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authorYuchen Pei <me@ypei.me>2021-07-01 12:20:22 +1000
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-title: Shapley, LIME and SHAP
-date: 2018-12-02
-template: post
-comments: true
-In this post I explain LIME (Ribeiro et. al. 2016), the Shapley values
-(Shapley, 1953) and the SHAP values (Strumbelj-Kononenko, 2014; Lundberg-Lee, 2017).
-__Acknowledgement__. Thanks to Josef Lindman Hörnlund for bringing the LIME
-and SHAP papers to my attention. The research was done while working at KTH
-mathematics department.
-_If you are reading on a mobile device, you may need to "request desktop site"
-for the equations to be properly displayed. This post is licensed under CC BY-SA
-and GNU FDL._
-Shapley values
-A coalitional game $(v, N)$ of $n$ players involves
-- The set $N = \{1, 2, ..., n\}$ that represents the players.
-- A function $v: 2^N \to \mathbb R$, where $v(S)$ is the worth of
- coalition $S \subset N$.
-The Shapley values $\phi_i(v)$ of such a game specify a fair way to
-distribute the total worth $v(N)$ to the players. It is defined as (in
-the following, for a set $S \subset N$ we use the convention $s = |S|$
-to be the number of elements of set $S$ and the shorthand
-$S - i := S \setminus \{i\}$ and $S + i := S \cup \{i\}$)
-$$\phi_i(v) = \sum_{S: i \in S} {(n - s)! (s - 1)! \over n!} (v(S) - v(S - i)).$$
-It is not hard to see that $\phi_i(v)$ can be viewed as an expectation:
-$$\phi_i(v) = \mathbb E_{S \sim \nu_i} (v(S) - v(S - i))$$
-where $\nu_i(S) = n^{-1} {n - 1 \choose s - 1}^{-1} 1_{i \in S}$, that
-is, first pick the size $s$ uniformly from $\{1, 2, ..., n\}$, then pick
-$S$ uniformly from the subsets of $N$ that has size $s$ and contains
-The Shapley values satisfy some nice properties which are readily
-verified, including:
-- **Efficiency**.
- $\sum_i \phi_i(v) = v(N) - v(\emptyset)$.
-- **Symmetry**. If for some $i, j \in N$, for all
- $S \subset N$, we have $v(S + i) = v(S + j)$, then
- $\phi_i(v) = \phi_j(v)$.
-- **Null player**. If for some $i \in N$, for all
- $S \subset N$, we have $v(S + i) = v(S)$, then $\phi_i(v) = 0$.
-- **Linearity**. $\phi_i$ is linear in games. That is
- $\phi_i(v) + \phi_i(w) = \phi_i(v + w)$, where $v + w$ is defined by
- $(v + w)(S) := v(S) + w(S)$.
-In the literature, an added assumption $v(\emptyset) = 0$ is often
-given, in which case the Efficiency property is defined as
-$\sum_i \phi_i(v) = v(N)$. Here I discard this assumption to avoid minor
-inconsistencies across different sources. For example, in the LIME
-paper, the local model is defined without an intercept, even though the
-underlying $v(\emptyset)$ may not be $0$. In the SHAP paper, an
-intercept $\phi_0 = v(\emptyset)$ is added which fixes this problem when
-making connections to the Shapley values.
-Conversely, according to Strumbelj-Kononenko (2010), it was shown in
-Shapley\'s original paper (Shapley, 1953) that these four properties
-together with $v(\emptyset) = 0$ defines the Shapley values.
-LIME (Ribeiro et. al. 2016) is a model that offers a way to explain
-feature contributions of supervised learning models locally.
-Let $f: X_1 \times X_2 \times ... \times X_n \to \mathbb R$ be a
-function. We can think of $f$ as a model, where $X_j$ is the space of
-$j$th feature. For example, in a language model, $X_j$ may correspond to
-the count of the $j$th word in the vocabulary, i.e. the bag-of-words model.
-The output may be something like housing price, or log-probability of
-LIME tries to assign a value to each feature *locally*. By locally, we
-mean that given a specific sample $x \in X := \prod_{i = 1}^n X_i$, we
-want to fit a model around it.
-More specifically, let $h_x: 2^N \to X$ be a function defined by
-$$(h_x(S))_i =
-x_i, & \text{if }i \in S; \\
-0, & \text{otherwise.}
-That is, $h_x(S)$ masks the features that are not in $S$, or in other
-words, we are perturbing the sample $x$. Specifically, $h_x(N) = x$.
-Alternatively, the $0$ in the \"otherwise\" case can be replaced by some
-kind of default value (see the section titled SHAP in this post).
-For a set $S \subset N$, let us denote $1_S \in \{0, 1\}^n$ to be an
-$n$-bit where the $k$th bit is $1$ if and only if $k \in S$.
-Basically, LIME samples $S_1, S_2, ..., S_m \subset N$ to obtain a set
-of perturbed samples $x_i = h_x(S_i)$ in the $X$ space, and then fits a
-linear model $g$ using $1_{S_i}$ as the input samples and $f(h_x(S_i))$
-as the output samples:
-**Problem**(LIME). Find $w = (w_1, w_2, ..., w_n)$ that
-$$\sum_i (w \cdot 1_{S_i} - f(h_x(S_i)))^2 \pi_x(h_x(S_i))$$
-where $\pi_x(x')$ is a function that penalises $x'$s that are far away
-from $x$. In the LIME paper the Gaussian kernel was used:
-$$\pi_x(x') = \exp\left({- \|x - x'\|^2 \over \sigma^2}\right).$$
-Then $w_i$ represents the importance of the $i$th feature.
-The LIME model has a more general framework, but the specific model
-considered in the paper is the one described above, with a Lasso for
-feature selection.
-**Remark**. One difference between our account here and the one in the LIME paper
-is: the dimension of the data space may differ from $n$ (see Section 3.1 of that paper).
-But in the case of text data, they do use bag-of-words (our $X$) for an "intermediate"
-representation. So my understanding is, in their context, there is an
-"original" data space (let's call it $X'$). And there is a one-one correspondence
-between $X'$ and $X$ (let's call it $r: X' \to X$), so that given a
-sample $x' \in X'$, we can compute the output of $S$ in the local model
-with $f(r^{-1}(h_{r(x')}(S)))$.
-As an example, in the example of $X$ being the bag of words, $X'$ may be
-the embedding vector space, so that $r(x') = A^{-1} x'$, where $A$
-is the word embedding matrix.
-Therefore, without loss of generality, we assume the input space to be
-$X$ which is of dimension $n$.
-Shapley values and LIME
-The connection between the Shapley values and LIME is noted in
-Lundberg-Lee (2017), but the underlying connection goes back to 1988
-(Charnes et. al.).
-To see the connection, we need to modify LIME a bit.
-First, we need to make LIME less efficient by considering *all* the
-$2^n$ subsets instead of the $m$ samples $S_1, S_2, ..., S_{m}$.
-Then we need to relax the definition of $\pi_x$. It no longer needs to
-penalise samples that are far away from $x$. In fact, we will see later
-than the choice of $\pi_x(x')$ that yields the Shapley values is high
-when $x'$ is very close or very far away from $x$, and low otherwise. We
-further add the restriction that $\pi_x(h_x(S))$ only depends on the
-size of $S$, thus we rewrite it as $q(s)$ instead.
-We also denote $v(S) := f(h_x(S))$ and $w(S) = \sum_{i \in S} w_i$.
-Finally, we add the Efficiency property as a constraint:
-$\sum_{i = 1}^n w_i = f(x) - f(h_x(\emptyset)) = v(N) - v(\emptyset)$.
-Then the problem becomes a weighted linear regression:
-**Problem**. minimises
-$\sum_{S \subset N} (w(S) - v(S))^2 q(s)$ over $w$ subject to
-$w(N) = v(N) - v(\emptyset)$.
-**Claim** (Charnes et. al. 1988). The solution to this problem
-$$w_i = {1 \over n} (v(N) - v(\emptyset)) + \left(\sum_{s = 1}^{n - 1} {n - 2 \choose s - 1} q(s)\right)^{-1} \sum_{S \subset N: i \in S} \left({n - s \over n} q(s) v(S) - {s - 1 \over n} q(s - 1) v(S - i)\right). \qquad (-1)$$
-Specifically, if we choose
-$$q(s) = c {n - 2 \choose s - 1}^{-1}$$
-for any constant $c$, then $w_i = \phi_i(v)$ are the Shapley values.
-**Remark**. Don\'t worry about this specific choice of $q(s)$
-when $s = 0$ or $n$, because $q(0)$ and $q(n)$ do not appear on the
-right hand side of (-1). Therefore they can be defined to be of any
-value. A common convention of the binomial coefficients is to set
-${\ell \choose k} = 0$ if $k < 0$ or $k > \ell$, in which case
-$q(0) = q(n) = \infty$.
-In Lundberg-Lee (2017), $c$ is chosen to be $1 / n$, see Theorem 2
-In Charnes et. al. 1988, the $w_i$s defined in (-1) are called the
-generalised Shapley values.
-**Proof**. The Lagrangian is
-$$L(w, \lambda) = \sum_{S \subset N} (v(S) - w(S))^2 q(s) - \lambda(w(N) - v(N) + v(\emptyset)).$$
-and by making $\partial_{w_i} L(w, \lambda) = 0$ we have
-$${1 \over 2} \lambda = \sum_{S \subset N: i \in S} (w(S) - v(S)) q(s). \qquad (0)$$
-Summing (0) over $i$ and divide by $n$, we have
-$${1 \over 2} \lambda = {1 \over n} \sum_i \sum_{S: i \in S} (w(S) q(s) - v(S) q(s)). \qquad (1)$$
-We examine each of the two terms on the right hand side.
-Counting the terms involving $w_i$ and $w_j$ for $j \neq i$, and using
-$w(N) = v(N) - v(\emptyset)$ we have
-&\sum_{S \subset N: i \in S} w(S) q(s) \\
-&= \sum_{s = 1}^n {n - 1 \choose s - 1} q(s) w_i + \sum_{j \neq i}\sum_{s = 2}^n {n - 2 \choose s - 2} q(s) w_j \\
-&= q(1) w_i + \sum_{s = 2}^n q(s) \left({n - 1 \choose s - 1} w_i + \sum_{j \neq i} {n - 2 \choose s - 2} w_j\right) \\
-&= q(1) w_i + \sum_{s = 2}^n \left({n - 2 \choose s - 1} w_i + {n - 2 \choose s - 2} (v(N) - v(\emptyset))\right) q(s) \\
-&= \sum_{s = 1}^{n - 1} {n - 2 \choose s - 1} q(s) w_i + \sum_{s = 2}^n {n - 2 \choose s - 2} q(s) (v(N) - v(\emptyset)). \qquad (2)
-Summing (2) over $i$, we obtain
-&\sum_i \sum_{S: i \in S} w(S) q(s)\\
-&= \sum_{s = 1}^{n - 1} {n - 2 \choose s - 1} q(s) (v(N) - v(\emptyset)) + \sum_{s = 2}^n n {n - 2 \choose s - 2} q(s) (v(N) - v(\emptyset))\\
-&= \sum_{s = 1}^n s{n - 1 \choose s - 1} q(s) (v(N) - v(\emptyset)). \qquad (3)
-For the second term in (1), we have
-$$\sum_i \sum_{S: i \in S} v(S) q(s) = \sum_{S \subset N} s v(S) q(s). \qquad (4)$$
-Plugging (3)(4) in (1), we have
-$${1 \over 2} \lambda = {1 \over n} \left(\sum_{s = 1}^n s {n - 1 \choose s - 1} q(s) (v(N) - v(\emptyset)) - \sum_{S \subset N} s q(s) v(S) \right). \qquad (5)$$
-Plugging (5)(2) in (0) and solve for $w_i$, we have
-$$w_i = {1 \over n} (v(N) - v(\emptyset)) + \left(\sum_{s = 1}^{n - 1} {n - 2 \choose s - 1} q(s) \right)^{-1} \left( \sum_{S: i \in S} q(s) v(S) - {1 \over n} \sum_{S \subset N} s q(s) v(S) \right). \qquad (6)$$
-By splitting all subsets of $N$ into ones that contain $i$ and ones that
-do not and pair them up, we have
-$$\sum_{S \subset N} s q(s) v(S) = \sum_{S: i \in S} (s q(s) v(S) + (s - 1) q(s - 1) v(S - i)).$$
-Plugging this back into (6) we get the desired result. $\square$
-The paper that coined the term \"SHAP values\" (Lundberg-Lee 2017)
-is not clear in its definition of the \"SHAP values\" and its
-relation to LIME, so the following is my
-interpretation of their interpretation model, which coincide with a
-model studied in Strumbelj-Kononenko 2014.
-Recall that we want to calculate feature contributions to a model $f$ at
-a sample $x$.
-Let $\mu$ be a probability density function over the input space
-$X = X_1 \times ... \times X_n$. A natural choice would be the density
-that generates the data, or one that approximates such density (e.g.
-empirical distribution).
-The feature contribution (SHAP value) is thus defined as the Shapley
-value $\phi_i(v)$, where
-$$v(S) = \mathbb E_{z \sim \mu} (f(z) | z_S = x_S). \qquad (7)$$
-So it is a conditional expectation where $z_i$ is clamped for $i \in S$.
-In fact, the definition of feature contributions in this form predates
-Lundberg-Lee 2017. For example, it can be found in Strumbelj-Kononenko 2014.
-One simplification is to assume the $n$ features are independent, thus
-$\mu = \mu_1 \times \mu_2 \times ... \times \mu_n$. In this case, (7)
-$$v(S) = \mathbb E_{z_{N \setminus S} \sim \mu_{N \setminus S}} f(x_S, z_{N \setminus S}) \qquad (8)$$
-For example, Strumbelj-Kononenko (2010) considers this scenario where $\mu$ is
-the uniform distribution over $X$, see Definition 4 there.
-A further simplification is model linearity, which means $f$ is linear.
-In this case, (8) becomes
-$$v(S) = f(x_S, \mathbb E_{\mu_{N \setminus S}} z_{N \setminus S}). \qquad (9)$$
-It is worth noting that to make the modified LIME model considered in
-the previous section fall under the linear SHAP framework (9), we need
-to make two further specialisations, the first is rather cosmetic: we need to
-change the definition of $h_x(S)$ to
-$$(h_x(S))_i =
-x_i, & \text{if }i \in S; \\
-\mathbb E_{\mu_i} z_i, & \text{otherwise.}
-But we also need to boldly assume the original $f$ to be linear, which in
-my view, defeats the purpose of interpretability, because linear models are
-interpretable by themselves.
-One may argue that perhaps we do not need linearity to define $v(S)$ as in (9).
-If we do so, however, then (9) loses mathematical meaning.
-A bigger question is: how effective is SHAP?
-An even bigger question: in general, how do we evaluate models of interpretation?
-Evaluating SHAP
-The quest of the SHAP paper can be decoupled into two independent components:
-showing the niceties of Shapley values and choosing the coalitional game $v$.
-The SHAP paper argues that Shapley values $\phi_i(v)$ are a good measurement because they
-are the only values satisfying the some nice properties including the Efficiency
-property mentioned at the beginning of the post, invariance under permutation
-and monotonicity, see the paragraph below Theorem 1 there, which refers to Theorem 2 of
-Young (1985).
-Indeed, both efficiency (the "additive feature attribution methods" in the paper)
-and monotonicity are meaningful when considering $\phi_i(v)$ as the
-feature contribution of the $i$th feature.
-The question is thus reduced to the second component: what constitutes
-a nice choice of $v$?
-The SHAP paper answers this question with 3 options with increasing simplification:
-(7)(8)(9) in the previous section of this post (corresponding to (9)(11)(12) in the paper).
-They are intuitive, but it will be interesting to see more concrete (or even mathematical)
-justifications of such choices.
-- Charnes, A., B. Golany, M. Keane, and J. Rousseau. "Extremal
- Principle Solutions of Games in Characteristic Function Form: Core,
- Chebychev and Shapley Value Generalizations." In Econometrics of
- Planning and Efficiency, edited by Jati K. Sengupta and Gopal K.
- Kadekodi, 123--33. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1988.
- <https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-009-3677-5_7>.
-- Lundberg, Scott, and Su-In Lee. "A Unified Approach to Interpreting
- Model Predictions." ArXiv:1705.07874 \[Cs, Stat\], May 22, 2017.
- <http://arxiv.org/abs/1705.07874>.
-- Ribeiro, Marco Tulio, Sameer Singh, and Carlos Guestrin. "'Why
- Should I Trust You?': Explaining the Predictions of Any Classifier."
- ArXiv:1602.04938 \[Cs, Stat\], February 16, 2016.
- <http://arxiv.org/abs/1602.04938>.
-- Shapley, L. S. "17. A Value for n-Person Games." In Contributions to
- the Theory of Games (AM-28), Volume II, Vol. 2. Princeton: Princeton
- University Press, 1953. <https://doi.org/10.1515/9781400881970-018>.
-- Strumbelj, Erik, and Igor Kononenko. "An Efficient Explanation of
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- 11 (March 2010): 1--18.
-- Strumbelj, Erik, and Igor Kononenko. “Explaining Prediction Models and Individual Predictions with Feature Contributions.” Knowledge and Information Systems 41, no. 3 (December 2014): 647–65. <https://doi.org/10.1007/s10115-013-0679-x>.
-- Young, H. P. “Monotonic Solutions of Cooperative Games.” International
- Journal of Game Theory 14, no. 2 (June 1, 1985): 65–72.
- <https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01769885>.