path: root/src/shared/settings
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/shared/settings')
2 files changed, 166 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/shared/settings/default.js b/src/shared/settings/default.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc259b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shared/settings/default.js
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+export default {
+ source: 'json',
+ json: `{
+ "keymaps": {
+ "0": { "type": "scroll.home" },
+ ":": { "type": "command.show" },
+ "o": { "type": "command.show.open", "alter": false },
+ "O": { "type": "command.show.open", "alter": true },
+ "t": { "type": "command.show.tabopen", "alter": false },
+ "T": { "type": "command.show.tabopen", "alter": true },
+ "w": { "type": "command.show.winopen", "alter": false },
+ "W": { "type": "command.show.winopen", "alter": true },
+ "b": { "type": "command.show.buffer" },
+ "k": { "type": "scroll.vertically", "count": -1 },
+ "j": { "type": "scroll.vertically", "count": 1 },
+ "h": { "type": "scroll.horizonally", "count": -1 },
+ "l": { "type": "scroll.horizonally", "count": 1 },
+ "<C-Y>": { "type": "scroll.vertically", "count": -1 },
+ "<C-E>": { "type": "scroll.vertically", "count": 1 },
+ "<C-U>": { "type": "scroll.pages", "count": -0.5 },
+ "<C-D>": { "type": "scroll.pages", "count": 0.5 },
+ "<C-B>": { "type": "scroll.pages", "count": -1 },
+ "<C-F>": { "type": "scroll.pages", "count": 1 },
+ "gg": { "type": "scroll.top" },
+ "G": { "type": "scroll.bottom" },
+ "$": { "type": "scroll.end" },
+ "d": { "type": "tabs.close" },
+ "u": { "type": "tabs.reopen" },
+ "K": { "type": "tabs.prev", "count": 1 },
+ "J": { "type": "tabs.next", "count": 1 },
+ "g0": { "type": "tabs.first" },
+ "g$": { "type": "tabs.last" },
+ "r": { "type": "tabs.reload", "cache": false },
+ "R": { "type": "tabs.reload", "cache": true },
+ "zp": { "type": "tabs.pin.toggle" },
+ "zd": { "type": "tabs.duplicate" },
+ "zi": { "type": "zoom.in" },
+ "zo": { "type": "zoom.out" },
+ "zz": { "type": "zoom.neutral" },
+ "f": { "type": "follow.start", "newTab": false },
+ "F": { "type": "follow.start", "newTab": true },
+ "H": { "type": "navigate.history.prev" },
+ "L": { "type": "navigate.history.next" },
+ "[[": { "type": "navigate.link.prev" },
+ "]]": { "type": "navigate.link.next" },
+ "gu": { "type": "navigate.parent" },
+ "gU": { "type": "navigate.root" },
+ "y": { "type": "urls.yank" },
+ "/": { "type": "find.start" },
+ "n": { "type": "find.next" },
+ "N": { "type": "find.prev" },
+ "<S-Esc>": { "type": "addon.toggle.enabled" }
+ },
+ "search": {
+ "default": "google",
+ "engines": {
+ "google": "https://google.com/search?q={}",
+ "yahoo": "https://search.yahoo.com/search?p={}",
+ "bing": "https://www.bing.com/search?q={}",
+ "duckduckgo": "https://duckduckgo.com/?q={}",
+ "twitter": "https://twitter.com/search?q={}",
+ "wikipedia": "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search={}"
+ }
+ }
+ 'form': {
+ 'keymaps': {
+ 'scroll.vertically?{"count":1}': 'j',
+ 'scroll.vertically?{"count":-1}': 'k',
+ 'scroll.horizonally?{"count":-1}': 'h',
+ 'scroll.horizonally?{"count":1}': 'l',
+ 'scroll.home': '0',
+ 'scroll.end': '$',
+ 'scroll.pages?{"count":-0.5}': '<C-U>',
+ 'scroll.pages?{"count":0.5}': '<C-D>',
+ 'scroll.pages?{"count":-1}': '<C-B>',
+ 'scroll.pages?{"count":1}': '<C-F>',
+ 'tabs.close': 'd',
+ 'tabs.reopen': 'u',
+ 'tabs.next?{"count":1}': 'J',
+ 'tabs.prev?{"count":1}': 'K',
+ 'tabs.first': 'g0',
+ 'tabs.last': 'g$',
+ 'tabs.reload?{"cache":true}': 'r',
+ 'tabs.pin.toggle': 'zp',
+ 'tabs.duplicate': 'zd',
+ 'follow.start?{"newTab":false}': 'f',
+ 'follow.start?{"newTab":true}': 'F',
+ 'navigate.histories.prev': 'H',
+ 'navigate.histories.next': 'L',
+ 'navigate.link.next': ']]',
+ 'navigate.link.prev': '[[',
+ 'navigate.parent': 'gu',
+ 'navigate.root': 'gU',
+ 'find.start': '/',
+ 'find.next': 'n',
+ 'find.prev': 'N',
+ 'command.show': ':',
+ 'command.show.open?{"alter":false}': 'o',
+ 'command.show.open?{"alter":true}': 'O',
+ 'command.show.tabopen?{"alter":false}': 't',
+ 'command.show.tabopen?{"alter":true}': 'T',
+ 'command.show.winopen?{"alter":false}': 'w',
+ 'command.show.winopen?{"alter":true}': 'W',
+ 'command.show.buffer': 'b',
+ 'addon.toggle.enabled': '<S-Esc>',
+ 'urls.yank': 'y',
+ 'zoom.in': 'zi',
+ 'zoom.out': 'zo',
+ 'zoom.neutral': 'zz',
+ },
+ 'search': {
+ 'default': 'google',
+ 'engines': [
+ ['google', 'https,//google.com/search?q={}'],
+ ['yahoo', 'https,//search.yahoo.com/search?p={}'],
+ ['bing', 'https,//www.bing.com/search?q={}'],
+ ['duckduckgo', 'https,//duckduckgo.com/?q={}'],
+ ['twitter', 'https,//twitter.com/search?q={}'],
+ ['wikipedia', 'https,//en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search={}'],
+ ]
+ },
+ 'blacklist': [],
+ }
diff --git a/src/shared/settings/values.js b/src/shared/settings/values.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d86cfdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shared/settings/values.js
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+const operationFromName = (name) => {
+ let [type, argStr] = name.split('?');
+ let args = {};
+ if (argStr) {
+ args = JSON.parse(argStr);
+ }
+ return Object.assign({ type }, args);
+const fromJson = (json) => {
+ return JSON.parse(json);
+const fromForm = (form) => {
+ let keymaps = {};
+ for (let name of Object.keys(form.keymaps)) {
+ let keys = form.keymaps[name];
+ keymaps[keys] = operationFromName(name);
+ }
+ let engines = {};
+ for (let { name, url } of form.search.engines) {
+ engines[name] = url;
+ }
+ let search = {
+ default: form.search.default,
+ engines,
+ };
+ let blacklist = form.blacklist;
+ return { keymaps, search, blacklist };
+export { fromJson, fromForm };