path: root/ptv.py
diff options
authorYuchen Pei <hi@ypei.me>2022-04-04 13:14:44 +1000
committerYuchen Pei <hi@ypei.me>2022-04-04 13:45:47 +1000
commitc7e5108443febfa5995d143ed8450ab09b0cb6bd (patch)
treedb32a27d385209797d062ca94698fdb57e77d91b /ptv.py
parent29584f296126c69c231ef883d286fa693ac94b98 (diff)
refactoring and adding web client
Diffstat (limited to 'ptv.py')
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 115 deletions
diff --git a/ptv.py b/ptv.py
index 9d8b541..3a46ae7 100755
--- a/ptv.py
+++ b/ptv.py
@@ -1,126 +1,24 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2022 Yuchen Pei.
-# ptv.py is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
-# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-# License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# ptv.py is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Affero General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
-# License along with ptv.py. If not, see
-# <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# PTV (Public Transport Victoria) timetable cli query tool
-from hashlib import sha1
-from urllib import request, error, parse
-from datetime import datetime, timezone
-from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo
-import hmac
-import json
-import pprint
-import itertools
-import os
-_ROUTE_TYPE = ["Train", "Tram", "Bus", "Vline", "Night Bus"]
-def get_url(request):
- key = str.encode(os.environ.get('PTVKEY'))
- dev_id = os.environ.get('PTVID')
- request = parse.quote(request) + ('&' if ('?' in request) else '?')
- raw = request + f'devid={dev_id}'
- hashed = hmac.new(key, raw.encode('utf-8'), sha1)
- signature = hashed.hexdigest().upper()
- return f'http://timetableapi.ptv.vic.gov.au{raw}&signature={signature}'
-def get_json(url):
- try:
- document = request.urlopen(url).read().decode()
- except error.HTTPError:
- print("http error!")
- return
- return json.loads(document)
-def get_stops(search_result):
- return [{'routes': stop['routes'],
- 'stop_name': stop['stop_name'],
- 'stop_id': stop['stop_id']} for stop in search_result(stops)]
-def get_stop_and_routes(search_result):
- return itertools.chain.from_iterable(
- [[(stop, route) for route in stop['routes']]
- for stop in search_result['stops']])
-def search(keyword):
- return get_json(get_url(f'/v3/search/{keyword}'))
-def format_stop_and_route_name(stop_and_route):
- stop, route = stop_and_route
- return 'Stop: {}, Route: {} {} {}'.format(
- stop['stop_name'], _ROUTE_TYPE[route['route_type']],
- route['route_number'], route['route_name'])
-def format_stop_and_route_names(stop_and_routes):
- return '\n'.join(f'[{i}] {result}' for i, result in enumerate(
- map(format_stop_and_route_name, stop_and_routes)))
- return '\n'.join(f'[{i}] {result}' for i, result in enumerate(
- [format_stop_and_route_name(
- stop['stop_name'], _ROUTE_TYPE[route['route_type']],
- route['route_number'], route['route_name'])
- for stop, route in stop_and_routes]))
-def get_departures(stop, route):
- return get_json(get_url(
- '/v3/departures/route_type/{}/stop/{}/route/{}'.format(
- route['route_type'], stop['stop_id'],
- route['route_id'])))
-def parse_time(maybe_time):
- if maybe_time:
- return datetime.fromisoformat(maybe_time[:-1] + '+00:00')
-def format_time(maybe_time):
- if maybe_time:
- return str(maybe_time.astimezone(
- ZoneInfo('Australia/Melbourne')))[:-6]
-def filter_departures(departures):
- return [dep for dep in departures
- if dep['scheduled_departure_utc'] and
- parse_time(dep['scheduled_departure_utc']) >
- datetime.now().astimezone(timezone.utc)]
-def get_directions(route_id):
- return get_json(get_url(f'/v3/directions/route/{route_id}'))
-def get_direction_names(route_id):
- return {dir['direction_id']: dir['direction_name'] for dir in
- get_directions(route_id)['directions']}
-def format_departures(departures, direction_names):
- return '\n'.join(['estimated: {}; scheduled: {}; direction: {}'.format(
- format_time(parse_time(dep['estimated_departure_utc'])),
- format_time(parse_time(dep['scheduled_departure_utc'])),
- direction_names[dep['direction_id']])
- for dep in filter_departures(departures['departures'])])
+import ptv_client
+import cli_view
+import util
def main():
- stop_and_routes = list(get_stop_and_routes(search(input('Query: '))))
+ stop_and_routes = list(
+ ptv_client.get_stop_and_routes(ptv_client.search(input('Query: '))))
if not stop_and_routes:
print("No results")
- print(format_stop_and_route_names(stop_and_routes))
+ print(cli_view.format_stop_and_route_names(stop_and_routes))
idx = int(input('Choose a number: '))
- print(format_stop_and_route_name(stop_and_routes[idx]))
- print(format_departures(
- get_departures(*stop_and_routes[idx]),
- get_direction_names(stop_and_routes[idx][1]['route_id'])))
+ print(cli_view.format_stop_and_route_name(stop_and_routes[idx]))
+ departures = ptv_client.get_departures_from_stop_and_route(
+ *stop_and_routes[idx])
+ filtered_deps = util.filter_departures(departures['departures'])
+ print(cli_view.format_departures(
+ filtered_deps,
+ ptv_client.get_direction_names(stop_and_routes[idx][1]['route_id'])))
if __name__ == "__main__":