path: root/test/background/usecases
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/background/usecases')
2 files changed, 180 insertions, 121 deletions
diff --git a/test/background/usecases/FindUseCase.test.ts b/test/background/usecases/FindUseCase.test.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index eef211b..0000000
--- a/test/background/usecases/FindUseCase.test.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-import "reflect-metadata";
-import sinon from "sinon";
-import FindClient from "../../../src/background/clients/FindClient";
-import StartFindUseCase from "../../../src/background/usecases/StartFindUseCase";
-import FindRepository from "../../../src/background/repositories/FindRepository";
-import { expect } from "chai";
-import MockFindClient from "../mock/MockFindClient";
-import MockFindRepository from "../mock/MockFindRepository";
-describe("FindUseCase", () => {
- let findClient: FindClient;
- let findRepository: FindRepository;
- let sut: StartFindUseCase;
- const rangeData = (count: number): browser.find.RangeData[] => {
- const data = {
- text: "Hello, world",
- framePos: 0,
- startTextNodePos: 0,
- endTextNodePos: 0,
- startOffset: 0,
- endOffset: 0,
- };
- return Array(count).fill(data);
- };
- beforeEach(() => {
- findClient = new MockFindClient();
- findRepository = new MockFindRepository();
- sut = new StartFindUseCase(findClient, findRepository);
- });
- describe("startFind", function () {
- context("with a search keyword", () => {
- it("starts find and store last used keyword", async () => {
- const startFind = sinon
- .stub(findClient, "startFind")
- .returns(Promise.resolve({ count: 10, rangeData: rangeData(10) }));
- const highlightAll = sinon
- .mock(findClient)
- .expects("highlightAll")
- .once();
- const selectKeyword = sinon
- .mock(findClient)
- .expects("selectKeyword")
- .once();
- await sut.startFind(10, "Hello, world");
- expect(startFind.calledWith("Hello, world")).to.be.true;
- expect(await findRepository.getGlobalKeyword()).to.equals(
- "Hello, world"
- );
- expect((await findRepository.getLocalState(10))?.keyword).to.equal(
- "Hello, world"
- );
- highlightAll.verify();
- selectKeyword.verify();
- });
- it("throws an error if no matched", (done) => {
- sinon
- .stub(findClient, "startFind")
- .returns(Promise.resolve({ count: 0, rangeData: [] }));
- sut.startFind(10, "Hello, world").catch((e) => {
- expect(e).instanceof(Error);
- done();
- });
- });
- });
- context("without a search keyword", () => {
- it("starts find with last used keyword in the tab", async () => {
- const startFind = sinon
- .stub(findClient, "startFind")
- .returns(Promise.resolve({ count: 10, rangeData: rangeData(10) }));
- await findRepository.setLocalState(10, {
- keyword: "Hello, world",
- rangeData: rangeData(10),
- highlightPosition: 0,
- });
- const highlightAll = sinon
- .mock(findClient)
- .expects("highlightAll")
- .once();
- const selectKeyword = sinon
- .mock(findClient)
- .expects("selectKeyword")
- .once();
- await sut.startFind(10, undefined);
- expect(startFind.calledWith("Hello, world")).to.be.true;
- highlightAll.verify();
- selectKeyword.verify();
- });
- it("starts find with last used keyword in global", async () => {
- const startFind = sinon
- .stub(findClient, "startFind")
- .returns(Promise.resolve({ count: 10, rangeData: rangeData(10) }));
- await findRepository.setGlobalKeyword("Hello, world");
- const highlightAll = sinon
- .mock(findClient)
- .expects("highlightAll")
- .once();
- const selectKeyword = sinon
- .mock(findClient)
- .expects("selectKeyword")
- .once();
- await sut.startFind(10, undefined);
- expect(startFind.calledWith("Hello, world")).to.be.true;
- highlightAll.verify();
- selectKeyword.verify();
- });
- });
- });
diff --git a/test/background/usecases/StartFindUseCase.test.ts b/test/background/usecases/StartFindUseCase.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22ff9a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/background/usecases/StartFindUseCase.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+import * as sinon from "sinon";
+import MockFindClient from "../mock/MockFindClient";
+import MockFindRepository from "../mock/MockFindRepository";
+import MockConsoleClient from "../mock/MockConsoleClient";
+import MockFramePresenter from "../mock/MockFramePresenter";
+import StartFindUseCase from "../../../src/background/usecases/StartFindUseCase";
+describe("StartFindUseCase", () => {
+ const currentTabId = 100;
+ const frameIds = [0, 100, 101];
+ const keyword = "hello";
+ const findClient = new MockFindClient();
+ const findRepository = new MockFindRepository();
+ const consoleClient = new MockConsoleClient();
+ const framePresenter = new MockFramePresenter();
+ const sut = new StartFindUseCase(
+ findClient,
+ findRepository,
+ consoleClient,
+ framePresenter
+ );
+ beforeEach(async () => {
+ sinon.restore();
+ sinon
+ .stub(framePresenter, "getAllFrameIds")
+ .returns(Promise.resolve(frameIds));
+ });
+ describe("startFind", () => {
+ it("starts a find with a keyword", async () => {
+ const mockFindClient = sinon.mock(findClient);
+ mockFindClient.expects("clearSelection").withArgs(currentTabId, 0);
+ mockFindClient.expects("clearSelection").withArgs(currentTabId, 100);
+ mockFindClient.expects("clearSelection").withArgs(currentTabId, 101);
+ mockFindClient
+ .expects("findNext")
+ .withArgs(currentTabId, 0, keyword)
+ .returns(Promise.resolve(false));
+ mockFindClient
+ .expects("findNext")
+ .withArgs(currentTabId, 100, keyword)
+ .returns(Promise.resolve(true));
+ const mockFindRepository = sinon.mock(findRepository);
+ mockFindRepository
+ .expects("setLocalState")
+ .withArgs(currentTabId, { frameIds, framePos: 1, keyword });
+ const mockConsoleClient = sinon.mock(consoleClient);
+ mockConsoleClient
+ .expects("showInfo")
+ .withArgs(currentTabId, "Pattern found: " + keyword);
+ await sut.startFind(currentTabId, keyword);
+ mockFindClient.verify();
+ mockFindRepository.verify();
+ mockConsoleClient.verify();
+ });
+ it("starts a find with last local state", async () => {
+ const mockFindClient = sinon.mock(findClient);
+ mockFindClient.expects("clearSelection").withArgs(currentTabId, 0);
+ mockFindClient.expects("clearSelection").withArgs(currentTabId, 100);
+ mockFindClient.expects("clearSelection").withArgs(currentTabId, 101);
+ mockFindClient
+ .expects("findNext")
+ .withArgs(currentTabId, 0, keyword)
+ .returns(Promise.resolve(false));
+ mockFindClient
+ .expects("findNext")
+ .withArgs(currentTabId, 100, keyword)
+ .returns(Promise.resolve(true));
+ const mockFindRepository = sinon.mock(findRepository);
+ mockFindRepository
+ .expects("getLocalState")
+ .withArgs(currentTabId)
+ .returns(Promise.resolve({ keyword, frameIds, framePos: 0 }));
+ mockFindRepository
+ .expects("setLocalState")
+ .withArgs(currentTabId, { frameIds, framePos: 1, keyword });
+ const mockConsoleClient = sinon.mock(consoleClient);
+ mockConsoleClient
+ .expects("showInfo")
+ .withArgs(currentTabId, "Pattern found: " + keyword);
+ await sut.startFind(currentTabId, undefined);
+ mockFindClient.verify();
+ mockFindRepository.verify();
+ mockConsoleClient.verify();
+ });
+ it("starts a find with last global state", async () => {
+ const mockFindClient = sinon.mock(findClient);
+ mockFindClient.expects("clearSelection").withArgs(currentTabId, 0);
+ mockFindClient.expects("clearSelection").withArgs(currentTabId, 100);
+ mockFindClient.expects("clearSelection").withArgs(currentTabId, 101);
+ mockFindClient
+ .expects("findNext")
+ .withArgs(currentTabId, 0, keyword)
+ .returns(Promise.resolve(false));
+ mockFindClient
+ .expects("findNext")
+ .withArgs(currentTabId, 100, keyword)
+ .returns(Promise.resolve(true));
+ const mockFindRepository = sinon.mock(findRepository);
+ mockFindRepository
+ .expects("getLocalState")
+ .withArgs(currentTabId)
+ .returns(Promise.resolve(undefined));
+ mockFindRepository
+ .expects("getGlobalKeyword")
+ .returns(Promise.resolve(keyword));
+ mockFindRepository
+ .expects("setLocalState")
+ .withArgs(currentTabId, { frameIds, framePos: 1, keyword });
+ const mockConsoleClient = sinon.mock(consoleClient);
+ mockConsoleClient
+ .expects("showInfo")
+ .withArgs(currentTabId, "Pattern found: " + keyword);
+ await sut.startFind(currentTabId, undefined);
+ mockFindClient.verify();
+ mockFindRepository.verify();
+ mockConsoleClient.verify();
+ });
+ it("shows an error when pattern not found", async () => {
+ const mockFindClient = sinon.mock(findClient);
+ mockFindClient.expects("clearSelection").withArgs(currentTabId, 0);
+ mockFindClient.expects("clearSelection").withArgs(currentTabId, 100);
+ mockFindClient.expects("clearSelection").withArgs(currentTabId, 101);
+ mockFindClient
+ .expects("findNext")
+ .withArgs(currentTabId, 0, keyword)
+ .returns(Promise.resolve(false));
+ mockFindClient
+ .expects("findNext")
+ .withArgs(currentTabId, 100, keyword)
+ .returns(Promise.resolve(false));
+ mockFindClient
+ .expects("findNext")
+ .withArgs(currentTabId, 101, keyword)
+ .returns(Promise.resolve(false));
+ const mockFindRepository = sinon.mock(findRepository);
+ mockFindRepository.expects("setLocalState").never();
+ const mockConsoleClient = sinon.mock(consoleClient);
+ mockConsoleClient
+ .expects("showError")
+ .withArgs(currentTabId, "Pattern not found: " + keyword);
+ await sut.startFind(currentTabId, keyword);
+ mockFindClient.verify();
+ mockFindRepository.verify();
+ mockConsoleClient.verify();
+ });
+ it("shows an error when no last keywords", async () => {
+ sinon
+ .stub(findRepository, "getLocalState")
+ .returns(Promise.resolve(undefined));
+ sinon
+ .stub(findRepository, "getGlobalKeyword")
+ .returns(Promise.resolve(undefined));
+ const mockConsoleClient = sinon.mock(consoleClient);
+ mockConsoleClient
+ .expects("showError")
+ .withArgs(currentTabId, "No previous search keywords");
+ await sut.startFind(currentTabId, undefined);
+ mockConsoleClient.verify();
+ });
+ });