path: root/js/mathjax/jax/input/MathML/entities/r.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'js/mathjax/jax/input/MathML/entities/r.js')
1 files changed, 140 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/js/mathjax/jax/input/MathML/entities/r.js b/js/mathjax/jax/input/MathML/entities/r.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92129bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/mathjax/jax/input/MathML/entities/r.js
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+// @license magnet:?xt=urn:btih:8e4f440f4c65981c5bf93c76d35135ba5064d8b7dn=apache-2.0.txt Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * MathJax/jax/output/HTML-CSS/entities/r.js
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2020 The MathJax Consortium
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+(function (MATHML) {
+ MathJax.Hub.Insert(MATHML.Parse.Entity,{
+ 'RBarr': '\u2910',
+ 'REG': '\u00AE',
+ 'Racute': '\u0154',
+ 'Rang': '\u27EB',
+ 'Rarrtl': '\u2916',
+ 'Rcaron': '\u0158',
+ 'Rcedil': '\u0156',
+ 'Rcy': '\u0420',
+ 'ReverseElement': '\u220B',
+ 'ReverseUpEquilibrium': '\u296F',
+ 'Rho': '\u03A1',
+ 'RightArrowBar': '\u21E5',
+ 'RightDoubleBracket': '\u27E7',
+ 'RightDownTeeVector': '\u295D',
+ 'RightDownVectorBar': '\u2955',
+ 'RightTeeVector': '\u295B',
+ 'RightTriangleBar': '\u29D0',
+ 'RightUpDownVector': '\u294F',
+ 'RightUpTeeVector': '\u295C',
+ 'RightUpVectorBar': '\u2954',
+ 'RightVectorBar': '\u2953',
+ 'RoundImplies': '\u2970',
+ 'RuleDelayed': '\u29F4',
+ 'rAarr': '\u21DB',
+ 'rArr': '\u21D2',
+ 'rAtail': '\u291C',
+ 'rBarr': '\u290F',
+ 'rHar': '\u2964',
+ 'race': '\u223D\u0331',
+ 'racute': '\u0155',
+ 'radic': '\u221A',
+ 'raemptyv': '\u29B3',
+ 'rang': '\u27E9',
+ 'rangd': '\u2992',
+ 'range': '\u29A5',
+ 'rangle': '\u27E9',
+ 'raquo': '\u00BB',
+ 'rarr': '\u2192',
+ 'rarrap': '\u2975',
+ 'rarrb': '\u21E5',
+ 'rarrbfs': '\u2920',
+ 'rarrc': '\u2933',
+ 'rarrfs': '\u291E',
+ 'rarrhk': '\u21AA',
+ 'rarrlp': '\u21AC',
+ 'rarrpl': '\u2945',
+ 'rarrsim': '\u2974',
+ 'rarrw': '\u219D',
+ 'ratail': '\u291A',
+ 'ratio': '\u2236',
+ 'rationals': '\u211A',
+ 'rbarr': '\u290D',
+ 'rbbrk': '\u2773',
+ 'rbrke': '\u298C',
+ 'rbrksld': '\u298E',
+ 'rbrkslu': '\u2990',
+ 'rcaron': '\u0159',
+ 'rcedil': '\u0157',
+ 'rceil': '\u2309',
+ 'rcub': '\u007D',
+ 'rcy': '\u0440',
+ 'rdca': '\u2937',
+ 'rdldhar': '\u2969',
+ 'rdquo': '\u201D',
+ 'rdquor': '\u201D',
+ 'rdsh': '\u21B3',
+ 'real': '\u211C',
+ 'realine': '\u211B',
+ 'realpart': '\u211C',
+ 'reals': '\u211D',
+ 'rect': '\u25AD',
+ 'reg': '\u00AE',
+ 'rfisht': '\u297D',
+ 'rfloor': '\u230B',
+ 'rhard': '\u21C1',
+ 'rharu': '\u21C0',
+ 'rharul': '\u296C',
+ 'rightarrow': '\u2192',
+ 'rightarrowtail': '\u21A3',
+ 'rightharpoondown': '\u21C1',
+ 'rightharpoonup': '\u21C0',
+ 'rightleftarrows': '\u21C4',
+ 'rightleftharpoons': '\u21CC',
+ 'rightsquigarrow': '\u219D',
+ 'risingdotseq': '\u2253',
+ 'rlarr': '\u21C4',
+ 'rlhar': '\u21CC',
+ 'rlm': '\u200F',
+ 'rmoustache': '\u23B1',
+ 'rnmid': '\u2AEE',
+ 'roang': '\u27ED',
+ 'roarr': '\u21FE',
+ 'robrk': '\u27E7',
+ 'ropar': '\u2986',
+ 'roplus': '\u2A2E',
+ 'rotimes': '\u2A35',
+ 'rpar': '\u0029',
+ 'rpargt': '\u2994',
+ 'rppolint': '\u2A12',
+ 'rrarr': '\u21C9',
+ 'rsaquo': '\u203A',
+ 'rsh': '\u21B1',
+ 'rsqb': '\u005D',
+ 'rsquo': '\u2019',
+ 'rsquor': '\u2019',
+ 'rthree': '\u22CC',
+ 'rtrie': '\u22B5',
+ 'rtrif': '\u25B8',
+ 'rtriltri': '\u29CE',
+ 'ruluhar': '\u2968',
+ 'rx': '\u211E'
+ });
+ MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MATHML.entityDir+"/r.js");
+// @license-end