path: root/site-from-md/posts/2017-04-25-open_research_toywiki.html
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authorYuchen Pei <me@ypei.me>2021-06-18 12:58:44 +1000
committerYuchen Pei <me@ypei.me>2021-06-18 12:58:44 +1000
commit147a19e84a743f1379f05bf2f444143b4afd7bd6 (patch)
tree3127395250cb958f06a98b86f73e77658150b43c /site-from-md/posts/2017-04-25-open_research_toywiki.html
parent4fa26fec8b7e978955e5630d3f820ba9c53be72c (diff)
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+ <h2> Open mathematical research and launching toywiki </h2>
+ <p>Posted on 2017-04-25</p>
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+<p>As an experimental project, I am launching toywiki.</p>
+<p>It hosts a collection of my research notes.</p>
+<p>It takes some ideas from the open source culture and apply them to mathematical research: 1. It uses a very permissive license (CC-BY-SA). For example anyone can fork the project and make their own version if they have a different vision and want to build upon the project. 2. All edits will done with maximum transparency, and discussions of any of notes should also be as public as possible (e.g. Github issues) 3. Anyone can suggest changes by opening issues and submitting pull requests</p>
+<p>Here are the links: <a href="http://toywiki.xyz">toywiki</a> and <a href="https://github.com/ycpei/toywiki">github repo</a>.</p>
+<p>Feedbacks are welcome by email.</p>
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