path: root/Math
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authorJeshiba <baconp@gmail.com>2017-07-17 10:07:04 -0400
committerJeshiba <baconp@gmail.com>2017-07-17 10:07:04 -0400
commit73f5c3f45e5971f9b5c78d0a0fcac23b4561b869 (patch)
tree51966b1e4581466ef99d3c6794d26e751558c2ea /Math
parent14d9286898a57e584c29e8cb7ad898fb6f2de053 (diff)
changed Q; added weyl chamber test.
- Changed Q from Math.Algebra.Field.Base.Q to Rational for better prelude support despite ugly show functions, see PitmanTransform.hs line 82 - Added test prop_Pitman_WeylChamber verifying the result of the Pitman's transform is in the WeylChamber - Fixed a bug in pitman: added 0 initial condition to the input paths and removed the first row in the output corresponding to the initial condition. Otherwise prop_Pitman_Weylchamber won't verify.
Diffstat (limited to 'Math')
2 files changed, 46 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/Math/Combinatorics/PitmanTransform.hs b/Math/Combinatorics/PitmanTransform.hs
index 0379bce..fa979d7 100644
--- a/Math/Combinatorics/PitmanTransform.hs
+++ b/Math/Combinatorics/PitmanTransform.hs
@@ -12,15 +12,20 @@
import RootSystem hiding (s)
import YoungTableaux
import RobinsonSchensted
-import Math.Algebra.Field.Base (Q)-- for Q
+--import Math.Algebra.Field.Base (Q)-- for Q
import Math.Algebra.LinearAlgebra
import Prelude hiding ( (*>), Word )
import Test.QuickCheck
import qualified Data.List as L
+import Data.Ratio
--pitman :: (Fractional a, Ord a) => Type -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
pitman :: Type -> Int -> [[Q]] -> [[Q]]
-pitman t n xs = foldr s xs (longestElement $ simpleSystem t n)
+pitman t n xs = tail $ foldr s (prependWithZero xs) (longestElement $ simpleSystem t n)
+prependWithZero :: [[Q]] -> [[Q]]
+prependWithZero [] = []
+prependWithZero xs = (replicate (length $ head xs) 0) : xs
s :: [Q] -> [[Q]] -> [[Q]]
--s :: (Fractional a, Ord a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
@@ -35,7 +40,8 @@ cumSum = scanl1 (+)
word2Path :: Word Int -> [[Q]]
word2Path (W []) = []
-word2Path (W xs) = L.transpose $ cumSum <$> [0:(indicator (==k) xs) | k <- [1..maximum xs]]
+--word2Path (W xs) = L.transpose $ cumSum <$> [0:(indicator (==k) xs) | k <- [1..maximum xs]]
+word2Path (W xs) = L.transpose $ cumSum <$> [indicator (==k) xs | k <- [1..maximum xs]]
indicator :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [Q]
indicator f xs = (\x -> if f x then 1 else 0) <$> xs
@@ -68,9 +74,41 @@ prop_Pitman_RobinsonSchensted_sanitise :: [Int] -> Word Int
prop_Pitman_RobinsonSchensted_sanitise = W . (fmap (\t -> abs t + 1))
+smallRational :: Gen Q
+smallRational = do
+ x <- smallInt
+ y <- smallInt
+ return $ (toInteger x) % (toInteger (abs y + 1)) -- this line does not work if
+ --return $ (toInteger x) / (toInteger (abs y + 1)) -- this line does not work for Q = Math.Algebra.Field.Base.Q - Couldn't match type ‘Integer’ with ‘Q’
+--smallRational :: Gen Q
+--smallRational = getSmall <$> (arbitrary :: Gen (Small Q))
+--mediumInt :: Gen Int
+--mediumInt = do
+ --x <- smallInt
+ --y <- smallInt
+ --return $ x * y
+smallInt :: Gen Int
+smallInt = getSmall <$> (arbitrary :: Gen (Small Int))
+arbRational :: Gen Q
+arbRational = arbitrary
randomQMatrix :: Int -> Gen [[Q]]
-randomQMatrix n = vectorOf 20 (vector n)
+randomQMatrix n = vectorOf 20 $ vectorOf n smallRational
prop_Pitman_WeylChamber :: Int -> Property
prop_Pitman_WeylChamber m = let (t, n) = int2TypeInt m in
- forAll (randomQMatrix $ dimensionOfHostSpace t n) (\xs -> isInWeylChamber $ pitman t n xs)
+ forAll (randomQMatrix $ dimensionOfHostSpace t n) (\xs -> isInWeylChamber (simpleSystem t n) (last $ pitman t n xs))
+prop_PitmanA_WeylChamber :: Int -> Property
+prop_PitmanA_WeylChamber n = let m = (n `mod` 2) + 1 in
+ forAll (randomQMatrix $ m + 1) (\xs -> isInWeylChamber (simpleSystem A m) (last $ pitman A m xs))
+--prop_PitmanA_WeylChamber :: Property
+--prop_PitmanA_WeylChamber = let m = (1 `mod` 2) + 1 in
+ --forAll (randomQMatrix $ m + 1) (\xs -> isInWeylChamber (simpleSystem A m) (last $ pitman A m xs))
diff --git a/Math/Combinatorics/RootSystem.hs b/Math/Combinatorics/RootSystem.hs
index f92b642..a1674b7 100644
--- a/Math/Combinatorics/RootSystem.hs
+++ b/Math/Combinatorics/RootSystem.hs
@@ -13,12 +13,13 @@ import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Math.Algebra.LinearAlgebra
-import Math.Algebra.Group.PermutationGroup hiding (elts, order, closure)
+--import Math.Algebra.Group.PermutationGroup hiding (elts, order, closure)
--import Math.Algebra.Group.SchreierSims as SS
--import Math.Algebra.Group.StringRewriting as SG
-import Math.Algebra.Field.Base (Q)-- for Q
+--import Math.Algebra.Field.Base (Q)-- for Q
+type Q = Rational
data Type = A | B | C | D | E | F | G deriving Show
type SimpleSystem = [[Q]]