diff options
authoralraban <alexander.raban@gmail.com>2017-11-24 10:33:42 -0500
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2017-11-24 10:33:42 -0500
commit0fe82c1b8b30c75dfe878bb3d12c6d4c1ce252b3 (patch)
parent5eda3b98b75bcd955d2ccc64635b8c6a708431f4 (diff)
Initial Commit
1 files changed, 352 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/org-recoll.el b/org-recoll.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..386ee45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/org-recoll.el
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;;; org-recoll.el --- a simple emacs interface to recoll full-text search that outputs with org-mode links
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Code:
+(require 'org)
+(require 'dired)
+(require 'doc-view)
+;; Also recommended for best results:
+;;(require 'pdf-tools)
+;;(require 'org-pdfview)
+;;(require 'ereader)
+;;(require 'shr)
+;; Setup/Init
+(defgroup org-recoll nil
+ "Recoll text-search integration for Org Mode"
+ :group 'org
+ :prefix "org-recoll-")
+;; Public Variables
+(defcustom org-recoll-results-num 10
+ "This is the number of results to be displayed per page.
+High numbers will reduce responsiveness. It's set to 10 by
+default for convenient paging"
+ :group 'org-recoll
+ :type 'integer)
+(defcustom org-recoll-command-invocation "recoll -t -A"
+ "This is the stem of the recoll shell command called by ORG-RECOLL-SEARCH.
+Change this if your recoll executable is not in your path.
+CAUTION: At present the parsing below expects a specific output
+format, so changing the flags will break things."
+ :group 'org-recoll
+ :type 'string)
+(defcustom org-recoll-index-invocation "recollindex"
+ "This is the shell command called by ORG-RECOLL-UPDATE-INDEX.
+Modify this if your recoll configuration file is not in the
+standard location. Note: do not add an & as the function already
+backgrounds the process by default"
+ :group 'org-recoll
+ :type 'string)
+(defcustom org-recoll-file-search-automatically t
+ "Toggle whether file-search starts automatically after following a link.
+Set to nil to disable. This is a good idea if you aren't opening
+the files in Emacs."
+ :group 'org-recoll
+ :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom org-recoll-file-search-prompt t
+ "Toggle prompt for an alternative file-search term after following a link.
+If ORG-RECOLL-FILE-SEARCH-AUTOMATICALLY is t and this is nil, then a
+file-search for the default term will auto-start on link opening. If
+initated and this variable is not evaluated."
+ :group 'org-recoll
+ :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom org-recoll-search-history nil
+ "List to store your recoll search history."
+ :group 'org-recoll
+(defcustom org-recoll-result-file-read-only t
+ "Toggle whether opened search results are read-only.
+This setting is intended as a precaution against accidentally
+deleting/editing parts of your research library."
+ :group 'org-recoll
+ :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom org-recoll-render-html t
+ "Toggle whether opened html search results are automatically rendered."
+ :group 'org-recoll
+ :type 'boolean)
+;; Internal Variables
+(defvar org-recoll-end-of-current-page org-recoll-results-num)
+(defvar org-recoll-start-of-current-page 0)
+(defvar org-recoll-search-query nil)
+(defvar org-recoll-filename nil)
+(defvar org-recoll-html-file-types '(html xml opf htm))
+;; Mode setup
+(defvar org-recoll-mode-map
+ (let ((kmap (make-sparse-keymap)))
+ (define-key kmap (kbd "C-c n") 'org-recoll-next-page)
+ (define-key kmap (kbd "C-c p") 'org-recoll-previous-page)
+ (define-key kmap (kbd "C-c q") 'delete-window)
+ kmap)
+ "The keymap used for `org-recoll-mode'.")
+(define-minor-mode org-recoll-mode
+ "A minor mode to simplify navigation of recoll search results.
+\\<org-recoll-mode-map> Some useful keys are:
+\\[org-recoll-next-page] - Advance to Next page of search results.
+\\[org-recoll-previous-page] - Go back to previous page of search results.
+\\[delete-window] - Exit.
+ nil ; default value
+ :lighter " org-recoll" ; modeline notice
+ :keymap org-recoll-mode-map ; key bindings
+ :group 'org-recoll)
+;; Internal Functions
+(defun org-recoll-compare-string-to-list (string list)
+ "Compares STRING to each element of LIST."
+ (setq org-recoll-matched nil)
+ (while list
+ (if (string= (prin1-to-string (car list)) string)
+ (setq org-recoll-matched t))
+ (setq list (cdr list)))
+ org-recoll-matched)
+(defun org-recoll-fill-region-paragraphs ()
+ "Fill region like `org-fill-paragraph' for each para in buffer."
+ (interactive "r\nP")
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (save-excursion
+ (while (< (point) (point-max))
+ (org-fill-paragraph t)
+ (forward-paragraph))))
+(defun org-recoll-sanitize-single-quote (source-string)
+ "Replace all instances of ' in SOURCE-STRING to be shell safe."
+ (replace-regexp-in-string (regexp-quote "'") "'\\''" source-string nil 'literal))
+(defun org-recoll-reformat-for-file-search (source-string)
+ "Strip certain special search language characters in SOURCE-STRING with nil.
+This is necessary because isearch has a different search idiom
+than recoll, so, for example, a successful \"phrasal search\" in
+recoll will yield no results in isearch. I also strip out result
+narrowing features like author: or title: style searches."
+ (setq source-string (replace-regexp-in-string (regexp-quote "\"") "" source-string nil 'literal))
+ (setq source-string (replace-regexp-in-string "\\(.*\\):.*?\s" "" source-string nil 'literal)))
+(defun org-recoll-shr-render-current-buffer()
+ (or (fboundp 'libxml-parse-html-region)
+ (error "This function requires Emacs to be compiled with libxml2"))
+ (let* (
+ (render-buffer (get-buffer-create "*html*"))
+ (intermediate-render (libxml-parse-html-region (point-min) (point-max))))
+ (kill-buffer-if-not-modified (current-buffer))
+ (with-current-buffer render-buffer
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (shr-insert-document intermediate-render)
+ (goto-char (point-min)))
+ (switch-to-buffer render-buffer)))
+(defun org-recoll-doc-view-search (squery)
+ "Jump to the next match of SQUERY in 'doc-view-mode'.
+If the current document hasn't been transformed to plain text
+till now do that first."
+ ;; New search, so forget the old results.
+ (setq doc-view--current-search-matches nil)
+ (let ((txt (expand-file-name "doc.txt"
+ (doc-view--current-cache-dir))))
+ (if (file-readable-p txt)
+ (progn
+ (setq doc-view--current-search-matches
+ (doc-view-search-internal squery txt))
+ (message "DocView: search yielded %d matches."
+ (doc-view-search-no-of-matches
+ doc-view--current-search-matches)))
+ ;; We must convert to TXT first!
+ (if doc-view--current-converter-processes
+ (message "DocView: please wait till conversion finished.")
+ (doc-view-doc->txt txt (lambda () (org-recoll-doc-view-search nil)))))))
+(defun org-recoll-post-open-actions (squery)
+ "Perform rendering or search actions on opened file.
+Prompt to start a file-search for SQUERY in the opened file or to
+call pdf-occur for a pdf. isearch can be a bit slow with pdfs
+due to rendering speed. PDF-OCCUR provides a speedy alternative.
+Falls back gracefully to a modified doc-view-search if in
+doc-view (where isearch doesn't work."
+ (interactive)
+ ;;For some reason at the stage in the org hook where this is called,
+ ;;the opened file document is the "selected window" but is not the
+ ;;"current buffer." This lead to weird results attempting to start
+ ;;searches, and this line fixes it.
+ (switch-to-buffer (window-buffer (selected-window)))
+ ;;Retrieve the filename from the buffer title.
+ (setq org-recoll-filename (prin1-to-string (window-buffer (selected-window))))
+ (setq org-recoll-filename (replace-regexp-in-string ">" "" org-recoll-filename))
+ (setq org-recoll-filename (replace-regexp-in-string "#<buffer " "" org-recoll-filename))
+ ;;If it's html, render it with shr
+ (if (and org-recoll-render-html (featurep 'shr) (org-recoll-compare-string-to-list (file-name-extension org-recoll-filename) org-recoll-html-file-types))
+ (org-recoll-shr-render-current-buffer))
+ ;; Set pdfs and docs to page view by default
+ (if (string= major-mode "doc-view-mode")
+ (doc-view-fit-page-to-window)
+ (if (string= (file-name-extension org-recoll-filename) "pdf") (pdf-view-fit-page-to-window)))
+ ;;Search logic
+ (if org-recoll-file-search-automatically
+ (progn
+ (if org-recoll-file-search-prompt (setq squery (read-string (concat "Enter file-search query: (default: " squery ")") nil nil squery)))
+ ;;If its a pdf, call pdf-occur (if available); otherwise start
+ ;;an isearch
+ (if (string= (file-name-extension org-recoll-filename) "pdf")
+ (if (featurep 'pdf-tools) (pdf-occur squery) (message "Install pdf-tools and org-pdfview for pdf searching"))
+ (if(string= major-mode "doc-view-mode")
+ (org-recoll-doc-view-search squery)
+ (progn
+ (isearch-forward nil 1)
+ (isearch-yank-string squery))))))
+ (if org-recoll-result-file-read-only (setq buffer-read-only t)))
+(defun org-recoll-split-and-focus ()
+ "Split window and focus the recoll results window after an original search."
+ (when (= (length (window-list)) 1)
+ (split-window-right))
+ (other-window 1)
+ (switch-to-buffer "*org-recoll-results*"))
+(defun org-recoll-reset-result-count ()
+ "Reset results count."
+ (setq org-recoll-end-of-current-page org-recoll-results-num)
+ (setq org-recoll-start-of-current-page 0))
+(defun org-recoll-regexp-replace-in-buffer (from to)
+ "Non-interactively replace all occurrences of FROM with TO."
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward from nil t)
+ (replace-match to))
+ )
+(defun org-recoll-format-results ()
+ "Format recoll results in buffer."
+ ;; Format results in org format and tidy up
+ (org-recoll-regexp-replace-in-buffer "\\[\\(.*\\)" "[[\\1")
+ (org-recoll-regexp-replace-in-buffer "\\]\\(.*\\)" "-link")
+ (org-recoll-regexp-replace-in-buffer "text\\/" "* ")
+ (org-recoll-regexp-replace-in-buffer "inode\\/" "* ")
+ (org-recoll-regexp-replace-in-buffer "message\\/rfc822" "* e-mail")
+ (org-recoll-regexp-replace-in-buffer "image\\/" "* ")
+ (org-recoll-regexp-replace-in-buffer "application\\/" "* ")
+ (org-recoll-regexp-replace-in-buffer "\\/ABSTRACT" "")
+ (org-recoll-regexp-replace-in-buffer "ABSTRACT" "")
+ (org-recoll-regexp-replace-in-buffer "\\/\\([^\\/]*\\)-link" "/\\1][\\1]]")
+ ;; Justify results
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (org-recoll-fill-region-paragraphs)
+ ;; Add emphasis
+ (highlight-phrase (org-recoll-reformat-for-file-search org-recoll-search-query) 'bold-italic))
+(defun org-recoll-recollq-to-org (squery &optional paging)
+ "Conduct recoll full-text search and format the results in org links.
+SQUERY is the query passed in from the wrapper.
+If PAGING is t this indicates that the function is being called to page through results."
+ ;;If paging through results or starting a new search from the
+ ;;buffer, stay in the buffer
+ (unless (or paging (string= "#<buffer *org-recoll-results*>" (prin1-to-string (window-buffer (selected-window))))) (org-recoll-split-and-focus))
+ ;;If you're not paging through the results, reset the paging
+ ;;counters
+ (unless paging (org-recoll-reset-result-count))
+ ;;Unset read-only-mode to make the buffer temporarily writeable
+ (read-only-mode -1)
+ ;;Clear the buffer and do some setup
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (org-mode)
+ (make-local-variable 'org-return-follows-link)
+ (setq org-return-follows-link t)
+ (org-recoll-mode t)
+ ;;Should probably remove this or make it conditional as it's just
+ ;;for my benefit
+ (if (featurep 'flyspell) (flyspell-mode -1))
+ ;;Print the query header and result count
+ (insert (shell-command-to-string (concat org-recoll-command-invocation " -Q '" (org-recoll-sanitize-single-quote squery) "'")))
+ (insert (concat "\n" "Results: " (number-to-string org-recoll-start-of-current-page) " - " (number-to-string org-recoll-end-of-current-page) "\n\n"))
+ ;;Print results
+ (insert (shell-command-to-string (concat org-recoll-command-invocation " -n '" (number-to-string org-recoll-start-of-current-page) "-" (number-to-string org-recoll-results-num) "' -q " "'" (org-recoll-sanitize-single-quote squery) "'" " | tail +3")))
+ ;;Format
+ (org-recoll-format-results)
+ ;;Prevent editing
+ (read-only-mode)
+ ;;Add post-processing/file-search hook
+ (add-hook 'org-follow-link-hook (lambda () (org-recoll-post-open-actions (org-recoll-reformat-for-file-search squery))) nil t))
+;; User-Facing Functions
+(defun org-recoll-update-index ()
+ "Invoke the recoll index update command string specified in ORG-RECOLL-INDEX-INVOCATION."
+ (interactive)
+ (shell-command (concat org-recoll-index-invocation " &") "*org-recoll-index*" "*org-recoll-index*"))
+(defun org-recoll-next-page ()
+ "Delivers the next page of results."
+ (interactive)
+ (setq org-recoll-start-of-current-page org-recoll-end-of-current-page)
+ (setq org-recoll-end-of-current-page (+ org-recoll-end-of-current-page org-recoll-results-num))
+ (org-recoll-recollq-to-org org-recoll-search-query t))
+(defun org-recoll-previous-page ()
+ "Delivers the previous page of results."
+ (interactive)
+ (if (eq org-recoll-start-of-current-page 0) (error "You are already at the beginning of the results list"))
+ (setq org-recoll-end-of-current-page org-recoll-start-of-current-page)
+ (setq org-recoll-start-of-current-page (- org-recoll-start-of-current-page org-recoll-results-num))
+ (org-recoll-recollq-to-org org-recoll-search-query t))
+(defun org-recoll-completing-read (&optional squery)
+ "Read from minibuffer with completion, but allowing spaces.
+If SQUERY is passed offer it as a default."
+ (define-key minibuffer-local-completion-map
+ " " nil)
+ (setq squery (completing-read "Enter your query: " org-recoll-search-history nil nil nil 'org-recoll-search-history squery))
+ (define-key minibuffer-local-completion-map
+ " " 'minibuffer-complete-word)
+ squery)
+(defun org-recoll-search (&optional query)
+ "Prompt for a QUERY and search."
+ (interactive)
+ (if query
+ (setq org-recoll-search-query query)
+ (setq org-recoll-search-query (org-recoll-completing-read)))
+ (org-recoll-recollq-to-org org-recoll-search-query))
+(provide 'org-recoll)
+;;; org-recoll.el ends here