path: root/js/mathjax/jax/output/CommonHTML/autoload/menclose.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'js/mathjax/jax/output/CommonHTML/autoload/menclose.js')
1 files changed, 332 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/js/mathjax/jax/output/CommonHTML/autoload/menclose.js b/js/mathjax/jax/output/CommonHTML/autoload/menclose.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ba5b02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/mathjax/jax/output/CommonHTML/autoload/menclose.js
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+// @license magnet:?xt=urn:btih:8e4f440f4c65981c5bf93c76d35135ba5064d8b7dn=apache-2.0.txt Apache-2.0
+/* -*- Mode: Javascript; indent-tabs-mode:nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
+/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
+ *
+ * MathJax/jax/output/CommonHTML/autoload/menclose.js
+ *
+ * Implements the CommonHTML output for <menclose> elements.
+ *
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2015-2020 The MathJax Consortium
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("CommonHTML Jax Ready",function () {
+ var VERSION = "2.7.9";
+ var MML = MathJax.ElementJax.mml,
+ CHTML = MathJax.OutputJax.CommonHTML;
+ var SVGNS = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";
+ var ARROWX = 4, ARROWDX = 1, ARROWY = 2;
+ MML.menclose.Augment({
+ toCommonHTML: function (node) {
+ var values = this.getValues("notation","thickness","padding");
+ if (values.thickness == null) values.thickness = ".075em";
+ if (values.padding == null) values.padding = ".2em";
+ //
+ // Get DOM nodes
+ //
+ node = this.CHTMLdefaultNode(node,{childNodes:"mjx-box", forceChild:true});
+ var child = node.firstChild, cbox = this.CHTMLbboxFor(0);
+ //
+ // Get the padding and rule thickness
+ //
+ var p = this.CHTMLlength2em(values.padding,1/CHTML.em); // padding for enclosure
+ var t = this.CHTMLlength2em(values.thickness,1/CHTML.em); // thickness of lines
+ t = Math.max(1,Math.round(t*CHTML.em))/CHTML.em;
+ var SOLID = CHTML.Px(t)+" solid";
+ var bb = {L:p, R:p, T:p, B:p, H:cbox.h+p, D:cbox.d+p, W:cbox.w+2*p};
+ child.style.padding = CHTML.Em(p);
+ //
+ // Eliminate duplicate notations.
+ //
+ var notations = MathJax.Hub.SplitList(values.notation), notation = {};
+ for (var i = 0, m = notations.length; i < m; i++) notation[notations[i]] = true;
+ //
+ // Add the needed notations
+ //
+ for (var n in notation) {
+ if (notation.hasOwnProperty(n)) {
+ if (this.CHTMLnotation[n] && this.CHTMLnotation.hasOwnProperty(n))
+ this.CHTMLnotation[n].call(this,child,cbox,bb,p,t,SOLID);
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Adjust the bounding box
+ //
+ var BBOX = this.CHTML;
+ BBOX.w += bb.L + bb.R; BBOX.r += BBOX.L; if (BBOX.w > BBOX.r) BBOX.r = BBOX.w;
+ BBOX.h += bb.T; if (BBOX.h > BBOX.t) BBOX.t = BBOX.h;
+ BBOX.d += bb.B; if (BBOX.d > BBOX.b) BBOX.b = BBOX.d;
+ return node;
+ },
+ //
+ // The various notations and their implementations
+ //
+ CHTMLnotation: {
+ /********************************************************/
+ box: function (child,cbox,bb,p,t,SOLID) {
+ p -= t;
+ child.style.padding = CHTML.Em(p);
+ child.style.border = SOLID;
+ },
+ /********************************************************/
+ roundedbox: function (child,cbox,bb,p,t,SOLID) {
+ var r = Math.min(cbox.w,cbox.h+cbox.d+2*p)/4;
+ CHTML.addElement(child.parentNode,"mjx-box",{
+ style: {
+ padding:CHTML.Em(p-t), border:SOLID, "border-radius":CHTML.Em(r),
+ height:CHTML.Em(cbox.h+cbox.d), "vertical-align":CHTML.Em(-bb.D),
+ width:CHTML.Em(cbox.w), "margin-left":CHTML.Em(-bb.W)
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ /********************************************************/
+ circle: function (child,cbox,bb,p,t,SOLID) {
+ var H = bb.H, D = bb.D, W = bb.W;
+ var svg = this.CHTMLsvg(child,bb,t);
+ this.CHTMLsvgElement(svg.firstChild,"ellipse",{
+ rx:CHTML.Px(W/2-t/2), ry:CHTML.Px((H+D)/2-t/2),
+ cx:CHTML.Px(W/2), cy:CHTML.Px((H+D)/2)
+ });
+ this.CHTMLsvgViewBox(svg);
+ },
+ /********************************************************/
+ left: function (child,cbox,bb,p,t,SOLID) {
+ child.style.borderLeft = SOLID;
+ child.style.paddingLeft = CHTML.Em(p-t);
+ },
+ /********************************************************/
+ right: function (child,cbox,bb,p,t,SOLID) {
+ child.style.borderRight = SOLID;
+ child.style.paddingRight = CHTML.Em(p-t);
+ },
+ /********************************************************/
+ top: function (child,cbox,bb,p,t,SOLID) {
+ child.style.borderTop = SOLID;
+ child.style.paddingTop = CHTML.Em(p-t);
+ },
+ /********************************************************/
+ bottom: function (child,cbox,bb,p,t,SOLID) {
+ child.style.borderBottom = SOLID;
+ child.style.paddingBottom = CHTML.Em(p-t);
+ },
+ /********************************************************/
+ actuarial: function (child,cbox,bb,p,t,SOLID) {
+ child.style.borderTop = child.style.borderRight = SOLID;
+ child.style.paddingTop = child.style.paddingRight = CHTML.Em(p-t);
+ },
+ /********************************************************/
+ madruwb: function (child,cbox,bb,p,t,SOLID) {
+ child.style.borderBottom = child.style.borderRight = SOLID;
+ child.style.paddingBottom = child.style.paddingRight = CHTML.Em(p-t);
+ },
+ /********************************************************/
+ verticalstrike: function (child,cbox,bb,p,t,SOLID) {
+ CHTML.addElement(child.parentNode,"mjx-box",{
+ style: {
+ "border-left":SOLID,
+ height:CHTML.Em(bb.H+bb.D), "vertical-align":CHTML.Em(-bb.D),
+ width:CHTML.Em(cbox.w/2+p-t/2), "margin-left":CHTML.Em(-cbox.w/2-p-t/2)
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ /********************************************************/
+ horizontalstrike: function (child,cbox,bb,p,t,SOLID) {
+ CHTML.addElement(child.parentNode,"mjx-box",{
+ style: {
+ "border-top":SOLID,
+ height:CHTML.Em((bb.H+bb.D)/2-t/2), "vertical-align":CHTML.Em(-bb.D),
+ width:CHTML.Em(bb.W), "margin-left":CHTML.Em(-bb.W)
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ /********************************************************/
+ updiagonalstrike: function (child,cbox,bb,p,t,SOLID) {
+ var H = bb.H, D = bb.D, W = bb.W;
+ var svg = this.CHTMLsvg(child,bb,t);
+ this.CHTMLsvgElement(svg.firstChild,"line",{
+ x1:CHTML.Px(t/2), y1:CHTML.Px(H+D-t), x2:CHTML.Px(W-t), y2:CHTML.Px(t/2)
+ });
+ this.CHTMLsvgViewBox(svg);
+ },
+ /********************************************************/
+ downdiagonalstrike: function (child,cbox,bb,p,t,SOLID) {
+ var H = bb.H, D = bb.D, W = bb.W;
+ var svg = this.CHTMLsvg(child,bb,t);
+ this.CHTMLsvgElement(svg.firstChild,"line",{
+ x1:CHTML.Px(t/2), y1:CHTML.Px(t/2), x2:CHTML.Px(W-t), y2:CHTML.Px(H+D-t)
+ });
+ this.CHTMLsvgViewBox(svg);
+ },
+ /********************************************************/
+ updiagonalarrow: function (child,cbox,bb,p,t,SOLID) {
+ var H = bb.H + bb.D - t, W = bb.W - t/2;
+ var a = Math.atan2(H,W)*(-180/Math.PI).toFixed(3);
+ var R = Math.sqrt(H*H + W*W);
+ var svg = this.CHTMLsvg(child,bb,t);
+ var g = this.CHTMLsvgElement(svg.firstChild,"g",{
+ fill:"currentColor",
+ transform:"translate("+this.CHTMLpx(t/2)+" "+this.CHTMLpx(H+t/2)+") rotate("+a+")"
+ });
+ var x = t * ARROWX, dx = t * ARROWDX, y = t * ARROWY;
+ this.CHTMLsvgElement(g,"line",{
+ x1:CHTML.Px(t/2), y1:0, x2:CHTML.Px(R-x), y2:0
+ });
+ this.CHTMLsvgElement(g,"path",{
+ d: "M "+this.CHTMLpx(R-x)+",0 " +
+ "L "+this.CHTMLpx(R-x-dx)+","+this.CHTMLpx(y) +
+ "L "+this.CHTMLpx(R)+",0 " +
+ "L "+this.CHTMLpx(R-x-dx)+","+this.CHTMLpx(-y),
+ stroke:"none"
+ });
+ this.CHTMLsvgViewBox(svg);
+ },
+ /********************************************************/
+ phasorangle: function (child,cbox,bb,p,t,SOLID) {
+ var P = p, H = bb.H, D = bb.D;
+ p = (H+D)/2;
+ var W = bb.W + p - P; bb.W = W; bb.L = p;
+ child.style.margin = "0 0 0 "+CHTML.Em(p-P);
+ var svg = this.CHTMLsvg(child,bb,t);
+ this.CHTMLsvgElement(svg.firstChild,"path",{
+ d: "M "+this.CHTMLpx(p)+",1 " +
+ "L 1,"+this.CHTMLpx(H+D-t)+" L "+this.CHTMLpx(W)+","+this.CHTMLpx(H+D-t)
+ });
+ this.CHTMLsvgViewBox(svg);
+ },
+ /********************************************************/
+ longdiv: function (child,cbox,bb,p,t,SOLID) {
+ bb.W += 1.5*p; bb.L += 1.5*p;
+ var H = bb.H, D = bb.D, W = bb.W;
+ child.style.margin = "0 0 0 "+CHTML.Em(1.5*p);
+ var svg = this.CHTMLsvg(child,bb,t);
+ this.CHTMLsvgElement(svg.firstChild,"path",{
+ d: "M "+this.CHTMLpx(W)+",1 L 1,1 "+
+ "a"+this.CHTMLpx(p)+","+this.CHTMLpx((H+D)/2-t/2)+" 0 0,1 1,"+this.CHTMLpx(H+D-1.5*t)
+ });
+ this.CHTMLsvgViewBox(svg);
+ },
+ /********************************************************/
+ radical: function (child,cbox,bb,p,t,SOLID) {
+ bb.W += 1.5*p; bb.L += 1.5*p;
+ var H = bb.H, D = bb.D, W = bb.W;
+ child.style.margin = "0 0 0 "+CHTML.Em(1.5*p);
+ var svg = this.CHTMLsvg(child,bb,t);
+ this.CHTMLsvgElement(svg.firstChild,"path",{
+ d: "M 1,"+this.CHTMLpx(.6*(H+D)) +
+ " L "+this.CHTMLpx(p)+","+this.CHTMLpx(H+D) +
+ " L "+this.CHTMLpx(2*p)+",1 L "+this.CHTMLpx(W)+",1"
+ });
+ this.CHTMLsvgViewBox(svg);
+ }
+ /********************************************************/
+ },
+ //
+ // Pixels with no "px"
+ //
+ CHTMLpx: function (m) {
+ m *= CHTML.em;
+ if (Math.abs(m) < .1) return "0";
+ return m.toFixed(1).replace(/\.0$/,"");
+ },
+ //
+ // Create the SVG element and position it over the
+ // contents
+ //
+ CHTMLsvg: function (node,bbox,t) {
+ var svg = document.createElementNS(SVGNS,"svg");
+ if (svg.style) {
+ svg.style.width = CHTML.Em(bbox.W);
+ svg.style.height = CHTML.Em(bbox.H+bbox.D);
+ svg.style.verticalAlign = CHTML.Em(-bbox.D);
+ svg.style.marginLeft = CHTML.Em(-bbox.W);
+ }
+ var g = this.CHTMLsvgElement(svg,"g",{"stroke-width":CHTML.Px(t)});
+ if (this.CHTML.scale !== 1) {
+ g.setAttribute('transform', 'scale('+this.CHTML.scale+')');
+ }
+ node.parentNode.appendChild(svg);
+ return svg;
+ },
+ //
+ CHTMLsvgViewBox: function (svg) {
+ var bbox = svg.getBBox();
+ svg.setAttribute('viewBox', [bbox.x, bbox.y, bbox.width, bbox.height].join(' '));
+ },
+ //
+ // Add an SVG element to the given svg node
+ //
+ CHTMLsvgElement: function (svg,type,def) {
+ var obj = document.createElementNS(SVGNS,type); obj.isMathJax = true;
+ if (def) {for (var id in def) {if (def.hasOwnProperty(id)) {obj.setAttributeNS(null,id,def[id].toString())}}}
+ svg.appendChild(obj);
+ return obj;
+ }
+ });
+ //
+ // Just use default toCommonHTML for EI8
+ //
+ if (!document.createElementNS) delete MML.menclose.prototype.toCommonHTML;
+ MathJax.Hub.Startup.signal.Post("CommonHTML menclose Ready");
+ MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(CHTML.autoloadDir+"/menclose.js");
+// @license-end