path: root/js/mathjax/jax/output/PreviewHTML
diff options
authorYuchen Pei <me@ypei.me>2021-06-24 17:50:34 +1000
committerYuchen Pei <me@ypei.me>2021-06-24 17:50:34 +1000
commit11011d7c373c655830053b155eeaf632c2658ac7 (patch)
tree2e7ae85b013041fef7e733ddb4c74dd197c17f56 /js/mathjax/jax/output/PreviewHTML
parent4f5ad1a70089365c5b6949d06386930433e09193 (diff)
- added mathjax (freed) - added rss.py - updated publish.el - etc.
Diffstat (limited to 'js/mathjax/jax/output/PreviewHTML')
2 files changed, 1154 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/js/mathjax/jax/output/PreviewHTML/config.js b/js/mathjax/jax/output/PreviewHTML/config.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..866f2f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/mathjax/jax/output/PreviewHTML/config.js
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+// @license magnet:?xt=urn:btih:8e4f440f4c65981c5bf93c76d35135ba5064d8b7dn=apache-2.0.txt Apache-2.0
+/* -*- Mode: Javascript; indent-tabs-mode:nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
+/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
+ *
+ * MathJax/jax/output/PreviewHTML/config.js
+ *
+ * Initializes the PreviewHTML OutputJax (the main definition is in
+ * MathJax/jax/input/PreviewHTML/jax.js, which is loaded when needed).
+ *
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2013-2020 The MathJax Consortium
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+MathJax.OutputJax.PreviewHTML = MathJax.OutputJax({
+ id: "PreviewHTML",
+ version: "2.7.9",
+ directory: MathJax.OutputJax.directory + "/PreviewHTML",
+ extensionDir: MathJax.OutputJax.extensionDir + "/PreviewHTML",
+ noFastPreview: true, // don't do fast preview for this output jax
+ config: {
+ scale: 100, minScaleAdjust: 50, // global math scaling factor, and minimum adjusted scale factor
+ mtextFontInherit: false, // to make <mtext> be in page font rather than MathJax font
+ linebreaks: {
+ automatic: false, // when false, only process linebreak="newline",
+ // when true, insert line breaks automatically in long expressions.
+ width: "container" // maximum width of a line for automatic line breaks (e.g. "30em").
+ // use "container" to compute size from containing element,
+ // use "nn% container" for a portion of the container,
+ // use "nn%" for a portion of the window size
+ }
+ }
+if (!MathJax.Hub.config.delayJaxRegistration) {MathJax.OutputJax.PreviewHTML.Register("jax/mml")}
+// @license-end
diff --git a/js/mathjax/jax/output/PreviewHTML/jax.js b/js/mathjax/jax/output/PreviewHTML/jax.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fc3b4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/mathjax/jax/output/PreviewHTML/jax.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1098 @@
+// @license magnet:?xt=urn:btih:8e4f440f4c65981c5bf93c76d35135ba5064d8b7dn=apache-2.0.txt Apache-2.0
+/* -*- Mode: Javascript; indent-tabs-mode:nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
+/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
+ *
+ * MathJax/jax/output/PreviewHTML/jax.js
+ *
+ * Implements the PreviewHTML OutputJax that displays mathematics
+ * using HTML to position the characters from math fonts
+ * in their proper locations.
+ *
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2013-2020 The MathJax Consortium
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+(function (AJAX,HUB,HTML,PHTML) {
+ var MML;
+ var EVENT, TOUCH, HOVER; // filled in later
+ var FONTS = "'Times New Roman',Times,STIXGeneral,serif";
+ var STYLES = {
+ ".MJXp-script": {"font-size":".8em"},
+ ".MJXp-right": {
+ "-webkit-transform-origin":"right",
+ "-moz-transform-origin":"right",
+ "-ms-transform-origin":"right",
+ "-o-transform-origin":"right",
+ "transform-origin":"right"
+ },
+ ".MJXp-bold": {"font-weight":"bold"},
+ ".MJXp-italic": {"font-style":"italic"},
+ ".MJXp-scr": {"font-family":"MathJax_Script,"+FONTS},
+ ".MJXp-frak": {"font-family":"MathJax_Fraktur,"+FONTS},
+ ".MJXp-sf": {"font-family":"MathJax_SansSerif,"+FONTS},
+ ".MJXp-cal": {"font-family":"MathJax_Caligraphic,"+FONTS},
+ ".MJXp-mono": {"font-family":"MathJax_Typewriter,"+FONTS},
+ ".MJXp-largeop": {"font-size":"150%"},
+ ".MJXp-largeop.MJXp-int": {"vertical-align":"-.2em"},
+ ".MJXp-math": {
+ "display": "inline-block",
+ "line-height": "1.2",
+ "text-indent": "0",
+ "font-family": FONTS,
+ "white-space":"nowrap",
+ "border-collapse":"collapse"
+ },
+ ".MJXp-display": {
+ "display": "block",
+ "text-align": "center",
+ "margin": "1em 0"
+ },
+ ".MJXp-math span": {"display": "inline-block"},
+ ".MJXp-box": {"display":"block!important", "text-align": "center"},
+ ".MJXp-box:after": {"content": '" "'}, // needed for when there is no DOCTYPE
+ ".MJXp-rule": {"display":"block!important", "margin-top":".1em"},
+ ".MJXp-char": {"display":"block!important"},
+ ".MJXp-mo": {"margin": "0 .15em"},
+ ".MJXp-mfrac": {"margin": "0 .125em", "vertical-align":".25em"},
+ ".MJXp-denom": {"display": "inline-table!important", "width":"100%"},
+ ".MJXp-denom > *": {"display": "table-row!important"},
+ ".MJXp-surd": {"vertical-align":"top"},
+ ".MJXp-surd > *": {"display":"block!important"},
+ ".MJXp-script-box > * ": {"display":"table!important", "height":"50%"},
+ ".MJXp-script-box > * > *": {"display":"table-cell!important","vertical-align":"top"},
+ ".MJXp-script-box > *:last-child > *": {"vertical-align":"bottom"},
+ ".MJXp-script-box > * > * > *": {"display":"block!important"},
+ ".MJXp-mphantom": {"visibility": "hidden"},
+ ".MJXp-munderover, .MJXp-munder": {"display":"inline-table!important"},
+ ".MJXp-over": {"display":"inline-block!important","text-align":"center"},
+ ".MJXp-over > *": {"display":"block!important"},
+ ".MJXp-munderover > *, .MJXp-munder > *": {"display":"table-row!important"},
+ ".MJXp-mtable": {"vertical-align":".25em", "margin":"0 .125em"},
+ ".MJXp-mtable > *": {"display":"inline-table!important", "vertical-align":"middle"},
+ ".MJXp-mtr": {"display":"table-row!important"},
+ ".MJXp-mtd": {"display":"table-cell!important","text-align":"center","padding":".5em 0 0 .5em"},
+ ".MJXp-mtr > .MJXp-mtd:first-child": {"padding-left":0},
+ ".MJXp-mtr:first-child > .MJXp-mtd": {"padding-top":0},
+ ".MJXp-mlabeledtr": {"display":"table-row!important"},
+ ".MJXp-mlabeledtr > .MJXp-mtd:first-child": {"padding-left":0},
+ ".MJXp-mlabeledtr:first-child > .MJXp-mtd": {"padding-top":0},
+ ".MJXp-merror": {
+ "background-color": "#FFFF88",
+ color: "#CC0000",
+ border: "1px solid #CC0000",
+ padding: "1px 3px",
+ "font-style": "normal",
+ "font-size": "90%"
+ }
+ };
+ (function () {
+ for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ var scale = "scaleX(."+i+")";
+ STYLES[".MJXp-scale"+i] = {
+ "-webkit-transform":scale,
+ "-moz-transform":scale,
+ "-ms-transform":scale,
+ "-o-transform":scale,
+ "transform":scale
+ }
+ }
+ })();
+ var BIGDIMEN = 1000000;
+ var V = "V", H = "H";
+ PHTML.Augment({
+ settings: HUB.config.menuSettings,
+ config: {styles: STYLES},
+ hideProcessedMath: false, // use display:none until all math is processed
+ maxStretchyParts: 1000, // limit the number of parts allowed for
+ // stretchy operators. See issue 366.
+ Config: function () {
+ if (!this.require) {this.require = []}
+ this.SUPER(arguments).Config.call(this); var settings = this.settings;
+ if (settings.scale) {this.config.scale = settings.scale}
+ this.require.push(MathJax.OutputJax.extensionDir+"/MathEvents.js");
+ },
+ Startup: function () {
+ //
+ // Set up event handling
+ //
+ EVENT = MathJax.Extension.MathEvents.Event;
+ TOUCH = MathJax.Extension.MathEvents.Touch;
+ HOVER = MathJax.Extension.MathEvents.Hover;
+ this.ContextMenu = EVENT.ContextMenu;
+ this.Mousedown = EVENT.AltContextMenu;
+ this.Mouseover = HOVER.Mouseover;
+ this.Mouseout = HOVER.Mouseout;
+ this.Mousemove = HOVER.Mousemove;
+ //
+ // Determine pixels per inch
+ //
+ var div = HTML.addElement(document.body,"div",{style:{width:"5in"}});
+ this.pxPerInch = div.offsetWidth/5; div.parentNode.removeChild(div);
+ //
+ // Set up styles and preload web fonts
+ //
+ return AJAX.Styles(this.config.styles,["InitializePHTML",this]);
+ },
+ InitializePHTML: function () {
+ },
+ preTranslate: function (state) {
+ var scripts = state.jax[this.id], i, m = scripts.length,
+ script, prev, span, div, jax;
+ //
+ // Loop through the scripts
+ //
+ for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
+ script = scripts[i]; if (!script.parentNode) continue;
+ //
+ // Remove any existing output
+ //
+ prev = script.previousSibling;
+ if (prev && String(prev.className).match(/^MathJax(_PHTML)?(_Display)?( MathJax_Process(ing|ed))?$/))
+ {prev.parentNode.removeChild(prev)}
+ //
+ // Add the span, and a div if in display mode,
+ // then mark it as being processed
+ //
+ jax = script.MathJax.elementJax; if (!jax) continue;
+ jax.PHTML = {display: (jax.root.Get("display") === "block")}
+ span = div = HTML.Element("span",{
+ className:"MathJax_PHTML", id:jax.inputID+"-Frame", isMathJax:true, jaxID:this.id,
+ oncontextmenu:EVENT.Menu, onmousedown: EVENT.Mousedown,
+ onmouseover:EVENT.Mouseover, onmouseout:EVENT.Mouseout, onmousemove:EVENT.Mousemove,
+ onclick:EVENT.Click, ondblclick:EVENT.DblClick,
+ // Added for keyboard accessible menu.
+ onkeydown: EVENT.Keydown, tabIndex: HUB.getTabOrder(jax)
+ });
+ if (HUB.Browser.noContextMenu) {
+ span.ontouchstart = TOUCH.start;
+ span.ontouchend = TOUCH.end;
+ }
+ if (jax.PHTML.display) {
+ div = HTML.Element("div",{className:"MathJax_PHTML_Display"});
+ div.appendChild(span);
+ }
+ //
+ div.className += " MathJax_Processing";
+ script.parentNode.insertBefore(div,script);
+ }
+ },
+ Translate: function (script,state) {
+ if (!script.parentNode) return;
+ //
+ // Get the data about the math
+ //
+ var jax = script.MathJax.elementJax, math = jax.root,
+ span = document.getElementById(jax.inputID+"-Frame"),
+ div = (jax.PHTML.display ? span.parentNode : span);
+ //
+ // Typeset the math
+ //
+ this.initPHTML(math,span);
+// math.setTeXclass();
+ try {math.toPreviewHTML(span)} catch (err) {
+ if (err.restart) {while (span.firstChild) {span.removeChild(span.firstChild)}}
+ throw err;
+ }
+ //
+ // Put it in place, and remove the processing marker
+ //
+ div.className = div.className.split(/ /)[0];
+ //
+ // Check if we are hiding the math until more is processed
+ //
+ if (this.hideProcessedMath) {
+ //
+ // Hide the math and don't let its preview be removed
+ //
+ div.className += " MathJax_Processed";
+ if (script.MathJax.preview) {
+ jax.PHTML.preview = script.MathJax.preview;
+ delete script.MathJax.preview;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ postTranslate: function (state) {
+ var scripts = state.jax[this.id];
+ if (!this.hideProcessedMath) return;
+ for (var i = 0, m = scripts.length; i < m; i++) {
+ var script = scripts[i];
+ if (script && script.MathJax.elementJax) {
+ //
+ // Remove the processed marker
+ //
+ script.previousSibling.className = script.previousSibling.className.split(/ /)[0];
+ var data = script.MathJax.elementJax.PHTML;
+ //
+ // Remove the preview, if any
+ //
+ if (data.preview) {
+ data.preview.innerHTML = "";
+ script.MathJax.preview = data.preview;
+ delete data.preview;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ getJaxFromMath: function (math) {
+ if (math.parentNode.className.match(/MathJax_PHTML_Display/)) {math = math.parentNode}
+ do {math = math.nextSibling} while (math && math.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "script");
+ return HUB.getJaxFor(math);
+ },
+ getHoverSpan: function (jax,math) {return jax.root.PHTMLspanElement()},
+ getHoverBBox: function (jax,span,math) {
+ var bbox = jax.root.PHTML, em = jax.PHTML.outerEm;
+ var BBOX = {w:bbox.w*em, h:bbox.h*em, d:bbox.d*em};
+ if (bbox.width) {BBOX.width = bbox.width}
+ return BBOX;
+ },
+ Zoom: function (jax,span,math,Mw,Mh) {
+ //
+ // Re-render at larger size
+ //
+ span.className = "MathJax";
+ this.idPostfix = "-zoom"; jax.root.toPHTML(span,span); this.idPostfix = "";
+ //
+ // Get height and width of zoomed math and original math
+ //
+ span.style.position = "absolute";
+ if (!width) {math.style.position = "absolute"}
+ var zW = span.offsetWidth, zH = span.offsetHeight,
+ mH = math.offsetHeight, mW = math.offsetWidth;
+ if (mW === 0) {mW = math.parentNode.offsetWidth}; // IE7 gets mW == 0?
+ span.style.position = math.style.position = "";
+ //
+ return {Y:-EVENT.getBBox(span).h, mW:mW, mH:mH, zW:zW, zH:zH};
+ },
+ initPHTML: function (math,span) {},
+ Remove: function (jax) {
+ var span = document.getElementById(jax.inputID+"-Frame");
+ if (span) {
+ if (jax.PHTML.display) {span = span.parentNode}
+ span.parentNode.removeChild(span);
+ }
+ delete jax.PHTML;
+ },
+ ID: 0, idPostfix: "",
+ GetID: function () {this.ID++; return this.ID},
+ "bold": "MJXp-bold",
+ "italic": "MJXp-italic",
+ "bold-italic": "MJXp-bold MJXp-italic",
+ "script": "MJXp-scr",
+ "bold-script": "MJXp-scr MJXp-bold",
+ "fraktur": "MJXp-frak",
+ "bold-fraktur": "MJXp-frak MJXp-bold",
+ "monospace": "MJXp-mono",
+ "sans-serif": "MJXp-sf",
+ "-tex-caligraphic": "MJXp-cal"
+ },
+ veryverythinmathspace: 1/18,
+ verythinmathspace: 2/18,
+ thinmathspace: 3/18,
+ mediummathspace: 4/18,
+ thickmathspace: 5/18,
+ verythickmathspace: 6/18,
+ veryverythickmathspace: 7/18,
+ negativeveryverythinmathspace: -1/18,
+ negativeverythinmathspace: -2/18,
+ negativethinmathspace: -3/18,
+ negativemediummathspace: -4/18,
+ negativethickmathspace: -5/18,
+ negativeverythickmathspace: -6/18,
+ negativeveryverythickmathspace: -7/18,
+ thin: .08,
+ medium: .1,
+ thick: .15,
+ infinity: BIGDIMEN
+ },
+ TeX: {
+ x_height: .430554
+ },
+ pxPerInch: 72,
+ em: 16,
+ // ### FIXME: add more here
+ "(": {dir:V},
+ "{": {dir:V, w:.58},
+ "[": {dir:V},
+ "|": {dir:V, w:.275},
+ ")": {dir:V},
+ "}": {dir:V, w:.58},
+ "]": {dir:V},
+ "/": {dir:V},
+ "\\": {dir:V},
+ "\u2223": {dir:V, w:.275},
+ "\u2225": {dir:V, w:.55},
+ "\u230A": {dir:V, w:.5},
+ "\u230B": {dir:V, w:.5},
+ "\u2308": {dir:V, w:.5},
+ "\u2309": {dir:V, w:.5},
+ "\u27E8": {dir:V, w:.5},
+ "\u27E9": {dir:V, w:.5},
+ "\u2191": {dir:V, w:.65},
+ "\u2193": {dir:V, w:.65},
+ "\u21D1": {dir:V, w:.75},
+ "\u21D3": {dir:V, w:.75},
+ "\u2195": {dir:V, w:.65},
+ "\u21D5": {dir:V, w:.75},
+ "\u27EE": {dir:V, w:.275},
+ "\u27EF": {dir:V, w:.275},
+ "\u23B0": {dir:V, w:.6},
+ "\u23B1": {dir:V, w:.6}
+ },
+ "\u20D7":"\u2192", // vector arrow
+ "'": "\u02CB",
+ "`": "\u02CA",
+ ".": "\u02D9",
+ "^": "\u02C6",
+ "-": "\u02C9",
+ "~": "\u02DC",
+ "\u00AF": "\u02C9", // macron
+ "\u00B0": "\u02DA", // degree sign
+ "\u00B4": "\u02CA", // acute accent
+ "\u0300": "\u02CB", // combining grave
+ "\u0301": "\u02CA", // combining acute
+ "\u0302": "\u02C6", // combining circumflex
+ "\u0303": "\u02DC", // combinig tilde
+ "\u0304": "\u02C9", // combining macron
+ "\u0305": "\u02C9", // combining overline
+ "\u0306": "\u02D8", // combining breve
+ "\u0307": "\u02D9", // combining dot
+ "\u0308": "\u00A8", // combining double dot
+ "\u030C": "\u02C7" // combining caron
+ },
+ },
+ length2em: function (length,size) {
+ if (typeof(length) !== "string") {length = length.toString()}
+ if (length === "") {return ""}
+ if (length === MML.SIZE.NORMAL) {return 1}
+ if (length === MML.SIZE.BIG) {return 2}
+ if (length === MML.SIZE.SMALL) {return .71}
+ if (this.MATHSPACE[length]) {return this.MATHSPACE[length]}
+ var match = length.match(/^\s*([-+]?(?:\.\d+|\d+(?:\.\d*)?))?(pt|em|ex|mu|px|pc|in|mm|cm|%)?/);
+ var m = parseFloat(match[1]||"1"), unit = match[2];
+ if (size == null) {size = 1}
+ if (unit === "em") {return m}
+ if (unit === "ex") {return m * this.TeX.x_height}
+ if (unit === "%") {return m / 100 * size}
+ if (unit === "px") {return m / this.em}
+ if (unit === "pt") {return m / 10} // 10 pt to an em
+ if (unit === "pc") {return m * 1.2} // 12 pt to a pc
+ if (unit === "in") {return m * this.pxPerInch / this.em}
+ if (unit === "cm") {return m * this.pxPerInch / this.em / 2.54} // 2.54 cm to an inch
+ if (unit === "mm") {return m * this.pxPerInch / this.em / 25.4} // 10 mm to a cm
+ if (unit === "mu") {return m / 18} // 18mu to an em for the scriptlevel
+ return m*size; // relative to given size (or 1em as default)
+ },
+ Em: function (m) {
+ if (Math.abs(m) < .001) return "0em";
+ return (m.toFixed(3).replace(/\.?0+$/,""))+"em";
+ },
+ arrayEntry: function (a,i) {return a[Math.max(0,Math.min(i,a.length-1))]}
+ });
+ MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("mml Jax Ready",function () {
+ MML = MathJax.ElementJax.mml;
+ MML.mbase.Augment({
+ toPreviewHTML: function (span,options) {
+ return this.PHTMLdefaultSpan(span,options);
+ },
+ PHTMLdefaultSpan: function (span,options) {
+ if (!options) options = {};
+ span = this.PHTMLcreateSpan(span);
+ this.PHTMLhandleStyle(span);
+ this.PHTMLhandleColor(span);
+ if (this.isToken) this.PHTMLhandleToken(span);
+ for (var i = 0, m = this.data.length; i < m; i++) this.PHTMLaddChild(span,i,options);
+ return span;
+ },
+ PHTMLaddChild: function (span,i,options) {
+ var child = this.data[i];
+ if (child) {
+ if (options.childSpans)
+ span = HTML.addElement(span,"span",{className:options.className});
+ child.toPreviewHTML(span);
+ if (!options.noBBox) {
+ this.PHTML.w += child.PHTML.w + child.PHTML.l + child.PHTML.r;
+ if (child.PHTML.h > this.PHTML.h) this.PHTML.h = child.PHTML.h;
+ if (child.PHTML.d > this.PHTML.d) this.PHTML.d = child.PHTML.d;
+ if (child.PHTML.t > this.PHTML.t) this.PHTML.t = child.PHTML.t;
+ if (child.PHTML.b > this.PHTML.b) this.PHTML.b = child.PHTML.b;
+ }
+ } else if (options.forceChild) {HTML.addElement(span,"span")}
+ },
+ PHTMLstretchChild: function (i,H,D) {
+ var data = this.data[i];
+ if (data && data.PHTMLcanStretch("Vertical",H,D)) {
+ var bbox = this.PHTML, dbox = data.PHTML, w = dbox.w;
+ data.PHTMLstretchV(H,D);
+ bbox.w += dbox.w - w;
+ if (dbox.h > bbox.h) bbox.h = dbox.h;
+ if (dbox.d > bbox.d) bbox.d = dbox.d;
+ }
+ },
+ PHTMLcreateSpan: function (span) {
+ if (!this.PHTML) this.PHTML = {};
+ this.PHTML = {w:0, h:0, d:0, l:0, r:0, t:0, b:0};
+ if (this.inferred) return span;
+ // ### FIXME: This is a hack to handle the different spacing of the
+ // ### integral sign in Times compared to CM fonts
+ if (this.type === "mo" && this.data.join("") === "\u222B") {PHTML.lastIsInt = true}
+ else if (this.type !== "mspace" || this.width !== "negativethinmathspace") {PHTML.lastIsInt = false}
+ // ###
+ if (!this.PHTMLspanID) {this.PHTMLspanID = PHTML.GetID()};
+ var id = (this.id || "MJXp-Span-"+this.PHTMLspanID);
+ return HTML.addElement(span,"span",{className:"MJXp-"+this.type, id:id});
+ },
+ PHTMLspanElement: function () {
+ if (!this.PHTMLspanID) {return null}
+ return document.getElementById(this.id||"MJXp-Span-"+this.PHTMLspanID);
+ },
+ PHTMLhandleToken: function (span) {
+ var values = this.getValues("mathvariant");
+ if (values.mathvariant !== MML.VARIANT.NORMAL) {
+ span.className += " "+PHTML.VARIANT[values.mathvariant];
+ }
+ },
+ PHTMLhandleStyle: function (span) {
+ if (this.style) span.style.cssText = this.style;
+ },
+ PHTMLhandleColor: function (span) {
+ if (this.mathcolor) {span.style.color = this.mathcolor}
+ if (this.mathbackground) {span.style.backgroundColor = this.mathbackground}
+ },
+ PHTMLhandleScriptlevel: function (span) {
+ // ### FIXME: Need to prevent getting too small
+ // ### and should keep track of scaling so it can be compensated for
+ var level = this.Get("scriptlevel");
+ if (level) span.className += " MJXp-script";
+ },
+ PHTMLhandleText: function (span,text) {
+ var c, n;
+ var H = 0, D = 0, W = 0;
+ for (var i = 0, m = text.length; i < m; i++) {
+ n = text.charCodeAt(i); c = text.charAt(i);
+ if (n >= 0xD800 && n < 0xDBFF) {
+ i++; n = (((n-0xD800)<<10)+(text.charCodeAt(i)-0xDC00))+0x10000;
+ }
+ var h = .7, d = .22, w = .5;
+ if (n < 127) {
+ if (c.match(/[A-Za-ehik-or-xz0-9]/)) d = 0;
+ if (c.match(/[A-HK-Z]/)) {w = .67} else if (c.match(/[IJ]/)) {w = .36}
+ if (c.match(/[acegm-su-z]/)) {h = .45} else if (c.match(/[ij]/)) {h = .75}
+ if (c.match(/[ijlt]/)) w = .28;
+ }
+ if (PHTML.DELIMITERS[c]) {w = PHTML.DELIMITERS[c].w || .4}
+ // ### FIXME: handle Greek
+ // ### Combining diacriticals (all sets), spacing modifiers
+ // ### arrows (all sets), widths of braces
+ if (h > H) H = h; if (d > D) D = d; W += w;
+ }
+ if (!this.CHML) this.PHTML = {};
+ this.PHTML = {h:.9, d:.3, w:W, l:0, r:0, t:H, b:D};
+ HTML.addText(span,text);
+ },
+ PHTMLbboxFor: function (n) {
+ if (this.data[n] && this.data[n].PHTML) return this.data[n].PHTML;
+ return {w:0, h:0, d:0, l:0, r:0, t:0, b:0};
+ },
+ PHTMLcanStretch: function (direction,H,D) {
+ if (this.isEmbellished()) {
+ var core = this.Core();
+ if (core && core !== this) {return core.PHTMLcanStretch(direction,H,D)}
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ PHTMLstretchV: function (h,d) {},
+ PHTMLstretchH: function (w) {},
+ CoreParent: function () {
+ var parent = this;
+ while (parent && parent.isEmbellished() &&
+ parent.CoreMO() === this && !parent.isa(MML.math)) {parent = parent.Parent()}
+ return parent;
+ },
+ CoreText: function (parent) {
+ if (!parent) {return ""}
+ if (parent.isEmbellished()) {return parent.CoreMO().data.join("")}
+ while ((parent.isa(MML.mrow) || parent.isa(MML.TeXAtom) ||
+ parent.isa(MML.mstyle) || parent.isa(MML.mphantom)) &&
+ parent.data.length === 1 && parent.data[0]) {parent = parent.data[0]}
+ if (!parent.isToken) {return ""} else {return parent.data.join("")}
+ }
+ });
+ MML.chars.Augment({
+ toPreviewHTML: function (span) {
+ var text = this.toString().replace(/[\u2061-\u2064]/g,"");
+ this.PHTMLhandleText(span,text);
+ }
+ });
+ MML.entity.Augment({
+ toPreviewHTML: function (span) {
+ var text = this.toString().replace(/[\u2061-\u2064]/g,"");
+ this.PHTMLhandleText(span,text);
+ }
+ });
+ MML.math.Augment({
+ toPreviewHTML: function (span) {
+ span = this.PHTMLdefaultSpan(span);
+ if (this.Get("display") === "block") {span.className += " MJXp-display"}
+ return span;
+ }
+ });
+ MML.mo.Augment({
+ toPreviewHTML: function (span) {
+ span = this.PHTMLdefaultSpan(span);
+ this.PHTMLadjustAccent(span);
+ var values = this.getValues("lspace","rspace","scriptlevel","displaystyle","largeop");
+ if (values.scriptlevel === 0) {
+ this.PHTML.l = PHTML.length2em(values.lspace);
+ this.PHTML.r = PHTML.length2em(values.rspace);
+ span.style.marginLeft = PHTML.Em(this.PHTML.l);
+ span.style.marginRight = PHTML.Em(this.PHTML.r);
+ } else {
+ this.PHTML.l = .15;
+ this.PHTML.r = .1;
+ }
+ if (values.displaystyle && values.largeop) {
+ var box = HTML.Element("span",{className:"MJXp-largeop"});
+ box.appendChild(span.firstChild); span.appendChild(box);
+ this.PHTML.h *= 1.2; this.PHTML.d *= 1.2;
+ if (this.data.join("") === "\u222B") box.className += " MJXp-int";
+ }
+ // ### FIXME: Handle embellished op spacing
+ // ### FIXME: Remap minus signs
+ return span;
+ },
+ PHTMLadjustAccent: function (span) {
+ var parent = this.CoreParent();
+ if (parent && parent.isa(MML.munderover) &&
+ this.CoreText(parent.data[parent.base]).length === 1) {
+ var over = parent.data[parent.over], under = parent.data[parent.under];
+ var c = this.data.join(""), C;
+ if (over && this === over.CoreMO() && parent.Get("accent")) {C = PHTML.REMAPACCENT[c]}
+ else if (under && this === under.CoreMO() && parent.Get("accentunder")) {C = PHTML.REMAPACCENTUNDER[c]}
+ if (C) c = span.innerHTML = C;
+ if (c.match(/[\u02C6-\u02DC\u00A8]/)) {this.PHTML.acc = -.52}
+ else if (c === "\u2192") {this.PHTML.acc = -.15; this.PHTML.vec = true}
+ }
+ },
+ PHTMLcanStretch: function (direction,H,D) {
+ if (!this.Get("stretchy")) {return false}
+ var c = this.data.join("");
+ if (c.length > 1) {return false}
+ var stretch = (c && c.dir === direction.substr(0,1));
+ if (stretch) {
+ stretch = (this.PHTML.h !== H || this.PHTML.d !== D ||
+ (this.Get("minsize",true) || this.Get("maxsize",true)));
+ }
+ return stretch;
+ },
+ PHTMLstretchV: function (h,d) {
+ var span = this.PHTMLspanElement(), bbox = this.PHTML; //bbox.w = .4; // ## adjust width
+ var values = this.getValues("symmetric","maxsize","minsize");
+ if (values.symmetric) {H = 2*Math.max(h-.25,d+.25)} else {H = h + d}
+ values.maxsize = PHTML.length2em(values.maxsize,bbox.h+bbox.d);
+ values.minsize = PHTML.length2em(values.minsize,bbox.h+bbox.d);
+ H = Math.max(values.minsize,Math.min(values.maxsize,H));
+ var scale = H/(bbox.h+bbox.d-.3); // ### adjusted for extra tall bbox
+ var box = HTML.Element("span",{style:{"font-size":PHTML.Em(scale)}});
+ if (scale > 1.25) {
+ var sX = Math.ceil(1.25/scale * 10);
+ box.className = "MJXp-right MJXp-scale"+sX;
+ box.style.marginLeft = PHTML.Em(bbox.w*(sX/10-1)+.07);
+ bbox.w *= scale*sX/10;
+ }
+ box.appendChild(span.firstChild); span.appendChild(box);
+ if (values.symmetric) span.style.verticalAlign = PHTML.Em(.25*(1-scale));
+ }
+ });
+ MML.mspace.Augment({
+ toPreviewHTML: function (span) {
+ span = this.PHTMLdefaultSpan(span);
+ var values = this.getValues("height","depth","width");
+ var w = PHTML.length2em(values.width),
+ h = PHTML.length2em(values.height),
+ d = PHTML.length2em(values.depth);
+ var bbox = this.PHTML;
+ bbox.w = w; bbox.h = h; bbox.d = d;
+ if (w < 0) {
+ // ### FIXME: lastIsInt hack
+ if (!PHTML.lastIsInt) span.style.marginLeft = PHTML.Em(w);
+ w = 0;
+ }
+ span.style.width = PHTML.Em(w);
+ span.style.height = PHTML.Em(h+d);
+ if (d) span.style.verticalAlign = PHTML.Em(-d);
+ return span;
+ }
+ });
+ MML.mpadded.Augment({
+ toPreviewHTML: function (span) {
+ span = this.PHTMLdefaultSpan(span,{
+ childSpans:true, className:"MJXp-box", forceChild:true
+ });
+ var child = span.firstChild;
+ var values = this.getValues("width","height","depth","lspace","voffset");
+ var dimen = this.PHTMLdimen(values.lspace);
+ var T = 0, B = 0, L = dimen.len, R = -dimen.len, V = 0;
+ if (values.width !== "") {
+ dimen = this.PHTMLdimen(values.width,"w",0);
+ if (dimen.pm) {R += dimen.len} else {span.style.width = PHTML.Em(dimen.len)}
+ }
+ if (values.height !== "") {
+ dimen = this.PHTMLdimen(values.height,"h",0);
+ if (!dimen.pm) T += -this.PHTMLbboxFor(0).h;
+ T += dimen.len;
+ }
+ if (values.depth !== "") {
+ dimen = this.PHTMLdimen(values.depth,"d",0);
+ if (!dimen.pm) {B += -this.PHTMLbboxFor(0).d; V += -dimen.len}
+ B += dimen.len;
+ }
+ if (values.voffset !== "") {
+ dimen = this.PHTMLdimen(values.voffset);
+ T -= dimen.len; B += dimen.len;
+ V += dimen.len;
+ }
+ if (T) child.style.marginTop = PHTML.Em(T);
+ if (B) child.style.marginBottom = PHTML.Em(B);
+ if (L) child.style.marginLeft = PHTML.Em(L);
+ if (R) child.style.marginRight = PHTML.Em(R);
+ if (V) span.style.verticalAlign = PHTML.Em(V);
+ return span;
+ },
+ PHTMLdimen: function (length,d,m) {
+ if (m == null) {m = -BIGDIMEN}
+ length = String(length);
+ var match = length.match(/width|height|depth/);
+ var size = (match ? this.PHTML[match[0].charAt(0)] : (d ? this.PHTML[d] : 0));
+ return {len: PHTML.length2em(length,size)||0, pm: !!length.match(/^[-+]/)};
+ }
+ });
+ MML.munderover.Augment({
+ toPreviewHTML: function (span) {
+ var values = this.getValues("displaystyle","accent","accentunder","align");
+ var base = this.data[this.base];
+ if (!values.displaystyle && base != null &&
+ (base.movablelimits || base.CoreMO().Get("movablelimits"))) {
+ span = MML.msubsup.prototype.toPreviewHTML.call(this,span);
+ //
+ // Change class to msubsup for CSS rules.
+ // ### FIXME: should this be handled via adding another class instead?
+ //
+ span.className = span.className.replace(/munderover/,"msubsup");
+ return span;
+ }
+ span = this.PHTMLdefaultSpan(span,{childSpans:true, className:"", noBBox:true});
+ var obox = this.PHTMLbboxFor(this.over),
+ ubox = this.PHTMLbboxFor(this.under),
+ bbox = this.PHTMLbboxFor(this.base),
+ BBOX = this.PHTML, acc = obox.acc;
+ if (this.data[this.over]) {
+ if (span.lastChild.firstChild){
+ span.lastChild.firstChild.style.marginLeft = obox.l =
+ span.lastChild.firstChild.style.marginRight = obox.r = 0;
+ }
+ var over = HTML.Element("span",{},[["span",{className:"MJXp-over"}]]);
+ over.firstChild.appendChild(span.lastChild);
+ if (span.childNodes.length > (this.data[this.under] ? 1 : 0))
+ over.firstChild.appendChild(span.firstChild);
+ this.data[this.over].PHTMLhandleScriptlevel(over.firstChild.firstChild);
+ if (acc != null) {
+ if (obox.vec) {
+ over.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.style.fontSize = "60%";
+ obox.h *= .6; obox.d *= .6; obox.w *= .6;
+ }
+ acc = acc - obox.d + .1; if (bbox.t != null) {acc += bbox.t - bbox.h}
+ over.firstChild.firstChild.style.marginBottom = PHTML.Em(acc);
+ }
+ if (span.firstChild) {span.insertBefore(over,span.firstChild)}
+ else {span.appendChild(over)}
+ }
+ if (this.data[this.under]) {
+ if (span.lastChild.firstChild) {
+ span.lastChild.firstChild.style.marginLeft = ubox.l =
+ span.lastChild.firstChild.marginRight = ubox.r = 0;
+ }
+ this.data[this.under].PHTMLhandleScriptlevel(span.lastChild);
+ }
+ BBOX.w = Math.max(.8*obox.w,.8*ubox.w,bbox.w);
+ BBOX.h = .8*(obox.h+obox.d+(acc||0)) + bbox.h;
+ BBOX.d = bbox.d + .8*(ubox.h+ubox.d);
+ return span;
+ }
+ });
+ MML.msubsup.Augment({
+ toPreviewHTML: function (span) {
+ span = this.PHTMLdefaultSpan(span,{noBBox:true});
+ if (!this.data[this.base]) {
+ if (span.firstChild) {span.insertBefore(HTML.Element("span"),span.firstChild)}
+ else {span.appendChild(HTML.Element("span"))}
+ }
+ var base = this.data[this.base], sub = this.data[this.sub], sup = this.data[this.sup];
+ if (!base) base = {bbox: {h:.8, d:.2}};
+ span.firstChild.style.marginRight = ".05em";
+ var h = Math.max(.4,base.PHTML.h-.4),
+ d = Math.max(.2,base.PHTML.d+.1);
+ var bbox = this.PHTML;
+ if (sup && sub) {
+ var box = HTML.Element("span",{className:"MJXp-script-box", style:{
+ height: PHTML.Em(h+sup.PHTML.h*.8 + d+sub.PHTML.d*.8),
+ "vertical-align": PHTML.Em(-d-sub.PHTML.d*.8)
+ }},[
+ ["span",{},[["span",{},[["span",{
+ style:{"margin-bottom":PHTML.Em(-(sup.PHTML.d-.05))}
+ }]]]]],
+ ["span",{},[["span",{},[["span",{
+ style:{"margin-top":PHTML.Em(-(sup.PHTML.h-.05))}
+ }]]]]]
+ ]);
+ sub.PHTMLhandleScriptlevel(box.firstChild);
+ sup.PHTMLhandleScriptlevel(box.lastChild);
+ box.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.appendChild(span.lastChild);
+ box.lastChild.firstChild.firstChild.appendChild(span.lastChild);
+ span.appendChild(box);
+ bbox.h = Math.max(base.PHTML.h,sup.PHTML.h*.8+h);
+ bbox.d = Math.max(base.PHTML.d,sub.PHTML.d*.8+d);
+ bbox.w = base.PHTML.w + Math.max(sup.PHTML.w,sub.PHTML.w) + .07;
+ } else if (sup) {
+ span.lastChild.style.verticalAlign = PHTML.Em(h);
+ sup.PHTMLhandleScriptlevel(span.lastChild);
+ bbox.h = Math.max(base.PHTML.h,sup.PHTML.h*.8+h);
+ bbox.d = Math.max(base.PHTML.d,sup.PHTML.d*.8-h);
+ bbox.w = base.PHTML.w + sup.PHTML.w + .07;
+ } else if (sub) {
+ span.lastChild.style.verticalAlign = PHTML.Em(-d);
+ sub.PHTMLhandleScriptlevel(span.lastChild);
+ bbox.h = Math.max(base.PHTML.h,sub.PHTML.h*.8-d);
+ bbox.d = Math.max(base.PHTML.d,sub.PHTML.d*.8+d);
+ bbox.w = base.PHTML.w + sub.PHTML.w + .07;
+ }
+ return span;
+ }
+ });
+ MML.mfrac.Augment({
+ toPreviewHTML: function (span) {
+ span = this.PHTMLdefaultSpan(span,{
+ childSpans:true, className:"MJXp-box", forceChild:true, noBBox:true
+ });
+ var values = this.getValues("linethickness","displaystyle");
+ if (!values.displaystyle) {
+ if (this.data[0]) this.data[0].PHTMLhandleScriptlevel(span.firstChild);
+ if (this.data[1]) this.data[1].PHTMLhandleScriptlevel(span.lastChild);
+ }
+ var denom = HTML.Element("span",{className:"MJXp-box"},[
+ ["span",{className:"MJXp-denom"},[ // inline-table
+ ["span",{},[["span",{className:"MJXp-rule",style:{height:"1em"}}]]],
+ ["span"] // spans are table-row
+ ]]
+ ]);
+ denom.firstChild.lastChild.appendChild(span.lastChild);
+ span.appendChild(denom);
+ var nbox = this.PHTMLbboxFor(0), dbox = this.PHTMLbboxFor(1), bbox = this.PHTML;
+ bbox.w = Math.max(nbox.w,dbox.w) * .8;
+ bbox.h = nbox.h+nbox.d + .1 + .25;
+ bbox.d = dbox.h+dbox.d - .25;
+ bbox.l = bbox.r = .125;
+ values.linethickness = Math.max(0,PHTML.length2em(values.linethickness||"0",0));
+ if (values.linethickness) {
+ var rule = denom.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild;
+ var t = PHTML.Em(values.linethickness);
+ rule.style.borderTop = "none";
+ rule.style.borderBottom = (values.linethickness < .15 ? "1px" : t)+" solid";
+ rule.style.margin = t+" 0";
+ t = values.linethickness;
+ denom.style.marginTop = PHTML.Em(3*t-1.2);
+ span.style.verticalAlign = PHTML.Em(1.5*t + .1);
+ bbox.h += 1.5*t - .1; bbox.d += 1.5*t;
+ } else {
+ denom.style.marginTop = "-.7em";
+ }
+ return span;
+ }
+ });
+ MML.msqrt.Augment({
+ toPreviewHTML: function (span) {
+ span = this.PHTMLdefaultSpan(span,{
+ childSpans:true, className:"MJXp-box", forceChild:true, noBBox:true
+ });
+ this.PHTMLlayoutRoot(span,span.firstChild);
+ return span;
+ },
+ PHTMLlayoutRoot: function (span,base) {
+ var bbox = this.PHTMLbboxFor(0);
+ var scale = Math.ceil((bbox.h+bbox.d+.14)*100), t = PHTML.Em(14/scale);
+ var surd = HTML.Element("span",{className:"MJXp-surd"},[
+ ["span",{style:{"font-size":scale+"%","margin-top":t}},["\u221A"]]
+ ]);
+ var root = HTML.Element("span",{className:"MJXp-root"},[
+ ["span",{className:"MJXp-rule",style:{"border-top":".08em solid"}}]
+ ]);
+ var W = (1.2/2.2)*scale/100; // width-of-surd = (height/H-to-W-ratio)
+ if (scale > 150) {
+ var sX = Math.ceil(150/scale * 10);
+ surd.firstChild.className = "MJXp-right MJXp-scale"+sX;
+ surd.firstChild.style.marginLeft = PHTML.Em(W*(sX/10-1)/scale*100);
+ W = W*sX/10;
+ root.firstChild.style.borderTopWidth = PHTML.Em(.08/Math.sqrt(sX/10));
+ }
+ root.appendChild(base);
+ span.appendChild(surd);
+ span.appendChild(root);
+ this.PHTML.h = bbox.h + .18; this.PHTML.d = bbox.d;
+ this.PHTML.w = bbox.w + W;
+ return span;
+ }
+ });
+ MML.mroot.Augment({
+ toPreviewHTML: function (span) {
+ span = this.PHTMLdefaultSpan(span,{
+ childSpans:true, className:"MJXp-box", forceChild:true, noBBox:true
+ });
+ var rbox = this.PHTMLbboxFor(1), root = span.removeChild(span.lastChild);
+ var sqrt = this.PHTMLlayoutRoot(HTML.Element("span"),span.firstChild);
+ root.className = "MJXp-script"; // ### FIXME: should be scriptscript
+ var scale = parseInt(sqrt.firstChild.firstChild.style.fontSize);
+ var v = .55*(scale/120) + rbox.d*.8, r = -.6*(scale/120);
+ if (scale > 150) {r *= .95*Math.ceil(150/scale*10)/10}
+ root.style.marginRight = PHTML.Em(r); root.style.verticalAlign = PHTML.Em(v);
+ if (-r > rbox.w*.8) root.style.marginLeft = PHTML.Em(-r-rbox.w*.8); // ### depends on rbox.w
+ span.appendChild(root); span.appendChild(sqrt);
+ this.PHTML.w += Math.max(0,rbox.w*.8+r);
+ this.PHTML.h = Math.max(this.PHTML.h,rbox.h*.8+v);
+ return span;
+ },
+ PHTMLlayoutRoot: MML.msqrt.prototype.PHTMLlayoutRoot
+ });
+ MML.mfenced.Augment({
+ toPreviewHTML: function (span) {
+ span = this.PHTMLcreateSpan(span);
+ this.PHTMLhandleStyle(span);
+ this.PHTMLhandleColor(span);
+ //
+ // Make row of open, data, sep, ... data, close
+ //
+ this.addFakeNodes();
+ this.PHTMLaddChild(span,"open",{});
+ for (var i = 0, m = this.data.length; i < m; i++) {
+ this.PHTMLaddChild(span,"sep"+i,{});
+ this.PHTMLaddChild(span,i,{});
+ }
+ this.PHTMLaddChild(span,"close",{});
+ //
+ // Check for streching the elements
+ //
+ var H = this.PHTML.h, D = this.PHTML.d;
+ this.PHTMLstretchChild("open",H,D);
+ for (i = 0, m = this.data.length; i < m; i++) {
+ this.PHTMLstretchChild("sep"+i,H,D);
+ this.PHTMLstretchChild(i,H,D);
+ }
+ this.PHTMLstretchChild("close",H,D);
+ return span;
+ }
+ });
+ MML.mrow.Augment({
+ toPreviewHTML: function (span) {
+ span = this.PHTMLdefaultSpan(span);
+ var H = this.PHTML.h, D = this.PHTML.d;
+ for (var i = 0, m = this.data.length; i < m; i++) this.PHTMLstretchChild(i,H,D);
+ return span;
+ }
+ });
+ MML.mstyle.Augment({
+ toPreviewHTML: function (span) {
+ span = this.PHTMLdefaultSpan(span);
+ this.PHTMLhandleScriptlevel(span);
+ return span;
+ }
+ });
+ MML.TeXAtom.Augment({
+ toPreviewHTML: function (span) {
+ span = this.PHTMLdefaultSpan(span);
+ // ### FIXME: handle TeX class?
+ span.className = "MJXp-mrow";
+ return span;
+ }
+ });
+ MML.mtable.Augment({
+ toPreviewHTML: function (span) {
+ span = this.PHTMLdefaultSpan(span,{noBBox:true});
+ var values = this.getValues("columnalign","rowalign","columnspacing","rowspacing",
+ "columnwidth","equalcolumns","equalrows",
+ "columnlines","rowlines","frame","framespacing",
+ "align","width");
+ var SPLIT = MathJax.Hub.SplitList, i, m, j, n;
+ var CSPACE = SPLIT(values.columnspacing),
+ RSPACE = SPLIT(values.rowspacing),
+ CALIGN = SPLIT(values.columnalign),
+ RALIGN = SPLIT(values.rowalign);
+ for (i = 0, m = CSPACE.length; i < m; i++) {CSPACE[i] = PHTML.length2em(CSPACE[i])}
+ for (i = 0, m = RSPACE.length; i < m; i++) {RSPACE[i] = PHTML.length2em(RSPACE[i])}
+ var table = HTML.Element("span");
+ while (span.firstChild) table.appendChild(span.firstChild);
+ span.appendChild(table);
+ var H = 0, W = 0;
+ for (i = 0, m = this.data.length; i < m; i++) {
+ var row = this.data[i];
+ if (row) {
+ var rspace = PHTML.arrayEntry(RSPACE,i-1), ralign = PHTML.arrayEntry(RALIGN,i);
+ var rbox = row.PHTML, rspan = row.PHTMLspanElement();
+ rspan.style.verticalAlign = ralign;
+ var k = (row.type === "mlabeledtr" ? 1 : 0);
+ for (j = 0, n = row.data.length; j < n-k; j++) {
+ var cell = row.data[j+k];
+ if (cell) {
+ var cspace = PHTML.arrayEntry(CSPACE,j-1), calign = PHTML.arrayEntry(CALIGN,j);
+ var cspan = cell.PHTMLspanElement();
+ if (j) {rbox.w += cspace; cspan.style.paddingLeft = PHTML.Em(cspace)}
+ if (i) cspan.style.paddingTop = PHTML.Em(rspace);
+ cspan.style.textAlign = calign;
+ }
+ }
+ H += rbox.h + rbox.d; if (i) {H += rspace}
+ if (rbox.w > W) W = rbox.w;
+ }
+ }
+ var bbox = this.PHTML;
+ bbox.w = W; bbox.h = H/2 + .25; bbox.d = H/2 - .25;
+ bbox.l = bbox.r = .125;
+ return span;
+ }
+ });
+ MML.mlabeledtr.Augment({
+ PHTMLdefaultSpan: function (span,options) {
+ if (!options) options = {};
+ span = this.PHTMLcreateSpan(span);
+ this.PHTMLhandleStyle(span);
+ this.PHTMLhandleColor(span);
+ if (this.isToken) this.PHTMLhandleToken(span);
+ // skip label for now
+ for (var i = 1, m = this.data.length; i < m; i++) this.PHTMLaddChild(span,i,options);
+ return span;
+ }
+ });
+ MML.semantics.Augment({
+ toPreviewHTML: function (span) {
+ span = this.PHTMLcreateSpan(span);
+ if (this.data[0]) {
+ this.data[0].toPreviewHTML(span);
+ MathJax.Hub.Insert(this.data[0].PHTML||{},this.PHTML);
+ }
+ return span;
+ }
+ });
+ MML.annotation.Augment({toPreviewHTML: function(span) {}});
+ MML["annotation-xml"].Augment({toPreviewHTML: function(span) {}});
+ //
+ // Loading isn't complete until the element jax is modified,
+ // but can't call loadComplete within the callback for "mml Jax Ready"
+ // (it would call PreviewHTML's Require routine, asking for the mml jax again)
+ // so wait until after the mml jax has finished processing.
+ //
+ // We also need to wait for the onload handler to run, since the loadComplete
+ // will call Config and Startup, which need to modify the body.
+ //
+ MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("onLoad",function () {
+ setTimeout(MathJax.Callback(["loadComplete",PHTML,"jax.js"]),0);
+ });
+ });
+ MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("End Cookie", function () {
+ if (HUB.config.menuSettings.zoom !== "None")
+ {AJAX.Require("[MathJax]/extensions/MathZoom.js")}
+ });
+// @license-end