path: root/posts/2019-03-13-a-tail-of-two-densities.org
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authorYuchen Pei <me@ypei.me>2021-06-18 12:58:44 +1000
committerYuchen Pei <me@ypei.me>2021-06-18 12:58:44 +1000
commit147a19e84a743f1379f05bf2f444143b4afd7bd6 (patch)
tree3127395250cb958f06a98b86f73e77658150b43c /posts/2019-03-13-a-tail-of-two-densities.org
parent4fa26fec8b7e978955e5630d3f820ba9c53be72c (diff)
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+#+title: A Tail of Two Densities
+#+date: <2019-03-13>
+This is Part 1 of a two-part post where I give an introduction to the
+mathematics of differential privacy.
+Practically speaking,
+privacy]] is a technique of perturbing database queries so that query
+results do not leak too much information while still being relatively
+This post however focuses on the mathematical aspects of differential
+privacy, which is a study of
+[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concentration_inequality][tail bounds]]
+of the divergence between two probability measures, with the end goal of
+applying it to
+gradient descent]]. This post should be suitable for anyone familiar
+with probability theory.
+I start with the definition of \(\epsilon\)-differential privacy
+(corresponding to max divergence), followed by
+\((\epsilon, \delta)\)-differential privacy (a.k.a. approximate
+differential privacy, corresponding to the \(\delta\)-approximate max
+divergence). I show a characterisation of the
+\((\epsilon, \delta)\)-differential privacy as conditioned
+\(\epsilon\)-differential privacy. Also, as examples, I illustrate the
+\(\epsilon\)-dp with Laplace mechanism and, using some common tail bounds,
+the approximate dp with the Gaussian mechanism.
+Then I continue to show the effect of combinatorial and sequential
+compositions of randomised queries (called mechanisms) on privacy by
+stating and proving the composition theorems for differential privacy,
+as well as the effect of mixing mechanisms, by presenting the
+subsampling theorem (a.k.a. amplification theorem).
+In [[/posts/2019-03-14-great-but-manageable-expectations.html][Part 2]],
+I discuss the Rényi differential privacy, corresponding to the Rényi
+divergence, a study of the
+generating functions]] of the divergence between probability measures to
+derive the tail bounds.
+Like in Part 1, I prove a composition theorem and a subsampling theorem.
+I also attempt to reproduce a seemingly better moment bound for the
+Gaussian mechanism with subsampling, with one intermediate step which I
+am not able to prove.
+After that I explain the Tensorflow implementation of differential
+privacy in its
+module, which focuses on the differentially private stochastic gradient
+descent algorithm (DP-SGD).
+Finally I use the results from both Part 1 and Part 2 to obtain some
+privacy guarantees for composed subsampling queries in general, and for
+DP-SGD in particular. I also compare these privacy guarantees.
+*Acknowledgement*. I would like to thank
+[[http://stockholm.ai][Stockholm AI]] for introducing me to the subject
+of differential privacy. Thanks to Amir Hossein Rahnama for hosting the
+discussions at Stockholm AI. Thanks to (in chronological order) Reynaldo
+Boulogne, Martin Abedi, Ilya Mironov, Kurt Johansson, Mark Bun, Salil
+Vadhan, Jonathan Ullman, Yuanyuan Xu and Yiting Li for communication and
+discussions. Also thanks to the
+community for comments and suggestions which result in improvement of
+readability of this post. The research was done while working at
+[[https://www.kth.se/en/sci/institutioner/math][KTH Department of
+/If you are confused by any notations, ask me or try
+[[/notations.html][this]]. This post (including both Part 1 and Part2)
+is licensed under [[https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/][CC
+BY-SA]] and [[https://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl.html][GNU FDL]]./
+** The gist of differential privacy
+ :CUSTOM_ID: the-gist-of-differential-privacy
+ :END:
+If you only have one minute, here is what differential privacy is about:
+Let \(p\) and \(q\) be two probability densities, we define the /divergence
+variable/[fn:1] of \((p, q)\) to be
+\[L(p || q) := \log {p(\xi) \over q(\xi)}\]
+where \(\xi\) is a random variable distributed according to \(p\).
+Roughly speaking, differential privacy is the study of the tail bound of
+\(L(p || q)\): for certain \(p\)s and \(q\)s, and for \(\epsilon > 0\), find
+\(\delta(\epsilon)\) such that
+\[\mathbb P(L(p || q) > \epsilon) < \delta(\epsilon),\]
+where \(p\) and \(q\) are the laws of the outputs of a randomised functions
+on two very similar inputs. Moreover, to make matters even simpler, only
+three situations need to be considered:
+1. (General case) \(q\) is in the form of \(q(y) = p(y + \Delta)\) for some
+ bounded constant \(\Delta\).
+2. (Compositions) \(p\) and \(q\) are combinatorial or sequential
+ compositions of some simpler \(p_i\)'s and \(q_i\)'s respectively
+3. (Subsampling) \(p\) and \(q\) are mixtures / averages of some simpler
+ \(p_i\)'s and \(q_i\)'s respectively
+In applications, the inputs are databases and the randomised functions
+are queries with an added noise, and the tail bounds give privacy
+guarantees. When it comes to gradient descent, the input is the training
+dataset, and the query updates the parameters, and privacy is achieved
+by adding noise to the gradients.
+Now if you have an hour...
+** \(\epsilon\)-dp
+ :CUSTOM_ID: epsilon-dp
+ :END:
+*Definition (Mechanisms)*. Let \(X\) be a space with a metric
+\(d: X \times X \to \mathbb N\). A /mechanism/ \(M\) is a function that
+takes \(x \in X\) as input and outputs a random variable on \(Y\).
+In this post, \(X = Z^m\) is the space of datasets of \(m\) rows for some
+integer \(m\), where each item resides in some space \(Z\). In this case the
+distance \(d(x, x') := \#\{i: x_i \neq x'_i\}\) is the number of rows that
+differ between \(x\) and \(x'\).
+Normally we have a query \(f: X \to Y\), and construct the mechanism \(M\)
+from \(f\) by adding a noise:
+\[M(x) := f(x) + \text{noise}.\]
+Later, we will also consider mechanisms constructed from composition or
+mixture of other mechanisms.
+In this post \(Y = \mathbb R^d\) for some \(d\).
+*Definition (Sensitivity)*. Let \(f: X \to \mathbb R^d\) be a function.
+The /sensitivity/ \(S_f\) of \(f\) is defined as
+\[S_f := \sup_{x, x' \in X: d(x, x') = 1} \|f(x) - f(x')\|_2,\]
+where \(\|y\|_2 = \sqrt{y_1^2 + ... + y_d^2}\) is the \(\ell^2\)-norm.
+*Definition (Differential Privacy)*. A mechanism \(M\) is called
+\(\epsilon\)/-differential privacy/ (\(\epsilon\)-dp) if it satisfies the
+following condition: for all \(x, x' \in X\) with \(d(x, x') = 1\), and for
+all measureable set \(S \subset \mathbb R^n\),
+\[\mathbb P(M(x) \in S) \le e^\epsilon P(M(x') \in S). \qquad (1)\]
+Practically speaking, this means given the results from perturbed query
+on two known databases that differs by one row, it is hard to determine
+which result is from which database.
+An example of \(\epsilon\)-dp mechanism is the Laplace mechanism.
+*Definition*. The /Laplace distribution/ over \(\mathbb R\) with parameter
+\(b > 0\) has probability density function
+\[f_{\text{Lap}(b)}(x) = {1 \over 2 b} e^{- {|x| \over b}}.\]
+*Definition*. Let \(d = 1\). The /Laplace mechanism/ is defined by
+\[M(x) = f(x) + \text{Lap}(b).\]
+*Claim*. The Laplace mechanism with
+\[b \ge \epsilon^{-1} S_f \qquad (1.5)\]
+is \(\epsilon\)-dp.
+*Proof*. Quite straightforward. Let \(p\) and \(q\) be the laws of \(M(x)\)
+and \(M(x')\) respectively.
+\[{p (y) \over q (y)} = {f_{\text{Lap}(b)} (y - f(x)) \over f_{\text{Lap}(b)} (y - f(x'))} = \exp(b^{-1} (|y - f(x')| - |y - f(x)|))\]
+Using triangular inequality \(|A| - |B| \le |A - B|\) on the right hand
+side, we have
+\[{p (y) \over q (y)} \le \exp(b^{-1} (|f(x) - f(x')|)) \le \exp(\epsilon)\]
+where in the last step we use the condition (1.5). \(\square\)
+** Approximate differential privacy
+ :CUSTOM_ID: approximate-differential-privacy
+ :END:
+Unfortunately, \(\epsilon\)-dp does not apply to the most commonly used
+noise, the Gaussian noise. To fix this, we need to relax the definition
+a bit.
+*Definition*. A mechanism \(M\) is said to be
+\((\epsilon, \delta)\)/-differentially private/ if for all \(x, x' \in X\)
+with \(d(x, x') = 1\) and for all measureable \(S \subset \mathbb R^d\)
+\[\mathbb P(M(x) \in S) \le e^\epsilon P(M(x') \in S) + \delta. \qquad (2)\]
+Immediately we see that the \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-dp is meaningful only
+if \(\delta < 1\).
+*** Indistinguishability
+ :CUSTOM_ID: indistinguishability
+ :END:
+To understand \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-dp, it is helpful to study
+\((\epsilon, \delta)\)-indistinguishability.
+*Definition*. Two probability measures \(p\) and \(q\) on the same space are
+called \((\epsilon, \delta)\)/-ind(istinguishable)/ if for all measureable
+sets \(S\):
+p(S) \le e^\epsilon q(S) + \delta, \qquad (3) \\
+q(S) \le e^\epsilon p(S) + \delta. \qquad (4)
+As before, we also call random variables \(\xi\) and \(\eta\) to be
+\((\epsilon, \delta)\)-ind if their laws are \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-ind.
+When \(\delta = 0\), we call it \(\epsilon\)-ind.
+Immediately we have
+*Claim 0*. \(M\) is \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-dp (resp. \(\epsilon\)-dp) iff
+\(M(x)\) and \(M(x')\) are \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-ind (resp. \(\epsilon\)-ind)
+for all \(x\) and \(x'\) with distance \(1\).
+*Definition (Divergence Variable)*. Let \(p\) and \(q\) be two probability
+measures. Let \(\xi\) be a random variable distributed according to \(p\),
+we define a random variable \(L(p || q)\) by
+\[L(p || q) := \log {p(\xi) \over q(\xi)},\]
+and call it the /divergence variable/ of \((p, q)\).
+One interesting and readily verifiable fact is
+\[\mathbb E L(p || q) = D(p || q)\]
+where \(D\) is the
+*Claim 1*. If
+\mathbb P(L(p || q) \le \epsilon) &\ge 1 - \delta, \qquad(5) \\
+\mathbb P(L(q || p) \le \epsilon) &\ge 1 - \delta
+then \(p\) and \(q\) are \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-ind.
+*Proof*. We verify (3), and (4) can be shown in the same way. Let
+\(A := \{y \in Y: \log {p(y) \over q(y)} > \epsilon\}\), then by (5) we
+\[p(A) < \delta.\]
+\[p(S) = p(S \cap A) + p(S \setminus A) \le \delta + e^\epsilon q(S \setminus A) \le \delta + e^\epsilon q(S).\]
+This Claim translates differential privacy to the tail bound of
+divergence variables, and for the rest of this post all dp results are
+obtained by estimating this tail bound.
+In the following we discuss the converse of Claim 1. The discussions are
+rather technical, and readers can skip to the
+[[#back-to-approximate-differential-privacy][next subsection]] on first
+The converse of Claim 1 is not true.
+*Claim 2*. There exists \(\epsilon, \delta > 0\), and \(p\) and \(q\) that are
+\((\epsilon, \delta)\)-ind, such that
+\mathbb P(L(p || q) \le \epsilon) &< 1 - \delta, \\
+\mathbb P(L(q || p) \le \epsilon) &< 1 - \delta
+*Proof*. Here's a example. Let \(Y = \{0, 1\}\), and \(p(0) = q(1) = 2 / 5\)
+and \(p(1) = q(0) = 3 / 5\). Then it is not hard to verify that \(p\) and
+\(q\) are \((\log {4 \over 3}, {1 \over 3})\)-ind: just check (3) for all
+four possible \(S \subset Y\) and (4) holds by symmetry. On the other
+\[\mathbb P(L(p || q) \le \log {4 \over 3}) = \mathbb P(L(q || p) \le \log {4 \over 3}) = {2 \over 5} < {2 \over 3}.\]
+A weaker version of the converse of Claim 1 is true
+(Kasiviswanathan-Smith 2015), though:
+*Claim 3*. Let \(\alpha > 1\). If \(p\) and \(q\) are
+\((\epsilon, \delta)\)-ind, then
+\[\mathbb P(L(p || q) > \alpha \epsilon) < {1 \over 1 - \exp((1 - \alpha) \epsilon)} \delta.\]
+*Proof*. Define
+\[S = \{y: p(y) > e^{\alpha \epsilon} q(y)\}.\]
+Then we have
+\[e^{\alpha \epsilon} q(S) < p(S) \le e^\epsilon q(S) + \delta,\]
+where the first inequality is due to the definition of \(S\), and the
+second due to the \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-ind. Therefore
+\[q(S) \le {\delta \over e^{\alpha \epsilon} - e^\epsilon}.\]
+Using the \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-ind again we have
+\[p(S) \le e^\epsilon q(S) + \delta = {1 \over 1 - e^{(1 - \alpha) \epsilon}} \delta.\]
+This can be quite bad if \(\epsilon\) is small.
+To prove the composition theorems in the next section, we need a
+condition better than that in Claim 1 so that we can go back and forth
+between indistinguishability and such condition. In other words, we need
+a /characterisation/ of indistinguishability.
+Let us take a careful look at the condition in Claim 1 and call it *C1*:
+*C1*. \(\mathbb P(L(p || q) \le \epsilon) \ge 1 - \delta\) and
+\(\mathbb P(L(q || p) \le \epsilon) \ge 1 - \delta\)
+It is equivalent to
+*C2*. there exist events \(A, B \subset Y\) with probabilities \(p(A)\) and
+\(q(B)\) at least \(1 - \delta\) such that
+\(\log p(y) - \log q(y) \le \epsilon\) for all \(y \in A\) and
+\(\log q(y) - \log p(y) \le \epsilon\) for all \(y \in B\).
+A similar-looking condition to *C2* is the following:
+*C3*. Let \(\Omega\) be the
+probability space]]. There exist two events \(E, F \subset \Omega\) with
+\(\mathbb P(E), \mathbb P(F) \ge 1 - \delta\), such that
+\(|\log p_{|E}(y) - \log q_{|F}(y)| \le \epsilon\) for all \(y \in Y\).
+Here \(p_{|E}\) (resp. \(q_{|F}\)) is \(p\) (resp. \(q\)) conditioned on event
+\(E\) (resp. \(F\)).
+*Remark*. Note that the events in *C2* and *C3* are in different spaces,
+and therefore we can not write \(p_{|E}(S)\) as \(p(S | E)\) or \(q_{|F}(S)\)
+as \(q(S | F)\). In fact, if we let \(E\) and \(F\) in *C3* be subsets of \(Y\)
+with \(p(E), q(F) \ge 1 - \delta\) and assume \(p\) and \(q\) have the same
+supports, then *C3* degenerates to a stronger condition than *C2*.
+Indeed, in this case \(p_E(y) = p(y) 1_{y \in E}\) and
+\(q_F(y) = q(y) 1_{y \in F}\), and so \(p_E(y) \le e^\epsilon q_F(y)\)
+forces \(E \subset F\). We also obtain \(F \subset E\) in the same way. This
+gives us \(E = F\), and *C3* becomes *C2* with \(A = B = E = F\).
+As it turns out, *C3* is the condition we need.
+*Claim 4*. Two probability measures \(p\) and \(q\) are
+\((\epsilon, \delta)\)-ind if and only if *C3* holds.
+*Proof*(Murtagh-Vadhan 2018). The "if" direction is proved in the same
+way as Claim 1. Without loss of generality we may assume
+\(\mathbb P(E) = \mathbb P(F) \ge 1 - \delta\). To see this, suppose \(F\)
+has higher probability than \(E\), then we can substitute \(F\) with a
+subset of \(F\) that has the same probability as \(E\) (with possible
+enlargement of the probability space).
+Let \(\xi \sim p\) and \(\eta \sim q\) be two independent random variables,
+p(S) &= \mathbb P(\xi \in S | E) \mathbb P(E) + \mathbb P(\xi \in S; E^c) \\
+&\le e^\epsilon \mathbb P(\eta \in S | F) \mathbb P(E) + \delta \\
+&= e^\epsilon \mathbb P(\eta \in S | F) \mathbb P(F) + \delta\\
+&\le e^\epsilon q(S) + \delta.
+The "only-if" direction is more involved.
+We construct events \(E\) and \(F\) by constructing functions
+\(e, f: Y \to [0, \infty)\) satisfying the following conditions:
+1. \(0 \le e(y) \le p(y)\) and \(0 \le f(y) \le q(y)\) for all \(y \in Y\).
+2. \(|\log e(y) - \log f(y)| \le \epsilon\) for all \(y \in Y\).
+3. \(e(Y), f(Y) \ge 1 - \delta\).
+4. \(e(Y) = f(Y)\).
+Here for a set \(S \subset Y\), \(e(S) := \int_S e(y) dy\), and the same
+goes for \(f(S)\).
+Let \(\xi \sim p\) and \(\eta \sim q\). Then we define \(E\) and \(F\) by
+$$\mathbb P(E | \xi = y) = e(y) / p(y) \\
+\mathbb P(F | \eta = y) = f(y) / q(y).$$
+*Remark inside proof*. This can seem a bit confusing. Intuitively, we
+can think of it this way when \(Y\) is finite: Recall a random variable on
+\(Y\) is a function from the probability space \(\Omega\) to \(Y\). Let event
+\(G_y \subset \Omega\) be defined as \(G_y = \xi^{-1} (y)\). We cut \(G_y\)
+into the disjoint union of \(E_y\) and \(G_y \setminus E_y\) such that
+\(\mathbb P(E_y) = e(y)\). Then \(E = \bigcup_{y \in Y} E_y\). So \(e(y)\) can
+be seen as the "density" of \(E\).
+Indeed, given \(E\) and \(F\) defined this way, we have
+\[p_E(y) = {e(y) \over e(Y)} \le {\exp(\epsilon) f(y) \over e(Y)} = {\exp(\epsilon) f(y) \over f(Y)} = \exp(\epsilon) q_F(y).\]
+\[\mathbb P(E) = \int \mathbb P(E | \xi = y) p(y) dy = e(Y) \ge 1 - \delta,\]
+and the same goes for \(\mathbb P(F)\).
+What remains is to construct \(e(y)\) and \(f(y)\) satisfying the four
+Like in the proof of Claim 1, let \(S, T \subset Y\) be defined as
+S := \{y: p(y) > \exp(\epsilon) q(y)\},\\
+T := \{y: q(y) > \exp(\epsilon) p(y)\}.
+e(y) &:= \exp(\epsilon) q(y) 1_{y \in S} + p(y) 1_{y \notin S}\\
+f(y) &:= \exp(\epsilon) p(y) 1_{y \in T} + q(y) 1_{y \notin T}. \qquad (6)
+By checking them on the three disjoint subsets \(S\), \(T\), \((S \cup T)^c\),
+it is not hard to verify that the \(e(y)\) and \(f(y)\) constructed this way
+satisfy the first two conditions. They also satisfy the third condition:
+e(Y) &= 1 - (p(S) - \exp(\epsilon) q(S)) \ge 1 - \delta, \\
+f(Y) &= 1 - (q(T) - \exp(\epsilon) p(T)) \ge 1 - \delta.
+If \(e(Y) = f(Y)\) then we are done. Otherwise, without loss of
+generality, assume \(e(Y) < f(Y)\), then all it remains to do is to reduce
+the value of \(f(y)\) while preserving Condition 1, 2 and 3, until
+\(f(Y) = e(Y)\).
+As it turns out, this can be achieved by reducing \(f(y)\) on the set
+\(\{y \in Y: q(y) > p(y)\}\). To see this, let us rename the \(f(y)\)
+defined in (6) \(f_+(y)\), and construct \(f_-(y)\) by
+\[f_-(y) := p(y) 1_{y \in T} + (q(y) \wedge p(y)) 1_{y \notin T}.\]
+It is not hard to show that not only \(e(y)\) and \(f_-(y)\) also satisfy
+conditions 1-3, but
+\[e(y) \ge f_-(y), \forall y \in Y,\]
+and thus \(e(Y) \ge f_-(Y)\). Therefore there exists an \(f\) that
+interpolates between \(f_-\) and \(f_+\) with \(f(Y) = e(Y)\). \(\square\)
+To prove the adaptive composition theorem for approximate differential
+privacy, we need a similar claim (We use index shorthand
+\(\xi_{< i} = \xi_{1 : i - 1}\) and similarly for other notations):
+*Claim 5*. Let \(\xi_{1 : i}\) and \(\eta_{1 : i}\) be random variables. Let
+p_i(S | y_{1 : i - 1}) := \mathbb P(\xi_i \in S | \xi_{1 : i - 1} = y_{1 : i - 1})\\
+q_i(S | y_{1 : i - 1}) := \mathbb P(\eta_i \in S | \eta_{1 : i - 1} = y_{1 : i - 1})
+be the conditional laws of \(\xi_i | \xi_{< i}\) and \(\eta_i | \eta_{< i}\)
+respectively. Then the following are equivalent:
+1. For any \(y_{< i} \in Y^{i - 1}\), \(p_i(\cdot | y_{< i})\) and
+ \(q_i(\cdot | y_{< i})\) are \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-ind
+2. There exists events \(E_i, F_i \subset \Omega\) with
+ \(\mathbb P(E_i | \xi_{<i} = y_{<i}) = \mathbb P(F_i | \eta_{<i} = y_{< i}) \ge 1 - \delta\)
+ for any \(y_{< i}\), such that \(p_{i | E_i}(\cdot | y_{< i})\) and
+ \(q_{i | E_i} (\cdot | y_{< i})\) are \(\epsilon\)-ind for any \(y_{< i}\),
+ where $$\begin{aligned}
+ p_{i | E_i}(S | y_{1 : i - 1}) := \mathbb P(\xi_i \in S | E_i, \xi_{1 : i - 1} = y_{1 : i - 1})\\
+ q_{i | F_i}(S | y_{1 : i - 1}) := \mathbb P(\eta_i \in S | F_i, \eta_{1 : i - 1} = y_{1 : i - 1})
+ \end{aligned}$$
+ are \(p_i\) and \(q_i\) conditioned on \(E_i\) and \(F_i\) respectively.
+*Proof*. Item 2 => Item 1: as in the Proof of Claim 4,
+p_i(S | y_{< i}) &= p_{i | E_i} (S | y_{< i}) \mathbb P(E_i | \xi_{< i} = y_{< i}) + p_{i | E_i^c}(S | y_{< i}) \mathbb P(E_i^c | \xi_{< i} = y_{< i}) \\
+&\le p_{i | E_i} (S | y_{< i}) \mathbb P(E_i | \xi_{< i} = y_{< i}) + \delta \\
+&= p_{i | E_i} (S | y_{< i}) \mathbb P(F_i | \xi_{< i} = y_{< i}) + \delta \\
+&\le e^\epsilon q_{i | F_i} (S | y_{< i}) \mathbb P(F_i | \xi_{< i} = y_{< i}) + \delta \\
+&= e^\epsilon q_i (S | y_{< i}) + \delta.
+The direction from
+\(q_i(S | y_{< i}) \le e^\epsilon p_i(S | y_{< i}) + \delta\) can be shown
+in the same way.
+Item 1 => Item 2: as in the Proof of Claim 4 we construct \(e(y_{1 : i})\)
+and \(f(y_{1 : i})\) as "densities" of events \(E_i\) and \(F_i\).
+e(y_{1 : i}) &:= e^\epsilon q_i(y_i | y_{< i}) 1_{y_i \in S_i(y_{< i})} + p_i(y_i | y_{< i}) 1_{y_i \notin S_i(y_{< i})}\\
+f(y_{1 : i}) &:= e^\epsilon p_i(y_i | y_{< i}) 1_{y_i \in T_i(y_{< i})} + q_i(y_i | y_{< i}) 1_{y_i \notin T_i(y_{< i})}\\
+S_i(y_{< i}) = \{y_i \in Y: p_i(y_i | y_{< i}) > e^\epsilon q_i(y_i | y_{< i})\}\\
+T_i(y_{< i}) = \{y_i \in Y: q_i(y_i | y_{< i}) > e^\epsilon p_i(y_i | y_{< i})\}.
+Then \(E_i\) and \(F_i\) are defined as
+\mathbb P(E_i | \xi_{\le i} = y_{\le i}) &= {e(y_{\le i}) \over p_i(y_{\le i})},\\
+\mathbb P(F_i | \xi_{\le i} = y_{\le i}) &= {f(y_{\le i}) \over q_i(y_{\le i})}.
+The rest of the proof is almost the same as the proof of Claim 4.
+*** Back to approximate differential privacy
+ :CUSTOM_ID: back-to-approximate-differential-privacy
+ :END:
+By Claim 0 and 1 we have
+*Claim 6*. If for all \(x, x' \in X\) with distance \(1\)
+\[\mathbb P(L(M(x) || M(x')) \le \epsilon) \ge 1 - \delta,\]
+then \(M\) is \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-dp.
+Note that in the literature the divergence variable \(L(M(x) || M(x'))\)
+is also called the /privacy loss/.
+By Claim 0 and Claim 4 we have
+*Claim 7*. \(M\) is \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-dp if and only if for every
+\(x, x' \in X\) with distance \(1\), there exist events
+\(E, F \subset \Omega\) with \(\mathbb P(E) = \mathbb P(F) \ge 1 - \delta\),
+\(M(x) | E\) and \(M(x') | F\) are \(\epsilon\)-ind.
+We can further simplify the privacy loss \(L(M(x) || M(x'))\), by
+observing the translational and scaling invariance of \(L(\cdot||\cdot)\):
+L(\xi || \eta) &\overset{d}{=} L(\alpha \xi + \beta || \alpha \eta + \beta), \qquad \alpha \neq 0. \qquad (6.1)
+With this and the definition
+\[M(x) = f(x) + \zeta\]
+for some random variable \(\zeta\), we have
+\[L(M(x) || M(x')) \overset{d}{=} L(\zeta || \zeta + f(x') - f(x)).\]
+Without loss of generality, we can consider \(f\) with sensitivity \(1\),
+\[L(f(x) + S_f \zeta || f(x') + S_f \zeta) \overset{d}{=} L(S_f^{-1} f(x) + \zeta || S_f^{-1} f(x') + \zeta)\]
+so for any noise \(\zeta\) that achieves \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-dp for a
+function with sensitivity \(1\), we have the same privacy guarantee by for
+an arbitrary function with sensitivity \(S_f\) by adding a noise
+\(S_f \zeta\).
+With Claim 6 we can show that the Gaussian mechanism is approximately
+differentially private. But first we need to define it.
+*Definition (Gaussian mechanism)*. Given a query \(f: X \to Y\), the
+/Gaussian mechanism/ \(M\) adds a Gaussian noise to the query:
+\[M(x) = f(x) + N(0, \sigma^2 I).\]
+Some tail bounds for the Gaussian distribution will be useful.
+*Claim 8 (Gaussian tail bounds)*. Let \(\xi \sim N(0, 1)\) be a standard
+normal distribution. Then for \(t > 0\)
+\[\mathbb P(\xi > t) < {1 \over \sqrt{2 \pi} t} e^{- {t^2 \over 2}}, \qquad (6.3)\]
+\[\mathbb P(\xi > t) < e^{- {t^2 \over 2}}. \qquad (6.5)\]
+*Proof*. Both bounds are well known. The first can be proved using
+\[\int_t^\infty e^{- {y^2 \over 2}} dy < \int_t^\infty {y \over t} e^{- {y^2 \over 2}} dy.\]
+The second is shown using
+[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chernoff_bound][Chernoff bound]]. For
+any random variable \(\xi\),
+\[\mathbb P(\xi > t) < {\mathbb E \exp(\lambda \xi) \over \exp(\lambda t)} = \exp(\kappa_\xi(\lambda) - \lambda t), \qquad (6.7)\]
+where \(\kappa_\xi(\lambda) = \log \mathbb E \exp(\lambda \xi)\) is the
+cumulant of \(\xi\). Since (6.7) holds for any \(\lambda\), we can get the
+best bound by minimising \(\kappa_\xi(\lambda) - \lambda t\) (a.k.a. the
+transformation]]). When \(\xi\) is standard normal, we get (6.5).
+*Remark*. We will use the Chernoff bound extensively in the second part
+of this post when considering Rényi differential privacy.
+*Claim 9*. The Gaussian mechanism on a query \(f\) is
+\((\epsilon, \delta)\)-dp, where
+\[\delta = \exp(- (\epsilon \sigma / S_f - (2 \sigma / S_f)^{-1})^2 / 2). \qquad (6.8)\]
+Conversely, to achieve give \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-dp, we may set
+\[\sigma > \left(\epsilon^{-1} \sqrt{2 \log \delta^{-1}} + (2 \epsilon)^{- {1 \over 2}}\right) S_f \qquad (6.81)\]
+\[\sigma > (\epsilon^{-1} (1 \vee \sqrt{(\log (2 \pi)^{-1} \delta^{-2})_+}) + (2 \epsilon)^{- {1 \over 2}}) S_f \qquad (6.82)\]
+\[\sigma > \epsilon^{-1} \sqrt{\log e^\epsilon \delta^{-2}} S_f \qquad (6.83)\]
+\[\sigma > \epsilon^{-1} (\sqrt{1 + \epsilon} \vee \sqrt{(\log e^\epsilon (2 \pi)^{-1} \delta^{-2})_+}) S_f. \qquad (6.84)\]
+*Proof*. As discussed before we only need to consider the case where
+\(S_f = 1\). Fix arbitrary \(x, x' \in X\) with \(d(x, x') = 1\). Let
+\(\zeta = (\zeta_1, ..., \zeta_d) \sim N(0, I_d)\).
+By Claim 6 it suffices to bound
+\[\mathbb P(L(M(x) || M(x')) > \epsilon)\]
+We have by the linear invariance of \(L\),
+\[L(M(x) || M(x')) = L(f(x) + \sigma \zeta || f(x') + \sigma \zeta) \overset{d}{=} L(\zeta|| \zeta + \Delta / \sigma),\]
+where \(\Delta := f(x') - f(x)\).
+Plugging in the Gaussian density, we have
+\[L(M(x) || M(x')) \overset{d}{=} \sum_i {\Delta_i \over \sigma} \zeta_i + \sum_i {\Delta_i^2 \over 2 \sigma^2} \overset{d}{=} {\|\Delta\|_2 \over \sigma} \xi + {\|\Delta\|_2^2 \over 2 \sigma^2}.\]
+where \(\xi \sim N(0, 1)\).
+\[\mathbb P(L(M(x) || M(x')) > \epsilon) = \mathbb P(\zeta > {\sigma \over \|\Delta\|_2} \epsilon - {\|\Delta\|_2 \over 2 \sigma}).\]
+Since \(\|\Delta\|_2 \le S_f = 1\), we have
+\[\mathbb P(L(M(x) || M(x')) > \epsilon) \le \mathbb P(\xi > \sigma \epsilon - (2 \sigma)^{-1}).\]
+Thus the problem is reduced to the tail bound of a standard normal
+distribution, so we can use Claim 8. Note that we implicitly require
+\(\sigma > (2 \epsilon)^{- 1 / 2}\) here so that
+\(\sigma \epsilon - (2 \sigma)^{-1} > 0\) and we can use the tail bounds.
+Using (6.3) we have
+\[\mathbb P(L(M(x) || M(x')) > \epsilon) < \exp(- (\epsilon \sigma - (2 \sigma)^{-1})^2 / 2).\]
+This gives us (6.8).
+To bound the right hand by \(\delta\), we require
+\[\epsilon \sigma - {1 \over 2 \sigma} > \sqrt{2 \log \delta^{-1}}. \qquad (6.91)\]
+Solving this inequality we have
+\[\sigma > {\sqrt{2 \log \delta^{-1}} + \sqrt{2 \log \delta^{-1} + 2 \epsilon} \over 2 \epsilon}.\]
+\(\sqrt{2 \log \delta^{-1} + 2 \epsilon} \le \sqrt{2 \log \delta^{-1}} + \sqrt{2 \epsilon}\),
+we can achieve the above inequality by having
+\[\sigma > \epsilon^{-1} \sqrt{2 \log \delta^{-1}} + (2 \epsilon)^{-{1 \over 2}}.\]
+This gives us (6.81).
+Alternatively, we can use the concavity of \(\sqrt{\cdot}\):
+\[(2 \epsilon)^{-1} (\sqrt{2 \log \delta^{-1}} + \sqrt{2 \log \delta^{-1} + 2 \epsilon}) \le \epsilon^{-1} \sqrt{\log e^\epsilon \delta^{-2}},\]
+which gives us (6.83)
+Back to (6.9), if we use (6.5) instead, we need
+\[\log t + {t^2 \over 2} > \log {(2 \pi)^{- 1 / 2} \delta^{-1}}\]
+where \(t = \epsilon \sigma - (2 \sigma)^{-1}\). This can be satisfied if
+t &> 1 \qquad (6.93)\\
+t &> \sqrt{\log (2 \pi)^{-1} \delta^{-2}}. \qquad (6.95)
+We can solve both inequalities as before and obtain
+\[\sigma > \epsilon^{-1} (1 \vee \sqrt{(\log (2 \pi)^{-1} \delta^{-2})_+}) + (2 \epsilon)^{- {1 \over 2}},\]
+\[\sigma > \epsilon^{-1}(\sqrt{1 + \epsilon} \vee \sqrt{(\log e^\epsilon (2 \pi)^{-1} \delta^{-2})_+}).\]
+This gives us (6.82)(6.84). \(\square\)
+When \(\epsilon \le \alpha\) is bounded, by (6.83) (6.84) we can require
+\[\sigma > \epsilon^{-1} (\sqrt{\log e^\alpha \delta^{-2}}) S_f\]
+\[\sigma > \epsilon^{-1} (\sqrt{1 + \alpha} \vee \sqrt{(\log (2 \pi)^{-1} e^\alpha \delta^{-2})_+}) S_f.\]
+The second bound is similar to and slightly better than the one in
+Theorem A.1 of Dwork-Roth 2013, where \(\alpha = 1\):
+\[\sigma > \epsilon^{-1} \left({3 \over 2} \vee \sqrt{(2 \log {5 \over 4} \delta^{-1})_+}\right) S_f.\]
+Note that the lower bound of \({3 \over 2}\) is implicitly required in the
+proof of Theorem A.1.
+** Composition theorems
+ :CUSTOM_ID: composition-theorems
+ :END:
+So far we have seen how a mechanism made of a single query plus a noise
+can be proved to be differentially private. But we need to understand
+the privacy when composing several mechanisms, combinatorially or
+sequentially. Let us first define the combinatorial case:
+*Definition (Independent composition)*. Let \(M_1, ..., M_k\) be \(k\)
+mechanisms with independent noises. The mechanism \(M = (M_1, ..., M_k)\)
+is called the /independent composition/ of \(M_{1 : k}\).
+To define the adaptive composition, let us motivate it with an example
+of gradient descent. Consider the loss function \(\ell(x; \theta)\) of a
+neural network, where \(\theta\) is the parameter and \(x\) the input,
+gradient descent updates its parameter \(\theta\) at each time \(t\):
+\[\theta_{t} = \theta_{t - 1} - \alpha m^{-1} \sum_{i = 1 : m} \nabla_\theta \ell(x_i; \theta) |_{\theta = \theta_{t - 1}}.\]
+We may add privacy by adding noise \(\zeta_t\) at each step:
+\[\theta_{t} = \theta_{t - 1} - \alpha m^{-1} \sum_{i = 1 : m} \nabla_\theta \ell(x_i; \theta) |_{\theta = \theta_{t - 1}} + \zeta_t. \qquad (6.97)\]
+Viewed as a sequence of mechanism, we have that at each time \(t\), the
+mechanism \(M_t\) takes input \(x\), and outputs \(\theta_t\). But \(M_t\) also
+depends on the output of the previous mechanism \(M_{t - 1}\). To this
+end, we define the adaptive composition.
+*Definition (Adaptive composition)*. Let
+\(({M_i(y_{1 : i - 1})})_{i = 1 : k}\) be \(k\) mechanisms with independent
+noises, where \(M_1\) has no parameter, \(M_2\) has one parameter in \(Y\),
+\(M_3\) has two parameters in \(Y\) and so on. For \(x \in X\), define \(\xi_i\)
+recursively by
+\xi_1 &:= M_1(x)\\
+\xi_i &:= M_i(\xi_1, \xi_2, ..., \xi_{i - 1}) (x).
+The /adaptive composition/ of \(M_{1 : k}\) is defined by
+\(M(x) := (\xi_1, \xi_2, ..., \xi_k)\).
+The definition of adaptive composition may look a bit complicated, but
+the point is to describe \(k\) mechanisms such that for each \(i\), the
+output of the first, second, ..., \(i - 1\)th mechanisms determine the
+\(i\)th mechanism, like in the case of gradient descent.
+It is not hard to write down the differentially private gradient descent
+as a sequential composition:
+\[M_t(\theta_{1 : t - 1})(x) = \theta_{t - 1} - \alpha m^{-1} \sum_{i = 1 : m} \nabla_\theta \ell(x_i; \theta) |_{\theta = \theta_{t - 1}} + \zeta_t.\]
+In Dwork-Rothblum-Vadhan 2010 (see also Dwork-Roth 2013) the adaptive
+composition is defined in a more general way, but the definition is
+based on the same principle, and proofs in this post on adaptive
+compositions carry over.
+It is not hard to see that the adaptive composition degenerates to
+independent composition when each \(M_i(y_{1 : i})\) evaluates to the same
+mechanism regardless of \(y_{1 : i}\), in which case the \(\xi_i\)s are
+In the following when discussing adaptive compositions we sometimes omit
+the parameters for convenience without risk of ambiguity, and write
+\(M_i(y_{1 : i})\) as \(M_i\), but keep in mind of the dependence on the
+It is time to state and prove the composition theorems. In this section
+we consider \(2 \times 2 \times 2 = 8\) cases, i.e. situations of three
+dimensions, where there are two choices in each dimension:
+1. Composition of \(\epsilon\)-dp or more generally
+ \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-dp mechanisms
+2. Composition of independent or more generally adaptive mechanisms
+3. Basic or advanced compositions
+Note that in the first two dimensions the second choice is more general
+than the first.
+The proofs of these composition theorems will be laid out as follows:
+1. Claim 10 - Basic composition theorem for \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-dp with
+ adaptive mechanisms: by a direct proof with an induction argument
+2. Claim 14 - Advanced composition theorem for \(\epsilon\)-dp with
+ independent mechanisms: by factorising privacy loss and using
+ [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoeffding%27s_inequality][Hoeffding's
+ Inequality]]
+3. Claim 16 - Advanced composition theorem for \(\epsilon\)-dp with
+ adaptive mechanisms: by factorising privacy loss and using
+ [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azuma%27s_inequality][Azuma's
+ Inequality]]
+4. Claims 17 and 18 - Advanced composition theorem for
+ \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-dp with independent / adaptive mechanisms: by
+ using characterisations of \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-dp in Claims 4 and 5
+ as an approximation of \(\epsilon\)-dp and then using Proofs in Item 2
+ or 3.
+*Claim 10 (Basic composition theorem).* Let \(M_{1 : k}\) be \(k\)
+mechanisms with independent noises such that for each \(i\) and
+\(y_{1 : i - 1}\), \(M_i(y_{1 : i - 1})\) is \((\epsilon_i, \delta_i)\)-dp.
+Then the adpative composition of \(M_{1 : k}\) is
+\((\sum_i \epsilon_i, \sum_i \delta_i)\)-dp.
+*Proof (Dwork-Lei 2009, see also Dwork-Roth 2013 Appendix B.1)*. Let \(x\)
+and \(x'\) be neighbouring points in \(X\). Let \(M\) be the adaptive
+composition of \(M_{1 : k}\). Define
+\[\xi_{1 : k} := M(x), \qquad \eta_{1 : k} := M(x').\]
+Let \(p^i\) and \(q^i\) be the laws of \((\xi_{1 : i})\) and \((\eta_{1 : i})\)
+Let \(S_1, ..., S_k \subset Y\) and \(T_i := \prod_{j = 1 : i} S_j\). We use
+two tricks.
+1. Since \(\xi_i | \xi_{< i} = y_{< i}\) and
+ \(\eta_i | \eta_{< i} = y_{< i}\) are \((\epsilon_i, \delta_i)\)-ind, and
+ a probability is no greater than \(1\), $$\begin{aligned}
+ \mathbb P(\xi_i \in S_i | \xi_{< i} = y_{< i}) &\le (e^{\epsilon_i} \mathbb P(\eta_i \in S_i | \eta_{< i} = y_{< i}) + \delta_i) \wedge 1 \\
+ &\le (e^{\epsilon_i} \mathbb P(\eta_i \in S_i | \eta_{< i} = y_{< i}) + \delta_i) \wedge (1 + \delta_i) \\
+ &= (e^{\epsilon_i} \mathbb P(\eta_i \in S_i | \eta_{< i} = y_{< i}) \wedge 1) + \delta_i
+ \end{aligned}$$
+2. Given \(p\) and \(q\) that are \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-ind, define
+ \[\mu(x) = (p(x) - e^\epsilon q(x))_+.\]
+ We have \[\mu(S) \le \delta, \forall S\]
+ In the following we define
+ \(\mu^{i - 1} = (p^{i - 1} - e^\epsilon q^{i - 1})_+\) for the same
+ purpose.
+We use an inductive argument to prove the theorem:
+\mathbb P(\xi_{\le i} \in T_i) &= \int_{T_{i - 1}} \mathbb P(\xi_i \in S_i | \xi_{< i} = y_{< i}) p^{i - 1} (y_{< i}) dy_{< i} \\
+&\le \int_{T_{i - 1}} (e^{\epsilon_i} \mathbb P(\eta_i \in S_i | \eta_{< i} = y_{< i}) \wedge 1) p^{i - 1}(y_{< i}) dy_{< i} + \delta_i\\
+&\le \int_{T_{i - 1}} (e^{\epsilon_i} \mathbb P(\eta_i \in S_i | \eta_{< i} = y_{< i}) \wedge 1) (e^{\epsilon_1 + ... + \epsilon_{i - 1}} q^{i - 1}(y_{< i}) + \mu^{i - 1} (y_{< i})) dy_{< i} + \delta_i\\
+&\le \int_{T_{i - 1}} e^{\epsilon_i} \mathbb P(\eta_i \in S_i | \eta_{< i} = y_{< i}) e^{\epsilon_1 + ... + \epsilon_{i - 1}} q^{i - 1}(y_{< i}) dy_{< i} + \mu_{i - 1}(T_{i - 1}) + \delta_i\\
+&\le e^{\epsilon_1 + ... + \epsilon_i} \mathbb P(\eta_{\le i} \in T_i) + \delta_1 + ... + \delta_{i - 1} + \delta_i.\\
+In the second line we use Trick 1; in the third line we use the
+induction assumption; in the fourth line we multiply the first term in
+the first braket with first term in the second braket, and the second
+term (i.e. \(1\)) in the first braket with the second term in the second
+braket (i.e. the \(\mu\) term); in the last line we use Trick 2.
+The base case \(i = 1\) is true since \(M_1\) is
+\((\epsilon_1, \delta_1)\)-dp. \(\square\)
+To prove the advanced composition theorem, we start with some lemmas.
+*Claim 11*. If \(p\) and \(q\) are \(\epsilon\)-ind, then
+\[D(p || q) + D(q || p) \le \epsilon(e^\epsilon - 1).\]
+*Proof*. Since \(p\) and \(q\) are \(\epsilon\)-ind, we have
+\(|\log p(x) - \log q(x)| \le \epsilon\) for all \(x\). Let
+\(S := \{x: p(x) > q(x)\}\). Then we have on
+D(p || q) + D(q || p) &= \int (p(x) - q(x)) (\log p(x) - \log q(x)) dx\\
+&= \int_S (p(x) - q(x)) (\log p(x) - \log q(x)) dx + \int_{S^c} (q(x) - p(x)) (\log q(x) - \log p(x)) dx\\
+&\le \epsilon(\int_S p(x) - q(x) dx + \int_{S^c} q(x) - p(x) dx)
+Since on \(S\) we have \(q(x) \le p(x) \le e^\epsilon q(x)\), and on \(S^c\)
+we have \(p(x) \le q(x) \le e^\epsilon p(x)\), we obtain
+\[D(p || q) + D(q || p) \le \epsilon \int_S (1 - e^{-\epsilon}) p(x) dx + \epsilon \int_{S^c} (e^{\epsilon} - 1) p(x) dx \le \epsilon (e^{\epsilon} - 1),\]
+where in the last step we use \(e^\epsilon - 1 \ge 1 - e^{- \epsilon}\)
+and \(p(S) + p(S^c) = 1\). \(\square\)
+*Claim 12*. If \(p\) and \(q\) are \(\epsilon\)-ind, then
+\[D(p || q) \le a(\epsilon) \ge D(q || p),\]
+\[a(\epsilon) = \epsilon (e^\epsilon - 1) 1_{\epsilon \le \log 2} + \epsilon 1_{\epsilon > \log 2} \le (\log 2)^{-1} \epsilon^2 1_{\epsilon \le \log 2} + \epsilon 1_{\epsilon > \log 2}. \qquad (6.98)\]
+*Proof*. Since \(p\) and \(q\) are \(\epsilon\)-ind, we have
+\[D(p || q) = \mathbb E_{\xi \sim p} \log {p(\xi) \over q(\xi)} \le \max_y {\log p(y) \over \log q(y)} \le \epsilon.\]
+Comparing the quantity in Claim 11 (\(\epsilon(e^\epsilon - 1)\)) with the
+quantity above (\(\epsilon\)), we arrive at the conclusion. \(\square\)
+*Claim 13
+Inequality]])*. Let \(L_i\) be independent random variables with
+\(|L_i| \le b\), and let \(L = L_1 + ... + L_k\), then for \(t > 0\),
+\[\mathbb P(L - \mathbb E L \ge t) \le \exp(- {t^2 \over 2 k b^2}).\]
+*Claim 14 (Advanced Independent Composition Theorem)* (\(\delta = 0\)).
+Fix \(0 < \beta < 1\). Let \(M_1, ..., M_k\) be \(\epsilon\)-dp, then the
+independent composition \(M\) of \(M_{1 : k}\) is
+\((k a(\epsilon) + \sqrt{2 k \log \beta^{-1}} \epsilon, \beta)\)-dp.
+*Remark*. By (6.98) we know that
+\(k a(\epsilon) + \sqrt{2 k \log \beta^{-1}} \epsilon = \sqrt{2 k \log \beta^{-1}} \epsilon + k O(\epsilon^2)\)
+when \(\epsilon\) is sufficiently small, in which case the leading term is
+of order \(O(\sqrt k \epsilon)\) and we save a \(\sqrt k\) in the
+\(\epsilon\)-part compared to the Basic Composition Theorem (Claim 10).
+*Remark*. In practice one can try different choices of \(\beta\) and
+settle with the one that gives the best privacy guarantee. See the
+discussions at the end of
+[[/posts/2019-03-14-great-but-manageable-expectations.html][Part 2 of
+this post]].
+*Proof*. Let \(p_i\), \(q_i\), \(p\) and \(q\) be the laws of \(M_i(x)\),
+\(M_i(x')\), \(M(x)\) and \(M(x')\) respectively.
+\[\mathbb E L_i = D(p_i || q_i) \le a(\epsilon),\]
+where \(L_i := L(p_i || q_i)\). Due to \(\epsilon\)-ind also have
+\[|L_i| \le \epsilon.\]
+Therefore, by Hoeffding's Inequality,
+\[\mathbb P(L - k a(\epsilon) \ge t) \le \mathbb P(L - \mathbb E L \ge t) \le \exp(- t^2 / 2 k \epsilon^2),\]
+where \(L := \sum_i L_i = L(p || q)\).
+Plugging in \(t = \sqrt{2 k \epsilon^2 \log \beta^{-1}}\), we have
+\[\mathbb P(L(p || q) \le k a(\epsilon) + \sqrt{2 k \epsilon^2 \log \beta^{-1}}) \ge 1 - \beta.\]
+Similarly we also have
+\[\mathbb P(L(q || p) \le k a(\epsilon) + \sqrt{2 k \epsilon^2 \log \beta^{-1}}) \ge 1 - \beta.\]
+By Claim 1 we arrive at the conclusion. \(\square\)
+*Claim 15 ([[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azuma%27s_inequality][Azuma's
+Inequality]])*. Let \(X_{0 : k}\) be a
+If \(|X_i - X_{i - 1}| \le b\), then
+\[\mathbb P(X_k - X_0 \ge t) \le \exp(- {t^2 \over 2 k b^2}).\]
+Azuma's Inequality implies a slightly weaker version of Hoeffding's
+Inequality. To see this, let \(L_{1 : k}\) be independent variables with
+\(|L_i| \le b\). Let \(X_i = \sum_{j = 1 : i} L_j - \mathbb E L_j\). Then
+\(X_{0 : k}\) is a martingale, and
+\[| X_i - X_{i - 1} | = | L_i - \mathbb E L_i | \le 2 b,\]
+since \(\|L_i\|_1 \le \|L_i\|_\infty\). Hence by Azuma's Inequality,
+\[\mathbb P(L - \mathbb E L \ge t) \le \exp(- {t^2 \over 8 k b^2}).\]
+Of course here we have made no assumption on \(\mathbb E L_i\). If instead
+we have some bound for the expectation, say \(|\mathbb E L_i| \le a\),
+then by the same derivation we have
+\[\mathbb P(L - \mathbb E L \ge t) \le \exp(- {t^2 \over 2 k (a + b)^2}).\]
+It is not hard to see what Azuma is to Hoeffding is like adaptive
+composition to independent composition. Indeed, we can use Azuma's
+Inequality to prove the Advanced Adaptive Composition Theorem for
+\(\delta = 0\).
+*Claim 16 (Advanced Adaptive Composition Theorem)* (\(\delta = 0\)). Let
+\(\beta > 0\). Let \(M_{1 : k}\) be \(k\) mechanisms with independent noises
+such that for each \(i\) and \(y_{1 : i}\), \(M_i(y_{1 : i})\) is
+\((\epsilon, 0)\)-dp. Then the adpative composition of \(M_{1 : k}\) is
+\((k a(\epsilon) + \sqrt{2 k \log \beta^{-1}} (\epsilon + a(\epsilon)), \beta)\)-dp.
+*Proof*. As before, let \(\xi_{1 : k} \overset{d}{=} M(x)\) and
+\(\eta_{1 : k} \overset{d}{=} M(x')\), where \(M\) is the adaptive
+composition of \(M_{1 : k}\). Let \(p_i\) (resp. \(q_i\)) be the law of
+\(\xi_i | \xi_{< i}\) (resp. \(\eta_i | \eta_{< i}\)). Let \(p^i\) (resp.
+\(q^i\)) be the law of \(\xi_{\le i}\) (resp. \(\eta_{\le i}\)). We want to
+construct supermartingale \(X\). To this end, let
+\[X_i = \log {p^i(\xi_{\le i}) \over q^i(\xi_{\le i})} - i a(\epsilon) \]
+We show that \((X_i)\) is a supermartingale:
+\mathbb E(X_i - X_{i - 1} | X_{i - 1}) &= \mathbb E \left(\log {p_i (\xi_i | \xi_{< i}) \over q_i (\xi_i | \xi_{< i})} - a(\epsilon) | \log {p^{i - 1} (\xi_{< i}) \over q^{i - 1} (\xi_{< i})}\right) \\
+&= \mathbb E \left( \mathbb E \left(\log {p_i (\xi_i | \xi_{< i}) \over q_i (\xi_i | \xi_{< i})} | \xi_{< i}\right) | \log {p^{i - 1} (\xi_{< i}) \over q^{i - 1} (\xi_{< i})}\right) - a(\epsilon) \\
+&= \mathbb E \left( D(p_i (\cdot | \xi_{< i}) || q_i (\cdot | \xi_{< i})) | \log {p^{i - 1} (\xi_{< i}) \over q^{i - 1} (\xi_{< i})}\right) - a(\epsilon) \\
+&\le 0,
+since by Claim 12
+\(D(p_i(\cdot | y_{< i}) || q_i(\cdot | y_{< i})) \le a(\epsilon)\) for
+all \(y_{< i}\).
+\[| X_i - X_{i - 1} | = | \log {p_i(\xi_i | \xi_{< i}) \over q_i(\xi_i | \xi_{< i})} - a(\epsilon) | \le \epsilon + a(\epsilon),\]
+by Azuma's Inequality,
+\[\mathbb P(\log {p^k(\xi_{1 : k}) \over q^k(\xi_{1 : k})} \ge k a(\epsilon) + t) \le \exp(- {t^2 \over 2 k (\epsilon + a(\epsilon))^2}). \qquad(6.99)\]
+Let \(t = \sqrt{2 k \log \beta^{-1}} (\epsilon + a(\epsilon))\) we are
+done. \(\square\)
+*Claim 17 (Advanced Independent Composition Theorem)*. Fix
+\(0 < \beta < 1\). Let \(M_1, ..., M_k\) be \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-dp, then
+the independent composition \(M\) of \(M_{1 : k}\) is
+\((k a(\epsilon) + \sqrt{2 k \log \beta^{-1}} \epsilon, k \delta + \beta)\)-dp.
+*Proof*. By Claim 4, there exist events \(E_{1 : k}\) and \(F_{1 : k}\) such
+1. The laws \(p_{i | E_i}\) and \(q_{i | F_i}\) are \(\epsilon\)-ind.
+2. \(\mathbb P(E_i), \mathbb P(F_i) \ge 1 - \delta\).
+Let \(E := \bigcap E_i\) and \(F := \bigcap F_i\), then they both have
+probability at least \(1 - k \delta\), and \(p_{i | E}\) and \(q_{i | F}\) are
+By Claim 14, \(p_{|E}\) and \(q_{|F}\) are
+\((\epsilon' := k a(\epsilon) + \sqrt{2 k \epsilon^2 \log \beta^{-1}}, \beta)\)-ind.
+Let us shrink the bigger event between \(E\) and \(F\) so that they have
+equal probabilities. Then
+p (S) &\le p_{|E}(S) \mathbb P(E) + \mathbb P(E^c) \\
+&\le (e^{\epsilon'} q_{|F}(S) + \beta) \mathbb P(F) + k \delta\\
+&\le e^{\epsilon'} q(S) + \beta + k \delta.
+*Claim 18 (Advanced Adaptive Composition Theorem)*. Fix \(0 < \beta < 1\).
+Let \(M_{1 : k}\) be \(k\) mechanisms with independent noises such that for
+each \(i\) and \(y_{1 : i}\), \(M_i(y_{1 : i})\) is \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-dp.
+Then the adpative composition of \(M_{1 : k}\) is
+\((k a(\epsilon) + \sqrt{2 k \log \beta^{-1}} (\epsilon + a(\epsilon)), \beta + k \delta)\)-dp.
+*Remark*. This theorem appeared in Dwork-Rothblum-Vadhan 2010, but I
+could not find a proof there. A proof can be found in Dwork-Roth 2013
+(See Theorem 3.20 there). Here I prove it in a similar way, except that
+instead of the use of an intermediate random variable there, I use the
+conditional probability results from Claim 5, the approach mentioned in
+Vadhan 2017.
+*Proof*. By Claim 5, there exist events \(E_{1 : k}\) and \(F_{1 : k}\) such
+1. The laws \(p_{i | E_i}(\cdot | y_{< i})\) and
+ \(q_{i | F_i}(\cdot | y_{< i})\) are \(\epsilon\)-ind for all \(y_{< i}\).
+2. \(\mathbb P(E_i | y_{< i}), \mathbb P(F_i | y_{< i}) \ge 1 - \delta\)
+ for all \(y_{< i}\).
+Let \(E := \bigcap E_i\) and \(F := \bigcap F_i\), then they both have
+probability at least \(1 - k \delta\), and \(p_{i | E}(\cdot | y_{< i}\) and
+\(q_{i | F}(\cdot | y_{< i})\) are \(\epsilon\)-ind.
+By Advanced Adaptive Composition Theorem (\(\delta = 0\)), \(p_{|E}\) and
+\(q_{|F}\) are
+\((\epsilon' := k a(\epsilon) + \sqrt{2 k \log \beta^{-1}} (\epsilon + a(\epsilon)), \beta)\)-ind.
+The rest is the same as in the proof of Claim 17. \(\square\)
+** Subsampling
+ :CUSTOM_ID: subsampling
+ :END:
+Stochastic gradient descent is like gradient descent, but with random
+Recall we have been considering databases in the space \(Z^m\). Let
+\(n < m\) be a positive integer,
+\(\mathcal I := \{I \subset [m]: |I| = n\}\) be the set of subsets of
+\([m]\) of size \(n\), and \(\gamma\) a random subset sampled uniformly from
+\(\mathcal I\). Let \(r = {n \over m}\) which we call the subsampling rate.
+Then we may add a subsampling module to the noisy gradient descent
+algorithm (6.97) considered before
+\[\theta_{t} = \theta_{t - 1} - \alpha n^{-1} \sum_{i \in \gamma} \nabla_\theta h_\theta(x_i) |_{\theta = \theta_{t - 1}} + \zeta_t. \qquad (7)\]
+It turns out subsampling has an amplification effect on privacy.
+*Claim 19 (Ullman 2017)*. Fix \(r \in [0, 1]\). Let \(n \le m\) be two
+nonnegative integers with \(n = r m\). Let \(N\) be an
+\((\epsilon, \delta)\)-dp mechanism on \(Z^n\). Define mechanism \(M\) on
+\(Z^m\) by
+\[M(x) = N(x_\gamma)\]
+Then \(M\) is \((\log (1 + r(e^\epsilon - 1)), r \delta)\)-dp.
+*Remark*. Some seem to cite
+Kasiviswanathan-Lee-Nissim-Raskhodnikova-Smith 2005 for this result, but
+it is not clear to me how it appears there.
+*Proof*. Let \(x, x' \in Z^n\) such that they differ by one row
+\(x_i \neq x_i'\). Naturally we would like to consider the cases where the
+index \(i\) is picked and the ones where it is not separately. Let
+\(\mathcal I_\in\) and \(\mathcal I_\notin\) be these two cases:
+\mathcal I_\in = \{J \subset \mathcal I: i \in J\}\\
+\mathcal I_\notin = \{J \subset \mathcal I: i \notin J\}\\
+We will use these notations later. Let \(A\) be the event
+\(\{\gamma \ni i\}\).
+Let \(p\) and \(q\) be the laws of \(M(x)\) and \(M(x')\) respectively. We
+collect some useful facts about them. First due to \(N\) being
+\((\epsilon, \delta)\)-dp,
+\[p_{|A}(S) \le e^\epsilon q_{|A}(S) + \delta.\]
+\[p_{|A}(S) \le e^\epsilon p_{|A^c}(S) + \delta.\]
+To see this, note that being conditional laws, \(p_A\) and \(p_{A^c}\) are
+averages of laws over \(\mathcal I_\in\) and \(\mathcal I_\notin\)
+p_{|A}(S) = |\mathcal I_\in|^{-1} \sum_{I \in \mathcal I_\in} \mathbb P(N(x_I) \in S)\\
+p_{|A^c}(S) = |\mathcal I_\notin|^{-1} \sum_{J \in \mathcal I_\notin} \mathbb P(N(x_J) \in S).
+Now we want to pair the \(I\)'s in \(\mathcal I_\in\) and \(J\)'s in
+\(\mathcal I_\notin\) so that they differ by one index only, which means
+\(d(x_I, x_J) = 1\). Formally, this means we want to consider the set:
+\[\mathcal D := \{(I, J) \in \mathcal I_\in \times \mathcal I_\notin: |I \cap J| = n - 1\}.\]
+We may observe by trying out some simple cases that every
+\(I \in \mathcal I_\in\) is paired with \(n\) elements in
+\(\mathcal I_\notin\), and every \(J \in \mathcal I_\notin\) is paired with
+\(m - n\) elements in \(\mathcal I_\in\). Therefore
+\[p_{|A}(S) = |\mathcal D|^{-1} \sum_{(I, J) \in \mathcal D} \mathbb P(N(x_I \in S)) \le |\mathcal D|^{-1} \sum_{(I, J) \in \mathcal D} (e^\epsilon \mathbb P(N(x_J \in S)) + \delta) = e^\epsilon p_{|A^c} (S) + \delta.\]
+Since each of the \(m\) indices is picked independently with probability
+\(r\), we have
+\[\mathbb P(A) = r.\]
+Let \(t \in [0, 1]\) to be determined. We may write
+p(S) &= r p_{|A} (S) + (1 - r) p_{|A^c} (S)\\
+&\le r(t e^\epsilon q_{|A}(S) + (1 - t) e^\epsilon q_{|A^c}(S) + \delta) + (1 - r) q_{|A^c} (S)\\
+&= rte^\epsilon q_{|A}(S) + (r(1 - t) e^\epsilon + (1 - r)) q_{|A^c} (S) + r \delta\\
+&= te^\epsilon r q_{|A}(S) + \left({r \over 1 - r}(1 - t) e^\epsilon + 1\right) (1 - r) q_{|A^c} (S) + r \delta \\
+&\le \left(t e^\epsilon \wedge \left({r \over 1 - r} (1 - t) e^\epsilon + 1\right)\right) q(S) + r \delta. \qquad (7.5)
+We can see from the last line that the best bound we can get is when
+\[t e^\epsilon = {r \over 1 - r} (1 - t) e^\epsilon + 1.\]
+Solving this equation we obtain
+\[t = r + e^{- \epsilon} - r e^{- \epsilon}\]
+and plugging this in (7.5) we have
+\[p(S) \le (1 + r(e^\epsilon - 1)) q(S) + r \delta.\]
+Since \(\log (1 + x) < x\) for \(x > 0\), we can rewrite the conclusion of
+the Claim to \((r(e^\epsilon - 1), r \delta)\)-dp. Further more, if
+\(\epsilon < \alpha\) for some \(\alpha\), we can rewrite it as
+\((r \alpha^{-1} (e^\alpha - 1) \epsilon, r \delta)\)-dp or
+\((O(r \epsilon), r \delta)\)-dp.
+Let \(\epsilon < 1\). We see that if the mechanism \(N\) is
+\((\epsilon, \delta)\)-dp on \(Z^n\), then \(M\) is
+\((2 r \epsilon, r \delta)\)-dp, and if we run it over \(k / r\)
+minibatches, by Advanced Adaptive Composition theorem, we have
+\((\sqrt{2 k r \log \beta^{-1}} \epsilon + 2 k r \epsilon^2, k \delta + \beta)\)-dp.
+This is better than the privacy guarantee without subsampling, where we
+run over \(k\) iterations and obtain
+\((\sqrt{2 k \log \beta^{-1}} \epsilon + 2 k \epsilon^2, k \delta + \beta)\)-dp.
+So with subsampling we gain an extra \(\sqrt r\) in the \(\epsilon\)-part of
+the privacy guarantee. But, smaller subsampling rate means smaller
+minibatch size, which would result in bigger variance, so there is a
+trade-off here.
+Finally we define the differentially private stochastic gradient descent
+(DP-SGD) with the Gaussian mechanism
+(Abadi-Chu-Goodfellow-McMahan-Mironov-Talwar-Zhang 2016), which is (7)
+with the noise specialised to Gaussian and an added clipping operation
+to bound to sensitivity of the query to a chosen \(C\):
+\[\theta_{t} = \theta_{t - 1} - \alpha \left(n^{-1} \sum_{i \in \gamma} \nabla_\theta \ell(x_i; \theta) |_{\theta = \theta_{t - 1}}\right)_{\text{Clipped at }C / 2} + N(0, \sigma^2 C^2 I),\]
+\[y_{\text{Clipped at } \alpha} := y / (1 \vee {\|y\|_2 \over \alpha})\]
+is \(y\) clipped to have norm at most \(\alpha\).
+Note that the clipping in DP-SGD is much stronger than making the query
+have sensitivity \(C\). It makes the difference between the query results
+of two /arbitrary/ inputs bounded by \(C\), rather than /neighbouring/
+In [[/posts/2019-03-14-great-but-manageable-expectations.html][Part 2 of
+this post]] we will use the tools developed above to discuss the privacy
+guarantee for DP-SGD, among other things.
+** References
+ :CUSTOM_ID: references
+ :END:
+- Abadi, Martín, Andy Chu, Ian Goodfellow, H. Brendan McMahan, Ilya
+ Mironov, Kunal Talwar, and Li Zhang. "Deep Learning with Differential
+ Privacy." Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer
+ and Communications Security - CCS'16, 2016, 308--18.
+ [[https://doi.org/10.1145/2976749.2978318]].
+- Dwork, Cynthia, and Aaron Roth. "The Algorithmic Foundations of
+ Differential Privacy." Foundations and Trends® in Theoretical Computer
+ Science 9, no. 3--4 (2013): 211--407.
+ [[https://doi.org/10.1561/0400000042]].
+- Dwork, Cynthia, Guy N. Rothblum, and Salil Vadhan. "Boosting and
+ Differential Privacy." In 2010 IEEE 51st Annual Symposium on
+ Foundations of Computer Science, 51--60. Las Vegas, NV, USA:
+ IEEE, 2010. [[https://doi.org/10.1109/FOCS.2010.12]].
+- Shiva Prasad Kasiviswanathan, Homin K. Lee, Kobbi Nissim, Sofya
+ Raskhodnikova, and Adam Smith. "What Can We Learn Privately?" In 46th
+ Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'05).
+ Pittsburgh, PA, USA: IEEE, 2005.
+ [[https://doi.org/10.1109/SFCS.2005.1]].
+- Murtagh, Jack, and Salil Vadhan. "The Complexity of Computing the
+ Optimal Composition of Differential Privacy." In Theory of
+ Cryptography, edited by Eyal Kushilevitz and Tal Malkin, 9562:157--75.
+ Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2016.
+ [[https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-49096-9_7]].
+- Ullman, Jonathan. "Solution to CS7880 Homework 1.", 2017.
+ [[http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/jullman/cs7880s17/HW1sol.pdf]]
+- Vadhan, Salil. "The Complexity of Differential Privacy." In Tutorials
+ on the Foundations of Cryptography, edited by Yehuda Lindell,
+ 347--450. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
+ [[https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-57048-8_7]].
+[fn:1] For those who have read about differential privacy and never
+ heard of the term "divergence variable", it is closely related to
+ the notion of "privacy loss", see the paragraph under Claim 6 in
+ [[#back-to-approximate-differential-privacy][Back to approximate
+ differential privacy]]. I defined the term this way so that we
+ can focus on the more general stuff: compared to the privacy loss
+ \(L(M(x) || M(x'))\), the term \(L(p || q)\) removes the "distracting
+ information" that \(p\) and \(q\) are related to databases, queries,
+ mechanisms etc., but merely probability laws. By removing the
+ distraction, we simplify the analysis. And once we are done with
+ the analysis of \(L(p || q)\), we can apply the results obtained in
+ the general setting to the special case where \(p\) is the law of
+ \(M(x)\) and \(q\) is the law of \(M(x')\).