path: root/test/background/completion
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/background/completion')
4 files changed, 404 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/background/completion/OpenCompletionUseCase.test.ts b/test/background/completion/OpenCompletionUseCase.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..421ce69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/background/completion/OpenCompletionUseCase.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+import "reflect-metadata";
+import CompletionType from "../../../src/shared/CompletionType";
+import BookmarkRepository, {BookmarkItem} from "../../../src/background/completion/BookmarkRepository";
+import HistoryRepository, {HistoryItem} from "../../../src/background/completion/HistoryRepository";
+import OpenCompletionUseCase from "../../../src/background/completion/OpenCompletionUseCase";
+import CachedSettingRepository from "../../../src/background/repositories/CachedSettingRepository";
+import Settings, {DefaultSetting} from "../../../src/shared/settings/Settings";
+import { expect } from 'chai';
+import sinon from 'sinon';
+import Properties from "../../../src/shared/settings/Properties";
+import Search from "../../../src/shared/settings/Search";
+class MockBookmarkRepository implements BookmarkRepository {
+ queryBookmarks(_query: string): Promise<BookmarkItem[]> {
+ throw new Error("not implemented")
+ }
+class MockHistoryRepository implements HistoryRepository {
+ queryHistories(_keywords: string): Promise<HistoryItem[]> {
+ throw new Error("not implemented")
+ }
+class MockSettingRepository implements CachedSettingRepository {
+ get(): Promise<Settings> {
+ throw new Error("not implemented")
+ }
+ setProperty(_name: string, _value: string | number | boolean): Promise<void> {
+ throw new Error("not implemented")
+ }
+ update(_value: Settings): Promise<void> {
+ throw new Error("not implemented")
+ }
+describe('OpenCompletionUseCase', () => {
+ let bookmarkRepository: MockBookmarkRepository;
+ let historyRepository: MockHistoryRepository;
+ let settingRepository: MockSettingRepository;
+ let sut: OpenCompletionUseCase;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ bookmarkRepository = new MockBookmarkRepository();
+ historyRepository = new MockHistoryRepository();
+ settingRepository = new MockSettingRepository();
+ sut = new OpenCompletionUseCase(bookmarkRepository, historyRepository, settingRepository)
+ });
+ describe('#getCompletionTypes', () => {
+ it("returns completion types from the property", async () => {
+ sinon.stub(settingRepository, 'get').returns(Promise.resolve(new Settings({
+ keymaps: DefaultSetting.keymaps,
+ search: DefaultSetting.search,
+ properties: new Properties({ complete: "shb" }),
+ blacklist: DefaultSetting.blacklist,
+ })));
+ const items = await sut.getCompletionTypes();
+ expect(items).to.deep.equal([
+ CompletionType.SearchEngines,
+ CompletionType.History,
+ CompletionType.Bookmarks
+ ]);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('#requestSearchEngines', () => {
+ it("returns search engines matches by the query", async () => {
+ sinon.stub(settingRepository, 'get').returns(Promise.resolve(new Settings({
+ keymaps: DefaultSetting.keymaps,
+ search: new Search("google", {
+ "google": "https://google.com/search?q={}",
+ "yahoo": "https://search.yahoo.com/search?q={}",
+ "bing": "https://bing.com/search?q={}",
+ "google_ja": "https://google.co.jp/search?q={}",
+ }),
+ properties: DefaultSetting.properties,
+ blacklist: DefaultSetting.blacklist,
+ })));
+ expect(await sut.requestSearchEngines("")).to.deep.equal([
+ "google",
+ "yahoo",
+ "bing",
+ "google_ja",
+ ]);
+ expect(await sut.requestSearchEngines("go")).to.deep.equal([
+ "google",
+ "google_ja",
+ ]);
+ expect(await sut.requestSearchEngines("x")).to.be.empty;
+ })
+ });
+ describe('#requestBookmarks', () => {
+ it("returns bookmarks from the repository", async() => {
+ sinon.stub(bookmarkRepository, 'queryBookmarks')
+ .withArgs("site").returns(Promise.resolve([
+ { title: "site1", url: "https://site1.example.com" },
+ { title: "site2", url: "https://site2.example.com/" },
+ ]))
+ .withArgs("xyz").returns(Promise.resolve([]));
+ expect(await sut.requestBookmarks("site")).to.deep.equal([
+ { title: "site1", url: "https://site1.example.com" },
+ { title: "site2", url: "https://site2.example.com/" },
+ ]);
+ expect(await sut.requestBookmarks("xyz")).to.be.empty;
+ });
+ });
+ describe('#requestHistory', () => {
+ it("returns histories from the repository", async() => {
+ sinon.stub(historyRepository, 'queryHistories')
+ .withArgs("site").returns(Promise.resolve([
+ { title: "site1", url: "https://site1.example.com" },
+ { title: "site2", url: "https://site2.example.com/" },
+ ]))
+ .withArgs("xyz").returns(Promise.resolve([]));
+ expect(await sut.requestHistory("site")).to.deep.equal([
+ { title: "site1", url: "https://site1.example.com" },
+ { title: "site2", url: "https://site2.example.com/" },
+ ]);
+ expect(await sut.requestHistory("xyz")).to.be.empty;
+ });
+ });
+}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/background/completion/PropertyCompletionUseCase.test.ts b/test/background/completion/PropertyCompletionUseCase.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57f5bff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/background/completion/PropertyCompletionUseCase.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+import 'reflect-metadata';
+import PropertyCompletionUseCase from "../../../src/background/completion/PropertyCompletionUseCase";
+import { expect } from 'chai';
+describe('PropertyCompletionUseCase', () => {
+ describe('getProperties', () => {
+ it('returns property types', async () => {
+ const sut = new PropertyCompletionUseCase();
+ const properties = await sut.getProperties();
+ expect(properties).to.deep.contain({ name: 'smoothscroll', type: 'boolean' });
+ expect(properties).to.deep.contain({ name: 'complete', type: 'string' });
+ })
+ });
+}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/background/completion/TabCompletionUseCase.test.ts b/test/background/completion/TabCompletionUseCase.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9dc60b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/background/completion/TabCompletionUseCase.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+import "reflect-metadata"
+import TabRepositoryImpl from "../../../src/background/completion/impl/TabRepositoryImpl";
+import {Tab} from "../../../src/background/completion/TabRepository";
+import TabPresenter from "../../../src/background/presenters/TabPresenter";
+import TabCompletionUseCase from "../../../src/background/completion/TabCompletionUseCase";
+import sinon from 'sinon';
+import { expect } from 'chai';
+import TabFlag from "../../../src/shared/TabFlag";
+class MockTabRepository implements TabRepositoryImpl {
+ async queryTabs(_query: string, _excludePinned: boolean): Promise<Tab[]> {
+ throw new Error("not implemented")
+ }
+ async getAllTabs(_excludePinned: boolean): Promise<Tab[]> {
+ throw new Error("not implemented")
+ }
+class MockTabPresenter implements TabPresenter {
+ create(_url: string, _opts?: object): Promise<browser.tabs.Tab> {
+ throw new Error("not implemented")
+ }
+ duplicate(_id: number): Promise<browser.tabs.Tab> {
+ throw new Error("not implemented")
+ }
+ getAll(): Promise<browser.tabs.Tab[]> {
+ throw new Error("not implemented")
+ }
+ getByKeyword(_keyword: string, _excludePinned: boolean): Promise<browser.tabs.Tab[]> {
+ throw new Error("not implemented")
+ }
+ getCurrent(): Promise<browser.tabs.Tab> {
+ throw new Error("not implemented")
+ }
+ getLastSelectedId(): Promise<number | undefined> {
+ throw new Error("not implemented")
+ }
+ getZoom(_tabId: number): Promise<number> {
+ throw new Error("not implemented")
+ }
+ onSelected(_listener: (arg: { tabId: number; windowId: number }) => void): void {
+ throw new Error("not implemented")
+ }
+ open(_url: string, _tabId?: number): Promise<browser.tabs.Tab> {
+ throw new Error("not implemented")
+ }
+ reload(_tabId: number, _cache: boolean): Promise<void> {
+ throw new Error("not implemented")
+ }
+ remove(_ids: number[]): Promise<void> {
+ throw new Error("not implemented")
+ }
+ reopen(): Promise<any> {
+ throw new Error("not implemented")
+ }
+ select(_tabId: number): Promise<void> {
+ throw new Error("not implemented")
+ }
+ setPinned(_tabId: number, _pinned: boolean): Promise<void> {
+ throw new Error("not implemented")
+ }
+ setZoom(_tabId: number, _factor: number): Promise<void> {
+ throw new Error("not implemented")
+ }
+describe('TabCompletionUseCase', () => {
+ let tabRepository: MockTabRepository;
+ let tabPresenter: TabPresenter;
+ let sut: TabCompletionUseCase;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ tabRepository = new MockTabRepository();
+ tabPresenter = new MockTabPresenter();
+ sut = new TabCompletionUseCase(tabRepository, tabPresenter);
+ sinon.stub(tabPresenter, 'getLastSelectedId').returns(Promise.resolve(12));
+ sinon.stub(tabRepository, 'getAllTabs').returns(Promise.resolve([
+ { id: 10, index: 0, title: 'Google', url: 'https://google.com/', faviconUrl: 'https://google.com/favicon.ico', active: false },
+ { id: 11, index: 1, title: 'Yahoo', url: 'https://yahoo.com/', faviconUrl: 'https://yahoo.com/favicon.ico', active: true },
+ { id: 12, index: 2, title: 'Bing', url: 'https://bing.com/', active: false },
+ ]));
+ });
+ describe('#queryTabs', () => {
+ it("returns tab items", async () => {
+ sinon.stub(tabRepository, 'queryTabs').withArgs('', false).returns(Promise.resolve([
+ { id: 10, index: 0, title: 'Google', url: 'https://google.com/', faviconUrl: 'https://google.com/favicon.ico', active: false },
+ { id: 11, index: 1, title: 'Yahoo', url: 'https://yahoo.com/', faviconUrl: 'https://yahoo.com/favicon.ico', active: true },
+ { id: 12, index: 2, title: 'Bing', url: 'https://bing.com/', active: false },
+ ])).withArgs('oo', false).returns(Promise.resolve([
+ { id: 10, index: 0, title: 'Google', url: 'https://google.com/', faviconUrl: 'https://google.com/favicon.ico', active: false },
+ { id: 11, index: 1, title: 'Yahoo', url: 'https://yahoo.com/', faviconUrl: 'https://yahoo.com/favicon.ico', active: true },
+ ]));
+ expect(await sut.queryTabs('', false)).to.deep.equal([
+ { index: 1, title: 'Google', url: 'https://google.com/', faviconUrl: 'https://google.com/favicon.ico', flag: TabFlag.None },
+ { index: 2, title: 'Yahoo', url: 'https://yahoo.com/', faviconUrl: 'https://yahoo.com/favicon.ico', flag: TabFlag.CurrentTab },
+ { index: 3, title: 'Bing', url: 'https://bing.com/', faviconUrl: undefined, flag: TabFlag.LastTab },
+ ]);
+ expect(await sut.queryTabs('oo', false)).to.deep.equal([
+ { index: 1, title: 'Google', url: 'https://google.com/', faviconUrl: 'https://google.com/favicon.ico', flag: TabFlag.None },
+ { index: 2, title: 'Yahoo', url: 'https://yahoo.com/', faviconUrl: 'https://yahoo.com/favicon.ico', flag: TabFlag.CurrentTab },
+ ]);
+ });
+ it("returns a tab by the index", async () => {
+ expect(await sut.queryTabs('1', false)).to.deep.equal([
+ { index: 1, title: 'Google', url: 'https://google.com/', faviconUrl: 'https://google.com/favicon.ico', flag: TabFlag.None },
+ ]);
+ expect(await sut.queryTabs('10', false)).to.be.empty;
+ expect(await sut.queryTabs('-1', false)).to.be.empty;
+ });
+ it("returns the current tab by % flag", async () => {
+ expect(await sut.queryTabs('%', false)).to.deep.equal([
+ { index: 2, title: 'Yahoo', url: 'https://yahoo.com/', faviconUrl: 'https://yahoo.com/favicon.ico', flag: TabFlag.CurrentTab },
+ ]);
+ });
+ it("returns the current tab by # flag", async () => {
+ expect(await sut.queryTabs('#', false)).to.deep.equal([
+ { index: 3, title: 'Bing', url: 'https://bing.com/', faviconUrl: undefined, flag: TabFlag.LastTab },
+ ]);
+ })
+ });
+}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/background/completion/impl/filters.test.ts b/test/background/completion/impl/filters.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b15a9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/background/completion/impl/filters.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+import * as filters from '../../../../src/background/completion/impl/filters'
+import { expect } from 'chai';
+describe('background/usecases/filters', () => {
+ describe('filterHttp', () => {
+ it('filters http URLs duplicates to https hosts', () => {
+ const pages = [
+ { id: '0', url: 'http://i-beam.org/foo' },
+ { id: '1', url: 'https://i-beam.org/bar' },
+ { id: '2', url: 'http://i-beam.net/hoge' },
+ { id: '3', url: 'http://i-beam.net/fuga' },
+ ];
+ const filtered = filters.filterHttp(pages);
+ const urls = filtered.map(x => x.url);
+ expect(urls).to.deep.equal([
+ 'https://i-beam.org/bar', 'http://i-beam.net/hoge', 'http://i-beam.net/fuga'
+ ]);
+ })
+ });
+ describe('filterBlankTitle', () => {
+ it('filters blank titles', () => {
+ const pages = [
+ { id: '0', title: 'hello' },
+ { id: '1', title: '' },
+ { id: '2' },
+ ];
+ const filtered = filters.filterBlankTitle(pages);
+ expect(filtered).to.deep.equal([{ id: '0', title: 'hello' }]);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('filterByTailingSlash', () => {
+ it('filters duplicated pathname on tailing slash', () => {
+ const pages = [
+ { id: '0', url: 'http://i-beam.org/content' },
+ { id: '1', url: 'http://i-beam.org/content/' },
+ { id: '2', url: 'http://i-beam.org/search' },
+ { id: '3', url: 'http://i-beam.org/search?q=apple_banana_cherry' },
+ ];
+ const filtered = filters.filterByTailingSlash(pages);
+ const urls = filtered.map(x => x.url);
+ expect(urls).to.deep.equal([
+ 'http://i-beam.org/content',
+ 'http://i-beam.org/search',
+ 'http://i-beam.org/search?q=apple_banana_cherry',
+ ]);
+ });
+ })
+ describe('filterByPathname', () => {
+ it('remains items less than minimam length', () => {
+ const pages = [
+ { id: '0', url: 'http://i-beam.org/search?q=apple' },
+ { id: '1', url: 'http://i-beam.org/search?q=apple_banana' },
+ { id: '2', url: 'http://i-beam.org/search?q=apple_banana_cherry' },
+ { id: '3', url: 'http://i-beam.org/request?q=apple' },
+ { id: '4', url: 'http://i-beam.org/request?q=apple_banana' },
+ { id: '5', url: 'http://i-beam.org/request?q=apple_banana_cherry' },
+ ];
+ const filtered = filters.filterByPathname(pages, 10);
+ expect(filtered).to.have.lengthOf(6);
+ });
+ it('filters by length of pathname', () => {
+ const pages = [
+ { id: '0', url: 'http://i-beam.org/search?q=apple' },
+ { id: '1', url: 'http://i-beam.org/search?q=apple_banana' },
+ { id: '2', url: 'http://i-beam.org/search?q=apple_banana_cherry' },
+ { id: '3', url: 'http://i-beam.net/search?q=apple' },
+ { id: '4', url: 'http://i-beam.net/search?q=apple_banana' },
+ { id: '5', url: 'http://i-beam.net/search?q=apple_banana_cherry' },
+ ];
+ const filtered = filters.filterByPathname(pages, 0);
+ expect(filtered).to.deep.equal([
+ { id: '0', url: 'http://i-beam.org/search?q=apple' },
+ { id: '3', url: 'http://i-beam.net/search?q=apple' },
+ ]);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('filterByOrigin', () => {
+ it('remains items less than minimam length', () => {
+ const pages = [
+ { id: '0', url: 'http://i-beam.org/search?q=apple' },
+ { id: '1', url: 'http://i-beam.org/search?q=apple_banana' },
+ { id: '2', url: 'http://i-beam.org/search?q=apple_banana_cherry' },
+ { id: '3', url: 'http://i-beam.org/request?q=apple' },
+ { id: '4', url: 'http://i-beam.org/request?q=apple_banana' },
+ { id: '5', url: 'http://i-beam.org/request?q=apple_banana_cherry' },
+ ];
+ const filtered = filters.filterByOrigin(pages, 10);
+ expect(filtered).to.have.lengthOf(6);
+ });
+ it('filters by length of pathname', () => {
+ const pages = [
+ { id: '0', url: 'http://i-beam.org/search?q=apple' },
+ { id: '1', url: 'http://i-beam.org/search?q=apple_banana' },
+ { id: '2', url: 'http://i-beam.org/search?q=apple_banana_cherry' },
+ { id: '3', url: 'http://i-beam.org/request?q=apple' },
+ { id: '4', url: 'http://i-beam.org/request?q=apple_banana' },
+ { id: '5', url: 'http://i-beam.org/request?q=apple_banana_cherry' },
+ ];
+ const filtered = filters.filterByOrigin(pages, 0);
+ expect(filtered).to.deep.equal([
+ { id: '0', url: 'http://i-beam.org/search?q=apple' },
+ ]);
+ });
+ });