path: root/engine
diff options
authorYuchen Pei <me@ypei.me>2018-04-06 17:43:24 +0200
committerYuchen Pei <me@ypei.me>2018-04-06 17:43:24 +0200
commit2a2c61de0e44adad26c0034dfda6594c34f0d834 (patch)
tree75d8d3960b552cf3b8b56e0abf11e78ca28f8776 /engine
parent76ab6c66b3c65f16c8d19a6d16c100cf45ec9e57 (diff)
second commit
Diffstat (limited to 'engine')
1 files changed, 144 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/engine/engine.py b/engine/engine.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3373f7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/engine/engine.py
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+import os
+import re
+import yaml
+import pypandoc
+import logging
+from pyatom import AtomFeed
+def item_from_path(path):
+ with open(path) as f:
+ text = f.read()
+ p = re.compile(r'---\n(.*?)\n---(.*)', re.DOTALL)
+ matchres = p.search(text)
+ res = yaml.load(matchres.group(1))
+ x, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
+ res.setdefault('name', os.path.basename(x))
+ if ext in ['.md', '.markdown']:
+ logging.info('Converting {}...'.format(path))
+ res['body'] = pypandoc.convert_text(matchres.group(2), 'html', format='md')
+ elif ext == '.wiki':
+ logging.info('Converting {}...'.format(path))
+ res['body'] = pypandoc.convert_text(matchres.group(2), 'html', format='vimwiki')
+ elif ext == '.html':
+ res['body'] = matchres.group(2)
+ return res
+def combine(item, template):
+ resbody = template
+ for k, v in item.items():
+ resbody = resbody.replace('${}$'.format(k), str(v))
+ res = dict(item)
+ res['body'] = resbody
+ return res
+def main():
+ basedir = '../'
+ pagesdir = basedir + 'pages/'
+ postsdir = basedir + 'posts/'
+ micropostsdir = basedir + 'microposts/'
+ sitedir = basedir + 'site/'
+ templatesdir = basedir + 'templates/'
+ homepostnum = 5
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
+ posts = get_all_items(postsdir)
+ posts.sort(key=lambda x: x['date'], reverse=True)
+ for post in posts:
+ post.setdefault('url', 'posts/{}.html'.format(post['name']))
+ with open('{}{}.html'.format(templatesdir, post['template'])) as f:
+ template = f.read()
+ post = combine(post, template)
+ save_to_html(post, sitedir)
+ with open(templatesdir + 'barepost.html') as f:
+ template = f.read()
+ #headposts is the list of the first few posts, to be displayed on blog.html
+ headposts = {'body': ''}
+ for post in posts[:homepostnum]:
+ headposts['body'] += combine(post, template)['body']
+ with open(templatesdir + 'blog.html') as f:
+ template = f.read()
+ headposts = combine(headposts, template)
+ headposts['url'] = 'blog.html'
+ save_to_html(headposts, sitedir)
+ with open(templatesdir + 'postlistitem.html') as f:
+ template = f.read()
+ postlist = {'body': ''}
+ for post in posts:
+ postlist['body'] += combine(post, template)['body']
+ with open(templatesdir + 'postlist.html') as f:
+ template = f.read()
+ postlist = combine(postlist, template)
+ postlist['url'] = 'postlist.html'
+ save_to_html(postlist, sitedir)
+ pages = get_all_items(pagesdir)
+ for page in pages:
+ page.setdefault('url', page['name'] + '.html')
+ with open('{}{}.html'.format(templatesdir, page['template'])) as f:
+ template = f.read()
+ page = combine(page, template)
+ save_to_html(page, sitedir)
+ microposts = get_all_items(micropostsdir)
+ microposts.sort(key=lambda x: x['date'], reverse=True)
+ with open(templatesdir + 'micropost.html') as f:
+ template = f.read()
+ allmposts = {'body':''}
+ for micropost in microposts:
+ allmposts['body'] += combine(micropost, template)['body']
+ with open(templatesdir + 'microblog.html') as f:
+ template = f.read()
+ allmposts = combine(allmposts, template)
+ allmposts['url'] = 'microblog.html'
+ save_to_html(allmposts, sitedir)
+ blog_feed = AtomFeed(title="Yuchen Pei's Blog",
+ feed_url="https://ypei.me/blog-feed.xml",
+ url="https://ypei.me",
+ author="Yuchen Pei")
+ for post in posts:
+ blog_feed.add(title=post["title"],
+ content=post["body"],
+ content_type="html",
+ author="Yuchen Pei",
+ url=post["url"],
+ updated=post["date"])
+ blog_feed_item = {'body':blog_feed.to_string(), 'url': 'blog-feed.xml'}
+ save_to_html(blog_feed_item, sitedir)
+ microblog_feed = AtomFeed(title="Yuchen Pei's Microblog",
+ feed_url="https://ypei.me/microblog-feed.xml",
+ url="https://ypei.me",
+ author="Yuchen Pei")
+ for micropost in microposts:
+ microblog_feed.add(title=micropost["date"],
+ content=micropost["body"],
+ content_type="html",
+ author="Yuchen Pei",
+ url="microblog.html",
+ updated=micropost["date"])
+ microblog_feed_item = {'body':microblog_feed.to_string(), 'url': 'microblog-feed.xml'}
+ save_to_html(microblog_feed_item, sitedir)
+def save_to_html(item, sitedir):
+ path = sitedir + item['url']
+ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path), exist_ok=True)
+ logging.info('Saving to {}...'.format(path))
+ with open(path, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(item['body'])
+def get_all_items(dir_):
+ items = []
+ for filename in os.listdir(dir_):
+ ext = filename.split('.')[-1]
+ path = dir_ + filename
+ item = item_from_path(path)
+ items.append(item)
+ return items
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()