ put = put . V.toList
+ get = V.fromList <$> get
+instance Serialize Type
+instance Serialize ExpressionInfo
+instance Serialize LocatableEntity
+instance (Serialize k,Ord k,Serialize v,Ord v,Hashable k) => Serialize (Trie k v)
+instance NFData HaskellModuleName
+instance NFData HaskellModulePath
+instance NFData HaskellFilePath
+instance NFData LinePragma
+instance NFData FileLocation
+instance NFData SourceCodeTransformation
+instance NFData IdentifierInfo
+instance NFData InternalId
+instance NFData ExternalId
+instance NFData ExternalIdentifierInfo
+instance NFData InstanceResolution
+instance NFData IdDetails
+instance NFData NameSpace
+instance NFData OccName
+instance NFData DefinitionSiteMap
+instance NFData DefinitionSite
+instance NFData Declaration
+instance NFData NameSort
+instance NFData DeclarationSort
+instance NFData PackageId
+instance NFData (PackageInfo ModuleInfo)
+instance NFData (PackageInfo CompactModuleInfo)
+instance NFData IdentifierSrcSpan
+instance NFData DirTree
+instance NFData ComponentId
+instance NFData ComponentType
+instance NFData ModuleInfo
+instance NFData CompactModuleInfo
+instance NFData LocationInfo
+instance NFData IdentifierOccurrence
+instance NFData IdentifierOccurrenceSort
+instance NFData TypeComponent
+instance NFData Type
+instance NFData ExpressionInfo
+instance NFData LocatableEntity
+instance (NFData k, Ord k, NFData v, Ord v, Hashable k) =>
+ NFData (Trie k v)
+omitNothingOptions :: Options
+omitNothingOptions = defaultOptions {omitNothingFields = True}
+instance A.ToJSON (PackageInfo a) where
+ toJSON PackageInfo {..} =
+ A.object
+ [ ("id", A.toJSON $ packageIdToText id)
+ , ("directoryTree", A.toJSON directoryTree)
+ , ("modules", A.toJSON . HM.map (const ()) $ moduleMap)
+ ]
+instance A.ToJSON ModuleInfo where
+ toJSON ModuleInfo {..} =
+ let sourceCodeLines = zip [1 ..] $ V.toList source
+ tokenizedLines =
+ L.map
+ (\(lineNumber, lineText) ->
+ case IM.lookup lineNumber idOccMap of
+ Just identifiers -> (lineNumber, tokenize lineText identifiers)
+ Nothing ->
+ ( lineNumber
+ , [(lineText, (1, T.length lineText + 1), Nothing)]))
+ sourceCodeLines
+ html =
+ Html.table Html.! Attr.class_ "source-code" $
+ Html.tbody $ mapM_ (uncurry lineToHtml) tokenizedLines
+ in A.object
+ [ ("id", A.toJSON id)
+ , ("name", A.toJSON name)
+ , ("sourceCodeHtml", A.toJSON . renderHtml $ html)
+ , ("identifiers", A.toJSON idInfoMap)
+ , ("occurrences", A.toJSON $ idOccurrencesHashMap idOccMap)
+ , ("declarations", A.toJSON declarations)
+ ]
+idOccurrencesHashMap ::
+ IM.IntMap [((Int, Int), IdentifierOccurrence)]
+ -> HM.HashMap T.Text IdentifierOccurrence
+idOccurrencesHashMap =
+ HM.fromList .
+ concatMap
+ (\(lineNum, occs) ->
+ L.map
+ (\((startCol, endCol), occ) ->
+ (occurrenceLocationToText lineNum startCol endCol, occ))
+ occs) .
+ IM.toList
+idOccurrenceList ::
+ IM.IntMap [((Int, Int), IdentifierOccurrence)]
+ -> HM.HashMap T.Text IdentifierOccurrence
+idOccurrenceList =
+ HM.fromList .
+ concatMap
+ (\(lineNum, occs) ->
+ L.map
+ (\((startCol, endCol), occ) ->
+ (occurrenceLocationToText lineNum startCol endCol, occ))
+ occs) .
+ IM.toList
+occurrenceLocationToText :: Int -> Int -> Int -> T.Text
+occurrenceLocationToText lineNum startCol endCol =
+ T.concat
+ [ T.pack . show $ lineNum
+ , "-"
+ , T.pack . show $ startCol
+ , "-"
+ , T.pack . show $ endCol
+ ]
+lineToHtml :: Int
+ -> [(T.Text, (Int, Int), Maybe IdentifierOccurrence)]
+ -> Html.Html
+lineToHtml lineNumber tokens =
+ Html.tr $ do
+ Html.td Html.! Attr.class_ "line-number" Html.!
+ Attr.id (Html.textValue . T.append "LN" . T.pack $ show lineNumber) $
+ Html.toHtml (T.pack $ show lineNumber)
+ Html.td Html.! Attr.class_ "line-content" Html.!
+ Html.dataAttribute "line" (Html.textValue $ T.pack . show $ lineNumber) Html.!
+ Attr.id (Html.textValue . T.append "LC" . T.pack $ show lineNumber) $
+ mapM_
+ (\(content, (start, end), mbIdOcc) ->
+ let addPositionAttrs :: Html.Html -> Html.Html
+ addPositionAttrs htmlElement =
+ htmlElement Html.!
+ Html.dataAttribute
+ "start"
+ (Html.textValue $ T.pack . show $ start) Html.!
+ Html.dataAttribute "end" (Html.textValue $ T.pack . show $ end)
+ in case mbIdOcc of
+ Just idOcc ->
+ addPositionAttrs $
+ Html.span Html.! Attr.class_ "identifier" Html.!
+ Attr.id
+ (Html.textValue .
+ maybe "" getInternalId . internalIdFromRenamedSource $
+ idOcc) Html.!
+ Html.dataAttribute
+ "occurrence"
+ (Html.textValue $
+ occurrenceLocationToText lineNumber start end) Html.!
+ Html.dataAttribute
+ "identifier"
+ (Html.textValue $
+ maybe "" getInternalId $
+ internalId (idOcc :: IdentifierOccurrence)) $
+ Html.toHtml content
+ Nothing -> addPositionAttrs . Html.span . Html.toHtml $ content)
+ tokens
+ :: forall a.
+ T.Text -- ^ Source code
+ -> [((Int, Int), a)] -- ^ Identifier locations
+ -- The end position is defined to be the column /after/ the end of the
+ -- span. That is, a span of (1,1)-(1,2) is one character long, and a
+ -- span of (1,1)-(1,1) is zero characters long.
+ -> [(T.Text, (Int, Int), Maybe a)]
+tokenize line =
+ L.reverse .
+ (\(remainingLine, currentIndex, c) ->
+ if T.null remainingLine
+ then c
+ else (remainingLine, (currentIndex, T.length line + 1), Nothing) : c) .
+ L.foldl' split (line, 1, [])
+ where
+ split ::
+ (T.Text, Int, [(T.Text, (Int, Int), Maybe a)])
+ -> ((Int, Int), a)
+ -> (T.Text, Int, [(T.Text, (Int, Int), Maybe a)])
+ split (remainingLine, currentIndex, chunks) ((start, end), a)
+ | start == currentIndex =
+ let (chunk, remainingLine') = T.splitAt (end - start) remainingLine
+ chunks' = (chunk, (start, end), Just a) : chunks
+ in (remainingLine', end, chunks')
+ | otherwise =
+ let (chunkNoId, remainingLine') =
+ T.splitAt (start - currentIndex) remainingLine
+ (chunk, remainingLine'') = T.splitAt (end - start) remainingLine'
+ in ( remainingLine''
+ , end
+ , (chunk, (start, end), Just a) :
+ (chunkNoId, (currentIndex, start), Nothing) : chunks)
+docToHtml ::
+ forall mod id.
+ (mod -> Html.Html)
+ -> (id -> Html.Html)
+ -> DocH mod id
+ -> HTML
+docToHtml modToHtml idToHtml = toStrict . renderHtml . toH
+ where
+ toH :: DocH mod id -> Html.Html
+ toH (DocAppend doc1 doc2) = toH doc1 >> toH doc2
+ toH (DocParagraph doc) = Html.p $ toH doc
+ toH (DocIdentifier identifier) = Html.span $ idToHtml identifier
+ toH (DocWarning doc) = Html.div Html.! Attr.class_ "warning" $ toH doc
+ toH (DocEmphasis doc) = Html.em $ toH doc
+ toH DocEmpty = mempty
+ toH (DocBold doc) = Html.b $ toH doc
+ toH (DocMonospaced doc) =
+ Html.span Html.! Attr.class_ "source-code-font" $ toH doc
+ toH (DocUnorderedList docs) = Html.ul $ mapM_ (Html.li . toH) docs
+ toH (DocOrderedList docs) = Html.ol $ mapM_ (Html.li . toH) docs
+ toH (DocDefList docs) =
+ Html.dl $
+ mapM_ (\(doc1, doc2) -> Html.dt (toH doc1) >> Html.dd (toH doc2)) docs
+ toH (DocCodeBlock doc) = Html.div Html.! Attr.class_ "source-code" $ toH doc
+ toH (DocIdentifierUnchecked modName) = modToHtml modName
+ toH (DocModule str) = Html.span . Html.toHtml . T.pack $ str
+ toH (DocHyperlink (Hyperlink url mbTitle)) =
+ Html.a Html.! (Attr.href . Html.textValue . T.pack $ url) $
+ Html.toHtml $ fromMaybe url mbTitle
+ toH (DocPic (Picture uri mbTitle)) =
+ Html.img Html.! (Attr.src . Html.textValue . T.pack $ uri) Html.!
+ (Attr.title . Html.textValue . T.pack $ fromMaybe "" mbTitle)
+ toH (DocMathInline str) =
+ Html.span . Html.toHtml $ T.pack ("\\(" ++ str ++ "\\)")
+ toH (DocMathDisplay str) =
+ Html.div . Html.toHtml $ T.pack ("\\[" ++ str ++ "\\]")
+ toH (DocAName str) =
+ Html.a Html.! (Attr.id . Html.textValue . T.pack $ str) $ mempty
+ toH (DocProperty str) =
+ Html.div Html.! Attr.class_ "source-code" $ Html.toHtml $ T.pack str
+ toH (DocExamples examples) =
+ Html.div Html.! Attr.class_ "source-code" $
+ mapM_
+ (\(Example expr results) ->
+ let htmlPrompt = Html.span $ Html.toHtml (">>> " :: String)
+ htmlExpression = Html.span $ Html.toHtml (expr ++ "\n")
+ in htmlPrompt >> htmlExpression >>
+ mapM_ (Html.span . Html.toHtml) (unlines results))
+ examples
+ toH (DocString str) = Html.span . Html.toHtml $ T.pack str
+ toH (DocHeader (Header level doc)) = toHeader level $ toH doc
+ where
+ toHeader 1 = Html.h1
+ toHeader 2 = Html.h2
+ toHeader 3 = Html.h3
+ toHeader 4 = Html.h4
+ toHeader 5 = Html.h5
+ toHeader _ = Html.h6
+instance A.ToJSON HaskellModuleName where
+ toJSON (HaskellModuleName name) = A.String name
+instance A.ToJSON HaskellModulePath where
+ toJSON (HaskellModulePath path) = A.String path
+instance A.ToJSON HaskellFilePath where
+ toJSON (HaskellFilePath path) = A.String path
+instance A.ToJSON LinePragma where
+ toJSON = A.genericToJSON omitNothingOptions
+instance A.ToJSON FileLocation where
+ toJSON = A.genericToJSON omitNothingOptions
+instance A.ToJSON IdentifierInfo where
+ toJSON = A.genericToJSON omitNothingOptions
+instance A.ToJSON InternalId where
+ toJSON (InternalId text) = A.toJSON text
+instance A.ToJSON ExternalId where
+ toJSON (ExternalId text) = A.toJSON text
+instance A.ToJSON ExternalIdentifierInfo where
+ toJSON (ExternalIdentifierInfo info) = A.toJSON info
+instance A.ToJSON InstanceResolution where
+ toJSON (Instance name typ types location instances) =
+ A.object
+ [ "name" A..= A.toJSON name
+ , "types" A..= A.toJSON types
+ , "location" A..= A.toJSON location
+ , "instanceType" A..= A.toJSON typ
+ , "instances" A..=
+ (A.Array . V.fromList . Prelude.map A.toJSON $ instances)
+ ]
+ toJSON Stop = A.Null
+instance A.ToJSON IdDetails where
+ toJSON = A.genericToJSON omitNothingOptions
+instance A.ToJSON NameSpace where
+ toJSON = A.genericToJSON omitNothingOptions
+instance A.ToJSON Declaration
+instance A.ToJSON NameSort
+instance A.ToJSON OccName where
+ toJSON (OccName name) = A.String name
+instance A.ToJSON DeclarationSort
+instance A.ToJSON PackageId
+instance A.ToJSON ComponentId where
+ toJSON (ComponentId id) = A.toJSON id
+instance A.ToJSON ComponentType
+instance A.ToJSON LocationInfo where
+ toJSON = A.genericToJSON omitNothingOptions
+instance A.ToJSON LocatableEntity
+instance A.ToJSON IdentifierOccurrence where
+ toJSON IdentifierOccurrence {..} =
+ A.object $
+ [("sort", A.toJSON sort)] ++
+ [("description", A.toJSON description)] ++
+ [("internalId", A.toJSON internalId) | isJust internalId] ++
+ [("isBinder", A.toJSON isBinder) | isBinder] ++
+ [("instanceResolution", A.toJSON instanceResolution) | isJust instanceResolution] ++
+ [("idOccType", A.toJSON idOccType) | isJust idOccType]
+instance A.ToJSON IdentifierOccurrenceSort
+instance A.ToJSON TypeComponent where
+ toJSON = A.genericToJSON omitNothingOptions
+instance A.ToJSON Type where
+ toJSON = A.genericToJSON omitNothingOptions
+instance A.ToJSON ExpressionInfo where
+ toJSON = A.genericToJSON omitNothingOptions
+instance A.ToJSON DirTree
+instance A.ToJSON DefinitionSite where
+ toJSON = A.genericToJSON omitNothingOptions
+instance A.ToJSON IdentifierSrcSpan
+instance A.ToJSON (IVM.Interval (Int, Int)) where
+ toJSON (IVM.IntervalCO a b) = intervalToValue a b
+ toJSON (IVM.ClosedInterval a b) = intervalToValue a b
+ toJSON (IVM.OpenInterval a b) = intervalToValue a b
+ toJSON (IVM.IntervalOC a b) = intervalToValue a b
+intervalToValue :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> A.Value
+intervalToValue (l1, c1) (l2, c2) =
+ A.object
+ [ ("start", A.object [("line", A.toJSON l1), ("column", A.toJSON c1)])
+ , ("end", A.object [("line", A.toJSON l2), ("column", A.toJSON c2)])
+ ]
+data SourceCodePreprocessing
+ = AfterPreprocessing
+ | BeforePreprocessing
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data Log
+ = StdOut
+ | ToFile FilePath
+ deriving (Show, Eq)