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index 0000000..b854c07
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+title: Blacklist
+# Blacklist
+The blacklist allows you to disable the plugin for certain pages by URL patterns.
+For instance, you could use `"*.slack.com"` to disable the plugin on all Slack channels.
+In addition, you can also specify path patterns, such as `"example.com/mail/*"`.
+ "blacklist": [
+ "*.slack.com",
+ "example.com/mail/*"
+ ]
+You can toggle Vim Vixen between disabled and enabled with
diff --git a/docs/console_commands.md b/docs/console_commands.md
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+title: Console commands
+# Console commands
+Vim Vixen provides a console for `ex`-style commands, similar to Vimperator.
+Open the console with <kbd>:</kbd>. Or populate it with initial values using
+<kbd>o</kbd>/<kbd>O</kbd>, <kbd>t</kbd>/<kbd>T</kbd>, or
+## `:open`
+The `:open` command operates two different ways, depending on the parameter.
+When the parameter is a URL, it's opened in the current tab.
+:open http://github.com/ueokande
+Otherwise, the current tab opens a search page with the supplied string (defaults to Google).
+:open How to contribute to Vim-Vixen
+To use a search engine other than the default, specify the search engine to use as the first parameter.
+:open yahoo How to contribute to Vim-Vixen
+To adjust the default search-engine and add/remove search engines, see the [search engines](./search_engines.html) section.
+## `:tabopen`
+Open a URL or search-engine query in a new tab.
+## `:quit` or `:q`
+Close the current tab.
+## `:quitall` or `:qa`
+Close all tabs.
+## `:bdelete`
+Close a certain tab.
+You can add `!` to the end of the command to close a tab even if it is pinned:
+## `:bdeletes`
+Close tabs matching the specified keywords.
+You can add `!` to the end of the command to close pinned tabs:
+## `:winopen`
+Open a URL or search-engine query in a new window.
+## `:buffer`
+Select tabs by URL or title keywords.
+## `:addbookmark`
+Create a bookmark from the current URL.
+:addbookmark My bookmark title
+The keymap <kbd>a</kbd> is a convenient way to create a bookmark for the
+current page. It populates the console with `:addbookmark` and the title of
+the current page.
+## `:set`
+The `:set` command can be used to temporarily override properties in the
+console. See the [properties](./properties.html) section for more details on
+the available properties.
diff --git a/docs/index.md b/docs/index.md
index 335f668..ad7c911 100644
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+title: Vim Vixen
# Vim Vixen
Vim Vixen is a Firefox add-on which allows you to easily navigate the web by
keyboard. Since version 57, Firefox has migrated to the WebExtensions API and
has dropped support for legacy add-ons. Vim Vixen is a new choice for Vim users
since it uses the WebExtensions API.
+## Related links
+- [Vim Vixen - GitHub](https://github.com/ueokande/vim-vixen)
+- [Vim Vixen - Firefox Add-ons](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/vim-vixen/)
diff --git a/docs/keymaps.md b/docs/keymaps.md
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+title: Keymaps
+# Keymaps
+Keymaps are configurable in the add-on's preferences by navigating to `about:addons` and selecting "Extensions".
+The default mappings are as follows:
+## Console
+- <kbd>:</kbd>: open the console
+- <kbd>o</kbd>, <kbd>t</kbd>, <kbd>w</kbd>: open a page in the current tab, a new tab, or new window
+- <kbd>O</kbd>, <kbd>T</kbd>, <kbd>W</kbd>: similar to <kbd>o</kbd>, <kbd>t</kbd>, <kbd>w</kbd>, but using the current URL
+- <kbd>b</kbd>: select tabs by URL or title
+- <kbd>a</kbd>: add the current page to your bookmarks
+See the [console commands](./console_commands.html) section for a more detailed description.
+## Tabs
+- <kbd>d</kbd>: delete the current tab and select the tab to its right
+- <kbd>D</kbd>: delete the current tab and select the tab to its left
+- <kbd>!</kbd><kbd>d</kbd>: delete a pinned tab
+- <kbd>u</kbd>: reopen a close tab
+- <kbd>r</kbd>: reload the current tab
+- <kbd>R</kbd>: reload the current tab, bypassing the cache
+- <kbd>K</kbd> or <kbd>g</kbd><kbd>T</kbd>: select the previous tab
+- <kbd>J</kbd> or <kbd>g</kbd><kbd>t</kbd>: select the next tab
+- <kbd>g</kbd><kbd>0</kbd>: select the first tab
+- <kbd>g</kbd><kbd>$</kbd>: select the last tab
+- <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>6</kbd>: open the previously-selected tab
+- <kbd>z</kbd><kbd>p</kbd>: pin the curent tab tab
+- <kbd>z</kbd><kbd>d</kbd>: duplicate the current tab
+## Scrolling
+- <kbd>k</kbd>: scroll up
+- <kbd>j</kbd>: scroll down
+- <kbd>h</kbd>: scroll left
+- <kbd>l</kbd>: scroll right
+- <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>U</kbd>: scroll up half a page
+- <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>D</kbd>: scroll down half a page
+- <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>B</kbd>: scroll up a page
+- <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>F</kbd>: scroll down a page
+- <kbd>g</kbd><kbd>g</kbd>: scroll to the top of a page
+- <kbd>G</kbd>: scroll to the bottom of a page
+- <kbd>0</kbd>: scroll to the leftmost part of a page
+- <kbd>$</kbd>: scroll to the rightmost part of a page
+- <kbd>m</kbd>: set a mark for the current position
+- <kbd>'</kbd>: jump to a marked position
+Lowercase marks (`[a-z]`) store the position of the current tab. Uppercase and
+numeric marks (`[A-Z0-9]`) store the position and the tab.
+## Zoom
+- <kbd>z</kbd><kbd>i</kbd>: zoom in
+- <kbd>z</kbd><kbd>o</kbd>: zoom out
+- <kbd>z</kbd><kbd>z</kbd>: zoom neutral (reset)
+## Navigation
+- <kbd>f</kbd>: follow links in the page in the current tab
+- <kbd>F</kbd>: follow links in the page in a new tab
+- <kbd>H</kbd>: go back in history
+- <kbd>L</kbd>: go forward in history
+- <kbd>[</kbd><kbd>[</kbd>, <kbd>]</kbd><kbd>]</kbd>: find a link to the previous/next page and open it
+- <kbd>g</kbd><kbd>u</kbd>: go to the parent directory
+- <kbd>g</kbd><kbd>U</kbd>: go to the root directory
+- <kbd>g</kbd><kbd>i</kbd>: focus the first input field
+Vim Vixen can be configured to follow links opened in tabs in the background
+instead of switching to a new tab immediately. To do this, you'll need to update
+the config file: change the `"background"` property of the `"follow.start"`
+action to `true`, e.g.:
+ "keymaps": {
+ "F": { "type": "follow.start", "newTab": true, "background": true }
+ }
+## Misc
+- <kbd>y</kbd>: copy the URL of the current tab to the clipboard
+- <kbd>p</kbd>: open the clipboard's URL in the current tab
+- <kbd>P</kbd>: open the clipboard's URL in new tab
+- <kbd>Shift</kbd>+<kbd>Esc</kbd>: enable or disable the add-on in the current tab
+- <kbd>/</kbd>: start searching for text in the page
+- <kbd>n</kbd>: find the next search result in the page
+- <kbd>N</kbd>: find the previous search result in the page
+- <kbd>g</kbd><kbd>f</kbd>: view the source of the current tab
diff --git a/docs/properties.md b/docs/properties.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f62ff4
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+++ b/docs/properties.md
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+title: Properties
+# Properties
+Vim Vixen can be configured by defining settings in a JSON document, e.g.:
+ "properties": {
+ "complete": "sbh"
+ }
+Properties can be temporarily overridden by using the `:set` command in the
+The following properties are available:
+## `smoothscroll`
+Enable/disable smooth scrolling.
+:set smoothscroll " enable smooth scrolling
+:set nosmoothscroll " disable smooth scrolling
+## `hintchars`
+Set hint characters.
+:set hintchars=0123456789
+## `complete`
+Set completion items on `open`, `tabopen`, and `winopen` commands.
+The allowed value is character sequence of `s`, `b`, or `h`.
+Hit <kbd>Tab</kbd> or <kbd>Shift</kbd>+<kbd>Tab</kbd> to select an item from the completion list.
+Each character represents the following:
+- `s`: search engines
+- `b`: bookmark items
+- `h`: history items.
+:set complete=sbh
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+title: Search engines
+# Search engines
+Vim Vixen supports searching with search engines such as Google and Yahoo.
+You can configure search engines, including the default search engine, in the add-on's preferences.
+The URLs specified in `"engines"` must contain a `{}`-placeholder, which will be
+replaced with the search keyword parameters of the command.
+ "search": {
+ "default": "google",
+ "engines": {
+ "google": "https://google.com/search?q={}",
+ "yahoo": "https://search.yahoo.com/search?p={}",
+ "bing": "https://www.bing.com/search?q={}",
+ "duckduckgo": "https://duckduckgo.com/?q={}",
+ "twitter": "https://twitter.com/search?q={}",
+ "wikipedia": "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search={}"
+ }
+ }