path: root/posts/2018-06-03-automatic_differentiation.md
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authorYuchen Pei <me@ypei.me>2021-07-01 12:20:22 +1000
committerYuchen Pei <me@ypei.me>2021-07-01 12:20:22 +1000
commit6c8e5849392cc2541bbdb84d43ce4be2d7fe4319 (patch)
tree2ff6c7e21d5d6c99213e41647899c7b86b7b7e34 /posts/2018-06-03-automatic_differentiation.md
parentc29c3c0389c1f83f57b4215f7ff3cfc0f83e2b7c (diff)
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-template: post
-date: 2018-06-03
-title: Automatic differentiation
-This post serves as a note and explainer of autodiff.
-It is licensed under [GNU FDL](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl.html).
-For my learning I benefited a lot from [Toronto CSC321
-and the [autodidact](https://github.com/mattjj/autodidact/) project
-which is a pedagogical implementation of
-[Autograd](https://github.com/hips/autograd). That said, any mistakes in
-this note are mine (especially since some of the knowledge is obtained
-from interpreting slides!), and if you do spot any I would be grateful
-if you can let me know.
-Automatic differentiation (AD) is a way to compute derivatives. It does
-so by traversing through a computational graph using the chain rule.
-There are the forward mode AD and reverse mode AD, which are kind of
-symmetric to each other and understanding one of them results in little
-to no difficulty in understanding the other.
-In the language of neural networks, one can say that the forward mode AD
-is used when one wants to compute the derivatives of functions at all
-layers with respect to input layer weights, whereas the reverse mode AD
-is used to compute the derivatives of output functions with respect to
-weights at all layers. Therefore reverse mode AD (rmAD) is the one to
-use for gradient descent, which is the one we focus in this post.
-Basically rmAD requires the computation to be sufficiently decomposed,
-so that in the computational graph, each node as a function of its
-parent nodes is an elementary function that the AD engine has knowledge
-For example, the Sigmoid activation $a' = \sigma(w a + b)$ is quite
-simple, but it should be decomposed to simpler computations:
-- $a' = 1 / t_1$
-- $t_1 = 1 + t_2$
-- $t_2 = \exp(t_3)$
-- $t_3 = - t_4$
-- $t_4 = t_5 + b$
-- $t_5 = w a$
-Thus the function $a'(a)$ is decomposed to elementary operations like
-addition, subtraction, multiplication, reciprocitation, exponentiation,
-logarithm etc. And the rmAD engine stores the Jacobian of these
-elementary operations.
-Since in neural networks we want to find derivatives of a single loss
-function $L(x; \theta)$, we can omit $L$ when writing derivatives and
-denote, say $\bar \theta_k := \partial_{\theta_k} L$.
-In implementations of rmAD, one can represent the Jacobian as a
-transformation $j: (x \to y) \to (y, \bar y, x) \to \bar x$. $j$ is
-called the *Vector Jacobian Product* (VJP). For example,
-$j(\exp)(y, \bar y, x) = y \bar y$ since given $y = \exp(x)$,
-$\partial_x L = \partial_x y \cdot \partial_y L = \partial_x \exp(x) \cdot \partial_y L = y \bar y$
-as another example, $j(+)(y, \bar y, x_1, x_2) = (\bar y, \bar y)$ since
-given $y = x_1 + x_2$, $\bar{x_1} = \bar{x_2} = \bar y$.
-1. $j(/)(y, \bar y, x_1, x_2) = (\bar y / x_2, - \bar y x_1 / x_2^2)$
-2. $j(\log)(y, \bar y, x) = \bar y / x$
-3. $j((A, \beta) \mapsto A \beta)(y, \bar y, A, \beta) = (\bar y \otimes \beta, A^T \bar y)$.
-4. etc\...
-In the third one, the function is a matrix $A$ multiplied on the right
-by a column vector $\beta$, and $\bar y \otimes \beta$ is the tensor
-product which is a fancy way of writing $\bar y \beta^T$. See
-for the implementation in autodidact.
-So, given a node say $y = y(x_1, x_2, ..., x_n)$, and given the value of
-$y$, $x_{1 : n}$ and $\bar y$, rmAD computes the values of
-$\bar x_{1 : n}$ by using the Jacobians.
-This is the gist of rmAD. It stores the values of each node in a forward
-pass, and computes the derivatives of each node exactly once in a
-backward pass.
-It is a nice exercise to derive the backpropagation in the fully
-connected feedforward neural networks (e.g. [the one for MNIST in Neural
-Networks and Deep
-using rmAD.
-AD is an approach lying between the extremes of numerical approximation
-(e.g. finite difference) and symbolic evaluation. It uses exact formulas
-(VJP) at each elementary operation like symbolic evaluation, while
-evaluates each VJP numerically rather than lumping all the VJPs into an
-unwieldy symbolic formula.
-Things to look further into: the higher-order functional currying form
-$j: (x \to y) \to (y, \bar y, x) \to \bar x$ begs for a functional
-programming implementation.