import SettingData, {
FormKeymaps, JSONTextSettings, FormSettings,
} from '../../src/shared/SettingData';
import Settings from '../../src/shared/settings/Settings';
import { expect } from 'chai';
import Keymaps from '../../src/shared/settings/Keymaps';
describe('shared/SettingData', () => {
describe('FormKeymaps', () => {
describe('#valueOF to #toKeymaps', () => {
it('parses form keymaps and convert to operations', () => {
const data = {
'scroll.vertically?{"count":1}': 'j',
'scroll.home': '0',
const keymaps = FormKeymaps.fromJSON(data).toKeymaps().toJSON();
'j': { type: 'scroll.vertically', count: 1 },
'0': { type: 'scroll.home' },
describe('#fromKeymaps to #toJSON', () => {
it('create from a Keymaps and create a JSON object', () => {
const keymaps: Keymaps = Keymaps.fromJSON({
'j': { type: 'scroll.vertically', count: 1 },
'0': { type: 'scroll.home' },
const form = FormKeymaps.fromKeymaps(keymaps).toJSON();
'scroll.vertically?{"count":1}': 'j',
'scroll.home': '0',
describe('JSONSettings', () => {
describe('#valueOf to #toSettings', () => {
it('parse object and create a Settings', () => {
const o = `{
"keymaps": {},
"search": {
"default": "google",
"engines": {
"google": "{}"
"properties": {
"hintchars": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
"smoothscroll": false,
"complete": "sbh"
"blacklist": []
const settings = JSONTextSettings.fromText(o).toSettings();
describe('#fromSettings to #toJSON', () => {
it('create from a Settings and create a JSON string', () => {
const o = Settings.fromJSON({
keymaps: {},
search: {
default: "google",
engines: {
google: "{}",
properties: {
hintchars: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
smoothscroll: false,
complete: "sbh"
blacklist: [],
const json = JSONTextSettings.fromSettings(o).toJSONText();
describe('FormSettings', () => {
describe('#valueOf to #toSettings', () => {
it('parse object and create a Settings', () => {
const data = {
keymaps: {
'scroll.vertically?{"count":1}': 'j',
'scroll.home': '0',
search: {
default: "google",
engines: [
["google", "{}"],
properties: {
hintchars: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
smoothscroll: false,
complete: "sbh"
blacklist: []
const settings = FormSettings.fromJSON(data).toSettings();
keymaps: {
'j': { type: 'scroll.vertically', count: 1 },
'0': { type: 'scroll.home' },
search: {
default: "google",
engines: {
"google": "{}"
properties: {
hintchars: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
smoothscroll: false,
complete: "sbh"
blacklist: []
describe('#fromSettings to #toJSON', () => {
it('create from a Settings and create a JSON string', () => {
const data: Settings = Settings.fromJSON({
keymaps: {
'j': { type: 'scroll.vertically', count: 1 },
'0': { type: 'scroll.home' },
search: {
default: "google",
engines: {
"google": "{}"
properties: {
hintchars: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
smoothscroll: false,
complete: "sbh"
blacklist: [],
const json = FormSettings.fromSettings(data).toJSON();
keymaps: {
'scroll.vertically?{"count":1}': 'j',
'scroll.home': '0',
search: {
default: "google",
engines: [
["google", "{}"],
properties: {
hintchars: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
smoothscroll: false,
complete: "sbh"
blacklist: [],
describe('SettingData', () => {
describe('#valueOf to #toJSON', () => {
it('parse object from json source', () => {
const data = {
source: 'json',
json: `{
"keymaps": {},
"search": {
"default": "google",
"engines": {
"google": "{}"
"properties": {
"hintchars": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
"smoothscroll": false,
"complete": "sbh"
"blacklist": []
const j = SettingData.fromJSON(data).toJSON();
it('parse object from form source', () => {
const data = {
source: 'form',
form: {
keymaps: {},
search: {
default: "yahoo",
engines: [
['yahoo', '{}'],
properties: {
hintchars: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
smoothscroll: false,
complete: "sbh"
blacklist: [],
const j = SettingData.fromJSON(data).toJSON();
keymaps: {},
search: {
default: "yahoo",
engines: [
['yahoo', '{}'],
properties: {
hintchars: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
smoothscroll: false,
complete: "sbh"
blacklist: [],
describe('#toSettings', () => {
it('parse object from json source', () => {
const data = {
source: 'json',
json: `{
"keymaps": {},
"search": {
"default": "google",
"engines": {
"google": "{}"
"properties": {
"hintchars": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
"smoothscroll": false,
"complete": "sbh"
"blacklist": []
const settings = SettingData.fromJSON(data).toSettings();
it('parse object from form source', () => {
const data = {
source: 'form',
form: {
keymaps: {},
search: {
default: "yahoo",
engines: [
['yahoo', '{}'],
properties: {
hintchars: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
smoothscroll: false,
complete: "sbh"
blacklist: [],
const settings = SettingData.fromJSON(data).toSettings();