path: root/src/shared/settings/Settings.ts
diff options
authorShin'ya Ueoka <ueokande@i-beam.org>2019-10-07 12:54:32 +0000
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2019-10-07 12:54:32 +0000
commit8eddcc1785a85bbe74be254d1055ebe5125dad10 (patch)
treef3f51320d12a90a1b421ed8b1f811c576996ea8e /src/shared/settings/Settings.ts
parent7fc2bb615f530fc6adfade54b9553568f5d50ceb (diff)
parentb77a4734985722e96066e713f3b1b9e81a6e1811 (diff)
Merge pull request #654 from ueokande/settings-as-a-class
Refactor settings on shared logics
Diffstat (limited to 'src/shared/settings/Settings.ts')
1 files changed, 158 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/shared/settings/Settings.ts b/src/shared/settings/Settings.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c9e37f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shared/settings/Settings.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+import Keymaps, { KeymapsJSON } from './Keymaps';
+import Search, { SearchJSON } from './Search';
+import Properties, { PropertiesJSON } from './Properties';
+import Blacklist, { BlacklistJSON } from './Blacklist';
+export type SettingsJSON = {
+ keymaps: KeymapsJSON,
+ search: SearchJSON,
+ properties: PropertiesJSON,
+ blacklist: BlacklistJSON,
+export default class Settings {
+ public keymaps: Keymaps;
+ public search: Search;
+ public properties: Properties;
+ public blacklist: Blacklist;
+ constructor({
+ keymaps,
+ search,
+ properties,
+ blacklist,
+ }: {
+ keymaps: Keymaps;
+ search: Search;
+ properties: Properties;
+ blacklist: Blacklist;
+ }) {
+ this.keymaps = keymaps;
+ this.search = search;
+ this.properties = properties;
+ this.blacklist = blacklist;
+ }
+ static fromJSON(json: any): Settings {
+ let settings = { ...DefaultSetting };
+ for (let key of Object.keys(json)) {
+ switch (key) {
+ case 'keymaps':
+ settings.keymaps = Keymaps.fromJSON(json.keymaps);
+ break;
+ case 'search':
+ settings.search = Search.fromJSON(json.search);
+ break;
+ case 'properties':
+ settings.properties = Properties.fromJSON(json.properties);
+ break;
+ case 'blacklist':
+ settings.blacklist = Blacklist.fromJSON(json.blacklist);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new TypeError('unknown setting: ' + key);
+ }
+ }
+ return new Settings(settings);
+ }
+ toJSON(): SettingsJSON {
+ return {
+ keymaps: this.keymaps.toJSON(),
+ search: this.search.toJSON(),
+ properties: this.properties.toJSON(),
+ blacklist: this.blacklist.toJSON(),
+ };
+ }
+export const DefaultSettingJSONText = `{
+ "keymaps": {
+ "0": { "type": "scroll.home" },
+ ":": { "type": "command.show" },
+ "o": { "type": "command.show.open", "alter": false },
+ "O": { "type": "command.show.open", "alter": true },
+ "t": { "type": "command.show.tabopen", "alter": false },
+ "T": { "type": "command.show.tabopen", "alter": true },
+ "w": { "type": "command.show.winopen", "alter": false },
+ "W": { "type": "command.show.winopen", "alter": true },
+ "b": { "type": "command.show.buffer" },
+ "a": { "type": "command.show.addbookmark", "alter": true },
+ "k": { "type": "scroll.vertically", "count": -1 },
+ "j": { "type": "scroll.vertically", "count": 1 },
+ "h": { "type": "scroll.horizonally", "count": -1 },
+ "l": { "type": "scroll.horizonally", "count": 1 },
+ "<C-U>": { "type": "scroll.pages", "count": -0.5 },
+ "<C-D>": { "type": "scroll.pages", "count": 0.5 },
+ "<C-B>": { "type": "scroll.pages", "count": -1 },
+ "<C-F>": { "type": "scroll.pages", "count": 1 },
+ "gg": { "type": "scroll.top" },
+ "G": { "type": "scroll.bottom" },
+ "$": { "type": "scroll.end" },
+ "d": { "type": "tabs.close" },
+ "D": { "type": "tabs.close", "select": "left" },
+ "x$": { "type": "tabs.close.right" },
+ "!d": { "type": "tabs.close.force" },
+ "u": { "type": "tabs.reopen" },
+ "K": { "type": "tabs.prev" },
+ "J": { "type": "tabs.next" },
+ "gT": { "type": "tabs.prev" },
+ "gt": { "type": "tabs.next" },
+ "g0": { "type": "tabs.first" },
+ "g$": { "type": "tabs.last" },
+ "<C-6>": { "type": "tabs.prevsel" },
+ "r": { "type": "tabs.reload", "cache": false },
+ "R": { "type": "tabs.reload", "cache": true },
+ "zp": { "type": "tabs.pin.toggle" },
+ "zd": { "type": "tabs.duplicate" },
+ "zi": { "type": "zoom.in" },
+ "zo": { "type": "zoom.out" },
+ "zz": { "type": "zoom.neutral" },
+ "f": { "type": "follow.start", "newTab": false },
+ "F": { "type": "follow.start", "newTab": true, "background": false },
+ "m": { "type": "mark.set.prefix" },
+ "'": { "type": "mark.jump.prefix" },
+ "H": { "type": "navigate.history.prev" },
+ "L": { "type": "navigate.history.next" },
+ "[[": { "type": "navigate.link.prev" },
+ "]]": { "type": "navigate.link.next" },
+ "gu": { "type": "navigate.parent" },
+ "gU": { "type": "navigate.root" },
+ "gi": { "type": "focus.input" },
+ "gf": { "type": "page.source" },
+ "gh": { "type": "page.home" },
+ "gH": { "type": "page.home", "newTab": true },
+ "y": { "type": "urls.yank" },
+ "p": { "type": "urls.paste", "newTab": false },
+ "P": { "type": "urls.paste", "newTab": true },
+ "/": { "type": "find.start" },
+ "n": { "type": "find.next" },
+ "N": { "type": "find.prev" },
+ ".": { "type": "repeat.last" },
+ "<S-Esc>": { "type": "addon.toggle.enabled" }
+ },
+ "search": {
+ "default": "google",
+ "engines": {
+ "google": "https://google.com/search?q={}",
+ "yahoo": "https://search.yahoo.com/search?p={}",
+ "bing": "https://www.bing.com/search?q={}",
+ "duckduckgo": "https://duckduckgo.com/?q={}",
+ "twitter": "https://twitter.com/search?q={}",
+ "wikipedia": "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search={}"
+ }
+ },
+ "properties": {
+ "hintchars": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
+ "smoothscroll": false,
+ "complete": "sbh"
+ },
+ "blacklist": [
+ ]
+export const DefaultSetting: Settings =
+ Settings.fromJSON(JSON.parse(DefaultSettingJSONText));